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.旅行社英语第一单元 接待游客 Receiving the Guests一、 Welcoming the New Arrivals 欢迎新来宾业务述要在旅游业务中,导游从机场接待境外游客,是整个旅行工作的开始。接待境外游客涉及到不同的国家,不同的语言,还涉及到不同的行业。导游要事先到机场等候游客,欢迎新来宾。飞机到达后,要在众多的乘客中找出自己要接待的人。必要时,可以把客人的名字写在牌子上,举牌示意客人。找到客人后,向客人作自我介绍,并向客人问候“How was your trip?”(一路上好吗?)。让行李员把客人的行李送到车上,检查好行李,以免行李出差错。点清人数,以防客人掉队。然后再带客人上车,送客人到酒店。核心词语guide n. 导游、陪同travel service 旅行社tour group 旅行团head v. 带领beforehand adv. 事前tour leader 旅行团领队piece n. 件,个baggage n. 行李baggageman n. 行李员attention n. 注意follow v. 跟,来句型范例1 Excuse me, is your name Mr. Smith?对不起,伱是史密斯先生吗?2 Excuse me, but arent you Mr. Smith from the United States?对不起,你是美国来的史密斯先生吗?3 Welcome to China, My name is X .欢迎来到中国,我叫X。4I am the guide from China Youth Travel Service. 我是中国青年旅行社的导游。5 Thank you for coming to meet us.谢谢伱来接我们。6 How was your trip?一路上好吗?7 You have a group of 15, right?贵团有15人,是吗?8 Do you have a group size of 18? 贵团有18人吗?9 How many members in your group? 贵团有多少人?10 ow many piece of luggage do you have altogether?你们总共有多少件行李?11 Here are the luggage checks.这些是行李牌。12 When you pick up your luggage, please put it on these carts.大家取到行李后,请放在这几辆手推车上。13 Is everybody here now? 人到齐了吗?14 We have made reservations for you at the hotel. 我们已经在酒店给你们订好房间了。15 Your luggage will be delivered to your rooms in the hotel. 你们的行李会送到你们的房间里去的。16 Shall we go now?现在可以走了吗?17 Please follow me to the bus. 请跟我上车。18 Can I have your name, please? 请问伱叫什么名字?19 Did you have a pleasant trip? 旅途愉快吗?情景对话(At the airport, Wang Ming, a guide from China Youth Travel Service, is to meet a tour group from the United States headed by Mr. Smith. The travel service has received notice beforehand about their arrival.)(在机场,中国青年旅行社的导游王明正迎接一个以史密斯为领队的来自美国的旅行团。对于该团的到来,旅行社已经接到通知。)GTour Guide 导游LTour Leader 旅游团领队P乘客M旅游团成员G:Excuse me, is your name Mr. Smith? 对不起,伱是史密斯先生吗?P:No, I am afraid you have made a mistake. 我不是,我想伱弄错了。G:Im so sorry. 真对不起。P:Never mind. 没关系。M:(Listening to their talk)Oh, Im a member of the tour group from America. Mr. Smith is our tour leader. He is over there. (听到了他们的谈话) 哦,我是来自美国的旅游团成员。史密斯先生是我们的领队,他在那儿。G:Thank you. 谢谢伱。G:Excuse me, but arent you Mr. Smith from the United States? 对不起,你是美国来的史密斯先生吧?L:Why, yes. 啊,我是的。G:Oh, Mr. Smith, welcome to China. My name is Wang Ming. I am the guide from China Youth Travel Service.噢,史密斯先生,欢迎来到中国。我的名字叫王明,我是中国青年旅行社的导游。L:Glad to meet you. Thank you for coming to meet us. 很高兴见到伱。谢谢伱来接我们。G:Glad to meet you, too. Mr. Smith. How was your trip? 很高兴见到伱,史密斯先生。一路上好吗?L:Fine. We had a very pleasant trip. 很好,我们旅行很愉快。G:You have a group of 15, right? 贵团有15人,是吗?L:Yes. 是的。G:How many pieces of luggage do you have altogether? 总共有多少件行李?L:28 altogether. And here are the luggage checks. 总共有28件。 这是我们的行李牌。G:I see. When you pick up your luggage, please put it on these carts. Ill ask the luggageman to take care of it. 我明白了。大家取到行李后,请放在这几辆手推车上。我会让行李员看管行李的。L:Thank you very much. 非常感谢伱。G:Is everybody here now? Our bus is outside the airport. 人到齐了吗?我们的车在机场外。L:Oh, let me see. Yes, everybody is here. 噢,让我看看,是的,都到齐了。G:Mr. Smith, weve made reservations for your party at Lake View Garden Hotel. Your luggage will be delivered to your rooms in the hotel. 史密斯先生,我们已经给贵旅行团在湖滨花园酒店订好房间了,你们的行李会送到你们的房间里去的。L:That is splendid! 好极了!G:Shall we go now? 