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_七年级下册英语复习笔记Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?一Where +be+主语+from?=Where +do/does+主语+come from?Where are you from?=Where do you come from?Be from = come from联系动词 实义动词例:Stone is come from China.() 注:be动词与实义动词永远不能连用。二.国家 国人 国人复数 语言 首都(the people Republics of China ) (P. R. C.)Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese BeijingCanada Canadian Canadians English, French OttawaFrance French Frenchmen French ParisJapan Japanese Japanese Japanese Tokyo(the United States of America )(U.S.A.) America American Americans English Washington.D.C.(theunited Kingdom) England Englishman Englishmen English London Australia Australian Australians English Canberra 三 Where does he live? He lives in Beijing.Where对地点提问的秘诀是:一定,二改,三组合一定,确定疑问词Where二改,将原句改为一般疑问句,将第一人称改为第二人称三组合,把前面的部分及后面部分组合例:I live in Kunming(画线提问) Where do you from?Live是一个不及物动词及物动词后可以直接加宾语,不需要加任何介词。不及物动词后不可以直接加宾语,但可以单独使用。如果想要加宾语,需要加上介词。 四. What language does she speak? Speak:既可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。翻译为“说,讲话”做及物动词时,只能接某种语言做宾语。 例:1. He speaks (vt) English. 2 .Mr stone is speaking. (vi)Speak to sb 和某人讲话 Say: 翻译为“说,述说”用系统语言表达自己的想法,后面必须跟说话的内容,宾语只能是话语,而不能是人。例:He says he is a boy. Tell: 翻译为“告诉,讲述。”尤其用在讲故事,讲笑话(tell stories/jocks) Tell sb sth (告诉某人某事) tell sb to do sth(告诉某人做某事) 例:My mother tells me to study well. Talk: 翻译为“交谈,谈论。”后面常跟to, with表示与某人谈话。如果跟about, of表示谈话的内容。 Talk to sb=talk with sb和某人谈话 Talk about sth=talk of sth谈论某事五.interesting与interested interesting :指事情本身有趣,意为“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”厂子句中作定语,表语。 Interested:指人对感兴趣(be interested) 例句:This is an interesting story. I am interested in learning English.六.a little 和 little A little:修饰不可数名词,表示肯定含义,意为“有一些,少量” 如:There is little water in Mr. Stones cupLittle: 修饰不可数名词,表示肯定,翻译为几乎没有。 如:I know little Japanese拓展:Many+可数名词复数 eg:Many books Much+不可数名词 eg: Much money Some+可数名词/不可数名词 eg:Some book/water A lot of +可数名词/不可数名词七.I like gong to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 1 2 3 1.like doing sth:喜欢干某事,表示个人兴趣爱好,经常性的动作。 Eg: I like playing football Like to do sth:表示想去做某事,表示最近想去干某事。2.去看电影 Go to the movies Go to a movie Go to the cinema Go to see a movie3.and 和with And连接两个主语,通常放在句首,其谓语动词复数。(连词) with为介词,后面跟名词或代词的宾格,通常放在句末。 Eg: He and I are both students He lives in China with his parents. Unit one 重点词组1.pen pal 笔友 2.speak English讲英语 3. be from=come from来自4.on weekends在周末5.write to do 给某人写信5.live in 居住7.a little一些8.likes and dislikes喜欢/不喜欢9.like doing sth喜欢做某事10.like to do sth想去做某事11. tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事12.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事13. talk to/with sth 1和某人谈话4.talk of /about sth 谈论某事15. be interesting in对感兴趣16.go to the movies=go to the cinema =go to see a film 去看电影17.hear from sb收到某人来信Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 一语言目标:问路,指路问路的常用句型:Excuse me:1.Wheres the post office? 