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课时跟踪检测(B2Unit 3).单项填空1Many officials call for global cooperation to _ some“real security threats” the world is facing.Apick up Bgive awayCdeal with Dtake over答案与解析:Cdeal with“处理”;pick up“拾起”;give away“泄露”;take over“接管”。2Most staffs are against the new rules, but they have come into being _.Aanyhow BhoweverCtherefore Dthus答案与解析:A句意:大部分职员反对新规定,但不管怎样,规定已经形成了。anyhow“不管怎样,无论如何”;however“然而”;therefore“因此”;thus“因此”。3Rio de Janeiro of Brazil _ the bid to hold the 2016 Summer Olympic Games after beating rivals Chicago, Tokyo and Madried.Awon BhostedCsolved Dearned答案与解析:Ahost作动词用,意为“主办”。4It was generally believed that the show was not as successful as expected, but _, I think it was a great success.Apersonally BdirectlyCpublicly Dsecretly答案与解析:A句意:人们普遍认为这次演出没有期待的那样成功,但是,就个人而言,我认为很成功。personally“就个人而言”;directly“直接地”;publicly“公开地”;secretly“秘密地”。5Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great _ for a country.Afavour BeffortCresponsibility Dendeavour答案与解析:C句意:主办奥运会对一个国家来讲,既是巨大的荣誉也是重大的责任。responsibility“责任,义务”,符合句意。favour“好意,喜爱,偏爱”;effort“努力,尝试”;endeavour“努力”。6The teacher asked the children to write _ line but Tom just wrote very carelessly _ lines.Aother every; few everyBother every; every a fewCevery other; every fewDevery other; every a few答案与解析:C句意:老师让孩子们隔一行写一行,但是Tom很粗心,隔几行写一行。every two lines/every other line/every second line“每隔一行”;every few lines“每隔几行”。注意:“every few复数名词”中,few前不用a,有类似用法的还有first few., last few.等。7I dont like English but I like Chinese very much._.ASo do I BNor do ICSo I do DSo it is with me答案与解析:D句意:我不喜欢英语但我非常喜欢语文。我也一样。上文说的是两种情况,既有喜欢的,也有不喜欢的,所以此时不应用“So/Neither/Nor助动词/be/情态动词主语”结构,而应该用so it is with sb.结构。8Her car broke down on her way to the park._, she had to ask someone to repair it.AAs a result BAs a matter of factCAs usual DAs a whole答案与解析:A汽车路上抛锚导致让人帮忙修理这一结果。as a result意为“结果”,在句中充当状语。9The final score of the basketball match was 9394. We were only _ beaten.Asimply BslightlyCnarrowly Dlightly答案与解析:C句意:篮球赛的最后比分是93比94。我们以微弱的劣势输掉了比赛。副词narrowly在此表示“勉强地”,符合题意。simply“简单地”;slightly“稍微”;lightly“轻轻地,轻微地”。10Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _ the Pacific, and we met no storms.Awas called Bis calledChad better called Dhas been called答案与解析:Bthe Pacific与call之间是被动关系,而且是客观事实。故选B项。11What a beautiful day!Yes, its _ that Id like to take a walk.Asuch nice weatherBso a nice weatherCsuch a nice weatherDso nice weather答案与解析:Aweather为不可数名词,不能与不定冠词连用,排除B、C两项;so用于修饰形容词或副词,such用于修饰名词,故A项正确。12Milu deer, a species with large horns, which used to be _ in China long ago, is a rare animal nowadays.Aordinary BcommonCpopular Dusual答案与解析:Bcommon强调平凡或时常发生而不特别。ordinary是依照一般标准来判断,侧重“平淡无奇”;popular“流行的”;usual“通常、正常”。13I have been worried about the possible danger of driving on a railway line.Do not be afraid; God will _ us.Aturn over Bwatch overCgo over Dlook over答案与解析:B本题考查动词短语辨析。watch over“照看,看守”,符合题意。14_ the explanation of the book, we finally understood the meaning of the passage.AWith the help of BUnder the help ofCAfter the help of DBy the help of答案与解析:A句意:借助于这本书的说法,我们最终理解了这篇文章的意思。with the help of“在的帮助下,借助于”,为固定搭配。15You may not agree, but _ I think she is a very good girl.Apersonally BtrulyCgenerally Dcommonly答案与解析:A句意:你可能不同意,但我个人认为她是个非常好的女孩。personally“亲自地,个人地,就自己而言”,符合句意。