现在可以走了吗?L:Yes, I think so. 是的,可以了。G:Attention, please. Now please follow me to the bus. 大家请注意,现在请跟我上车。语言指南1“never mind”是对上一句Im so sorry 的回答,表示没关系。例如: I am so sorry to have brought you so much trouble. 我很抱歉,给伱添了这么多麻烦。 Never mind about that. 这没关系。2“glad to meet you”或“nice to meet you”表示见到伱很高兴,当被介绍与人认识时的招呼用语。3“pieces of luggage”,表示行李的件数。luggage,行李,英国用法,美国则用baggage。luggage/baggage为不可数名词。两件行李 two pieces of luggage/baggage,在piece后加“s”,表示复数。4 句子中的“pick up”为“捡起”“拿起”。例如:Mrs. White picked up her hat on the ground.怀特夫人捡起了掉在地上的帽子。5 句子中的“reservation”表示旅馆房间、剧院座位等的预定,例如:Reservations for the film tickets can be arranged through the travel service.可以通过那家旅行社对电影票进行预订。6 句子中的“deliver”为动词,表示投递、传送,例如: to deliver a letter 投递信件to deliver a message 传话、带信话题词库local guide 地方陪同parking lot 停车场information desk 询问处the Customs 海关hand luggage 手提行李checked luggage 托运行李luggage check 行李牌tour guide certificate 导游证foreign airline office 外航机场办公室security check 安全检查frontier inspection 边防检查Customs formality 海关手续quarantine formality 检疫手续declaration form 申报单airport departure tax 机场税flight schedule display 航班显示牌passenger conveyer 自动步行梯alley 通道boarding gate 登机门delayed flight 延误航班airport service 机场服务terminal building 候机大厅domestic airport 国内机场international airport 国际机场luggage carousel 行李传送装置visitors terrace 迎送平台VIP. room 贵宾休息室entry formalities 入境手续luggage receipt 行李收据二、 On the Way to the Hotel 前往酒店的途中业务述要 把客人从机场送往酒店,导游要确保每个游客都上了车。在前往酒店的途中,应对游客致词欢迎他们,可以说:“Welcome to China”。应对自己及司机等随行人员作以介绍。对于游客即将下榻的酒店,也应作出简单的介绍。在途中,可以将有旅行团标志的帽子、徽章等物品发给大家。还可以向游客介绍一下沿途的景色和建筑。核心词语suitcase n. 手提箱welcome adj. 欢迎following adj. 以下的badge n. 徽章pin v. 戴上,别上straight adv. 一直地outskirt n. 郊区Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼district n. 区famous adj. 有名的university n. 大学temple n. 庙宇pagoda n. 宝塔句型范例1 Is everybody on the bus?人都上车了吗?2 May I help you with your suitcase?我可以帮伱拿(放)好箱子吗?3 Welcome to Wuhan!欢迎来到武汉!4 Allow me to introduce myself to you.请允许我作自我介绍。5 Im your national guide from China International Travel Servise.我是你们的全程陪同,来自中国国际旅行社。6 Im very glad to have all of you in China.我非常高兴,你们来到中国。7 I will be with you in the following ten days of the tour.在以下十天的旅行中,我将与大家一起。8 Im glad to be of your service.能为你们服务,我非常高兴。9 I hope we will have a very good time together.我希望我们在一起能够愉快。10I expect after such a long trip, youd like to have a good rest. 我想各位经过长时间旅行之后,都好希望好好休息一下。11We are driving straight to the hotel. 我们直接开往酒店。12The hotel is situated in the outskirt of the city. 这个酒店位于城市的郊区。13We hope you will have a good time there. 希望你们在那里能够过得愉快。14You may take a look at the city along the way. 大家可以看一看沿途市区的景色。15Are all the people here? 人都到齐了吗?16May I introduce myself to you? 请允许我做自我介绍。17Have a good day! 希望你们在那里住的愉快!情景对话 (Wang Ming, the guide, is taking the tour group from the airport to the hotel. The bus is to start.) (导游王明正准备把一个旅行团从机场带到酒店,汽车就要开动了。) GTour Guide 导游LTour Leader 旅游团领队 TTourist 游客G:(on the bus)Is everybody on the bus? (在车上)人都上车了吗?L:Im afraid not. Mrs. Jones is not here. Ah, here she comes. 还没有呢,琼斯太太不在这儿。啊,她来了。G:(Mrs. Jones comes with a suitcase)May I help you with your suitcase, Madam? (琼斯太太拿着一个手提箱上来)我帮伱把箱子放好,好吗?T:It is very kind of you. 真是太感激伱了。G:Shall we go now? 现在可以开车了吗?L:Yes, please. 