2.Is there a post office near here?3.Which is the way to the post office?4.Could you tell me how to get to the post office?5.Could you tell me how can I get to the post office? 6.Could you tell me where the post office? (特殊疑问句跟在宾语从句后,其语句用用陈述句语序) 二Is there a bank near here? There be 句型:表示某地有某物,表示客观存在。 否定形式只需在there be + not Eg: There isnt any water in the cap. 疑问句:Be + there + 其他 Eg: Is there a zoo near hear? have/has:表示某人有某物 从属关系 Eg: We have a bed in the room? 如果后接门牌号,用介词at Eg: He lives at 88 Hua Xing street. 在街道上,in the street英国人用法 ,on the street美国人用法。Eg: He lives in/on the street.In the neighborhood of 在的附近三Just go straight and turn left.指路常用句型:1. Walk on and turn left2.It is +介词+地点3.Its about +(具体数字)meters from here4. Take the second turning/crossing on the right5. Turn right/left at the second turning.四1谢谢的说法1. Thank you very much.2. Thanks a lot.3. Thanks4. Many thank.5. Thanks a million.回答谢谢:1. Thats all right.2. Youre welcome.3. Not at all.4. Anytime5. Dont mention it6. It s my pleasureWelcome to+地点 表示欢迎来到某地Enjoy 后加 doing sthTake a walk五 Through ,across,over(穿过,通过)1. Through:表示从中间穿过,通过。强调动作在里面进行。Eg Mr. Stone walks through the park.2. across:表示动作在某一物体表面进行Eg:We walk across the road.3.over:多指在空间范围上通过,越过或垂直在上,与表面不接触。Eg:The birds fly over the city.六With与in“用”In:强调使用的材料或颜色In+语言In+颜色 (表示某人穿什么颜色的衣服)Have fun=have a good time =enjoy oneselfHave fun doing sthBe busy doing 忙于某事七方位介词1.next to 在旁边2.in front of内部in the front of 外部 在前面3.Between and两者之间4.behind 在后面5.across from6.over在之上八. I know you are arriving next Sunday1.are arriving 用进行时表将来时表示位置移动的词(go, come, leave, arrive)通常用现在进行时表一般将来时。2.arrive,get to, reach(到达)arrive不及物动词,后要加at/in 后要加地点名词get to:经常用于口语中reach:及物动词,后直接加地点名词Eg: arrive in Beijing =get to Beijing =reach BeijingUnit 2 重点词组1. in front of / in the front of在前面2. Turn right/left向左/右转3. go straight向前直走4. across from在对面5. Between and在两者之间6. the beginning of的开始7. take a taxi=by taxi打车8. on ones way to在某人去某地的路上9. In the neighborhood在附近10.take a walk散步11.go through穿过12.next to紧挨13.have fun=enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得开心,过得愉快14.let sb do sth让某人做某事15.arrive in/at=get to到达16.be busy with sth忙于某事17.be busy in doing sth忙于做某事18.take a look at= have a look at看19.take your time 不要急20.take off脱掉21.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事22.on the road=in the road在路上Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一Lets see the pandas first.1. Lets let us Let s后加动词原形 Let sb do sth让某人做某事注:let 后面用人称代词作宾语,用宾格形式。2.提出建议的其他表达方式1. Lets do2. Shall weEg:Shall we go shopping.3.Hou/What about怎么样?Eg:What about going shopping?4.Why notWhy not后加动词原形Eg:Why not have a rest?二Why与how come均表示为什么,但在完整问句中,有所差别Why后面必须接倒装语序,而how come后不须接倒装句型,即how come+主语+动词。Eg:Why is Mr. Stone cryingHow come Mr. Stone is crying?三1.kind of 有一点=a little2.a kind of一种3.all kinds of各种各样4.kind 和蔼例:Its very kind of you.你真好。四Do you like giraffes?1. like(vt):喜欢,愿意,想要。2. like+n. 