外研版八年级上册英语Module 11模块达标检测试题

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外研版八年级上册英语Module 11模块达标检测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They must _their homework today.AfinishBfinishesCfinishing2 . I dont want to get home too late because my parents will be _ me if Im late.Aworried aboutBproud ofCdifferent fromDinterested in3 . Bill felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. Im sorry to hear that. Lets go and _.Acheer him onBcheer on himCcheer him upDcheer up him4 . How do you usually come to school? I usually _ a bike. Sometimes I come _ my mothers car.Aby; byBride; byCby; inDride; in5 . There are a lot of colorful flowers onsides of the street.AeachBbothCeitherDall6 . Does he need _ there at once?No, he _ leave so hurriedly because he has enough time.Ato go; doesnt needBgo; needntCto go; needntDgo; doesnt need7 . It was getting too dark. Lisa didnt arrive home. Her parents were _ her safety.Arelaxed aboutBexcited aboutCworried aboutDbusy with8 . We have been friends for nearly twenty years. Nothing can break off our _.AfriendshipBpleasureCdecisionDexperience9 . I really enjoy the noodles and vegetables. Theydelicious.AstayBfeelCtasteDsound10 . Be quick! The game will begin _.AimmediatelyBrecentlyCcarefullyDluckily二、补全对话6选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,有一项多余。A:Hello,Uncle John!B:Hello,Bob! 11 . You look worried and upset.A: 12 . I really need your help.B:What do you mean?A: 13 . But now it becomes more and more difficult since I am in Grade Eight.My parents dont allow me to play basketball.B:Maybe your parents are right14 . A:I see.I do well in all my lessons and I think I should be allowed to do things that Im interested in.B:OK. 15 . A:Thank you,Uncle John.Its very kind of you.B:Youre welcome.三、完型填空Millions of British people have ditched the _ “thank you” and took the place of it with the less formal(正式的)“cheers”, according to a survey._ the common person will say “thank you” nearly 5, 000 times a year, one in three are more likely to add a “cheers” or “ta” where its needed to show they are fashionable.“Merci”, “fab” and even “gracias” were _ listed as common expressions to use, as “much appreciated(感激)”.It seems our friends and family get the stress of our bad manners. Half of them admit(承认)theyre not good at thanking those _ to them. Many of them explain that they dont say thank you because their family “already know Im thankful”.When spoken words wont do, it falls to a nice text to do the job for most people.One third will still _ a handwritten thank-you note-but 45 percent admit its been more than six months since they tried to send one.A quarter of British people say “thank you” with food, with 23 percent cooking a meal to show their appreciation to someone. _ 15 percent make a cake.16 . AoldBtraditionalCelderDgrateful17 . ABecauseBIfCButDAlthough18 . AalsoBalwaysCevenDas well19 . AgoodBfriendlyCclosestDclose20 . AwriteBsendCmakeDdo21 . AAnotherBOtherCThe otherDOthers四、阅读单选American schools began in September after a long summer holidays.There are two terms in a school year:the first term is from September to January,and the second is from February to June.Most American children go to public schools.High school students take only four or five subjects at a time.They usually go to the same classes every day,and they have an assignment for every class.After class they have many activities.After high school,many students go to college.They can choose a small one or a large one.They usually have to pay a lot of money for college education.But there are scholarships for good students,and many college students work part time in order to get the money for education.22 . Before going to college,an American child usually has to go to a_.Apublic schoolBhigh schoolCsmall schoolDprivate school23 . Usually a term of a school year has only_.Atwo monthsBfour or five monthsCthree monthsDsix months24 . How many subjects do high school students take at a time?ANine subjects.BSix subjects.CFour or five subjects.DSeven subjects.25 . What are the scholarships for?AGood students.BBad students.CPoor students.DRich students26 . What do American college students usually do in order to pay for their education?AAsk their parents for money.BWork part time.CWork only on holidays.DWin the scholarship.Afternoon Tea (The traditional 4 oclock tea)This is a small meal, not a drink. Now many people seldom(不常) have afternoon tea because they have to go out to