truly“真实地”;generally“一般地”;commonly“一般地,通常地,普通地”。.完形填空The restaurant was only a quarter full when we got there. A couple in their thirties were seated about three tables away. Their _16_ was a little strange and it caught my attention. Ive always been _17_ to the feelings of other people. I got the immediate _18_ that this couple could _19_ afford to eat out. At first I _20_ the thought, but it kept appearing into my head.I begans to feel a strong _21_ to pay for their meals. I wasnt rich, but I could _22_ it. So I followed my intention and _23_ the boss to pay their bill. I was told that they had _24_ their courses and might still order coffees, but so far the bill _25_ $ 75.When he asked _26_ I was paying their bill I felt a little _27_ as I tried to cover my feelings. I finally replied, “When I saw that couple I got the feeling that they had to _28_ to get what theyve got. So I decided to pay their bill._29_ I dont want you to tell them who paid it or why. Just treat it as a(n) _30_.”When the couple went to settle their account a _31_ reaction could be heard throughout the restaurant. Later I asked the boss what happened. He said the young woman broke down in tears and said,“_32_ like this has ever happened to us before. Weve never _33_ anything or been given anything. Things _34_ this just dont happen to us.” But it did happen. Now every time I think of the _35_ at the restaurant a smile spreads across my mouth, as I remember how once, I felt a strong desire to give freely to another.16A.age BbillCappearance Dmanner17A.polite BsensitiveCnervous Dimportant18A.order BhopeCimpression Dpromise19A.hardly BproudlyCluckily Dfreely20A.wrote BfeltCfollowed Dignored21A.regret BdesireCsuccess Ddanger22A.change BfaceCafford Dprevent23A.reminded BadvisedCapproached Dhelped24A.refused BpreparedCpaid Dfinished25A.came to Bdepended onCgave up Dturned against26A.why BwhenChow Dwhere27A.shy BproudCexcited Dfoolish28A.pretend BcontinueCexpect Dstruggle29A.But BSoCOr DBecause30A.problem BchanceCgift Dadventure31A.frightened BsurprisedCdisappointed Dbored32A.Something BEverythingCAnything DNothing33A.experienced BtrustedCwon Dsaved34A.besides BforCdespite Dlike35A.incident BserviceCjoke Dfood答案与解析:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在饭店就餐时注意到一对夫妇的举止与众不同,猜测他们经济拮据。出于怜悯之心,作者匿名支付了他们的餐费。每当想起此事,作者总是难以抑制内心的喜悦之情。16D下一句提到作者对其他人的内心感受非常敏感,而人的内心感受往往通过举止表现出来,由此可推断作者发现这对夫妇的“举止”有一点奇怪,从而引起了作者的注意。C项表示“外表”,与下一句的内容不相符。17B上一句提到作者注意到这对夫妇的举止有一点奇怪,而空白处后面是“to the feelings”,故应用be sensitive to“对敏感”。故选B。18C作者通过观察立刻感觉到这对夫妇几乎支付不起外出就餐的费用。因此C项符合语境。19A下一段提到作者产生了替这对夫妇埋单的念头,由此可推断作者认为他们几乎不能支付外出就餐的费用。所以hardly“几乎不”符合语境。20D起初,作者对这种想法不予理会,可是这种想法反复出现在作者的脑海中,挥之不去。因此D项符合语境。21B通过观察,作者开始产生一种替这对夫妇支付餐费的“欲望”。作者当时还没有付诸行动,所以A、C两项不正确;替别人埋单显然不是危险的事情,因此D项错误。22C虽然作者并不富裕,但是能够负担得起这笔费用。作者当时打算主动替对方埋单,而不只是“面对”这件事,所以B项不恰当。23C作者走近老板,想支付这对夫妇的饭费。所以approach“靠近,接近”符合题意。24D根据本句中的“and might still order coffees”可知他们已经吃完了饭菜,本句中的course表示“一道菜”。根据下文可知作者替他们付了钱,因此干扰项C项不正确。25A老板告诉作者这对夫妇目前的账单消费“共计”75美元。come to sth.“合计,共计”。B、C、D三项均不符合题意。26A作者与那对夫妇素不相识,却主动替他们埋单,老板自然会追问作者“为什么”替他们付钱。27A根据本句后半句中的“I tried to cover my feelings”可知作者当时有一点顾虑,不愿向老板透露内心的想法。经过思想斗争之后,最终还是作了解释。因此shy“迟疑的,提防的”符合题意。28D通过观察,作者认为这对夫妇经济拮据,为了生活他们不得不“努力”拼搏。作者出于同情,伸出了援助之手。29A作者心甘情愿地替他们埋单,“但是”作者不想让这对夫妇知道是谁替他们支付了饭钱。30C作者帮助这对夫妇完全是发自肺腑的,不追求任何回报,就算是送给他们的一件“礼物”。B项的意义过于模糊,不能很好地突出作者当时的慷慨及善意,因而不恰当。