喜欢做某事Eg:I like music I like children3.like to do sth 想做某事 (表示一lik次性的,未发生的动作)Eg:I like to take with you tonight4. like sb to do sthEg:I like student to tell truth.5.would like to do sth 希望做某事Eg:I would like to go there6.like doing sth喜欢做某事(长期习惯性的动作,尤其指个人爱好)Eg:I like reading in bed7. How do you like sth?你觉得怎么样?Eg:How do you like China? Like 还可以做形容词adj(相像的),介词prep(像),连词conj(如同)。Eg: The twins are very like (adj.)Like father, like son (prep.)Do it like I tell you (conj)区别:be friendly with sb 和某人关系好 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 be+数词+years old 某人多大了other:表示其他的。后常跟复数如果other与表示数量意义的词一起作定语,必须位于数量词之后。五Isnt he cute?否定疑问句,常用来表示反问。翻译为“难到不?”Eg:Cant you play football?回答否定疑问句,常用yes/no.但这时yes翻译为“不”,no翻译为“是的”。Eg:-Doesnt he have a brother?-Yes, he does不,他有。-No, he doesnt 是的,他没有。六He sleeps during the day.go to bed 和 sleepgo to bed指上床睡觉,强调从脱衣服到上床这一动作,表示准备睡觉,不含睡着的意思。Sleep指睡觉,睡觉的全过程,用于现在进行时态中,表示正在睡觉。Eg:Its time to bedMy mother is sleeping相关词组:go to sleep入睡,想方设法入睡=Fell asleep入睡,强调状态。 Sleepless失眠的 Sleepwalker梦游者 Sleepy困倦的Unit 4重点词组1. be from=come from2. kind of=a little3. all kinds of4. be quiet5. during the day6. get up7. play with8. be friendly with sb 和某人关系好 9. be friendly to sb 对某人友好10. like doing sth11. like to do sth12. like sb to do sth13. go to bed 14. fall asleep=go to sleep Unit 4 I want to be an actor一 询问职业的方式1. What do you do?2. Whats your job?3. What are you?4. Whats your work?5. Whats your occupation?二 名词所有格定义:英语名词可以加“s”来表示所有关系。如果该名词本身是以s结尾的复数形式,其名词所有格只需要加“ ”.用法:1.表示有生命的东西的名词或表示时间、国家、城镇、机构等名词构成所有格,通常加s.Eg:1. the teachers desk 2.todays newspaper3.womens day 4.Chinas culture 中国文化 2.并列名次各自的所有格,在每个名词后加s,;表示几个名词共有的则在最后一个名词后加s.Give sb sth=give sth to sbGet from 从取得介词后通常跟宾格形式。Put on强调动作Wear强调状态三Sometimes, some times ,sometime some time1.sometimes译为有时,表示频率和频度的副词。He sometimes writes to me.2.some times:名词短语,意为“几次,几倍”I have been to Beijing some times.3.sometime副词,意为“某个时候”经常用在将来时当中.I will go to see a doctor sometime tomorrow.4.Some time:名词短语,意为一段时间,此时的time是不可数名词,翻译为时间。Ill stay in China for some time三 Problem和question1. problem指疑难或难以解决的问题,如数学,人口,环境污染问题,以及令人困惑的是或情况等。Eg:Can you work out this math problem? 你会做这道数学题吗?2Question多只要求回答的问题Eg:Mr. yang likes to ask all kinds of question辨析: in hospital住院 In the hospital在医院 At table进餐吃饭 At the table在桌子旁边 Go to school去上学 Go to the school到学校去 Job:可数名词,指具体某项工作,多指雇佣的、招聘的、有报酬的工作 Work:不可数名词,主要指脑力和体力劳动,表示抽象活动四 We have a job for you as a waiterAs:1.prep.介词:作为,当作。Eg:Mr. Stone works in Yilin as an English teacher2. conj:连词:像一样 Eg:English is as easy as Chinese 英语像汉语一样简单。3Conj连词:按照Eg:He does as his mother says他按照他妈妈说的去做Call sb at+电话号码 给某人打电话五 We need an actor today!1. need n.需要,必要2. need v.(1) 人+ need+ to do sth 需要做某事Eg;I need to have a rest(2) 人/物+ need + doing sth 应该做某事Eg: The room needs cleanng. 3. need情态动词,后加动词原形 Eg: I need go home to see my motherUnit 4 重点词组1. shop assistant店员2. bank clerk银行职员3. in the restaurant在饭店4. go out外出5. TV station电视台6. in/during the day在白天7. work with和某人一起工作8. at night在晚上9. in the evening在傍晚10. talk to/with sb和某人说话11.in hospital住院12.in the hospital在医院里13. ask sb sth和某人说要某物14.give sb sth=give sth to sb给某人某物15.work late工作很晚16.