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_ 四年级上全册教材分析一、全册知识点梳理和分析(一)本册主题和相关知识点1、本册将学习1)询问他人情绪原因; Why are you look ?(Unit One)2)“打电话”;May I speak to? (Unit Two)3)请求帮助;Would you please(mind)for me? (Unit Three)4) 商店购物:Which kind would you like? (Unit Five)5)餐厅点餐;What would you like to eat? (Unit Six)6)自然现象;What falls down from the sky in winter? 等六大话题。2、语法:第一单元1. Be 动词的用法2. 助动词do 的用法3. 动词过去式 go-went do- did4. 动词与形容词的区分5 to+ 动词原形6 Dont beIm sure7一般将来时He will come back soon.第二单元1. May I speak + to2. 电话用语表示我是. Its3. 祈使句:Please do第三单元1 Would you please +动词原形Would you mind + 动词ing2 borrow/lend 的用法:3 物主代词的用法: youryours mymine hishis herhers itsits ourours theirtheirs 第五单元1. 动词三单 This kind looks nice. This shop sells jackets.2. will + 动词原形3Kind/kinds 的区别 4情态动词Would的用法5 different kinds 中different-same 的区别及用法。6May, can, should 等词的区别与用法。7how much are they? How muchhow many 的区别和用法。8 a pair of shoes 中 a pair of的用法第六单元1 可数名词与不可数名词2 What would you like to+ 动词原词What would you like for+ 名词3foodfruitdrinking-dessert等食物的分类第七单元1 介词in + 季节 ;on + 星期2 专有名词: the Earth the Sun Mars3become 的动词用法 。这个动词的意思是变成;成为,因此后面接的字不是名词就是形容词。4What falls down from the sky in winter? 中down , from, in 的理解和用法。5一般现在时的用法1) What do you do on weekends? 一般现在时问句结构和应用。2)I often 一般现在时答句的结构和应用。3) Sara often 一般现在时第三人称陈述句的结构和应用。6掌握介词without的用法。7 Everything is nature. 中Everything 在句中做主语时be动词或动词的结构及应用。3、词汇:情绪:glad, sad, surprised, great, happy, excited, angry, tired, sleepy.味道:salty, sweet, sour.动词: look, hope,went, speak,hear, drink,hold, call , find, let,mind,forgot, borrow, lend , choose, please, buy, eat, fall, become climb, tell, live, laugh, cry, lift, lock名词:door , pleasure,pen, kind, pair, shop, dish, order, parent, bean, spoon, wing, change, ice, nature. 人称代词(主格):we 人称代词(宾格):them,me物主代词(名词性):yours ,mine副词:again, too, there, later, certainly, sure, down, out.特殊疑问代词:why, where, where.副词:again, too, there, later, certainly 颜色:blue, green.介词:with, without.通讯工具:a telephone, a cell phone, a pay phone, a video phone, a cordless phone, a walkie- talkie动词词组:call somebody, answer the phone, open the door, hold the door open, close the door, lock the door, turn on the light, turn off the light,lift the heavy box, put the book back,close to, climb hills, go skiing.4、语音:重点了解1)、元音字母 i和字母组合ea在单词中的发音。2)、元音字母e、a 在闭音节中读音。3)、元音字母o和字母组合ar在单词中的发音。4)、字母组合ou, ow , air 在单词中的读音5)、字母组合ir, er,al在单词中的发音。 (二)简述各个话题教学重点1) 情感话题重点是询问他人情绪的原因Why are so happy? 和Why do you look sad? 用happy, sad, excited等表达情绪的形容词说一说自己的心情;询问某人在过去的时间去哪了Why did you go? 动词过去式的用法:dodid, gowent;2)打电话话题重点是在实际情景中打电话找人:Hello! May I speak to ? Is there? 接电话询问对方是谁:Whos speaking? Its3) 请求话题的重点是向他人求助的句式:Would you please hold the books for me? 和Would you mind opening the door for me ?以及Would you please /would you mind的使用;在实际情景中借用物品“Can I borrow yours?。4) 购物话题的重点是询问对方意愿的句式Which kind would you like?;询问某种商品的价格的句式:How much are they? ;表达对某种商品的看法或建议的句式:The red color will look nice on you.5)点餐话题的重点是询问他人想吃什么的句式:What would you like to eat?;表达我想吃的句式:Id like . 在餐馆中征求点餐的句式:May I take your order now? 以及在餐厅里结账、找零钱:Its yuan. Here is .yuan. Here is your change;6)大自然的话题重点是在冬季天上会掉落什么:What falls down from the sky in winter? 在周末我们会做些什么以及做这些事的目的是亲近自然的句型问答What do you do on weekends? 以及描述某人离了什么就不能做什么事的句式:We cannot live without water/air. (三)上位知识分析: 第一单元是表示情感的话题。学生在二、三年级已经接触了表示“情绪”的单词,如“happy, glad,angry等。对于Where did he go?这一句型,学生在二年级下学期学过Where are you? Where is my T-shirt? ,所以对于where引导的特殊疑问句学生们都很熟悉。但不同的是,本学期涉及到了动词的过去式,需要进行强调。 