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书山有路勤为径 歌风六年级(1)(2)班 学海无涯苦作舟六上Unit4 Then and now单元知识整理【单词】1. then and now 过去和现在2. ago 以前3. yesterday 昨天 4. use 使用,利用5. telephone 电话6. office办公室7. mobile phone 移动电话,手机8. anywhere 随处,到处9. radio 收音机10. newspaper 报纸11. news 新闻12. watch 观看13. e-book 电子书14. TV 电视15. look out of 朝外看16. go on 继续17. still 仍然 18. What day is it today?19. spell 拼读,拼写20. make a sentence 造句21. with 用【词组】1. six years ago 六年前 2. do many things 做许多事情3. twenty years ago 二十年前4. write letters (to sb.) (给某人)写信5. at home 在家6. in the office 在办公室7. call sb. 给某人打电话8. a mobile phone 一部手机9. write emails 写电子邮件10. listen to the radio 听收音机11. read newspapers for news 看报纸获取新闻12. on the Internet 在网上13. read e-books 看电子书14. make friends 交朋友15. at school 在学校16. buy things from shops 从商店买东西17. do shopping 购物18. all over the world 全世界,世界各地19. read and watch news 看新闻20. an English lesson 一节英语课21. look out of the window 朝窗外看22. listen to me 听我说23. go on 继续24. What day is it today? 今天星期几?25. get angry 变得生气26. make a sentence with 用造句27. eat a cake 吃块蛋糕28. wait for 等候,等待29. wait for the answer 等答案30. then and now 过去和现在31. on holiday 在度假32. six years old 六岁33. a photo of yourself 你自己的一张照片34. in the cake 在蛋糕里35. work hard 努力工作36. every day 每天四会句型1. 今天是星期几? What day is today? =What day is it today?2. .ago, he/sheSix years ago, I couldnt write.Twenty years ago, he wrote letters.Twenty years ago, she bought things from shopsThirty years ago,they listened to the radio for news3. Now, he/she【语法】语法知识点1、(1)could引导的一般过去时的否定句,在could之后加not:could not=couldntSix years ago, I could write.(否定句)Six years ago, I couldnt write. (2)could引导的一般过去时的一般问句,将could调至句首: Mike could read and draw.(一般问句) Could Mike read or draw? (3)could引导的特殊问句:特殊疑问句+could引导的一般问句: They could ride a bike. (对画线部分提问) Could they ride a bike (用do what替换) ? What could they do ? 2、不规则动词有:(Unit4)Unit4 写 writewrote 阅读 readread 制造 makemade 买 buybought规则动词有:Unit4 听 listenlistened 发明 inventinvented使用 useused3、介词的用法:in the office at home,listen to the radio read newspapers for newson the Internet buy things from shops at school from all over the worldon holiday look out of the window go on make a sentence with eggwait for the answer stick a photo of yourself 4、不定冠词an构成的短语:an apple , an email, an e-books, an e-friend, an English lesson, an egg.可以补充:an American, an answer, an angry teacher, an aeroplane,一般过去时在前面的三个单元加上本单元,我们学习了一般过去时。本单元重在复习一般疑问句,所以对这四个单元所学的与一般过去时有关的内容进行归纳和复习,在查漏补缺的过程中巩固所学内容。1. 与一般过去时相关的时间状语yesterday, yesterday, ago, last等。2. 一般过去时肯定句、否定句及其回答、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句等句式结构。3. 动词过去式的变化形式,尤其是到目前为止你们所学过的不规则动词的变化,要求你们能熟记。小结如下:become became fly flew bring brought fly flew can could lose lostfind found get got do did meet met hold held take took say said make made think thought write wrote eat ate come came do did go went see saw catch caught eat ate get got give gave have had wear wore meet met read read draw drew buy bought is was arewerecome came catch caught choose chose drink drank feel felt forget forgot grow grew know knew learn learnt let let put put run ran ride rode ring rang sing sang sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spend spent stand stood steal stolesweep swept swim swam teach taught tell told【知识点分析】1. Six years ago,I couldnt write. 六年前,我不会写。ago表示“以前”,通常与时间短语连用构成表示过去的时间短语,如:five years ago, three weeks ago,two days agocouldnt = could not2. Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.三十年前,迈克的爷爷通过听收音机和看报纸来获得新闻。关于“news”单词的由来。News的四个字母分别是英文东(east)、西(west)、南(south)、北(north)的第一个字母组合而成,表示“消息、新闻”来自东南西北、四面八方。3. 本单元cartoon time中出现了三种时态的表达,老师们在教学时要注意了。如:一般现在时:The lesson goes on. Miss Fox waits for the answer.现在进行时:Bobby is looking out of the window. Now Bobby and Sam are talking.一般过去时:I ate a cake yesterday. The egg was in the cake.【语音】Er /三步曲:嘴角微微张开;舌头自然放松;舌中部微微隆起。