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_Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Analysis of teaching materials:This unit is around Holidays and vacation” to carry out teaching activities.Students should learn to use past tense to talk about holiday activities. The content is close to students lives,its also a topic that students are willing to discuss and share with others .So in teaching process ,we can consolidate the key sentences “Where did you go on vacation? Did you How ”through different methods such as pair work ,acting , reporting and interviews. Students can consolidate and study further about the past tense on the basis of original.Students can also use the past tense to write a diary about their vacations.Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aims:Ss talk about travel activities correctly using “where” and “how”. Ss master questions with auxiliary “did”and the answers to the questions.Ss learn to express their feelings correctly.2.Ability aims::Ss can ask and answer questions about the things in the past using the past tense.Ss can use description words to express their feelings.Ss can record a vacation in a form of a diary and express their feelings about the vacations. 3Emotional aims:Ss get to know more about each other through the exchange of what they have seen, heard and felt.Ss learn to express their feelings in a better way.Teaching important and difficult points1、Ss master and use the vocabulary and expressions. 2、Ss master general questions and special questions and the answers to the questions.3、Ss master the past tense of regular and irregular verbs .Teaching arrangements1Section A 1a2c 2. Section A 2d3c 3. Section B 1a1e4Section B 2a2e 5. Review of Unit 1. 3aSelf check 2Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 1 Section A 1a2c I. Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aims: Key words and phrases: New York City. Central Park anyone. anywhere interesting wonderful. Key sentences: Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. Did you buy anything special? Yes. I bought something special for my dad.2. Ability aims: Students learn to discuss their vacations in the past using key sentences. Students improve their listening and speaking skills.3. Emotional aims: Ss exchange their feelings about their vacations and know more about each other.II. Teaching important and difficult pointsSs master key words and sentences, then use them correctly.Ss learn to talk about what they did in the past.Ss improve their listening and speaking skills. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape. Teaching ProcedureTeacher s activities Ss activities Purposes Step 1 Greeting and lead-inGreeting: Long time no see. Did you have a good time during your summer holidays? What did you do during summer holidays? Did you go on vacation?Say : Most of you went on vacation, Now lets talk about your vacations.Ss say something about their activities during summer holidays.1.Ss answer the questions and then remind of past tense 2. To present a new lesson.Step 2 PresentationAsk four students the following questions:Did you go anywhere interesting?Where did you go on vacation?Did you go with anyone?Did you do anything interesting?What did you do on vacation?How was the vacation?Four students answer the questions. Other students listen carefully and learn the questions. Get the fifth student to ask another student the same questions instead of the teacher. Then they should pass on the questions, choose anyone they want to ask.1. Ss learn the key sentences.2. To help them learn better, Ss ask the questions instead of the teacher .It makes them get more chances to speakStep 3A Guessing GameI also went somewhere interesting. Can you guess? Show Ss some pictures of different places. Teach: New York City,Central Park.Ss guess the place where I went. They should guess using“ Did you go to / visit ?”1. To help Ss to consolidate the sentence structure.2.To enliven the atmosphere of the class. 3.Make them interested in my vacation.Step 4 An interviewGet Ss to make an interview about my vacation and answer students questions.Ask: How was your vacation? ( teach “wonderful”)Ss watch a video.Try to ask the teacher as many questions as they canTo help Ss to consolidate the sentence structure.Step 5 Pair workAsk:Do you want to know more about your partners vacation?Now lets ask and answer questions in Pairs. Try to use the questions you have learned.Choose some of them to act out. Ss work in pairs.When some students are acting. The other students should listen carefully and take notes. Then another pair should ask and answer question using“Where did shehe go on vacation? Did shehe How was ”1.To help Ss to consolidate the sentence structure.2.Make Ss listen to others carefully while acting 3.To improve their listening and speaking skills Step 6 Work on 1a and 1bSay: We had vacations. So did the students in Section A 1a, Unit 1.Ask:Where did they go on vacation?.Who went to the mountains stayed at home? Ss finish 1a.Ss listen to 1b, then number the people in the picture.To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge they have learned and improve their listening skills.Step 7 Pair workSay :You know where the people went ,now lets make conversations about their vacation.Ss make conversations about the people in the picture. They should use at least two questions like “ Did ” “ Where ” To improve their speaking skills.Step 8 ListeningSay: We know where Tina, Xiang Hua, Sally, Bob and Tom went on vacation. How about Grace. Kevin, Julie?Ask: Do you want to know more about their vacations?Here are some questions about the vacations.Ss listen and finish 2a.Ss listen again and finish 2b.To train their listening skills.Step 9. Role-play conservationsSay :Read the conversations in 2a and 2b then role play the conversations. Get Ss to use at least five questions about each vacation. Say :While two students are acting. The others should listen and say at least five sentences about the conversation they hear like this:Grace went to , she went with . She .Ss read the conversations and some of them role play according to the information in 2a and 2b.Others listen carefully and say something about the information they hear.To train their speaking skills.To develop students good listening habits.Step 10. Homework1. Memorize the words and sentences in the period.2. Read the conversations in 1b and 2a. Try to memorize key phrases and sentences.3. Make a conversation about vacations with partners. Use at least 6 questions.4. Workbook 1. Period 1.Bb design:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 1Long time no see. Did you go anywhere (interesting) on vacation? Yes, I did. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. Did you go with anyone? buy anything special? meet anyone interesting? How was the weather / food / vacation? It was wonderful/ excellent / great?Teaching reflections Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 2 Section A 2d3c I. Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge aims: Key words and phrases: most of the time, quite a few ,something, anything / nothing fun, everyone, of course , myself , yourself, hen, pig, seem to be bored, someone, diary, Huangguoshu Waterfall. Key sentences:Did you do anything fun on your vacation? Yes, I did. I went to . How was your vacation? How did you like it? It was wonderful. Did you do anything interestingbuy anything special? The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. Still no one seemed to be bored.2. Ability aims: Ss learn to talk about their vacations using key sentences. Ss improve their speaking skills.3. Emotional aims: Ss express their feelings about vacations.II. Teaching important and difficult pointsSs get to know how to talk about their vacations using past tense.Ss understand differences between different pronouns and know how to use pronouns correctly . Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape. Teaching ProcedureTeacher s activities Ss activities Purposes Step 1. Revision and lead-inGreeting. Ask: Did you go anywhere interesting on your vacation? Where did you go on your vacation? Did you go with anyone? (Teach someone) How was the vacation?(Teach:How did you like your vacation?) Did you do anything interesting? buy anything special? eat anything delicious? ( Teach somethingnothing ) How was the weather? How were the people?(Teach everyone, no one)Say :Lets share your vacations .while two students are acting ,the others listen carefully and then say something the vacation you hear .Ss regard this conversation as a model and work in pairs to make a similar one. Share their conversations about vacations.Some students are acting,the others listen to the conversations carefully and give a report like this: .went somewhere interesting. She went to .She went there with someone. She went there with her . She thought the vacation was wonderful. She did something interesting 3. To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge they have learned and improve their listening and speaking skills.4. To develop good listening habits.5. To learn to use different pronouns.Step 2. Work on 3cSay: I know some of your vacations. No one seemed to be bored on your vacation (teach: seem to be bored)and I want to know more about your vacations. Can I ask you some questions about your vacations?Ask: Did you eat anything at a restaurant? read anything interesting? visit anyone in your family? buy anything for yourself? Did you keep a diary?Ask five students these questions. Get the others listen carefully ,fill in the blanks and give a report.Five students answer the teachers questions ,the others listen carefully and fill in the chart in 3c according to the information they hear. Then give a report: In this group, ate something at a restaurant. _read something interesting . visited someone in her family. _bought something._kept a diary.1.To improve students listening and speaking skills 2.To help students understand the differences of different pronouns gradually.Step 3. PresentationSay: I kept a diary about my last vacation.Show a short passage about my vacation:On my last vacation, I went somewhere interesting. I went to a farm in the countryside with my family. It was great. We fed hens most of time and saw some pigs . The only problem was that there was nothing much to buy but eggs. But Everyone still seemed to be excited.Ask:What was the only problem on my last vacation?How about you? Did you seem to be unhappy?Ss learn the new phrases in the diary.Ss answer the questions .When they answer the questions, they can understand how to use the sentence “The only problem was that .” and the phrase “seem to be”Ss learn the new phrases and sentences. It can make 3b easier for them to do.Step 4. Work on 3bSay: I think everyone seemed to have a problem when they had a vacation. So did Mark.Ask: Did everything seem to be bored? How do you know.Ss read the e-mail, fill in the blanks, then find out Marks problem.Ss read the e-mail again and explain the meaning the pronouns in the box. Then tell the differences.To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge they have learned Step 5. Work on 3aSay: Linda and Alice are also using these pronouns to talk about their vacation. Please read and fill in blanks.Ss finish 3a. check the answers. Ss learn the phrase :of course Make sure students understand how to use pronouns.Step 6. PracticeSay :Work in pairs to practice the conversation.Ss work in pairs to practice the conversation.Some of them to act outTo help Ss to consolidate the usage of pronoun.Step 7. Role-play the conversationAsk: Alice went to Sanya. Did she take quite a few photos? How about Helen? Then ask more: Where did Helen go on vacation last month? Did she see Huangguoshu Waterfall? What did she do there? How about Rick? Now lets role play the conversation.Ss read the conversation in 2d and find out the answer quickly.Ss read the conversation again and find out the answers to the questions. Ss read the conversation after tape, and role play the conversation according to some key words.To improve students speaking skills.Step 8. Grammar FocusSay: In 2d ,what sentences do you think are important when we talk about vacations ?OK, lets read sentences in Grammar Focus.Tell Ss that we should add one more sentence: How was How did you like it?Ss read the key sentences together. Ss try to memorize them.To help Ss to consolidate the sentence structure.Step 9. Pair work.Say :Now lets use these sentences to talk about our vacations .Try to use as many as you can.While they are acting,you should count how many sentences they use .Find out who can use the most.Ss work in pairs to make conversations to talk about their vocations. Try to use the sentences in Grammar Focus and phrases like “quite a few, most of time buy for” etc.Ss listen carefully and find out who can ask the most questions.To improve students speaking skills.Make sure they can use key sentences freely.Step 10. Homework1. Practice and memorize the conversation in 2d.2. Memorize the words and phrases in this period.3. Workbook 2 Period 2.Bb design.Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 2Did you go anywhere interesting?Yes, I went to Water full / .How did you like it? How was the vacation?It was Did you do anything interesting?Yes, I took quite a few photos fed hens and pigs bought for myself.Teaching reflectionsUnit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 3 Section B 1a1eI. Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aims: Key words and phrases: Malaysia, Malaysian, Georgetown, Word Quay, Penang Hill, Key sentences: Where did she go on vacation? Did she do anything special? What did she do there? How was the food? How were the people?2. Ability aims: Ss learn to discuss their vacations including the places, the food, the people, the weather and so on. Ss improve their listening and speaking skills.3. Emotional aims: Ss share the vacations and know more about different places.II. Teaching important and difficult pointsSs master and use key words and sentences correctly.Ss improve their listening and speaking skills.Ss learn to talk more about their vacations and exchange their feelings. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape. Teaching ProcedureTeacher s activities Ss activities Purposes Step 1. Revision and lead - inAsk : Where did Helen go on vacation?What did she do there?Where is Huangguoshu Waterfall?Ss role play the conversation in 2d1.To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge they have learned2. To present a new lesson.Step 2. PresentationShow Ss some pictures of different placesTeach the names of these places.Imagine they have been to one of these places.Ask: Where did you go on vacation? Did you go shopping? What (else) did you do? How was the weather / the food?How were the people / the stores/beaches?Ss learn to say the names of these places:Malaysia, Georgetown Weld Quay. Penang Hill, Ss imagine what they did in one of the places and answer the questions. Imagination can provide Ss with more topicsStep 3. Work on 1eSay : Suppose you went to one of the places. You can use the conversation above as a model. While some are acting, you should listen carefully and take notes then say something about the vacation you hear.List the description words the students use on the Bb. Ss work in pairs to make conversations. They regard the conversation above as a model.Ss share their vacations. The others listen carefully and say something about the conversations they hear like this : Tom went to , he took The weather was 1.To help Ss to consolidate the knowledge they have learned and improve their listening and speaking skills.2.To develop good listening habits.Step 4. Work on 1a and 1bSay: Just now, we used different words to describe our vacations. Can you divide these words into two groups according two kinds of symbols. How about the words in 1a? Tell Ss that we can use these two kinds of description words to describe our vacations.Ss divide the words on Bb into two groups according two kinds of Symbols . Ss finish 1a and 1b.To help students understand the usage and meanings of description words.Step 5. ListeningSay: We can use description words to describe our feelings about vacation. So did Lisa. Listen to 1d. What description words did Lisa use to describe her vacation. Do you want to know more about Lisas vacation?Ss listen to the tape and finish 1d.Ss Listen again and finish 1c.To improve students listening skills.Step 6. Pair workSay: Read the conversation in 1c and 1d. (Teach “home cooking”) . Work in pairs to practice the conversation.Tell Ss listen carefully when others are acting and give a report like this: Lisa went to Hong Kong. She The food was .Ss read the conversation in 1c and 1dSs work in pairs to ask and answer questions using: Where did What did she ? Did she ? How was? How were ? Then act out .1.To improve students listening skills and speaking skills.2. To help Ss to consolidate the sentence structure.Step 7. Homework1. Read the conversation in 1b and 1c.2. Make a conversation with their partner using the questions in 1e.3. Workbook 1 Period 3.Bb design Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 3Where did go? Went to Hong Kong / Malaysia / Georgetown / Weld Quay Penang Hill/ What did do? . took quite a few photos took a walk. bought something special. How was the / were the ? It was ./They were.Teaching reflectionsUnit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Period 4 Section B 2a2e I. Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aims: Key words and phrases: activity, decide to do, try, feel like, Paragliding, bicycle ,building, trader, wonder, difference ,top, wait for,umbrella, wet, because of , below, enough, hungry , as, hill, Key sentences: I felt like I was a bird. We saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. What a difference a day makes! Because of the bad weather. We couldnt see anything below.2. Ability aims: Ss learn to write a diary about their vacations. Ss improve their reading and writing skills.3. Emotional aims: Ss get to understand different travel experience makes people have different feelings.II. Teaching important and difficult points1. Ss master and use key words, phrases and sentences correctly.2. Ss improve their reading skills and writing skills.3. Ss learn to write a complete diary about their vacation. Teaching Aids: mufti-media, tape. Teaching ProcedureTea


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