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Unit1 The kings new clothes一、词汇:clever 聪明的 foolish愚蠢的laugh 笑,大笑 wear穿next 下一个 tell讲,叙述say 说 magic有魔力的,神奇的through 穿过 sentence句子each 每个 start开始quick 迅速的,快的 think思考turn机会 hard努力地,费劲地little小的,年幼的 child孩子二、短语:long long ago很久以前 make new clothes做新衣服magic clothes神奇的衣服 foolish people愚蠢的人a lot of people许多人 half past four四点半each student每个学生 Bobbys turn波比的机会have to start必须开始 turn into变成one day有一天 try on试穿clever people聪明的人 through the city穿过城市point at指向 tell a story讲故事next sentence下一个句子 think hard努力地想be nice to对好 三、句型:1.Long long ago,there was 很久很久以前,有2.We can makefor 我们能为制作3.There were a lot of people in the street. 大街上有许多人。4.One day,two men visited the king. 一天,两个男士拜访了国王。5.They looked at the king and shouted. 他们看见国王大叫起来。6.What beautiful clothes!多么漂亮的衣服呀!7.Its ones turn. 轮到某人。四、易考点剖析:1.Long long ago,there was a king很久很久以前,有一位国王。点拨 (l)long long ago,常用于故事开头,意为“很久以前”。 (2)句中was是is的过去式,其原形是be。只有动词才有过去式。含有过去式的简单句属于一般过去式。一般过去式用于记述在此之前发生的事。句中long long ago通常被视为判断句子是否为一般过去时的短语。例句 Long long ago,a king liked new clothes. 很久以前,一位国王喜欢新衣服。2.One day,two men visited the king. 有一天,两位男士拜访了国王。点拨句中men是man的复数形式,two men意为“两位男士”。例句There are three men in the house。 房子里有三位男士。3. There were a lot of people in the street. 大街上有许多人。点拨句中were为are的过去式,其原形也是be,people是复数形式,意为“人,人们”。和它相似的还有children,意为“孩子们”。例句There were a lot of flowers in the room. 房间里有许多花。 You can see many people in the street. 你能看到很多人在街上。4.A little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 一个小男孩指向国王,大笑起来。点拨point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为“指着”,at是介词,着 重于指的对象。例句Dont point at the words while you are reading. 读书时不要用手指着字。5.They are telling a story. 他们正在讲故事。点拨tell意为“讲述、告诉”。tell也可接双宾语结构或复合宾语结构。例如:tell sb. sth告诉某人某事;tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事;tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)去做某事。例句Please tell me about your school. 请告诉我你学校的情况。 Can you tell me the way to the park? 你能告诉我去公园的路吗?6.Each student says one sentence. 每个学生说一个句子。点拨(1) each与every都可用作形容词,在句中作定语,但each更强调个人或个别,every更强调全体或全部。 (2) say意为“说出,说过,强调说话的内容,say to sb意为“对某人说”。例句Each boy gets a present.每个男孩得到一份礼物。 I can say it in English.我能用英语说它。 He says to me,“I like my hometown”他对我说:“我喜欢我的家乡。”7It is Bobbys turn轮到波比了。点拨“It is ones turn”是轮到某人做某事时的一种常用句式。句中的ones可用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格来替换,其完整的结构形式为“it is ones turn to do sth.”。例句It is Wang Bings turn to sweep the floor轮到王兵扫地了。8Now give me your child.现在把你的孩子给我。点拨 give意为“给”,其常用搭配有两种:(1) give sb. sth.给某人某物;(2) give sth. to sb.把某物给某人。例句Give me the football,please.请把足球给我。 Can you give your doll to me? 你能把你的洋娃娃给我吗?9The girl looked after him女孩照顾他。点拨 look after意为“照顾,关心”,后面用宾格,look为不及物动词,和它搭配的动词短语还有很多,例如:look at看,look for寻找,have a look看一看,look around到处察看;环顾四周,look out小心,look up and down上下打量。例句 Im looking for my pen,but I cant find it 我正在找我的钢笔,但我找不到它。10Long long ago,there were two men.很久很久以前,有两位男士。点拨 men是man的复数形式,所以应该用there are的过去式there were。例句 There were many men in the street.街上有许多男士。五、考试易错题分析:易错点1:There be用法不清。【例】单项选择。 ( )There_ a lot of water in the bottle. Awere Bwas Care 正确答案:B错点分析同学们看到a lot of就认为是许多,用复数形式,而忽略了water是不可数名词。