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.Unit 1 The Snake BiteI .Teaching Objectives1. Functions : Expressing distress & annoyance2. Grammar points : Indirect command with infinitives such as He wanted to see you / Tell him to wait .3. Vocabulary : all at once , figure , seem , forbid , show up , strike , make for , pick out , light out for , must have done , every now and then , at length , hold on toII . Focal Points 1. Functions : Expressing distress & annoyance2. Grammar points : Indirect command with infinitives such as He wanted to see you / Tell him to wait . 3. ConversationIII . Teaching Process 1. Listening and Speaking Activities 1)Introduction to the formulas of expressing distress & annoyance2)Listen to the conversation twice 3)Correct the answers 4)Pair work Practicing : Read Conversation Explanation Speak before the class Make up another dialogue using the cues in the box5)Make your own dialogue Team & group work Presentation 6)Matching exercises : What are they for ?If you want to learn more2. Reading Comprehension 1)Warm-up questions 2)Listening to the text twice 3)Doing the comprehension work : Reading the text Discussion : Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the evidence from the text to support the answers Retelling the text using the key words 4)Extended Activity Exercises Step 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1. Formulas for expressing distress & annoyanceIt sickened me to see how chickens were raised in the mechanical production . They were bald . They were forced to live in a small cage and had to climb over each other in order to get around .It really shocked me to know how chickens were raised in mechanical production .I just cant remember that girls name , its really bugging me . Why on earth didnt you tell me the truth ?You kept me waiting for over an hour . What have you been busy with ?I cant say Im at all pleased about your delay .I wish youd stop pestering me .Were not going to the beach and thats final .Im most unhappy at his bragging .Having to stay in and working on a sunny day like this is a real drag .Wed be OK if we could get this stupid gate to open properly .She never stopped complaining while we were on vacation . It really got on my nerves .It really annoys me that she never returns the books she borrows .It galled him bitterly that his father gambled again .Turn that music down - Its driving me mad .What really gets under my skin is people who talk while Im trying to concentrate on my work .My tape-recorders broken down again . Its a nuisance , isnt it ?2. Listen and speak :Listen to the following conversation twice and try to tick what you have heard as the correct answer to the questions .3. Try to speak more 1)Listen to the tape 2)Explanation of the conversation : three chickens to one single cage : three chickens living in one cage bald : (of people ) having little or no hair on the scalp disgraceful : causing disgrace ; very bad 3)Read the conversation by themselves and then try to memorize them .Invite two pairs of students to speak before the class and then exchange their roles .Depending on the cue box on the right , ask them to make up another conversation .Act out the conversation.4)Make your own dialogue Explanation : Without regard for sth : not care for sth Poultry : hens , ducks , geese , turkeys , etc. kept for eating or for their eggs Battery hens : hens mechanically raised for laying eggs Peck : (try to ) strike (sth ) with the beak Pluck : gather or remove sth by pulling Team work Presentation 5)What are they for ?Explanation:Bug : If something bugs you , it annoys you because it is always there or is always happening , so that you cannot stop thinking kabout it or noticing it . Eg. , I wish youd tell me whatever it is thats bugging you . Much to my annoyance : You say much to my annoyance when you are talking about something that has annoyed you very much , eg. , Much to my annoyance , the hotel hadnt received our reservation .Pester : to annoy someone by repeatedly asking questions or making requests , especially when they are trying to pay attention to something else , eg. , Everyone pestered me so much that I gave it up . Pair work : matching the exercises 6)If you want to learn more Explanation : Get on someones nerves : If someone gets on your nerves , they annoy you , especially by continually saying or doing something that you do not like . eg. , Sit down ,James . Youre getting on my nerves pacing up and down like that .Drive someone mad / crazy / nuts / up the wall : to annoy people very much , so that they feel unable to stand the situation . eg. , Being in the house all day with these two screaming kids is driving me nuts . This noise is driving me mad . Get under someones skin : If someone gets under your skin , they do something that annoys you a lot but which may not annoy other people . eg. , He really gets under my skin sometimes .Be a drag : If someone or something is a drag , they annoy you especially because they are boring or prevent you from enjoying yourself . Eg. , Dont invite John - hes such a drag .Step 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities 1. Warm-up questions and discussion 2. Listen to the text twice 3. Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .the beginning of the story - What happened first ?What did the boy start out to do and where ?(He was going to get a watermelon for his own use from the familys melon-and garden patch ehich was back of the barn on the edge of the cane field .)What did the boy take with him ? And why did he take that ?(He took a corn knife with him . It was the best thing to cut a melon . One swipe and the melon was in two .)What happened to the boy when he was thumping for a ripe melon ?(All at once , he seemed to step on something like a needle . Actually , he was bitten by the rattler in the foot . )What are rattlers supposed to do before they strike ?(Rattlers are supposed to make some sound as warning before they strike .)Why did the boy fail to hear the snake rattle ?(Maybe this snake didnt have time to rattle .)asking for help - What did his mother do ?How did the boys mother treat his wound ?