第二单元的话题是关于打电话的。对于打电话用语,学生在本学期是第一次接触,因此需要重点强调。特别是May I speak + to,电话用语Its表示我是. 。 第三单元是有关寻求帮助的话题。其中,Would you. 句型是三年级重点句型will you 的延伸。在这个句型中 , 要帮助学生理解“Would you please 与Would you mind的用法。对于Can I borrow yours?学生在二年级和三年级时,已经学习过了Can I / you 和May I borrow your?等句型,因此不会感到困难。 第五单元是关于购物的话题。学生在一、二年级学过了些颜色的形容词(red, yellow, blue, black, white, pink, purple, green);在三年级时积累了一些文具类的单词及短语。为这单元学习购物起到了铺垫作用。对于which kind would you like?这一句型,学生在二下学过Which color do you want?,只不过话题是颜色。第六单元是关于点餐的话题。学生在在一二年级的学习中就积累了很多关于食物,饮料的单词. 如:coke, cake, jello , egg, 等,这些单词可为学生在本单元做头脑风暴、对话练习,提供更多的材料。此外,学生在三年级上学期学习过了几十的数字,为学习在餐厅里结账做了很好的铺垫;.第七单元是关于自然现象的话题。在三年级上学期学过询问天气的句型:Whats the weather like ? Its ;学生掌握了一些描述天气的单词,如:rainy,snowy等。在三年级下半学期,学生学过了描述春天景象的句子;这些都为本单元谈论自然现象做了铺垫。二、教学目标:1、能正确流利地朗读本册教材的课文。2. 能听懂、会说有关询问“他人情绪原因以及劝解他人”、询问“某人过去的时间到哪去了”、打电话找人、询问对方是谁、请求别人帮助、购物时询问对方意愿、餐馆点菜和接受点菜,表达周某去哪里,赞美大自然、表达自然现象变化等交际用语,并能在实际情景中运用。3、能听、说、读、写78个四会单词,能认读57个图片下的单词,并能用英语进行简单描述。4、能用学过的语言描述画面,能听懂、理解小故事,回答问题。5、能够读准各单元中的元音因素及字母组合,能模仿有关语言材料。三、全册备课课时安排:周次日期 教学内容19.1-9.3Lesson1: new words; listen and say.复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson2: new words,listen and say.29.6-9.10复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson 3 : new words; listen and say.复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.39.13-9.17Lesson 4: Now I can; Now I know; now I can read; Now I can write ; Now I can do.单元检测(一)Lesson5: new words ,listen and say49.19-9.21、9.25(9.22-24中秋放假)复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson6:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.59.26-9.30Lesson7:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson 8: Now I can; Now I know; now I can read; Now I can write ; Now I can do.610.1-10.7十一休假710.11-10.15单元检测(二)Lesson9:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.710.18-10.22Lesson10:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson11:new words ,listen and say810.25-10.29复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson 12: Now I can; Now I know; now I can read; Now I can write ; Now I can do.单元检测(三)911.1-11.5Lesson13:Do you understand?, Can you write? Can you do? Can you tell?, Can you read?Lesson14:Do you understand? Can you write? Can you do? Can you tell?, Can you read?期中检测1011.8-11.12Lesson15:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson16:new words ,listen and say1111.15-11.19复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson17:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.1211.22-11.26Lesson 18: Now I can; Now I know; now I can read; Now I can write ; Now I can do.单元检测(五)Lesson19:new words ,listen and say1311.29-12.3复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson20:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.1412.6-12.10Lesson23:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.Lesson24:new words ,listen and say1512.13-12.18复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story timeLesson25:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.1612.20-12.24Lesson26:new words ,listen and say复习巩固第一课时内容;look and read; lets practice ;Listen and write; Story time.单元练习(六)1712.27-12.31Lesson27:Do you understand?,Can you write?,Can you do? Can you tell?, Can you read?Lesson28:Do you understand?,Can you write?,Can you do? Can you tell?, Can you read?期末复习(一)181.4-1.7期末复习(二)期末复习(三)期末复习(四)191.10-1.14期末考试201.17-1.21 THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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