易错点2:感叹句中的how和what两个词混淆。【例】翻译句子。 多么漂亮的衣服啊! _ beautiful clothes! 正确答案:What错点分析同学们知道多么漂亮是“How beautiful!”,但忽视了修饰的中心词是clothes。Unit 2 What a day!一、词汇:sunny晴朗的 rainy多雨的windy有风的 cloudy多云的show展览,展示 become变成,变为rain下雨 weather天气sky天空 bring带来interesting有趣的,有意思的 high在高处honey蜂蜜 drink饮料ant蚂蚁 bee蜜蜂cloud云 meet遇见lose丢失 know知道二、短语:parrot show鹦鹉表演 become windy变为有风的in the sky在天空中 black clouds乌云ants and bees蚂蚁和蜜蜂 pick three cards取三张卡片lose my new kite丢失了我的新风筝 climb up爬上hold onto抓紧 interesting parrots有趣的鹦鹉fly kites high把风筝放得高高的 bread and honey面包和蜂蜜hungry and wet又饿又湿 all day 一整天look sad看起来难过 what happened出什么事了fly too high飞得太高 fly away飞走三、句型:1.What a day!糟糕的一天!2.It wasin the morning.上午天气是3.The weather became天气变得4.It was time for该的时候了。5.There were black clouds in the sky.天空中乌云密布。6.You look sad你看起来很难过。7.It wasnt windy in the park.公园里没有风。四、易考点剖析:1. cloudy 多云的 rainy 多雨的 sunny 晴朗的 windy 有风的 点拨这些都是表示天气的形容词,它们都是由名词加-y构成的,即sun(双写n)+ysunny,cloudcloudy,rainrainy,windwindy,另外还有snowsnowy等,通常用于回答“Whats the weather like?或How is the weather?”。 例句 It is sunny and warm.现在阳光明媚,天气暖和。2. Su Hai,Mike,Liu Tao and I went to the park by bike. 我和苏海、迈克以及刘涛一起骑自行车去公园。点拨 went为go的过去式形式,by bike意为“骑自行车”,“by+某个交通工具”意为“乘骑”。例句I went to school by bus yesterday.昨天我是乘公共汽车去学校的。3.It was time for lunch吃午饭的时间到了。点拨 It was time for意为“该的时候了”,后面接名词或动名词。它的同义句是It was time to,后面通常接动词原形。例句 It was time for school. =It was time to go to school.到上学的时间了。4It rained all day on 20th September.9月20日一整天都在下雨。点拨此句中on 20th September是表示过去的时间,谓语动词要用过去式。rain是动词,意为“下雨”,它可以用形容词rainy进行同义句转换,即 It was rainy all day on 20th September.例句 Does it often rain in summer here? =Is it often rainy in summer here? 这儿夏天经常下雨吗?5.In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. 下午天空中乌云密布。点拨此句为“There are”句型在一般过去时中的用法,are的过去式为were,其后接可数名词的复数形式。 例句 There were a lot of cars in the street.街道上有许多车辆。6You look sad你看上去很难过。点拨 look在句中作系动词,后接形容词表语,意为“看上去”。例句 You look happy.你看上去很开心。7Sam wants to know why.萨姆想知道原因。点拨 why在句中作为名词,意为“原因”,它还可以作为用来询问原因的特殊疑问句中的副词。例句 Why are you late for the party?你参加聚会为什么迟到?It flew too high and we couldnt hold onto it 它飞得太高了,我们不能抓紧它。点拨 couldnt= could not,是could的否定形式,could是can的过去式,为情态动词,后接动词原形。例句I couldnt write words when I was three years old. 当我三岁的时候,我不会写字。五、考试易错题分析:易错点1:rain和rainy用法模糊。【例】单项选择。( )There was a lot of_ in Shanghai. Arain Brainy Crains正确答案:A错点分析同学们看到was是be动词就容易误选rainy,而忽略了There was“有”和a lot of“许多的”后面应该接名词,另外rain是不可数名词。易错点2:tell等不规则动词的过去式记忆不牢。【例】单项选择。( )Mr John_ me a story yesterday. A. tells B.told C.telled正确答案:B错点分析 1.不能看清yesterday是表示过去时间的词;2tell的过去式记忆不牢。Unit 3 Holiday fun一、词汇:holiday假日,假期 call打电话Bund(上海)外滩 bottle瓶子paper纸 catch抓museum博物馆 star星星excited激动的,兴奋的 square广场ask问二、短语:Holiday fun假日趣事 Palace Museum故宫Summer Palace颐和园 Great Wall长城Shanghai Museum上海博物馆 Tiananmen Square天安门广场fashion show时装表演,时装秀 at first开始,最初come back回来 at home在家interesting things有趣的东西 our family我的一家人pick some oranges摘一些橘子 catch some fish捉一些鱼beautiful clothes漂亮的衣服 a paper T-shirt 一件纸质T恤衫a lot of bottles许多瓶子 National Day国庆节 go well 进展顺利 heavy rain 大雨call you 打电话给你 visit my aunt 看望我的阿姨great fun 十分有趣 go to a farm 去农场go fishing 去钓鱼 a big fish 一条大鱼be excited about 因.而兴奋 ask.about. 询问.