地震英语演讲稿 .docx

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地震英语演讲稿 1.一篇关于地震的英语作文汶川地震的May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,it is in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everythuntry Sichuan province. It was terrible.We cant describle the scene what we saw with any words.Thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !For e*ample ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan !With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future !2.关于地震的英语演讲稿earthquake in china Strong earthquake hits China A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit Chinas southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok. It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8. The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of Chengdu. Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people. It is in an ethnic Tibetan area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese authorities. According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time. Telephone lines in the affected area are jammed and there are still no reports of casualties. Reports from Thailand say high buildintinued to shake several minutes after the tremors began. We felt continuous shaking for about two or three minutes. All the people in our office are rushing downstairs. Were still feeling slight tremblings, said an office worker in Chengdu. Chinas tallest building, the Jinmao Tower, and other highrise buildings in Shanghais financial district were evacuated after tremors were first felt. People were shouting get out, get out, so we all ran out of our dorm, said a student surnamed Zhang at a university in nearby Chongqing. A spokesman for the China Earthquake Administration said it was still checking the epicentre and scale of the tremor. 以下是与地震有关的词汇: earthquake 地震 shake 震动;摇晃 tremor颤动;震动 temblor 美语 地震 hit 袭击、打击,使遭受 strike 突然发生;打击 jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 rock 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across 波动,起伏,横摇 rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 damage 损害;损伤 destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残 shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭 devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭 level 推倒,夷平 flatten 夷为平地 seismological 地震学上的 seismology 地震学 seismograph 地震仪 seismographer 地震学家 aftershock 余震 smaller tremors 小地震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级 at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震nitoring 地震监控 tsunami 海啸 rock and mud slides 泥石流 tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统 tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮 natural disaster 自然灾害 tragedy 灾难 wreckage 残骸 death toll 死亡人数 survivors 幸存者 victims 受灾者 international contributions 国际援助 evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组。3.关于汶川地震的英文演讲稿为四川汶川哀悼作文 In the sound of the whistle, the May meeting of rain and tears. This is a sad moment: the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, lovers, teachers, students, friends, colleagues, neighbours 。to at 14:28 on May 12 before the dull, busy, hope , Disappointed, sad, happy those beutiful days. Todays Wenchuan Festivals, it is only a short farewell. Life, not just breathing and heartbeat. Mans bitterest sorrows are separation and death not the lives of the border. Pro-people did not leave, everything will continue. In the ruins of the baby crying sound, called a Wenchuan new life, born today. 在悠远的汽笛声中垂首默立,任5月的雨水和泪水交汇。这是挥别的一刻:向母亲、父亲、儿子、女儿、妻子、丈夫、恋人、老师、学生、朋友、同事、邻居;向5月12日14时28分前的平淡、忙碌、盼望、失望、忧愁、欢喜那些美丽的温馨日子。今天的汶川祭奠,一定也只是短暂的告别。生命,并非仅仅是呼吸和心跳。生离死别,不是生命的边界。亲人们没有离去,一切都将延续。在废墟上嘹亮的婴儿啼哭声里,一个叫做“汶川”的新生命,今天降生。汶川地震感想作文 6 May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our national calamity, the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too many disasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of the disaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of all good, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild our homes, to live boldly, to live On a good living. 2008年5月12日,让我们所有中华儿女永远记住这一天吧,我们的“国难日”,中华民族的历史本上,铭刻了太多的灾难,但这永远也难掩我们民族的辉煌,一次次的灾难,一次次的负重前行,那么就让我们掩埋好所有的悲痛,清理干净所有的废墟,在曾经是家园的土地上,重建我们的家园,勇敢地活下去,能活,就好好活。汶川地震感想作文 5 Broken heart, tend to become very fragile, post-disaster reconstruction, the firm has become particularly important, three minutes after we wiped away tears, we can not Zaiku, to bravely live, because their relatives in heaven We watched, Tongbuyusheng, sad to tactic is not their wish to see, good to live in, they are to our e*pectations, think about this, it has the ruins to life for the life of the mother, Dear Baby, if Can you live, to keep in mind that mother love you ; think that in order to save the e*pense of four children and teachers, we go to these family members, in their own lives to give us an opportunity to a live, To them, we have to live better. 