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事17.get from从得到18.want to do sth=would like to do sth 常用于口语 19.get back回来20.get up起床21.get on上车22.get off下车23.need doing sth24.need to do sthUnit 5 Im watching TV 八种时态: 两种一般时:一般现在时、一般过去时 两种完成时:现在完成时、过去完成时 两种将来时:一般将来时,过去将来时 两种进行时:现在进行时、过去进行时一现在进行时1) 定义:表示现在进行或发生的动作,还可以表示前一段时间的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作(现在进行时经常与时间状语now连用或用在look! Listen!引出的句子中)2) 构成:主语+be(am.ia.are)+动词的现在分词(doing)3) 用法:1.表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作 如:Hes running. 2.表示位置移动的动词,如:come、 go 、arrive 、arrive、 fly 等通常用现在时表示一般将来时。 Eg:Im leaving for Beijing next week下周我将要去北京4) 现在分词构成1. 一般情况下在动词后直接加s2. 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e再加ing3. 以重读闭音节结尾的并且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写该辅音字母,再加ing.4. 以辅音字母结尾的重读音节叫做闭音节。 二watch、look 、ee 与read区别1. watch译为观看、注视,指长时间观看某一活动的场面,如看电视、看比赛等。例:watch a football match watch sb 观察,注视某人2. look:强调看的动作,不强调结果,是不及物动词,后跟宾语时,必须加介词at例:Look at the blackboard ,please3. see:强调看的结果,是及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语Eg:Can you see the clouds in the sky?See sb do sth 看见某人干某事的全过程See sb doing sth 看见某人正在干某事4. read:译为看,读,其宾语常为报纸、书、杂志等例;Hes reading a book 三At ,in, ona) in在一天当中的早晨、上午、下午、晚上或年、季节、月前用inin summer in the morning in May in 2008 b) on指具体到某一天上午、下午、晚上用onon Saturdayc) at通常用在时刻前 the photo of me 一张我的照片 the photo of mine我的一张照片Unit 5 重点词组1. do homework做作业2. watch TV看电视3. eat dinner吃晚饭4. play basketball打篮球5. wait for等待6. talk on the photo通过电话通话7. talk to sb=talk with sb 和某人谈话8. talk of/about sth谈论某事9. read books读书10. TV show电视节目11. go to the films/movies=go to the cinema =go to see a film=go to a movie/film去看电影Unit 6 Its raining一、 Hows the weather in Shanghai?1. Hows the weather?加地点2. Whats the weather like? 加地点3. 考点:weather 不可数名词 n.天气(同音词whether=if是否)例题:What D fine weather(day)!A. aB. anC. theD. /感叹句构成:what + adj+名词+主语+谓语cook 1.v.烹调 及物动词 2.n.厨师Cooker厨具例:I cook breatfast by myself every morningPretty:1.adj.漂亮的=beautiful She is a pretty girl2. adv.相当,很3. 副词只能修饰动词(study hard),形容词(pretty good),副词本身(very we二.join与take part in1. join是指某一组织团体,成为成员。如果后加表示人的名词或代词,此时译为加入某人,加入某些人的行列中去。例:May I join you?2. join sb 加入某人3. take part in 参加会议或群众性活动4. join in = take part inshow:1.n.节目 TV show 2.v给看,展示 show sb sth shou sth to sbThere be 句型表示某地有某物,遵循就近一致原则。例题: There is (be)a book and two pens on the desk A dancer and singer is (be)in this room三1. Some others 一些一些2. Some the others表示特定范围内的一些,另一些3. One the other 一个另一个新 课标 第 一网Look:1.vi look at看过程 2.连系动词 看起来 +adj作表语Be surprised atBe surprised to do sth四Everyone 每一人 Every one 每一人、事(常与of连用)Unit6重点词组1. Read a book2. play computer3. pretty good4. take photos5. look cool6. lie on the beach7. thank sb for doing sth8. on vacation9. in surprise10. be surprised in11. to ones surprise 12. have a good time =enjoy oneselfUnit 7 What does he look like?Stop: stop doing sth 停下做某事 Eg: Stop murmuring! 