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.C1 Foreigners classcontents课时划分C11 Unit 112 授课重点字母A-R字母,单词及简单句子交际听力材料ABC song +Chant课程设计1. Greetings: Good mornings! How are you?2. Intoduce themselves ( Im / Im (age) )3. Review some words about fruits and animals.( apple peach pear watermelon / monkey panda dog cat goat horse lion) 注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C12 Unit13-16授课重点Dialogues 听力材料课程设计1.review some words about colors.(red white green blue yellow / What color do you like? Its )2.verbs (sing dance draw write swim / What can you do? I can)注意事项拓 展C2 Foreigners class contents课时划分C21 Unit 1728授课重点A- Letter A-Z B- Simple body parts recognition 听力材料Introduce the people around you + Songs课程设计Greetings: Nice to meet you.Words about body part ( body hand head face eye ear mouth nose leg arm foot)Words about coutries ( China the USA the UK Japan Germany France )Words about stationary ( pen pencil book bag desk )Sentences:Touch your eyes. Im from China. Today is Monday. Can you run? (What time is it?) Its 7 oclock.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C22 Unit 2932 授课重点A- Letter A-ZB- Bedroom & vocabC- Weekdays recognizing 听力材料Introduce the people around you + Chant 课程设计Review the words: lamp turn on / turn off the lampSentences and dialoge : 1.- May I ues your pen? - Of course! ( Sure ! ) Here you are. 2.-Excuse me! Could you help me? - Sure. 3.- Can I help you? - thank you! / No, thanks. 4. - This is tom speaking. May I speak to Ann? - Yes, Its me. 注意事项拓 展C3 Foreigners class contents课时划分C31 U112 授课重点Letters animals fruits colors 听力材料课程设计Greetings: Warm up:Review the letters from Aa ZzAnimals: ant panda cat dog duck elephant fish frog giraffe horse hen bear rabbit turtle snake Its a Fruit : appe banana lemon mango orange pineapple watermelon Colors : red yellow blue green orange white black pink Color it yellow. - what is black? - The cat is black.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C32 U1316授课重点Palces Numbers Action听力材料课程设计1.Greetins:2.Places: farm zoo garden playground park bookshop bus stop beach Kindergarten- Which is the school. - Where is the school? - Where are you going?- This is a school. - Its here. - Im going to 3.Numbers: 1 10 - How many lions can you see? - I can two. - How many pandas ate there? - There are six.4. go swimming go skating watch Tv play competer games play hide and seek play foot ball - What do you like to do on New Years day? - I like to go bike-riding.注意事项拓 展C4 Foreigners class contents课时划分C41 U112授课重点Orders of sme verbs and some words about friendship.听力材料To know the orders of some verbs and some phrases.课程设计1. words: school things: bag blackboard verbs: jump hop Animals: mouse dog Fruit: banana lemon Rooms: bedroom living romm Other kins of words about clothes . vehicle and some easy adjective words.2. sentences: - Where are you going? - Im going to -What animals do you like? - I like 注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C42 U1316 授课重点Describing your roomTravellingTesting their vocab on fruit; animals; stationary; colours etc. 听力材料Listen to the orders and do the actions.课程设计1. words: parts of body: arm eye numbers : 1-10 Some verbs: sing swim2. sentences: touch your What have you got? How many books are there? Hoe many books can you see?注意事项拓 展C5 Foreigners classcontents课时划分C51 U18授课重点Simple greetings with friends。听力材料课程设计Whats your name? Nice to meet you!How old are you? What is red/colour? Do you like yellow?Introduce friends. This is .she/he is my friend.Whats this?Whats your favourite fruit/animal?What would you like? Would you like?Whats in/on/under? What can you see/smell/taste hear touch.?Which one do you like,the apple or the orange?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C52 U916授课重点听力材料课程设计Where is the ? Its on/in/under/between/behind/next toHave you got? Whats one plus one? Whats one minus one?Introduce family members, who is you mum/dad?Whats he/she doing?Whats your hobby? What do you like doing? What does he like doing?Is that yours? Is that hers/ his?what are they doing? 