请吧!G:(To all the tourists)Welcome to China! Welcome to Wuhan! Ladies and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself to you, my name is Wang Ming, Im your national guide from China International Travel Service. Im very glad to have all of you in China! Ill be with you in the following ten days of the tour. Im glad to be of your service and I hope we will have a very good time together. Here are the badges of out travel service for everybody, please pin them on and here are the caps of our travel service, please put them on. I expect after such a long trip from the United States to China, youd like to have a good rest. So we are driving straight to the hotel, Lake View Garden Hotel. The hotel is situated in the outskirt of the city. It is one of the best hotels in the city. We hope youll have a good time there. (对所有游客)女士先生们,欢迎大家来到中国!欢迎大家来到武汉!请允许我作自我介绍,我叫王明,是你们的全程陪同。我来自中国国际旅行社。我非常高兴你们到中国旅游。在以下十天的旅行中,我将与大家在一起。能为大家服务,我感到很高兴。我希望我们在一起能够愉快。这是旅行社徽章,请别上;这是有旅行社标志的帽子,请戴上。我想各位经过从美国到中国的这一段长时间旅行之后,都希望好好休息一下。所以,现在我们就直接去湖滨花园酒店。这个酒店位于城市的郊区,是全城最好的酒店之一。希望你们在此酒店能过得愉快。T:Thats great! 太好了!G:You may as well take a brief look at the outskirts and the city along the way. Please look straight ahead, we can see the famous Yellow Crane Tower. Here is the busy railway station. Now we are in the culture center of the city, Wuchang district. There are many famous universities in this area. Here is a pagoda. There is a temple. Over there, can you see a red building near the lake? It is Lake View Garden Hotel. Here we are at the hotel.大家不放欣赏一下沿途郊区和市区的景色。大家请往前看,就可以看到著名的黄鹤楼。这是忙碌的火车站。现在我们到来这个城市的文化区武昌区,在这个区有许多著名的大学。这是一座宝塔,那是一座庙宇。看见了吗,那座红色的座落在湖边的建筑,就是湖滨花园酒店。我们到了。语言指南1 “Here she comes”表示“她来了”,也可以用下列的句子表达:There she is.She is coming.2 句子中“be with”表示“与在一起”,例如:Mr. Wang was with us as an interpreter during the visit.王先生在访问中作为一名翻译与我们在一起。3 句中的“expect”为动词,表示“料想”,例如:I expect there is a big celebration for the Chinese New Year tonight.我想今晚有庆祝中国新年的大型庆典。4 句中的“be situated”表示“位于”,例如:The hotel is situated in the center of the city / near the lake.酒店位于该市的中心 / 酒店离湖很近。5 句中的“Here is”表示“这儿是”,相似的句型还有“Now we are in”(现在我们到了),“There is”(那儿是),“Over there you can see”(在那儿,你可以看到)等等。话题词库map of the town 城市地图key 地图图例说明street light 街灯clothes shop 时装店window display 橱窗陈列商品pedestrian 行人bookshop 书店department store 百货商店advertisement 广告,广告牌traffic lights 交通信号灯street cafe 街头咖啡室taxi stand 出租汽车站post office 邮局news dealer 报贩limousine 高级轿车,大轿车trolley bus 无轨电车taxi 出租车truck 卡车motor-cycle 摩托车pedicab 三轮车motor pedicab 三轮汽车parking lot 停车场highway 公路subway 地铁fly-over highway / over pass 立体交叉公路 / 天桥pavilion 亭子palace 宫殿cultural relic 文物ancient site 遗址mausoleum 陵墓memorial hall 纪念馆scenic spot 风景区place of interest 名胜古迹monument 碑summer resort 避暑圣地hot springs 温泉statue 雕像skyscraper 摩天大楼三、 Check in 办理住店手续业务述要在客人到达以前,可以为客人预订房间(make a reservation)。预订好客人要求的房间,如套间(suite)、单人房(single room)、标准间(standard room)等。客人到达酒店后,应向酒店接待员说清预订的房间、预订的时间、以谁的名义预订的等。作为酒店接待员应礼貌地请客人出示护照、填写登记表、向客人分发钥匙等。导游安排好客人住下酒店以后,可以向客人道别,并向客人安排第二天的内容及行程等。核心词语tour group 旅游团reception desk 服务台make a reservation 预订receptionist n. 接待员suite n. 套间single room 单人房book v. 订购have a bath 洗澡telephone n. 电话air-conditioner 空调passport n. 护照registration form 登记表bellboy n. 服务员considerate adj. 体贴,周到的lobby n. 大厅句型范例1 Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎来到我们酒店。