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外研版(三起)五年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ in your living room? ( )There is a TV and many pictures.AWhere isBWhat isCHow many2 . I will _ eleven next year. ( )AisBamCbe3 . Peter, lets _ a photo in front of the fountain. ( )OK.AtakeBtakesCtaking4 . What would you like _ dinner? ( )AforBinCat5 . The air_ all the living things _. ( )Akeep; liveBkeeps; aliveCkeep; aliveDkeep; live6 . Helen likes _. She _ an interesting book yesterday evening.( )Areading; readBread; readsCreading; reads7 . Look , here _a panda . ( )AonBareCis8 . _ are you? ( )- Im Alice.AWhereBWhoCWhat9 . I have some kites. _ yellow. ( )AItsBThey areCThere are10 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AblindBswimCdeaf11 . Read and choose.选出不同类的单词(_)1.A.winterB. coolC. springD. summer(_)2.A.theirsB. hersC.myD. yours(_)3.A.jumpB. swimC. climbD. season(_)4.A.firstB. twoC. secondD. fourth(_)5.A.MayB. JulyC. SundayD. June12 . Mum told me to _ hard. ( )AplayBstudyCask13 . 选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。( )1.Excuseme.WheresShanghaiZoo? A.HowfarisB.HowcanIgettoC.WherecanIgoto ( )2.Whichappledoyouwant? A.doyoulikeB.wouldyouwantC.wouldyoulike ( )3.YoucangotoZhongshanParkonfoot. A.walktoZhongshanParkB.gotoZhongshanParkbyfoot C.gotoZhongshanParkbywalk ( )4.RoseandJaneareinthesameclass. A.classmatesB.schoolmatesC.deskmates ( )5.ThegirlinwhiteisJane. A.has awhitedressB.withawhitedressC.wearingawhitedress ( )6.Itstenfive. A.tentofiveB.tenpastfiveC.fivepastten ( )7.Whereareyoufrom? A.areyoucomingB.doyoucomefromC.doyoufrom ( )8.-Imhungry.CanIeatsomebread?-Certainly. A.Thatsgreat.B.Sure.C.Yes,Ican. ( )9.Theboysofourschoolliketoplayfootball. A.likeplayingB.tolikeplayC.likeplay ( )10.TheyhadagoodtimeatthepartylastSunday. A.hadmanytimeB.enjoyedthemselvesC.hadmanyfriendswiththem二、填空题14 . Please _ (hurry) or youll be late.15 . 选词填空in of about be to(1)The film is_animals.(2)Its winter_Australia.(3)People go up_the hills.(4)What kind_books do you want?(5)I will_a doctor when I grow up.16 . 根据汉语提示写单词。1.I have two lessons_(在上午).2.He_(吃晚餐)at 6:00p.m.3.Lets go to the library _ (在星期六).4.I _(吃早餐)at 7:005.I_(喜欢) eating sandwich for lunch.17 . 根据所给的单词补全下列句子,将序号写在前面的括号里。AeveningBmeetCusDatEor(_) 1.Is the cat black _white? Its white. (_) 2. Look _ the star.(_) 3.Let _go and play.(_) 4. Peter and Joe _ Alice in the classroom.(_) 5. In the _,the sun goes down.18 . Go straight_(at/on). Its in front of the hospital.根据句意和首字母提示,写出词的适当形式。19 . How many s_ are there on the farm?20 . Thank you for h_ me with my English.21 . The boys room is bigger than m_.22 . Daming often g_ to school by bike.23 . Some of the boys enjoy p_ volleyball.24 . 写出画线单词的反义词:London is a big city. Weifang is a city.写出下列动词的过去式形式25 . lose_26 . see_27 . take_28 . go_29 . come _用所给单词的正确形式填空。30 . Look! The bus is_ (come).31 . My sister_ (have) a red skirt.32 . Can you_ (put) the apple on your head?33 . What_ (do) he have?34 . I like_ (draw) pictures.35 . 写出下列单词的反义词。1. big_2. short_3. good_4. beautiful_用所给词的适当形式填空。36 . I _(visit) my uncle next week.37 . What _(do) his sister like doing?38 . _(do) you go swimming last Sunday?No, we didnt. We _(watch) a film.39 . _(be) there any water in the glass?No, there isnt.40 . My sister wants _(buy) a new skirt.41 . My brother _(see) his classmates photo in the newspaper yesterday.42 . My sister Lily likes _(listen) to music and _(draw).43 . He _(give) me a cake last night.选词填空。sounds stayed was thinner play44 . We _at a small village last weekend.45 . Last summer there _ a big tree here.46 . Mr Brown is going to _ badminton with us next week.47 . I am taller and _ than him.48 . -I played on the beach last July. - _ great!49 . 根据汉语完成句子。1. 公园里有一座桥。There is a in the .2. 村庄里有一条河吗?there a river in the ?3. 床上有一个玩具熊吗? 不,没有。 Is there a toy bear on the bed? No, .4. 城市里有许多高的建筑物吗? 是的,有。 Are there tall in the city? Yes, .50 . ( ) 1. Have some juice.( ) 2. I like hamburgers.( ) 3. Show me the bread.( ) 4. Can I have some chicken?A. B. C. D.用所给词的适当形式填空。