注意事项拓 展C6 Foreigners classcontents课时划分C61 U18授课重点Asking for food or sth. to eat. 。听力材料课程设计1.Greetings.(old/new friends)e.g. How do you do! Nice to meet you!2. Talk about food/drinks/fruit/vegetables.e.g.Do you often drink coffee?(eat burgers)3. Whats the chinese/english for”book/shu”?4. Verbs: move open drink5. Talk about books: Picture book/music bokkWhich book would you like to read? Id like to read the story book.6. Colours: what colour is it? Do you like red? Yes, I do/ No, I dont.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C62 U916授课重点What can you seein? Like doing and explain why。听力材料Short dialogue + Movie课程设计1. What are they doing? They are flying a kite. Verb/phrases: listen to music Take a photo2. Numbers:Whats your telephone number? Its 3153411.3. Adjectives:(opposite words ) old-young /new-long/tall-short What can you see in the park? I can see a big tiger. There be sentences4. Shapes: square rectangle pentagon5.What do you often do on Childrens Day? I often go-boating. Go swimming. Go bike riding Play table tennis6.Birthday Party注意事项拓 展C7 Foreigners classcontents课时划分C71 Unit 18 授课重点nationality,self-introduction, This is my. sentence structureFirst day back to school 听力材料课程设计1. Where are you from? Im from_. (China Americe English Korea France Japan)2. Self-introductiong: My Chinese name is_. My English name is_. I like _.2. Whose book is it? Its Peters.3. How about doing sth? yes,Id like to/no, thank you.4. What does your father/mother like doing? He/she likes_注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C72 Unit 916 授课重点Must/mustnt sentence structureDescribing a school what everyone does.Classroom language 听力材料课程设计1. You must/You mustnt2. How to descibe their schools.(is it big or small?/what has it got?)3. Which is bigger,the tiger or the monkey?Who is the tallest, Peter,Bob or Mike?4. How many days are there in a week? There are_. What are they? What day is today? Its_ What do you do on Monday?5. How often do you go to the zoo? Once twice three times?注意事项拓 展C8 Foreigners classcontents课时划分C81 U18授课重点Past tense,weather, ache, go and see the doctore听力材料课程设计What the weather like today?Why do you like sunny days?sunny windy snowy cloudy goggy rainbow注意事项拓 展Other weathercontents课时划分C82 U916 授课重点There be, one two three.first second thirdBody functions & functions of other thingsEating out & conversations 听力材料Short dialogue + Movie课程设计Whats the matter with you?New words: earache toothache headache cold cough temperature stomach ache注意事项拓 展Other way about healthC9 Foreigners class (NCE I)contents课时划分C91 Lesson 112授课重点sentences-greeting听力材料课程设计1.Whats this? its a 2.Is this your?3.Nice to meet you!4.What make is the car? Its a (volvo/peuget/toyota)5.Are you a teacher? No,Im not.-whats your job? Im a 6.How are you today?7.Whose is this?注意事项拓 展Introduce oneselfcontents课时划分C92 Lesson 1324授课重点Adjectives Plural nouns听力材料课程设计1. Review the colours:-What colour is your (dress/shirt/hat)?-Its red.2. Talk about the plural nouns:1) Are these your books/hats/pens?2) What are their jobs?3) What colour are your?3.Look at them,they are clean/dirty/hot /fat /shut /old注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C93 Lesson 2536授课重点Describe the classroom or kitchen.听力材料课程设计1. Read some words about kitchen and classroom.eg:fridge cooker table chair blachboard.Sentences:There is a fridge in the kitchen.Its on the left .The fridge is blue.Teacher can ask:”Whats in the room?”Students can answer: There is /are注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C94 Lesson 3748授课重点Be going to. there be can you .?听力材料课程设计1. What are you going to do?Im going to (put the flower on the table)(wait for a bus ,paint the bookcase,listen to the music.)2. There is a book under the bed. There are some cats under the tree.3. Can you fly? Can he swim in the river? Yes,I can. No,he cant.