work. But you can still have afternoon tea at the tea rooms around Britain.Afternoon tea became popular about 150 years ago. At that time, rich ladies invited their friends to their houses to enjoy tea. They also gave their visitors sandwiches and cakes. Soon everyone was enjoying afternoon tea.High Tea (The traditional 6 oclock tea)The British working people didnt have afternoon tea. They seldom have a meal around midday, but they would like to have a meal after work, between five and seven oclock. This meal is called High Tea.People always eat sweet food such as cakes and bread, with nice savories(可口的开胃菜) such as cold meat and eggs. This meal is now often replaced with(被替代) a supper because people eat their main meal in the evenings.27 . Why do many people seldom have afternoon tea?ABecause the time of it is a little long.BBecause they have to work.CBecause they dont like it.DBecause there is no good place to enjoy it.28 . When was the afternoon tea popular?AIn recent 15 years.BAbout 150 years ago.CNow.DIn 150 years.29 . What cannot people have during the afternoon tea?AWine(酒).BCakes .CTea.DSandwiches.30 . What time do people always have high tea?AAt about 4:00 am.BAt about 9:00 pm.CAt about 6:00 pm.DAt about 10:00 pm.31 . From the passage, we can learn that _.Aafternoon tea is always at 6:00 pmBnow people like having afternoon tea at homeCpeople only eat sweet food when they have highDthe two kinds of tea are both traditions of BritainManners are very important for our daily life. There are many different customs and habits among different countries. We must find out and follow their customs so that they will not think us ill-mannered. Here are examples of the things that a person with good education should do.If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host says “Come in, please.” After you enter the room, you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is sent to your hand, you should say“Thank you”and receive it with two hands. Before entering a house in Japan, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a visitor always leaves a little food to show that he has had enough. In England, a visitor always finishes the food to show that he has enjoyed it. The host will be pleased with that.You have to give your present in public in the Middle East to show it is not a bribe. But its good manners to give your present in private in Asia. You mustnt give knives in Latin America because it suggests that you want to cut off the relationship. You mustnt give your food to Arabia because it suggests that you think your host isnt offering you enough to eat .“Come any time” means “I want you to visit me” in India. If you dont suggest a time at once, the India will think you are refusing the invitation. But if an Englishman says “Come any time”, they will think you are impolite if you start fixing a date.32 . People should know different manners in different countries because _.Aactions speak louder than wordsBwhen in Rome, do as the Romans doCpractice makes perfectDthe early bird catches the worm33 . What is good manners in China?Aentering the room without knocking at the doorBleaving a little food before finishing itCsitting down directly after entering the roomDreceiving a cup of tea with two hands34 . The underlined word “bribe” mean_ in Chinese.A贿赂B贪污C礼物D珍宝35 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?AChinese people often give presents in public .BLatin American people often send others knives .CWe can send some food to Arabian people.DAn Englishman says “Come any time” to show hes polite.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。36 . The old man was born in the 19thc_.37 . You can t_ the basketball from any part of the court.38 . Ill go s_ else.39 . Could you please give me a h_?40 . Listen! Theyre t_ about the weather.单词拼写41 . I like to watch _(情景喜剧).What about you?42 . We can find out lots of _(新闻)on the Internet.43 . Do you like talk shows?I cant _(忍受) them.44 . Whether Siheyuan in Beijing should be kept or not is under a hot _(讨论).45 . My sister likes _(肥皂剧) operas.46 . Do you m_ opening the door?Of course not.47 . The story _ (发生) about five hundred years ago.48 . Some _(有教育意义的) movies are popular with students.49 . My teacher is funny. She often tells j_to us.50 . Lucy _ (计划)to go to the park this weekend.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词51 . 我们可以利用睡前时间来发展我们的阅读兴趣。We can _ in reading before bed time.52 . 我们把钱花光了。