不要小声说话! Stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事 Eg: stop to talk! 停下来去说话(开始说话) Stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 Eg :My mother often stops me from going outside at nightRemember :Remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事I remember meeting youRemember to do sth 记得去做某事Remember to have supper.Remember sb to sth代某人问好1. What does he look like?v 用于询问人的外貌,特征v Look like=look the same看起来一样v Look:1.动词vi. Eg: Look at the blackboard2.联系动词,看起来 Eg : You look very tired 3.名词,外表,长相 Eg:Her look is nice.4.like: 动词vt. 喜欢 Eg:She likes playing computer games. 介词 prep. 像 Eg: He looks like his father. 名词 n. 爱好 Eg: Likes and dislikes Like当名词讲,通常用复数形式 形容词.相像的 Eg: Mr. Stone and Mr. Wang are very like.二And和or的区别 “和” 新 课标第 一网1.and通常用于肯定句中2.or通常用于否定句和疑问句中 Eg:She has no legs and no arms She has no legs or arms 当两个名词前后都有否定词修饰时,用and不用or.三Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet.l Good-looking 复合形容词构成1. 形容词+动词ing Eg:easy-going2. 名词+动词ed形式 Eg: man-made 人造的3. 数词+名词单数 Eg: two-year-old4. 数词+名词ed Eg: three-legged5. 形容词+名词 Eg: full-time 全职的l A little bit, a little ,a bit共同点:当这三个词语作状语时,可以通用,但a little bit 比例另两个所表示的程度要浅。不同点:a little 和a bit修饰名词作定语用法不同,a little后直接跟不可数名词而a bit需要加of再加不可数名词Eg:a little water=a bit of water四Love和like的区别Like是强度最弱的一个,指对某人、某物感兴趣,表示单纯的兴趣、满意、好感。其后通常加名词、动词不定式或动名词。Love包含感情色彩最强,意为“爱、热爱、喜欢”其后跟名词、动词不定式或动名词。Eg: Mr. Stone loves watching football match very much.考点:love一般不用于进行时态,如果love表示喜欢时,一般不用于否定句,love如果用于否定句,只能表示爱。Eg:l like(喜欢) him。But I dont love(爱) himWell:1.adj 身体好 2.adv 好地 例:Study wellNotany more=no more五I dont think(否定转移) hes so great.Think引导的句子中如果表示否定意义,否定词转移到think前边如果think后面从具有否定意义,往往把否定词转移到主句,叫做否定转移。Eg:I dont think you are right.Unit7 重点词组1) Look like2) Curly hair3) Medium height4) Pop singer5) Like doing sth6) Like to do sth7) Love doing sth8) Love to do sth9) Tell jokes10) Stop to do sth11) Stop doing sth12) Remember to do sth13) Remember doing sthX kb 1 . c o m14) Be of + n.表示人特点性质=be+ adj.15) Play chess16) Have a joke with sb 和某人开玩笑17) Play a joke on sb 戏弄某人18) Notany more =no more19) Notlonger=noany longer20) Go shoppingswimmingUnit 8 Id like some noodlesId=I would一、 Would like=want想要、愿意1.Would like 比want语气委婉Would like sth = what sth 想要某物Would like to do sth =what to do sth 想要做某事Would like sb to do sth =what sb to do sth 想要某人做某事2.与would like相关的句型 What would you like? =What do you want?该句型回答必须用Id likeEg: I would like a bowl of sliced noodles without eggs.l Would (情态动词)you like sth?一般疑问句,你想要某物吗?这个问句的肯定回答是:Yes, please Yes, okAll right否定回答是:No, thanksl Would you like to do sth? 你愿意做某事吗?表示有礼貌提出建议、邀请的句型。其肯定回答是Yes,Id like to(to不可省)否定回答:Sorry, I cant Sorry, I have to do 二可数名词与不可数名词1) 可数名词变化规则一般可数名词在词尾后加s以s、x、sh、ch、结尾的词在词尾后加es以f、fe、结尾的,变f、fe、为v,再加es以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,加es以o结尾的词,有生命加es,无生命加s(一般情况下)Negro-negroes hero-heroes tomato - tomatoes Potato potatoes piano-pianos zoo zoos photo photosradio-radios2) 考点:部分不规则名词的复数变化man men womanwomen tooth teeth foot-feet child-children mousemice deerdeer sheep-sheep Chinese-Chinese Japanese Japanese3) 可数名词变复数巧记歌可数名词有变化,复数要把尾巴加,S尾巴最常见,特殊常加es包括s、x、sh、ch辅音加y,y变i再把s加上来,遇见f,fe末尾变ves特殊变化特殊记,终身享用不忘记例题:Apple and orange ice-cream is my favorite三Also,too,as well,either和as well asAlso:通常用在行为动词前,be动词,情态动词,助动词后。