51 . What can we do _(keep) the classroom clean?52 . Leo is good at _(skate).53 . There _(be) an apple on the table just now.54 . Twenty years ago, we _(use) telephones _(call) people.55 . Lets _(sing) an English song.56 . Its time _(sing).57 . Mike _(pick) it up and put it in the bin.58 . The king _(not wear) any clothes that day, and a little boy _(point) at him.59 . 根据给出的首字母写单词:Amy and Lingling will go o _the London Eye.三、单词拼写60 . fly(现在分词形式)_61 . 写出动词的过去式。1. play_2. clap_3. do_4. see_5. go_62 . win(过去式)_四、阅读回答问题阅读理解。读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。A little girl couldnt find her way home. When she was crying, a policeman asked her, “Who is with you?” The girl answered, “Mummy.” Then the policeman asked, “What is her name?” The girl answered, “Well, she has several(几个) names. I call her Mummy. Dad calls her Honey. Granny calls her Jenny.”63 . A little girl could find her way home. (_)64 . The girl was with her mother. (_)65 . The girls father asked her some questions. (_)66 . The girl knows her mothers name. (_)67 . Her mothers name is Jenny. (_)五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正误。Mike and Tom are in the same(相同的) school. They are in the same grade(年级), too. Mike has English classes(课) in the morning, but Tom has English classes in the afternoon. After school, they play games. They often play basketball, play football, fly kites and ride(骑) bikes. They can jump, swim and sing, too. They are good students. They love their school.68 . Mike and Tom are in the same school. (_)69 . They have English classes in the morning. (_)70 . They are in the same class. (_)71 . They often play games after school. (_)72 . They are not good students. (_)73 . 阅读理解(二)。This is a picture of Robots room. There is a big table. There are white curtains. The closet is near the table. Many clothes are in the closet. The trash bin is behind the door. The mirror is under the air-conditioner. Whats on the table? There is a computer. Robot works with it. Do you like Robots room?根据短文内容判断下面各句,正确的写“T”,不正确的写“F”。(1)Robots room has a big table.(2)The table is near the closet.(3)The door is in front of the trash bin.(4)In the closet, there are many clothes.(5)Robots computer is under the air-conditioner.六、英译汉74 . 翻译成汉语1. by bike _ 4. on foot _2. by train _ 5. car _3. ship _英译汉。75 . our first spaceship _76 . a long time ago _77 . in October 2003 _78 . fly into _79 . make a video in space _七、汉译英80 . 我非常喜欢冬天。I love winter _.81 . 汤姆,你几岁了?我十岁了。_are_, Tom?Im_.82 . 根据中文提示,完成下列句子1. Do you know_(多久) they lived in Shanghai? 2. Where is the _ (下一本电子书), please?3. Eat different food and you will not_ (变得虚弱).4. The policemen didnt_ (询问游客) about the party.5. She must_ (照顾) her brother. He is only four.八、句型转换按要求改写句子83 . Su Hais parrot can talk and fly.(改为否定句)Su Hais parrot_talk_fly.84 . We have two animal friends.(用he代替we)_two animal friends.85 . They dont have arms or legs.(改为同义句)They have_arms_legs.86 . Liu Tao has two dogs.(对画线部分提问)_Liu Tao_?87 . is, one, black, the, white, and, other, is(.)_88 . I have a dog.(改为一般疑问句)_a dog?89 . Helen has a running lesson today.(改为否定句)Helen_a running lesson today.90 . We have two animal friends.(改为单数句)I_animal friend.91 . They have big eyes.(对画线部分提问)_they have?92 . It can jump and run.(改为否定句)It_jump_run.按要求做题。93 . These coats are yours. (对画线部分提问)_ are these?94 . This is her cat. (改写同义句)_ is _.95 . tree, monkey, the, is, the, climbing, (.) (连词成句)_96 . The boys run in the park. (改为现在进行时)The boys _ in the park.97 . The monkey is climbing the tree. (对画线部分提问)_ the monkey doing?九、匹配题98 . 请在B栏中找出与A栏问句中相应的答语,并将其序号写在题前的括号里。十、连词成句99 . 连词成句。1.what, like ,do , you (?)_2.dont , I , apples , like (.)_3.dinner , what , have , would , you , for (?)_4.fruit , your , favourite , whats (?)_5.is , what , it , day ,today (?)_100 . 连词成句: blue nice is (.)_101 . 连词成句。1. he, oranges, likes _2. What, favourite, is, your, fruit? _3. she, milk, loves_4. My, fruit, favourite, is, bananas._十一、书面表达102 . 小作文。以“Healthy Life”为题写一篇作文,谈一谈怎样做才能拥有健康的生活,给出你的建议。要求:条理清晰,语句通顺,书写工整、规范。不少于50个单词。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、三、单词拼写1、2、3、四、阅读回答问题1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、英译汉1、2、七、汉译英1、2、3、八、句型转换1、2、九、匹配题1、十、连词成句1、2、3、十一、书面表达1、

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