破碎的心,往往会变得相当脆弱,灾后重建,坚强就变得尤其重要,三分钟过后,我们要擦干眼泪,我们不能再哭,要勇敢地活下去,因为亲人会在天堂看着我们,痛不欲生、伤心欲诀不是他们想看到的,好地地活下去,是他们对我们的期望,想一想,那废墟中以已命换子命的母亲,“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活下去,要记住,妈妈爱你”;想一想那为了救四个孩子而牺牲了的老师,我们的走了的这些亲人,用自己的生命给我们争来了活的机会,为了他们,我们也要活的更好。汶川地震感想作文 4 The deceased have to, toward the heaven, where there will be no more disasters, there will be no more tears, but for those who survived the disaster in the compatriots, alive to become a challenge, let them in an instant disaster Separated from the e*perience of life and death, the mother and son have deep moods, once the husband and wife loved each other, but now they had to be parting, the two separated, disaster, not only their physical destruction, destruction of their soul, flesh wounds over time slowly healing, can be the soul of grief, but not so far recovered pieces, post-quake reconstruction of their homes can, we can even build their homes more beautiful, but for us, more important is how to build their own spiritual home, how to ask The soul-deep scars. 逝者已去,奔向了天堂,那里不会再有灾难,不会再有泪水,但对于那些在灾难中幸存下来的同胞来说,活着就变成了一种挑战,灾难让他们在瞬间体验了生死离别,曾经的母子情深,曾经的夫妻恩爱,转眼却已阴阳两隔,灾难,不仅摧残了他们的肉体,更摧残了他们的灵魂,肉体的伤口会随着时间而慢慢地愈合,可心灵的伤痛,却远没有那么块痊愈,地震后的家园可以重建,我们甚至可以把家园建设的更加漂亮,但是对于我们来说,更重要的是如何建设自己的精神家园,如何抚平那心灵深处的创伤。汶川地震感想作文 3 We all Chinese people, is a lifelong hard to forget the day, because today is the national crisis, Sadness Wenchuan, the country was sad, we use such a way, to commemorate those in earthquake In the passing away of relatives, we used this as a way for them came in on 。4.关于汶川地震的英语演讲5.急求一篇汶川地震的英文演讲稿大约2分钟的汶川大地震令我感动2008年5月12日,四川汶川发生了8级的大地震,全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾令我感动。解放军、武警战士、公安民警、消防、医护人员、志愿者们来到了抗震救灾的第一线。他们奋不顾身,不分昼夜抢救受灾人民,挖通与外界联系的通道,让大型挖掘机器帮助一起抢救灾区人民的生命财产。才3岁的小朗铮从废墟中被救出。当时,他抬起右手,向抬着担架的解放军叔叔敬了个礼,这一动作被媒体传播后,感动了千万个读者。5月21日上午,解放军指战员在青川县骑马乡中山社附近的一座山上发现一座余震倒塌的房屋,在倒塌房里被困了八天的老年夫妻被救出来。他们的行为感动了我。我也不例外,在赈灾捐款中捐出*元,虽然这点钱算不了什么,但也表示了我的一点心意。9岁的小男孩林浩,是个班长。地震发生时,立即跑出教室,突然想到自己的同学在教室里,于是,又跑回去,用自己柔软的肩膀背出两名同学,自己却受伤了,他的事迹感动所有人,被评为抗震救灾小英雄。北京奥运会开幕式上,他还挥舞着两面小旗子为中国加油,为奥运加油。汶川大地震令我感动,我要把感动化为行动,在今后的人生道路上,学习他们的崇高精神,鼓励我好好学习、天天向上。6.介绍汶川地震的英语演讲稿May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our national calamity, the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too many disasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of the disaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of all good, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild our homes, to live boldly, to live On a good living. 2008年5月12日,让我们所有中华儿女永远记住这一天吧,我们的“国难日”,中华民族的历史本上,铭刻了太多的灾难,但这永远也难掩我们民族的辉煌,一次次的灾难,一次次的负重前行,那么就让我们掩埋好所有的悲痛,清理干净所有的废墟,在曾经是家园的土地上,重建我们的家园,勇敢地活下去,能活,就好好活。We all Chinese people, is a lifelong hard to forget the day, because today is the national crisis, Sadness Wenchuan, the country was sad, we use such a way, to commemorate those in earthquake In the passing away of relatives, we used this as a way for them came in on the road toward heaven, I hope they will be well all the way, when they look back at the earth, will see tens of thousands of their compatriots hand-foot - , Look up to the sky pray for them, so they will not be alone, not lonely。对于我们所有中国人来说,都是一个终生难忘记的日子,因为今天,是我们的“国难日”,悲情汶川,举国志哀,我们用这样一种方式,来纪念那些在地震中逝去的亲人,我们用这样的一种方式,为他们招魂,在奔向天国的路上,希望他们能够一路走好,当他们回头遥望故土大地时,会看见成千上万的他们的同胞手足,在仰望苍穹为他们祈祷,所以他们不会孤独、不会寂寞。7.地震的英语作文带翻译Earthquake love Thanksgiving Human love, love compatriots, and in a race against time. We believe that life can not be separated by mountains and rivers of love, can not be buried ruins of the love of life, heavy rain pouring on the life of the immortal love, dark clouds overhead can not be the love of life. When disaster comes, we can not avoid, we can do only with strong and smiles to the world that we are strong, no difficulty can make us lose the hope of Health. Selfless love They are just ordinary world of one, however, in the face of tremendous blow, they have chosen a strong and smile to the face of this world is full of love. Earthquake days does not collapse, the disaster is love. *iangji in the work of the teacher-Tan ages in life the last minute, he decided to open arms, Huzhu his four students, left to their own death. Pengzhou policewomen Jiang Min, in the disaster lost their mother grandmother and 2-year-old daughter, Jiang Min Beitongyujue, however, serious