(The mother tied apron strings around her sons leg above the knee , made him lie on the sofa and put Martha to watch him .) Why did the mother decide not to go to the Howell place ? And how far away was the Anderson house ? (The Howell would not be of much help because they had no horse . The Anderson place was exactly half a mile away by the short cut through a field .)What did the mother do when she found that Martha had taken off the strings ?(She got the apron strings back , yanking them tight .)waiting for help - What did her mother do then ?Who should Herb Anderson look for first ? Who else should he look for next ?(Herb Anderson was told to first look for the boys father . If he failed to find him , he should look for a doctor .)Why did the mother go to the porch ? And who showed up at last ?(The mother went to the porch to watch the road from town . At last , the boys father showed up .)4. Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .5. Retell the text using the key words .6. Explanation of the new words and phrases .the background of the story : The story , as told by an American boy , is set against the background of the American countryside in the 19th century .The narration , therefore exhibits features of both cultural pictures of the countryside of that period , and the way that a teenager spoke . Words like sandbur , claim jumper , buggy , porch , lot , rig are characteristic of American culture .Besides , the text contains many colloquial phrases to reflect a childs style of speaking . Phrasal verbs are preferred over single verbs , for instance , light out for depart ; pick out for recognize ; show up for appear ; break into for begin ab ruptly . The use of child phrases (Mamma , Papa ) and some causative verbs in make me lie , put Martha to watch , get me to stop yelling also help render the text fitting a childs tone . the house melon-and garden patch : a piece of land for growing vegetables and melons for family use . back of : Although it is now established as standard in American English meaning“behind ” , many considered it as a sloppy colloquial way of speaking inthe 19th century English . on the place ; in the lot : both refer to the boys home . Lot : a piece of land having a special use . Eg. , a parking lot ; a used car lot ; a building lot porch : (mainly used in American English ) a raised platform built along thewalls of a house and often covered with a roof . After supper , peopleusually sit on chairs or rockers on the porch for relaxation . Houses withporches can still be seen in many places in America , especially in ruralareas . between the Anderson and the Howell claims : In the 19th century , many Americans moved to the West where there was vast land for the taking . They staked out some pieces of land as their own property . Formal request for the land was made for mining . Claims refers to the pieces of land of this kind . anxious to get his nose in the manger : A manager is a feeding box in a stable or barn . Here it means that the horse was anxious to eat . rig : referring to the horse and the buggy all at once : suddenly figure : think (sth) ; calculate eg. I figured that you wouldnt come . seem : appearseem (to sb ) (to be ) + n./ adj .seem to doseem likeIt seems that It seems as if /as though There seem(s) to be forbid : Order (sb ) not to do Order sth shall not be done Forbid sth.Forbid sb to do Forbid doing show up : (colloquial ) arrive , often after a delay ; appear eg. It was ten oclock when she finally showed up . strike : attack , esp. suddenly eg. Enemy troops struck just before dawn . make for sb./sth. : move in the direction of sb./sth. pick (sb./sth.) out :a. choose from eg. He picked out the ripest peach .b. distinguish sb./sth. Fromeg. Pick out sbs face in a crowd light out for sp. : depart for sp. Assignments 1. Do the exercises on the textbook .2. WritingP 43 Exercise 63. Oral practice :The Snake BiteUnit 2 He Was My FatherI .Teaching Objectives1. Functions :Expressing possibility & impossibility2. Grammar points : Use of prepositional phrases on the pattern : by bus , by post , in the car ; Used to as modal indicating past habit or state ; Adverbial of frequency with past tense : I never used to go by car . 3. Vocabulary : fall into , live on , apprehension , tuition , regard / disregard , decent , recite , on ones own , stare at , pick up , grow up , put in , follow in ones footsteps II . Focal Points 1. Functions : Expressing possibility & impossibility4. Grammar points : Use of prepositional phrases on the pattern : by bus , by post , in the car ; Used to as modal indicating past habit or state ; Adverbial of frequency with past tense : I never used to go by car . 5. ConversationIII . Teaching Process 1. Listening and Speaking Activities 1) Introduction to the formulas of expressing possibility & impossibility 2) Listen to the conversation twice 3) Correct the answers 4) Pair work Practicing : Read Conversation Explanation Speak before the class Make up another dialogue using the cues in the box5)Make your own dialogue Team & group work Presentation 6)Matching exercises : What are they for ?If you want to learn more3. Reading Comprehension 1) Warm-up questions 2) Listening to the text twice 3) Doing the comprehension work : Reading the text Discussion : Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the evidence from the text to support the answers Retelling the text using the key words 4) Extended Activity Exercises Step 1 Listening and Speaking Activities1. Formulas for expressing possibility & impossibility It is possible for you to get into the university if you pass the examination . You may have a point there . It could be a bad start . You might be right to a certain extent . The job can be done by Wednesday if I get extra help . Take your umbrella you might need it . Theres possibility that shell lose her job . Its still possible to make some money if you invest wisely . Perhaps it was the coffee . Possibly for the first time in their lives . Theres just a chance that she may have left her keys in the office , so Im going to look . You might be lucky . But it is impossible if you fail . It may not be . It will be impossible for him to see you today . Alice cant be at home . Theres no way youre going to get the job without good references . Sending Sandra a letter was out of the question , because her , but she knew it was hopeless .2. Listen and speak :Listen to the following conversation twice and