teacher, farmer, sister, brother, paper, number, perhaps, order, winter, summer, brother, mother, father, driver, worker, waiter六年级 动词过去式一览表am/is-was are-were build-built write-wrote begin-began blow-blew buy-bought win-won bring-brought catch-caught cost-costcome-came cut-cut can-coulddo(does)-did drink-drank draw-drewdrive-drove eat-ate feel-feltfind-found fly-flew forget-forgotget-got go-went give-gavegrow-grew have-had hear-heardhurt-hurt keep-kept know-knewleave-left let-let lose-lostlie-lay make-made meet-metput-put read-read ride-rodering-rang run-ran say-said sleep-sleptsee-saw sell-sold show-showedsing-sang sit-sat understand-understood speak-spoke stand-stood steal-stoleswim-swam take-took teach-taughttell-told think-thought wear-wore【课堂训练】一、写出下列单词的过去式1. have_ 2. can_3. get_ 4. get_5. go_ 6. eat_7. see_ 8. take_9. bring_ 10. fly_二、翻译词组1十五年前_ 2. 写一封电子邮件_3. 听收音机_ 4. 全世界 _5. 交朋友_ 6. 朝外看_7. 造句_ 8. 生气_9. 看报纸 _ 10. 在网上 _三、用所给词的正确形式填空1. The students are _ (have) an English lesson.2. How many _ (class) are there in your school?3. He could not _(draw) five years ago.4. She _ (get) up at six oclock yesterday.5. Listen, the boy _ (sing) an English song.6. Do you have _ (some) story books?7. My brother _ (be) a teacher three years ago.8. The girls sang and _ (dance) last night.9. Who _(meet) the woman a moment ago?10. He _ (live) near the river last year.一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. summer A. sister B. her C. term( )2. ago A. cake B. cat C. away( )3. mobile A. close B. holiday C. become( )4. world A. for B. work C. horse ( )5. hear A. dear B. bear C. where二、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 在办公室 _2. 做许多事 _2. 继续 _4. 看新闻 _5. 听我说 _6. 交友 _7. look out of the window _8. make a sentence _9. get angry _10. then and now _三、单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1. My mother _things on the Internet yesterday morning. A. is buying B. buys C. bought( )2. I_ to the supermarket on foot last weekend.A. was go B. go C. went( )3. Mr Green _ our answer now.A. wait for B. is waiting for C. waited for( )4. His sister _five years ago.A. couldnt wrote B. couldnt write C. cant write( )5. I _ email to my e-friend last night. A. write a B. wrote a C. wrote an ( )6. Can you make a sentence _“nice”? A. in B. to C. with( )7._ your grandpa _ letters on the Internet many years ago?A. Does, write B. Did, write C. Do, wrote( )8. I _kites in the park_ my friends last Sunday.A. fly, with B. am flying, and C. flew, with( )9. _did you _? I visited my aunt last summer holiday.A. What, visited B. Who, visit C. Where, visit( )10. He often uses the computer _now.A. to read B. to reading C. read四、根据所给词的适当形式填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. He _ a model plane yesterday. (make)2. Id like _basketball with my friends. (play)3. My mother _to music every evening. (listen)4. Nancy and Mike _TV now. (watch)5. Mike _some fish yesterday morning. (eat)6. Su Yang _a kite to the park last Saturday. (take)7. Shall we _our English lesson? (start)8. He usually _emails in the evenings. (write)9. My mother likes _ newspapers for news in the morning. (read)10. _Jack at school last Friday? (be)五、根据中文意思完成下列句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)1. 三年前他不会读英语。 Three _ago, he_ _English.2. 你能拼下新单词“sunny”吗? _ you _ the new word “sunny”?3. 我阿姨经常在网上购物。 My aunt usually_ _ on the Internet.4. 现在是英语课,鲍比和汤姆在讲话。 Its an English _ now. Bobby and Tom _ _.六、按要求改写句子(共7小题;1-4题每空1分,5-7题每题2分,满分15分)1.Its Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ is it today? 2.Miss Li got angry in class. (改为一般疑问句)_ Miss Li _ angry in class? 3. He could do shopping on the Internet. (改为否定句)He _ _ shopping on the Internet.4. I bought some new books yesterday. (改为否定句) I _ _ _new books yesterday.5. did,his,Mr Brown,letters,write,friends,to(?)(连词成句)_6. is, me, for, at, waiting, Helen, home (.) (同上)_7. Mikes,to,grandpa,newspapers,listened,the,and, radio,read,for,news(.)