关于.too bad 太糟糕 句型:1.The students came back to school after the National Day holiday. 学生们国庆节假期后回到了学校。- Where did you go for the holiday? 你去哪里度假的?- I went to. 我去.2.I saw many interesting things. 我看到了许多有趣的东西。- How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎样? - It was great fun. 十分有趣。3.We picked some oranges and went fishing. 我们摘了一些橘子、钓鱼。- Did you .? 你.了吗?- Yes ,I did. / No, I didnt. 是的。/ 不,没有。-What did you do?你干了什么?-I.我.4.We had a fashion show there. 我们在那儿举行了一个时装表演。5.She is excited about the show. 她因这个表演而很兴奋。6.What great fun! 多么有趣啊!四、易考点剖析:1. The students came back to school after the National Day holiday. 国庆节假期后,学生们回到了学校。点拨 come back to意为“回到”,其后接地点名词,如果后面接副词,则省略介词to。例句 Miss Li came back to Nanjing last week. 李女士上周回到了南京。 My father didnt come back home yesterday. 我的爸爸昨天没有回家。2.Where did you go for the holiday? 假日期间你去了哪里?点拨“Where did you go?”是由where引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句式,where是用来询问地点的疑问副词。要注意和“What did you do?”区分清楚。例句 -Where did Nancy go last Sunday? 南希上周日去哪里了? -She went to the library 她去了图书馆。3.How was your holiday,Mike? 你的假期过得怎么样,迈克?点拨 how的用法很多,在这里是用来表示询问某人或某物对某事的程度、看法等。例句 - How is your Chinese? 你的中文如何? - Its great 很棒。4.Did you catch any fish? 你捉到鱼了吗?点拨“Did .?”是一般疑问句句式。在将具有实意动词的一般过去时的陈述句改为一般疑问句时,在句首加上助动词did原来句中动词的过去式改为原形,句末的句号改为问号。其肯定回答为“Yes,.did”,否定回答为“No,.didnt”。例句 -Did you watch TV last night? 昨天晚上你看电视了吗? -No, I didnt. 不,没有。5.Why did you call me? 你为什么打电话给我?点拨 why是用来询问原因的特殊疑问词,其答句可用because来应答。例句-Why are you absent today?你今天为什么缺席? -Because Im ill.因为我生病了。We had a fashion show there. 我们在那儿举行了一个时装表演。点拨 have表达的意思很多,在这里意为“举行”。类似的短语还有have a party 举行派对,have a parrot show 举行鹦鹉表演,have an animal show 举行动物表演等。例句They had a stamp show last Sunday. 他们上个星期天举行了一个邮票展览。7.She is excited about the show. 她对这个时装表演感到很兴奋。点拨 excited表示“兴奋的”,指人、动物对某个事物或某件事感到兴奋,一般情况下以人作为主语。而形容某件事或物让人感到兴奋、激动,一般用exciting,此时句中一般以物作为主语。例句 The students are very excited.学生们非常兴奋。 The story is very exciting.这个故事令人兴奋不已。8.I wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. 我穿了一件纸质T恤衫和纸质短裤。 点拨 wore是wear的过去式。paper在这里作为形容词,意为“纸质的”,作为名词,意为“纸”,它是不可数名词。例句I didnt wear a paper shirt at the fashion show. 我在时装秀上没有穿纸质衬衫。 五、考试易错题分析:易错点1:在含有助动词did的否定句和疑问句中,忘记将句中的动词变为原形。【例】单项选择。 ( )Did Helen_TV last night? A. watch B.watches C.watched 正确答案:A错点分析同学们看到last night,就认为这是表示过去的时间,句中动词应用过去式,而忽略了助动词did后面应该跟动词原形。易错点2:在选择恰当的疑问词时,不能理清题目的意思。【例】单项选择。 ( )- _ did you go yesterday? - I went to the Bund AWhat BWhere CHow 正确答案:B错点分析有些同学不能认真审题,未能看清楚go,去应该是去哪里或怎么去,不能说去什么;另外问答要保持一致,回答是去外滩,所以问句应该是去哪里。Unit 4 Then and now词汇:ago .以前 office办公室news 新闻 e- book 电子书newspaper 报纸 TV 电视watch 观看 use 使用,利用Telephone电话 anywhere随处,到处radio 收音机 spell拼读,拼写with 用 yesterday昨天still仍然短语:then and now 过去和现在 mobile phone移动电话,手机make friends交朋友 do shopping购物go on继续 six years ago六年前write letters to给写信 in the office在办公室write emails写电子邮件 read newspapers看报纸on the Internet在英特网上 at school在学校an English lesson一堂英语课 get angry变得生气wait for等待;等候 all over the world全世界look out of朝外看 make a sentence造句do many things做许多事 at home在家call people给人打电话 listen to the radio听收音机watch news看新闻 read e-books看电子书buy things买东西 listen to me听我讲eat a cake吃蛋糕 in the cake在蛋糕里三、句型:1. .years ago,.could not. 年以前,不会2.Now.can. 