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.Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Lets talk(K=Kate, R=Mrs Read)R: Hello!K: Hello! May I speak to Mary?R: Sorry, shes not in. Whos this?K: Its Kate. Is that Mrs Read?R: Yes.K: Good afternoon, Mrs Read. I want to ask Mary a question. Can you ask her to call me this evening?R: OK. May I have your number?K: Certainly, its 8-6-0-4-2-7-5.R: 8-6-0-4-2-7-5, right?K: Right. Thank you. Goodbye.R: Bye.Listen and say(T=Tom, D=Dongdong)T: Hello! Can I speak to Dongdong?D: This is Dongdong speaking.T: Hi, Dongdong. This is Tom. What are you doing now?D: Im having lunch. Whats up?T: How about playing football this afternoon?D: Good idea. What time?T: What about three oclock?D: OK. Where shall we meet?T: At the sports centre, OK?D: OK.ReadMaking a pizzaMom, are you making a pizza? May I help you?Yes, Tom. Thanks.Mom, can I learn how to make it?Certainly.Can I put some water into it now?Yes, please.Let me put some meat on it, OK?OK.Can we bake it now?Yes, we can.Mom, its done. May I eat some now?Of course, you may! You did a great job.Lesson 2 We mustnt cross the street now.Lets talk(J=Jim, M=Mum)J: Are you going shopping, Mum?M: Yes.J: May I go with you?M: Yes, but you mustnt run in the street.J: OK.M: Look at the red light. We mustnt cross the street now.J: OK.M: Now the light is green. We can cross the street.J: Yes.M: Look at these white lines. We must cross the street here.J: Oh, I see.Listen and say(G=Girl, B=Boy, W=Woman)G: Look, a seat! You can sit here.B: No, you sit here, please.G: Thank you.B: Look, an old granny!G: I should give my seat to her.B: Yes.G: Hello, Granny! Please sit here.W: Oh, thank you.G: Youre welcome.ReadDont cross the street here.Tom and his cousin Bob are going to play football. Now they are walking in the street. Bob is playing with his ball. “Hi, Bob! You mustnt play with your ball here,” says Tom. “All right,” Bob answers. “Oh! You mustnt cross the street here. We must cross there.” “Oh, yes.” “Dont cross now. The light is red. We must wait.” “OK.” “Look! The light is green.” “We can cross now.” “Yes. Lets go.”Lesson 3 How many pupils are there?Lets talk(K=Kate, D=Dad)D: Hi, Kate! What are you doing?K: Im making some flowers for our classroom.D: Do you have a new classroom this term.K: Yes, Dad.D: Is it nice?K: Yes. We have a big glass blackboard.D: Do you have a clock in your classroom?K: Yes, We have a new clock and we have some green plants, too.D: How many pupils are there in your class this term?K: There are forty-five.D: Oh, thats a big class.ReadDoing a good job.Some people drop things everywhere. They drop paper in the streets. They drop bottles in the parks. This makes the streets and parks very dirty. But many of the things are useful. We shouldnt throw them away. Its Sunday. There are many pupils in the park. They are picking up useful things. Mike and Li Lin are picking up bottles. Jill and Liu Xin are putting them into a bag. How many bottles are there? There are forty-eight. Mary and Meimei are picking up paper. Ann is putting the paper into a bin. How much paper is there? About half a kilo. The pupils are doing a good job, and they are very happy.Lesson 4 Where do you live? Lets talk(B=Boy, M=Man)B: Excuse me. Where do you come from?M: I come from the USA.B: Where do you live?M: I live in New York. B: Where do Ms Green come from?M: She comes from the USA, too. B: Does she live in New York, too?M: No, she doesnt. She lives in Washington. Listen and say. (P=policeman, L=Lingling)P: Hi, little girl. Why are you crying?L: I cant find my mum. P: Oh, dont worry. I can help you. Whats your name?L: Lingling.P: How old are you?L: Four. P: Where do you live?L: I live in a tall building. P: OK. Do you know your mothers phone number?L: Yes, its 6253382.P: OK. Let me call your mother. L: Thank you. Read for fun. A kind doctorLiu Jun is a doctor. He comes from Sichuan. Now he is working in a small town in Yunnan. He is always ready to help others. One day a farmer came to his office. “ My wife is very ill. Can you come and see her?”“ Where do you live?” asked Liu Jun. “ I live in a small village. “ OK. Lets go at once. “They walked for a long time and got to the village very late. Liu Jun examined the sick woman and gave her some medicine. The farmer took out some money and gave it to him. Liu Jun didnt take it. The farmer thanked him, but Liu Jun said,” Its my pleasure. Im happy to help others.”Lesson 5 What do you do? Lets talk(G=Girl, F=Farmer)G: What do you do?F: Im a farmer. G: Where do you work?F: I work on a farm. G: Is your work easy?F: No, it isnt. (G=Girl, P=Policeman)G: Are you a policeman?P: Yes, I am. G: Where do you work?P: I work in the street.G: Is your work interesting?P: Yes. I like it very much. Listen and sayA: Hi!B: Hello!A: Where do you come from?B: I come from the UK.A: Do you work in this city now?B: Yes, I do.A: What do you do?B: Im a doctor. A: Thats a good job. Where do you live?B: I live near the hospital. A: Do you like this city?B: Yes. Its beautiful, and people here are very nice. Read Which girl can get the job?Mr Smith is a manager. He wants an office worker. Two girls want to get this job. Mr Smith doesnt know who to choose. Then he has an idea. “ Excuse me. Is Mr Smith here?” “ No, he isnt.” “What do you do?” “ Im a cleaner.“ “ Go and find your manager.“ “ OK. But can you help me clean the room?” “ No. Its not my job. I cant help you.“ “ Let me help you.” “ Thank you. You are so kind.“ “ Hello. Yes, this is Mr Smith.“ “ You are Mr Smith?” “ Yes.“ “ What do you do?” “Im the manager.“Now Mr Smith knows who to choose. Which girl can get the job? Can you guess?Lesson 6 Revision Lets talk(D=Dongdong, M=Mum)D: Mom, can I play football with Tom?M: Certainly. But you mustnt play football in the street. D: OK.(Q=Qiqi, W=Mrs White)Q: Where do you come from, Mrs White?W: I come from the UK.Q: Do you live in Beijing now?W: Yes, I do. Q: What do you do?W: Im a doctor. Q: Where do you work?W: I work at Heping hospital. Q: How many doctors are there in your hospital. W: There are thirty-four.

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