damage, police e*treme tension, to remain in her post three days and three nights until the collapsed Thanksgiving heart They also only a small angel, the wing has not fullness. When Mieding disaster fell, the land covered by grief, they used a strong and smiling, shook us. In more than 10 hours after the quake, one of the North-Manlianshi*ue boy was rescued from the rubble. In his armed police officers and soldiers prepared to move to safe areas, he can move difficult to hold the right hand, weakness and a standard King team at the Young Pioneers. Stretcher on the little boy he did not forget to rescue the officers and men of his uncles move Thanksgiving salute to the countless people deeply touched The power of love Love is the parents is the worlds largest love, is in their minds share of family support them, let them come in the heart of the disaster sons and daughters. Kitagawa, May 14, 2008, the parents who strugglre than 40 hours after the three-year-old girl Song *in Yi finally rescued, rescue workers to feed her milk. Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture. Parents touched by the love of God, let the children saved, small *inyi Zaitianzhiling parents can comfort! The brilliant teachers Teachers are the most brilliant career and also the most e*traordinary career. Tanghong this year over 20 years old, is a beautiful young dance teacher. The earthquake, she is welcome to the students rehearsing June 1 Childrens Day of the dance. Found dangerous situation, she pushed the students a corner, they hold in their arms, fell to the collapse of the buildings on her her body was found, she Fushen趴the wall in the corner. Her arms, three girls survived. The ruins, her broken body into Liangjie, facial *ueroumohu. Her hands still firmly Yongzhe two students! Bai how people can not Baikai her hands tightly Louzhu students! When the earthquake happened, she was evacuated students leave the classroom. Shouzuwucuo see there are two students, she ran the last step, a first-hand Louzhu, outside-in. Teaching builllapsed, she and several students buried in the rubble. The teacher called to Qian, graduated from university last year, to Shifang-Habitat When English teachers in primary schools. Qian to the father of allegiance to the sea is Shifang Nanquan, deputy principals in primary schools, he Beitongyujue: I can understand that, as teachers, should be so! Should do! Transfer love The rescue team found her, she was dead, is down by the landslide crushed the house through a pile of rubble that the gap can see the death of her position, Shuang*iguizhe, the entire upper body forward Pu Fuzhao , Pulled out his hands to support the body, like some ancient line Guibai ceremony, but the body was deformed by the pressure, some look诡异. Rescue personnel from reaching into the ruins of the gap confirmed she had died, and in calling directed at the ruins of the Jisheng, with Qiaogun Qiaoliaoji*ia in the bricks on the inside without any response.e under a building when the rescue team leader suddenly ran back, while running variable crying over fast. He also came to her body, demanding the womans body handle Shenjin under e*plored, he touched the few loudly shouted Some people, children, is still alive. After some efforts, people carefully to clean up the ruins of Dangzhao she opened in her body lying below her child, wrapped in red with a yellow flower was a small yard, about three or four months because the mother body The asylum, he Haofa not injured, hold out, he 。8.关于地震的英语作文One day,I was having classroom lessons, suddenly an earthquake broke. As a student,what we should do?Now,I will tell you what things we should do!Firstly, please do not panic and listening to the teachers command of.If you do not listen to the teacher directing,the scene is very confusion,maybe make many people is crushed to death!Secondly, please quickly hid under the table with hands protect head avoid head injuries.Thirdly, please squatted on the playground with two hands protect head avoid head injuriesFourthly,please do not jump ,you will be injury or even death!Please remember these!有一天,我正在课堂教学,突然发生地震。作为一个学生,我们应该做的?现在,我会告诉你什么事情是我们应该做的!首先,请不要惊慌,听老师directing.If你不听老师指挥,现场十分混乱,可能使许多人是压死!其次,请尽快与藏在手的保护头部,避免头部受伤表。第三,请蹲在操场上用两只手保护头部,避免头部受伤第四,请不要跳楼,你会受伤甚至死亡!请记住这些!9.地震英语作文May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everythunty Sichuan province. It was terrible.We cant describe the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For e*ample ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!。

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