现在会3.Twenty years ago,Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. 二十年前,布朗先生写信给他的朋友们。4.Thirty years ago,Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspaper for news. 三十年前,迈克的爷爷通过听收音机、看报纸获取新闻。5.Now she does shopping on the Internet too. 现在她还可以在网上购物。6.Bobby is looking out of the window. 波比在朝窗外看。7.The lesson goes on. 课继续进行着。8.What day is it today? 今天是星期几?9.Can you spell it,Bobby? 你能拼写它吗,波比?10.Sam,make a sentence with“egg”. 萨姆,用“egg”造一个句子。 Miss Fox waits for the answer. 狐狸女士在等待答案。四、易考点剖析:1.Six years ago,Mike could read and draw. 六年前,迈克会读书、画画。点拨could为情态动词,后接动词原形,它是情态动词can的过去式。在将含有could 的句子改为否定句时,和can的用法一样,在其后加否定词not;改为一般疑问句 时将其提到句首,句末用问号。例句Two years ago,Liu Tao could play the piano very well. 两年前,刘涛能把钢琴弹得很好。2.Twenty years ago,Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. 二十年前,布朗先生写信给他的朋友们。点拨write letters to sb.意为“写信给某人”,也可以写成write to sb.,例如, write to me意为“给我写信”。wrote为write的过去式。 例句 -What are you doing? 你在做什么呢? -I am writing a letter to my penfriend,Mike, 我在给我的笔友迈克写信3He also writes emails.他也写电子邮件。 He reads e-books too. 他也看电子书。点拨also和too都表示“也”,但两者在用法上有所区别:also在句中的位置要紧靠动词,too一般放在句末。too只能用于肯定句中,不可用于否定句中。在否定句中只能用either,also则可以用在否定例句 I also like playing football.我也喜欢踢足球。 Nancy was in the office too.南希也在办公室。4.She bought things from shops.她从商店买东西。点拨buyfrom意为“从买东西”,bought为buy的过去,“买东西给某人”应该用buy sb. sth.或buy sthfor sb.。例句I bought a picture book from the bookshop. 我从书店里买了一本图画书。 Helen wants to buy a birthday card for Yang Ling. 海伦想给杨玲买一张生日贺卡。5.Please listen to me.请听我说。点拨 listen“听,倾听”,强调听的动作,为不及物动词,常与介词to连用。例句 My grandpa listened to the radio for news. 我的爷爷听收音机了解新闻。6Now Bobby and Sam are talking.现在波比和萨姆正在交谈。点拨(1)此句为现在进行时。现在进行时表示说话时正在发生的动作,其构成形式为“be(am,is,are)+动词-ing形式”。当我们看到句中有now,look,listen等标志性词语时,一般用现在进行时 (2) talk表示交谈,是不及物动词,常与about连用,表示“谈论某事”,与with连用,表示“和交谈”,与to连用表示“对.说”。例句They are talking about their plans for the weekend. 他们正在谈论他们的周末计划。 Dont talk to me.不要和我讲话。7Miss Fox waits for the answer狐狸老师在等待答案。点拨 wait for意为“等待;等候”,后可接名词或代词作宾语。例句-What are they doing?他们在于什么? -Theyre waiting for the bus他们在等公共汽车。五、考试易错点分析:易错点1:read,watch,see,look,“看”,混淆不清。【例】单项选择。( )My grandpa_ newspapers for news five years ago. A. read B.watched C.looked 正确答案:A错点分析 look指集中注意力看,是有意的,强调“看”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意。如果接宾语,要和at连用;see强调“看”的结果,意为“看见、看到”;watch强调“专注地看”,有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视、看球赛等;read指“看”时实指“阅读”,常用于看书、看报等。题目中是报纸,所以应该选A易错点2:情态动词could后面应该接动词原形。【例】单项选择。( )Ten years ago,Helen could not_the Internet. A. surfed B.surf C.surfs 正确答案:B错点分析同学们看到表示过去时间的短语ten years ago,知道了句中动词要用过去式,但忽视了could是can的过去式,它是情态动词,后面应该跟动词原形。六年级英语上册期中模拟试题听力部分(30分)一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(8分)( )1. A. brother B. another C. other ( )2. A. clever B. clean C. close( )3. A. wind B. would C. windy( )4. A. where B. weather C. welcome( )5. A. cold B. hope C. hold( )6. A. climbed B. coat C. climb( )7. A. star B. part C. study( )8. A. meet B. mean C. me( )9. A. wear shoes B. paper shorts C. fashion shows( ) 10. A. a mobile phone B. make clothes C. on the mountain二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1.A. Yes, I did. B. I went to the park.C. They made clothes.