2 Id like to have two suites and ten single rooms, please.我想要2个套间、10个单人间。3 Have you made a reservation?你们预订了吗?4 We have booked two suites for our guests from the United States.我们已为我们的美国客人预订了两个套间。5 There is no reservation from your service.贵旅行社没有预订。6 Could you check again a reservation for Friday for the tour group from the United States?请再查一查好吗?是为美国旅行团预订的,时间是星期五。7 Do the rooms have a bath?房间带浴室吗?8 I feel like taking a bath right now.我现在就想洗个澡。9 Every room is equipped with a bath, a telephone and an air-conditioner.每个房间带有浴室、电话和空调。10 Can I see you passports, please?可以看看你们的护照吗?11 Please fill in this registration form.请填写这张登记表。12 Shall we have our keys to our room?我们可以拿房间的钥匙了吗?13 The bellboy will take you to the rooms.服务员会把你们带到房间。14 I will meet you at the lobby on the ground floor at seven oclock tomorrow morning.我明天早上7点会在一楼大厅等你么。15 You can take a good rest tonight.你们今晚可以好好休息一下。16 You have been very considerate.你非常周到。17 Enjoy your stay.祝你们过得愉快。18 Wed prefer a double room.我们想要一个双人房。19 What is the price of the room?这房间要多少钱?20 Id like to cancel my reservation for Monday.我想取消星期一的预订。21 Do you have any vacancies tonight?今晚有没有空房间?22 Could I see the room first?可不可以先看房间?23 Does the price include breakfast?房租费包不包括早餐?24 The air-conditioner doesnt work.空调坏了。情景对话A tour guide and his tour group come to the reception desk of the hotel. They have made a reservation through the travel service. A receptionist attends them.(一个导游和他的旅行团来到了酒店的服务台。通过旅行社,他们已预定了房间,一个接待员正接待他们。)G=Tour Guide 导游L=Tour Leader 旅行团领队R=Receptionist 接待员T=Tourist 游客R:Good afternoon! Welcome to our hotel. 下午好,欢迎来到我们酒店。G:Good afternoon! Id like to have two suites and ten single rooms, please. 下午好,我想要两个套间,10个单人房。R:Have you made a reservation? 你们预订了吗?G:Yes, we have booked them for our tour group from the United States. Im Wang Ming. Im from China International Travel Service. 是的,我们已经为我们来自美国的旅行团预订了房间,我是王明,是中国国际旅行社的工作人员。R:Oh, Im sorry. There is no reservation from your service. 噢,对不起,贵旅行社没有预订。G:Im sure we have made a reservation. Could you check again a reservation for Friday for the tour group from the United States? 我确信我们预订了。请再查一查,是为来自美国旅行团预订的,时间是星期五。R:All right, let me check again. Ah, yes, two suites and ten single rooms from China International Travel Service. 好吧,让我再查一查吧。啊,是的,中国国际旅行社预订了两个套间,10个单人房。T:Do the rooms have a bath? I feel like taking a bath right now. 房间带有浴室吗?我现在就想洗个澡。R:Yes, every room id equipped with a bath, a telephone and an air-conditioner. 有,每个房间带有浴室、电话和空调。T:Thats good! 太好了!R:Can I see your passport, please? 可以看一看你们的护照吗?L:Yes, these are our passport. 可以,这是我们的护照。R:Thank you. Here are your passports. Please fill in these registration forms. 谢谢。护照还给你们。请填写登记表。L:The registration forms are finished. Shall we have our keys to the rooms? 登记表填完了,我们可以拿钥匙了吗?R:Of course. Here are the keys to your rooms. Your rooms are one the third floor. The bellboy will take you to your rooms. 当然可以。这些是你们房间的钥匙。你们的房间在3楼,服务员会把你们带到你们的房间。L:Thank you! 谢谢!G:I guess you must be tired after a long trip. If theres nothing else you want, I will be leaving. I will meet you at the lobby on the ground floor at seven oclock tomorrow morning for your breakfast. You can take a good rest tonight. 我想经过一段长距离的旅程之后,你们一定感到很疲倦吧,如果没有什么事情可以帮忙的话,我要走了。