注意事项拓 展Wash clothes walk across the grass type letterscontents课时划分C95 Lesson 4960授课重点Weather ,They usuallybut today,they are .听力材料课程设计Topics:1. Do you like meat/beef /lamb/steak/chicken?2. Do you want beef or lamb?3. Where do you come from? I come from 4. Whats the climate like in your counter?5. Whats the weather like in spring?6. They usuallybut today,they are.注意事项拓 展Talk about the weather and daily life.contents课时划分C96 Lesson 6172授课重点See a doctor time when were you at.?听力材料课程设计 Topics:1. Whats the matter with you?headache earache toothache stomachache flu measles mumps 2. Dont (play with matches, make a noise?) You mustnt3. When were you at the church/darry/bakers /grocers?4. When did you air the room?注意事项拓 展Intrroduce the hospital in the U.S.C10 Foreigners class (NCE I)contents课时划分C101 Lesson 7384授课重点Asking the way听力材料课程设计-Excuse me! Could you tell me。1.the way to the cinema?2.how to get to the cinema? 3.where the cinema is?-of course!/sure!go straight alone this street. And turn left/right at the second crossing.Then go along the Brown Road.Its on your left/right.(You can see it on your left/right)-Thank you very much.-Its my pleasure.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C102 Lesson 8596授课重点Shopping for fruits听力材料课程设计-good morning .miss ,can I help you?-yes,Id like some apples? How much a kilo?-Five yuan a kilo,how much doyou want?-I want 2kilos.-What about some oranges?Our oranges are sweet and fresh.-yes,please.-What else do you want?-No,thanks.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C103 Lesson 97108授课重点entertainment听力材料课程设计-sit down,please.What would you like ,Linda?-Id like a cup of coffee。-How about some deserts?-Sorry,I cant eat sweet food.Ive got a toothache.-Oh,Im sorry to hear that .Would you like some bananas?-Yes ,please.Thand you .注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C104 Lesson 109120授课重点On the plane 听力材料课程设计Flight Attendent:Yes,madam,can I help you?Psssenger:Im feeling a bit airsick.F:We gave the medicine for that .Ill go and get it for you.P:Thand you .Oh,can you get me some orange juice as well?F:Certainly.Ill be back right away.注意事项拓 展C11 Foreigners class (NCE I)contents课时划分C111 Lesson121128授课重点Dialogues below-shopping听力材料课程设计Conversation 1Shop assistant:Can I help you?Customer:No,thanks.Im just looking.Conversation 2Customer:This suit looks nice.Can I try it on?Shop assistant:Yes,of course.The dressing room is over there.Conversation3Customer:How much is this shirt,please?Shop assistant:Its 89 yuan.Customer:Do you have it in a large size?Shop assistant:Let me check.注意事项拓 展Im looking for a jacket.Im afraid this is too expensive for me .Can I pay by credit card ?Whats your size?The dress fits you just right .All these are on sale.Everything is 30 percent off here.contents课时划分C112 Lesson129134授课重点Dialogues-travel听力材料课程设计Conversation1A:Do you like traveling by train or by plane?B:I think I preper train. Its cheaper and safer.Conversation2:Paula: Where can I call a taxi?Zhu Wei:Theres a taxi rank over there,right oustide the gate.Conversation3A:Is this your first time visiting Beijing?B:yes,is it easy to get around.A:I think so,You can get anywhere by bus and taxi is not very expensive.B:How about the subway?B: Its also convenient,but its usually crowed.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C113 Lesson 135140授课重点Back from vacation听力材料课程设计Conversation1-hi,where have you been?-I was away from my vacation.-oh ,how was it?-Good,I wish I could have another vacation.Conversation2-you look great.any good news?-I just came back from my vacation.-wow, good for you! Maybe I should take a vaction, too.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C114 Lesson 141144授课重点Making a phone call听力材料课程设计Conversation1-hello, may I speak to Kevin,please?-speaking.Conversation2-hello, Id like to speak to Kate.-Im sorry. Shes not in at the moment. Can I take a message?-Its ok.Ill call back later. Thank you.-You are welcome.Conversation3-Could I speak Mr.wu, please?-Whos calling ,please?-This is Kevin.Hold on a second ,please. 