( ) 2.A.I picked some flowers. B. I did my homework. C. I was at home.( ) 3.A. It was great fun. B. Yes, it was.C. Thank you.( ) 4.A. Yes, she is. B. She lived in Shanghai. C. He lived in Beijing.( ) 5.A. New clothes, please. B. I wore a blue T-shirt. C. Theyre beautiful. 三、听录音,补全对话。(听两遍)(10分) A: Where did you go for the _? B: I went to Beijing and _ my friend. A: What did you do _? B: I went to the _ Palace. I _ many _thing. How_ you? A: I went to a _. I _ some fruits and went _.笔试部分(70分)一、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. eat (过去式)_ 2. did(否定形式)_ 3. they(宾格)_ 4. radio(复数)_ 5. work(第三人称单数)_ 6. swim (现在分词)_ 7. take (过去式)_ 8. could (原形)_ 9. China(形容词)_ 10. teach(名词)_ 二、 英汉词组互译。(10分)1. 看报纸_ 2. 朝外看_ 3. 在办公室_ 4. 国庆节后_ 5. 开始_ 6. write emails _ 7. wait for the answer _ 8. make friends _ 9. come back _ 10. a pair of paper shorts _ 三、选择题。(10分)( )1. He _ at school yesterday. A. isnt B. wasnt C. doesnt D. didnt( )2. He wrote a letter _ his mother last week. A. for B. to C. of D. from( )3. Can you make a sentence _“have”? A. in B. on C. with D. by( )4. -_ is it? -Its Friday. A. What time B. What day C. What colour D. What about( )5. -Whats Helen_? -Her new bag. A. looking B. looking C. look D. look( )6. The football match is very _. A. excite B. excites C. excited D. exciting( )7. _ your mother see a film yesterday evening? A. Are B. Did C. Was D. Is( )8. He often _ apples on the farm. A. pick B. picking C. picks D. picked( )9. I _ you, but you _ at home. A. call; werent B. called; arent C. called; were D. called; werent( )10. Everything _ . A. go well B. go good C. goes well D. goes good 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(12分)1. Five years ago, he _(can) ride a bike.2. Now Tom can do many _(thing).3. I _(not have) a mobile phone now.4. Mikes grandpa likes _(listen) to the radio.5. My mother _(work) hard every day.6. Yang Ling _ (wait) for the bus now.7. Please_ (put) your hands on the desk.8. I want _ (be) your friend.9. Where _you _(go) yesterday?五、按要求完成句子。(12分)1. It was interesting.(改成否定句) It _ interesting. 2. He could draw the hill. (对画线部分提问) What _ he _? 3. He ate a cake last Sunday.(用every day替换last Sunday) He _ a cake every day. 4. I caught some fish there yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ fish there yesterday?5. The students played football last Wednesday. (用now 替换last Wednesday) The students _ _ now.6. Helen watched TV last night. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Helen _ last night? 六、阅读短文判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 (10分) A mother camel(骆驼) is looking for water and grass with her son .The son is asking his mother,“What do water and grass look like ?”The mother is answering , “The water is blue as the sky, and grass is not blue, its green and nice . ” After a day and night , her son cries(叫,喊), “Look, mother, theres water and grass there .” “Youre wrong , child . The water and grass are on the left , and the desert(沙漠) is on the right .”The mother camels left eye is blind(瞎的). Now , the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), but his mother thinks thats n

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