(同上)_七、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(A)One Sunday morning, the Whites(怀特一家人) went to the park. They got home very late. Father opened the front door and they all went into the house. It was very dark(黑暗), and mother turned on the light. On the way to their bedroom, Mother said, “Listen, John! I can hear someone(某人) in the bedroom.” They all stood(站立) quietly outside the bedroom door. They could hear the voice(嗓音) in the bedroom. “Youre right,” Father said. “There are two men in it. They are talking.” Then he shouted, “Who is there?” But no one answered. Father opened the door quietly and turned on the light. No one was there. Then Father found something and laughed. The radio was on! “I forgot(忘记) to turn it off this morning.” Father said. ( ) 1. The Whites got home _ . A. in the morning B. in the evening C. in the afternoon( ) 2. They stood quietly outside the bedroom because _ . A. they didnt want to walk into the bedroom B. they were listening to the music C. they heard someone talking in the bedroom( ) 3. Father shouted but no one answered because _. A. there was no one in the bedroom. B. the men in the room couldnt hear him C. his voice wasnt very loud( ) 4. They went into the room and found that voice came from _. A. two men B. the TV C. the radio( ) 5. Who forgot to turn off the radio? A. Mrs White. B. Mr White. C. The two men.(B)NameTen years agoNowHelenread and drawride a bikedo many thingsMr Greencall people at homeread e-bookshave e-friendsMrs Brownwrite emailswrite lettersdo shopping on the InternetMikelaughspeak Englishgo fishing根据表格信息, 回答下列问题。1. What could Helen do ten years ago ? _2. Does Mr Green have e-friends now ? _3. Could Mrs Brown write emails ten years ago ? _4. What couldnt Mike do ? _5. How does Mrs Brown do shopping now ? _ (命题人:芦墟实小)Unit Four单元练习卷听力文字稿一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题读两遍)1. Lets start our lesson.2. He wrote letters twenty years ago.3. We can see some bread on the table.4. They picked apples on the farm last weekend.5. Whats the weather like today?6. My father got angry yesterday.7. Mike is still talking with his friend.8. That little boy is my cousin.9. The workers walk by my house every day.10. She bought things from shops ten years ago.二、听录音,根据问题选择合适的答句。(每小题读两遍)1. Did you do your homework at home?2. Could you fly kites three years ago?3. What day is it today?4. Whats the matter with you?5. Where did you go?三、听录音,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。(短文读两遍) Six years ago, Mike was five years old. He could read and draw. But he couldnt write. He didnt go to school either. Now he is a primary school student. He can read books and write very well. He can play football with his friend and he can ride a bike. On Sundays, he surfs the Internet. Sometimes he watches film on TV.四、听录音,完成下面的句子。(每小题读三遍)1. Twenty years ago, my father used a telephone to call people. Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere.2. My grandma made friends at school when she was a student. Now she has e-friends from all over the world.Unit Four单元练习卷参考答案听力部分一、 CBCAC BABAC二、BABCA三、TFTFF四、1. ago, telephone, has, mobile, phone, anywhere2. made, student, e-friends, world 笔试部分一、ACABA二、1. in the office 2. do may things 3. go on 4. watch news 5. listen to me 6. make friends 7. 往窗外看 8. 造句 9. 生气 10. 过去和现在三、CCBBC CBCBA四、1.made 2. to play 3. listens 4. are watching 5. ate 6. took 7. start 8. writes 9. reading 10. was五、1.years, couldnt, read 2. can, spell 3.does, shopping 4. lesson, are, talking六、1.What, day 2. Did, get 3.couldnt, do 4. didnt, buy, any 5. Did Mr Brown write letters to his friends? 6. Helen is waiting for me at home.7. Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.七、(A)BCACB (B)1. She couldnt read or draw. 2. Yes, he does. 3. No, she couldnt. 4. He couldnt write emails. 5. She does shopping on the Internet.10注意:字体加粗的部分为知识点的扩展补充及知识点的重点强调。(龚培福)Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back.

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