你能借给我们一些吗?We have _our money. Can you lend us some?53 . 我经常和朋友们在空闲时间打乒乓球。I often play table tennis with my friends_.54 . 请在客人来之前把房子收拾一下。Please_ the house before the guests arrive.55 . 他们没有足够的时间练习,结果输了比赛。They didnt have enough time to practice._they lost the game.七、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。More than a hundred years ago, some Chinese people went to foreign countries to start a new life. They lived near each other in some places in those countries. Later, these places 56 . (become) Chinatowns. What are Chinatowns like in foreigners eyes? LIFESTYLEJordon Shinn, 28, the USNew York City has at 57 . (little) 12 Chinatowns. Many people there are still keeping a Chinese lifestyle. 58 . a sunny summer morning in Brooklyn, New York City, a local park is waking up. In the park, 59 . (group) of middleaged Chinese women dance in rows. They play Chinese pop music 60 . (loud). There are a few young white men nearby on a basketball court 61 . (play) with local Chinese people. Next to the basketball court, about 10 men are playing music on both western and Chinese instruments(乐器). They have 62 . erhu, a guitar, a violin and other instruments. At that time, I feel 63 . I am in a park in China. FOODMurray Wenzel, 29, AustraliaAlmost every big city in Australia has a Chinatown. Chinatown in Brisbane is full of restaurants, just like Beijing. 64 . the food is quite different from “real” Chinese meals. Have you ever heard of fortune cookies(幸运饼干)? Fortune cookies have little pieces of paper inside 65 . (they). The pieces of paper give advice about your life. They are in every Chinatown restaurant. But I hardly saw them in Beijing.八、回答问题Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Australia is almost as large as China(China is about 9,600,000 km2 while Australia is 7,682,300 km2),but Australia has a much smaller population(just over 19. 5 million). Most people live in cities along the coast of Australia, and huge areas of the rest of Australia are uninhabited(无人居住的). In some areas, families live a long way away from one another and from towns and cities. Australians call this part of the country the Out back(内陆)or the Bush. Most people who live in the outback work on huge sheep or cattle stations(农场).Some of these properties are as large as 3,0005,000 km2 and their nearest neighbours may be 100 km or more away.Many children in the outback are too far from town to travel to school. Instead, they attend one of the sixteen Schools of the Air. The schools are located in towns and teachers use high frequency radio to talk to their classes. They also post work to the students who post it back for their teacher to mark. Students also use the Internet, fax and phone to communicate with their teacher and with other students. Sometimes students are sent a video or audiotape to help them with their lessons.Tim Bentons brother George is the manager of a large cattle station in the Northern Territory. When they were in primary school, Georges children, Rebecca and Oliver, attended the Alice Spring School of the Air. Their mother and father took it in turns to help them with their lessons. After they finished primary school, Rebecca and Oliver went to a high school in Alice Springs. They lived with their Aunt Mary during the school term and returned home during the school holidays. At first, high school was difficult because they werent used to being in a class with other students. In some subjects, they did not know as much as the children from the town. However, they soon caught up because they had very good study skills, thanks to the School of the Air.66 . Where do most Australians live? _67 . Where did Rebecca and Oliver live when they attended primary school? _68 . Where did they live when they attended high school?_69 . Which subjects do you think would be hardest to study at home? _70 . Why do you think Rebecca and Oliver had such good study skills? _71 . When Rebecca and Oliver were in high school, why did they only go home in the school holidays?_九、材料作文72 . 假设你是小明,一个美国朋友邀请你的叔叔到他家吃饭,但你叔叔不知道该注意些什么。请你根据下面的提示写一封70字左右的信告诉他一些餐桌上的礼仪。信件内容必须包括以下要点,可适当进行扩充。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。提示:1.当你坐在桌边,要在腿上放上餐巾;2.要吃光盘子里的食物,不要超出需要领取食物;3.不要大声喧哗,要保持安静和微笑;4.为某人庆贺时,拿起杯子小酌一口即可,不要喝得太多;5.(可适当发挥)Dear uncle, How is everything with you? I know you are going to have a dinner with an American host._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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