在表示强调时,也可放在句末。Eg:I also speak EnglishI am also a studentToo:多用于口语当中,通常放在句末,前边必须用到逗号隔开;也可放在句中,这是前后均有逗号。在简略回答中,too常位于代词的宾格形势之后。 Eg:I am a teacher ,too -How are you? -Fine ,thanks, and you? -Me ,too!(反义句:me nether!)As well:通常用于否定句中,表示也,但只能放在句末。 Eg:He plays the piano as well.Either:只能用于否定句中,通常位于句末 Eg:I dont like you eitherAs well as:作连词表示“也,还,而且”用来连接两个并列成分Eg:He as well as his parents goes (go) to the park every morning.注:当as well as 连接的两个名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词在人称和数的变化上,要与第一个主语保持一致,即就远原则。Unit 8重点词组1) orange juice2) help sb with sth3) green tea4) ice cream5) have a drink6) what size7) what kind of8) would like sth = what sth 想要某物9) would like to do sth =what to do sth 想要做某事10) would like sb to do sth =what sb to do sth 想要某人做某事11) kind of =a little =a little bit 12) all kinds of13) as well as 14) help sb (to) do sthUnit 9 How was your weekend?Did:Vt. 做、干、打助动词,无意义(帮助动词完成他的疑问和否定)一, 一般过去时定义:表示在过去的时间里发生的动作或状态。肯定式:谓语动词用过去式 Eg: My weekend was great.疑问式:连系动词be的疑问句,把句中的was、were提到句首 实义动词的疑问句在句首加助动词did,后用动词原形。Eg:Was your weekend great? Did you go to the park yesterday?否定式:连系动词be的否定句,在was、were后加not实义动词的否定句在实义动词前加didnt,谓语动词用动词原形。Eg:I wasnt born in 1997. I didnt play computer games yesterday.动词过去式构成:一般的在动词词尾后加ed以e结尾的动词在e后加d重读闭音节并且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,双写该辅音字母再加ed以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i加ed不规则的特殊记:原形过去式过去分词原形过去式过去分词bewas/werebeenbeatbeatbeatenbecomebecamebecomebeginbeganbegunbendbentbentbetbetbetbitebitbittenblowblewblownbreakbrokebrokenbringbroughtbroughtbroadcastbroadcast broadcast buildbuiltbuiltburstburstburstbuyboughtboughtcatchcaughtcaughtchoosechosechosencomecamecomecostcostcostcreepcreptcreptcutcut cut dealdealtdealtdigdugdugdodiddonedrawdrewdrawndrinkdrankdrunkdrivedrovedriveneatateeatenfallfellfallenfeedfedfedfeelfeltfeltfightfoughtfoughtfindfoundfoundfleefledfledflyflewflownforbidforbadeforbiddenforgetforgotforgottenforgiveforgaveforgivenfreezefrozefrozengetgotgotgivegavegivengowentgonegrowgrewgrownhanghunghunghavehadhadhearheardheardhidehidhiddenhithithitholdheldheldhurthurthurtkeepkeptkeptkneelkneltkneltknowknewknownlaylaidlaidleadledledleaveleftleftlendlentlentletletletlielaylainlightlitlitloselostlostmakemademademeanmeantmeantmeetmetmetpaypaidpaidputputputreadreadreadrideroderiddenringrangrungriseroserisenrunranrunsaysaidsaidseesawseenseeksoughtsoughtsellsoldsoldsendsentsentsetsetsetsewsewedsewn/sewedshakeshookshakenshineshoneshoneshootshotshotshowshowedshown/showedshrinkshrankshrunkshutshutshutsingsangsungsinksanksunksitsatsatsleepsleptsleptslideslidslidspeak


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