明天早上7点我会在一楼大厅等待大家去吃早餐,你们今晚可以好好休息一下。L:I dont think there is anything else. You have been very considerate. Thank you very much. 我想没有什么事情了,你非常周到,谢谢你!G:You are welcome. Enjoy your stay. See you tomorrow. 不客气。祝你们过得愉快。明天见。L:See you tomorrow. 明天见。语言指南1 句中的“attend”为动词,是“照顾、接待”的意思,例如: The reception clerk is attending a couple from France. 那个接待员正接待来自法国的一对夫妇。2 句中的“d like to”为“would like to”的缩写形式,表示“想要”。相似的句型有“I want”(我想要) ,“I prefer”(我更喜欢) 例如:I would like to have a single room.我想要一个单人房。I prefer a suite.我更喜欢要一个套间。I want a quiet room.我想要一个安静的房间。3 句中的“feel like”为“想要”,后跟名词或动名词,例如:I feel like swimming now.现在我想游泳。I feel like a walk.我想去散步。4 句中的“be equipped with”为“装备、配备”,例如:The hotel is equipped with the Chinese traditional furniture.该酒店装备了具有中国传统特色的家具。5 句中的“fill in”为“填写”,例如:He was filling in an application form.他正填写申请表格。6 句中的“keys to the rooms”为“房间的钥匙”。7 I dont think there is anything else.我想没有什么事情了。是一个否定句,否定主句。不能说城“I think these is not anything else.”。话题词库front office clerk 前台工作人员front office manager 前台部经理assistant manager 大堂副理duty manager 值班经理guest relations officer 客务员information supervisor 问讯部主管information clerk 问讯员reception supervisor 接待部主管manager of room division 客房部经理executive housekeeper 客房部主管manager of reservations 预订部经理reservation clerk 预订登记员front office cashier 前台收银员foreign exchange clerk 外币兑换员security guard 保安员fireman 消防员patrol man 巡视员public relations officer 公关bellboy 服务员elevator operator 电梯工revolving door 转门automatic sliding door 控制滑动门lobby 大厅card key 卡式钥匙peep role 门镜dirty linen 脏衣服ventilator 换风扇shower curtain 浴帘shower head 淋浴喷头hair dryer 吹风机plug 插头wall lamp 床头灯alarm clock 闹钟television remote control 电视遥控开关central heating 中央取暖器service bell 呼叫器cupboard 酒柜第二单元 在饭店 At the Restaurant一、Seating the Guest 给客人安排座位业务述要 旅行,必须要用餐。用餐又分中餐和西餐。无论游客食用中餐或西餐,在酒店餐厅或饭店,都要经过预约点菜用餐中用餐后这一系列过程。在这一系列过程中,安排座位式必不可少的开始过程。客人到达饭店时,服务员应礼貌热情地招呼客人。同客人说:“欢迎光临(Welcome to our restaurant)”,并根据客人的要求带客人到餐厅(dinning room)、大厅(dinning hall)等处就座。也可向客人推荐靠窗的桌子(a table by the window)等。如果客人事先有预订(reservation),可问清客人的姓名,以便查找客人预订的房间及座位,然后可直接带客人到预订的座位。之后,导游应安排好客人就座。并对餐厅的卡拉OK等设备作以简单介绍,以方便客人使用。如客人有诸如座位不舒服、椅子太低等问题,应及时给予帮助解决,使客人能够愉快用餐。核心词语restaurant n. 餐馆dinning room 餐厅dinning hall 大厅、餐厅make a reservation 预订check v. 检查coat rack 大衣架句型范例1 Welcome to our restaurant.欢迎光临。2 We want a dinning room with two tables.要一间有两张桌子的餐厅。3 Id like to have a table for eight.我想要一张可以坐下8个人的桌子。4 The dinning rooms are not available now.餐厅都满了。5 Would you like to have your dinner in the dinning hall?你们愿意在大厅里用餐吗?6 I can find a table by the window for you.我可以为你们安排一张靠窗的桌子。7 We have made a reservation before.我们已预订了座位。8 Let me check the reservation list.让我查一查预订单。9 Can I have your name, please?请问你叫什么名字?10 I will ask a waitress to show you the way.我让服务员带你们去11 Please be seated.请就座。12 Can I have a high chair for my son?我可以要一把高椅子给我儿子坐吗?13 I will ask the waiter to bring a high chair for him.我会让服务员给他拿张高椅子。14 Is this chair all right?这把椅子行吗?15 How is this table?这张桌子行吗?16 Would you care to wait? A table over there is almost ready.请你等一会好吗?那儿有张桌子差不多准备好了。17 Would you step this way, please?请这边走。18 Could you follow me, please?请跟我来。19 We can seat you in a minute.我们很快就会安排你们就座。20 The table is ready.桌子已经安排好了。21 I am sorry to ke


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