31B这对夫妇前去结账时发现已经有人替他们支付了餐费,自然感到无比惊讶,不相信好运会降临到他们头上。32D根据引号中的内容可知,以前这样的事情在他们身上从未发生过,由此可推断此处表示的是否定含义,所以用nothing。33C这对夫妇难以相信他们会有如此好运,这样的事情还是第一次,由此可推断他们从未“赢得”过任何东西或被给予过任何东西。故选C项。其余三项既不符合语境,也不符合常识。34D此处like是介词,表示“像一样”,与上文中的“Nothing like this has ever.”中的“like”照应。像这样的事情在这对夫妇身上从未发生过。A、B、C三项分别表示“除之外(还)”、“为了”、“尽管”,都不符合语境。35A每当作者想起在饭店中替那对夫妇埋单的那件小事,嘴角就露出微笑。因此incident符合语境。.阅读理解 High school is tough. And if you were to ask Pink her opinion on the subject shed tell you the same. Before she became famous, and when she was still called Alicia Moore, the young superstar faced more than her fair share of high school drama. In her interview with Faze, Pink admits she was sorted as a troublemaker at school, “The problem was, I was labelled as troubleso I was like trouble. Ill show you trouble. You want trouble, well here it is!” Unfortunately, Pink began to deliver what the teachers expected and the vicious cycle began. “Its like the label they give you, you grow into it anyway. They treat you bad, so you act bad,” Pink says and continues. “Did I deserve it?in the end yes, but I feel I just conformed to the label they gave me. I think a lot of kids just get frustrated and act the way the teachers expect them to.” Its no surprise that eventually Pink developed a problem with authority, “When they would say it had to be a certain way I would ask, why? Theyd say, Because it always has, so Id try to prove them wrong.” Predictably, Pink dropped out of school and soon after began to sing in nightclubs. She sang any chance she could get and was eventually discovered by a talent scout (星探) while singing in a club in Philadelphia. She does not regret anything she has done and would not change her past if she could. “To change that would change who I am,” she said in her Faze interview. She believes having faced so many difficulties at a young age is a good thing. “To experience the good you have to have seen the bad. Plus it makes you appreciate blessings more,” she says. Pink encourages us to be ourselves and not to worry about being labelled. “Just wait,” she says. “Give it a couple of years then it wont matter. Because no matter what label they give you, the best thing you can do is prove them wrong.”36. According to the passage, what is Pinks suggestion?A. Do it your way. B. To be confident.C. Dont make trouble. D. To be happy.37. What does the underlined word “labelled” in the second paragraph mean?A. Known. B. Realized.C. Classified. D. Discovered.38. The passage implies that students _.A. will usually follow their teachers adviceB. will act the way their parents expect them toC. are likely to behave in a bad way as others expectD. are willing to meet with many difficulties39. Pink felt that high school was hard because _.A. she fell behind others B. she was misunderstoodC. she was unsuccessful D. she felt lonely答案与解析:这是一篇明星访谈,歌星Pink在接受Faze采访时,讲述了她对高中生活的看法,并鼓励学生不要活在别人眼中,要做回自我。36A推理判断题。由文章最后一段第一句可知,Pink鼓励我们做回自我,不必担心被别人扣帽子。由此可知,她建议用自己的方式去做。37C词义猜测题。第二段第一句提到,Pink在接受Faze报刊采访时,她承认她被归类为学校里的惹是生非者,由此可知label作动词时与classify是近义词,故选C。38C推理判断题。文章第三段提到,Pink故意按照老师对她的归类行事并形成恶性循环,由此可知选项C是正确的。39B推理判断题。由第一段最后一句中的“the young superstar faced more than her fair share of high school drama”以及第二段中提到的“她被归类为学校里的惹是生非者”可推知,她感觉高中生活很艰苦是因为她没有得到别人的理解。

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