注意事项拓 展C12 Foreigners class (NCE II)contents课时划分C121 Lesson 13授课重点1.Seeing movies 2.Having meals 3.Traveling听力材料课程设计1.Seeing movies talk about movies,actors2.Having meals 3.Traveling Traveling experience注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C122 Lesson 415授课重点Things you have never forgotten听力材料课程设计Such as:Spring FestivalNational DayChildrens Day What did you do on these special days above?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C123 Lesson 1621授课重点Talking about the pet you have 听力材料课程设计1. What is your pet ?2. What is its name ?3. What can it do ? 4. Talk an interesting story about it .注意事项拓 展C13 Foreigners class (NCE II)contents课时划分C131 Lesson 2227授课重点Have you lost things ? and did you find it ?听力材料课程设计1. Have you lost anthing valuable ?2. What did you think of it ?3. Did you find it at last ?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C132 Lesson 2839授课重点Talking about the transportation听力材料课程设计1. Make a list about some transportations.2. Tell them some new ones.3. Which one do you like best and why ?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C133 Lesson 4045授课重点Food and talk听力材料课程设计1. Eating habit about Western countries.2. What do you pay attention when you take part in parties ?3. What do you pay attention when you are eating ?注意事项拓 展C14 Foreigners class (NCE II)contents课时划分C141 Lesson 4651授课重点In the hospital听力材料课程设计1. When your are ill what do you do ?2. How do you say to doctors when you are in hospital ?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C142 Lesson 5263授课重点Shopping听力材料课程设计1. When do you like to go shopping ?2. Where do you like to go ,big stores or night market ?3. How to bargain ?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C143 Lesson 6469授课重点Rush hour听力材料课程设计1. In the past,there was little traffic jam ?Why ?2. Now, there is a lot of traffic jam.3. In the future,what are you going to plan to prevent the traffic jam ?注意事项拓 展C15 Foreigners class (NCE II)contents课时划分C151 Lesson 7075授课重点Interesting places听力材料课程设计1. What interesting place have you been to ?2. What other interesting places do you know but you havent been there ?3. Which one do you like best ? Why ?注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C152 Lesson 7687授课重点April Foods Day听力材料课程设计1. Talk about the April Foods Day.2. What experience did you have about it ?3. Introduce the April Foods Day in Western contries, and how to spend it.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C153 Lesson 8893授课重点Disaster听力材料课程设计1. How to survive when there is an eathquake ?2. How about being trapped in a mine ?3. How to survive yourself ?注意事项拓 展C16 Foreigners class (NCE III)contents课时划分C161 Lesson 13授课重点Renting a house 听力材料Background of the topic课程设计1. Key words about the topic:such as, words about person,price,place and so on.2. Act the dialogue in groups注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C162 Lesson 413授课重点Topic :In a post office听力材料Background of the topic课程设计1,Key words about the topic.注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C163 Lesson 1415授课重点Getting a haircut 听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展C17 Foreigners class (NCE III)contents课时划分C171 Lesson 1623授课重点Planning an evening out 听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C172 Lesson 2433授课重点 Apologizing听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C173 Lesson 3435授课重点At the hotel听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展C18 Foreigners class (NCE III)contents课时划分C181 Lesson 3643授课重点Whether students should wear uniforms or not at school? Each group gives its proof.听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展Contents课时划分C182 Lesson 4453授课重点How do you think the internet?Good or not?Each group gives its proof.听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展contents课时划分C183 Lesson 5455授课重点What do you think of keeping pets?Also give your opinion(GroupA and B)听力材料课程设计注意事项拓 展.

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