try to tick what you have heard as the correct answer to the questions .3. Try to speak more 1) Listen to the tape 2) Explanation of the conversation :nonsense : foolish talk , ideas , etc .blah : talk that sounds impressive , but actually says very little have a point : be right heaps of : great number / amount ; plenty be reluctant to : be unwilling and therefore slow to co-operate , agree , etc.put the blame on sb : blame sb for sth.3) Read the conversation by themselves and then try to memorize them .Invite two pairs of students to speak before the class and then exchange their roles .Depending on the cue box on the right , ask them to make up another conversation .Act out the conversation.4) Make your own dialogue Team work Presentation 5) What are they for ?ExplanationPair work : matching the exercises 6) If you want to learn more Explanation: You never know : an informal expression that you use when you think that something may happen , but you are not certain because it is difficult to say what will happen in the future . Eg. It might have been better if shed had kids , though you never know . Theres no way : You say theres no way to someone when you strongly believe that something is impossible . Eg. My legs were aching and I knew that there was no way I would make it up the hill . Out of the question : If an idea , suggestion , etc. , is out of the question , it is completely impossible , especially because it is not allowed . Eg ., Thats out of the question : Mary is much too busy to look after the children .Step 2 Reading Comprehension and Language Activities 7. Warm-up questions and discussion 8. Listen to the text twice 9. Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .Paragragh 1 and 2 :Before eating his dinner What would the father do before eating the dinner and why ?(When the father washed his hands before dinner , he would talk to his son or tell him tales of his own childhood in order to let drops of moral tuition fall into the boys lap .)Paragraph 3 , 4 and 5 Fathers job What was the fathers job and how many hours would he work each week ?(The father was a London taxi driver . He had to work 12 hours a day , 6 days a week to earn decent wage .) Was a taxi-driver respected by people and how do you know ? (No . A taxi driver is not respected very much by many passengers . They treat him with patronizing disregard and address him rudely as cabbie , you or driver . ) Paragraph 6 : Fathers weakness How do you understand “powerful enough to cry when he felt the need ?” Explain in your own words . (This is an open-ended question . The teacher should encourage the students to discuss the problem of strength and power . But generally speaking , a man does not believe in tears . And crying is normally associated with weakness . So it calls for great courage and strength for a man to cry before others . The father is not only powerful and strong , he also has deep love for his mother and family . )Paragraph 7 :University How did the father feel when his son went to university ? (When his son went to university , the father felt very happy andexcited , because the boy was the first in the fathers family toreceive higher education .) Was the narrator satisfied with his fathers behaviour at hisgraduation ceremony and why ?(Yes . The father seemed to be out of place at the graduation ceremony from the boys point of view - he felt gauche , took the matter too seriously by taking many pictures , and didnt understand the Latin before the ceremonial meal . But this was not important . He knew that his father was overjoyed because his son would have a better life .)Paragraph 8 :Holiday Why didnt the father go on holiday ? And how did he live and work when the family was away ? (The father could not afford to go on holiday with the family . There was just not enough money . When the family was away , he would stay on his own , work even longer hours , and live on sandwiches and tea .)Paragraph 9 :Son born What was the message from his fathers eyes when the narrator had his first child ? (He seemed to say with his eyes : Son , let him say just one thing when he grows up : “he was my father .”)Conclusion :Why does the narrator repeat “he was my father ” so many times ?(This is again an open-minded question . Encourage the students to talk about their understanding . The father was seen as a great man in the boys eyes . He kept promises , he worked hard , he was powerful and he showed tender love for the family . Besides , his father was an understanding father , selfless and self-sacrificing , a man of conviction , believing in the power of love and hoping the love could be passed from generation to generation as a family tradition . The repeated use of “He was my father ” showed how much the boy loved his father and how proud he was of his father .)In what way was the father an extraordinary ordinary father ?(The father was ordinary as a worker , labourer , and taxi-driver . But he is extraordinary as a father , as a model for the younger generation . He was a man of integrity with power and profound love .) 10. Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .11. Retell the text using the key words .12. Explanation of the new words and phrases .Let drops of moral tuition fall into my lap : teach me moral standards little by littleDecent wage : a wage which is considered satisfactory with such patronizing disregard : patronizing is often used to describe a persons manner or tone which seems friendly , but which shows that they think they are superior to you in some way . didnt understand the Latin that was spoken before the ceremonial meal : Latin is the Italic language spoken near ancient Roman , and was the official language of the Roman Empire . Until the middle ages , it was the dominant language of school , church , and state in West Europe . Now , Latin is still used in religious ceremonies of Roman Catholic Church . Besides , it is also used for ceremonial purposes in cases such as school graduation ceremony .So what ? : an informal colloquial expression , meaning that the remark or statement which has just been made seems unimportant , uninteresting , or irrelevant . Here it means what does it matter if my father doesnt understand the Latin that was spoken in the

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