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考点34 倒装句高考频度:考向一 全部倒装把谓语全部提到主语前面,叫全部倒装。主要有:1.there be 句型:可以用在这类句型中的动词除be外,还可用 live,happen,exist,remain,stand等等作这类句型的谓语。如:There are many students in the classroom.教室里有许多学生。Long, long ago there lived a king who loved horses very much.很久很久以前,有一位国王,他非常喜欢马。There happened to be nobody in the bedroom when the fire broke out.起火的时候,碰巧房间里面没有人。John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl答案D2.Here/There/Nowvi.(常为come, go)主语(必须是名词)此句型中here/there用来唤起注意意思是喂,注意了。如:Here comes Mary. I can see Mary coming.玛丽来了。There goes the bell. 铃响了。I can hear the bell ringing.Here comes the bus.汽车来了。There he comes.他来了。这种句型不能用现在进行时。here句中也可用系动词。如:Here are some story books I want. Here is what you asked for,or you are looking for.这就是我要的故事书。(我找了好久)Here we are. This is the station.咱们到了,这就是火车站。Give me some paper. Here you are.给我点纸。 给你。3.then引起谓语为 come,follow的句子。如:Then came a new difficulty. 然后产生了一个新的困难。Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.接着是八年抗战。4.out,in,up, down,away之类的副词作状语放在句首,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词,谓语为不及物动词come, go,run ,rush,etc。句式为:副词vi.主语(必须是名词)。如:Out rushed the tiger from among the bushes.老虎从灌木丛里冲了出来。In came the rose fragrance through the windows.玫瑰花香透过窗户飘了进来。5.介词短语作状语放在句首,谓语为不及物动词,主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:介词短语vi.主语(必须是名词)。如:In the middle of our school stands a high building.在学校中央有一座高楼。At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie答案A解析考查倒装。表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。6.表语放在句首,表语常为形容词、分词、副词、介词短语。要求主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:表语系动词主语(必须是名词)。Gone are the days when the teachers were looked down upon.老师地位低下的年代一去不复返了。On the both sides of the street are beautiful flowers.街道两旁有美丽的花。South of city are two big lakes.城市的两边有两个大湖。7.直接引语中间或后面,表示某人说这意思的插入语(特别是谓语较短时)。They must be in the fields now, thought Xiao Lin.他们准是下地了。小林想道。Help! Help! cried the little girl.小姑娘叫道:救命!救命!如果主语不比谓语长,或是它后面有宾语,主语就仍然多放在前面。Take your seats,gentlemen, Wilson shouted.威尔逊嚷道:先生们坐好。考向二 部分倒装只把助动词/系动词/情态动词提到主语前面,叫部分倒装。主要有:1.only副词/ 介词短语/ 状语从句开头的句子。如:Only then did I realize the importance of English.直到那时我才意识到英语的重要性。Only in this way can you make progress in your English.只有通过这种方式你学英语才会取得进步。注意:)在only状语从句主句结构中,主句用倒装结构但从句用正常语序。)only修饰主语,不倒装。Only after talking to two students _ that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.A. I did discoverB. did I discoverC. I discoveredD. discovered答案B特别提示:副词only置于句首, 强调方式状语、 条件状语、 地点状语、 时间状语等状语时, 主句要进行部分倒装。 但若位于句首的不是only+状语,而是only+宾语等,通常则无需倒装。Onlyafterbeingaskedthreetimesdidhecometothemeeting.在被邀请了三次之后,他才出席会议。Only in this way can you master English.只有用这种方式你才能掌握英语。 Only when he returned did we find out the truth.只有当他返回时,我们才能发现真相。2.否定词(短语)开头的句子要用部分倒装。表示否定的副词never,nor,neither,表示半否定意义的副词hardly,few,seldom,little,含有no和not的词组by no means(决不),in no time(很快),at no time(在任何时候都不),(在任何情况下都不)not until,not only.but also,no sooner.thanhardly.when/scarcely.即否定词助动词/情态动词主语其他。如:Never have I been in this city.我从没到过这座城市。Little/Seldom do I watch TV.我很少看电视。Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.直到我参加了工作我才意识到我浪费了多少时间。注意:1)关联词的搭配。2)前一分句倒装,后一分句不倒装。(2016江苏卷)Not until recently _ the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.A. they had encouragedB. had they encouragedC. did they encourageD. they encouraged答案C解析考查部分倒装。当not until所引导的时间状语放在句首的时候,主句要使用部分倒装句。排除A、D项;上下文中并没有体现出过去的过去时间,B项为过去完成时,排除B项。句意:直到最近他们才鼓励在农村地区开展与旅游业有关的活动。故选C。zx.xk2. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_ with my progress.A. the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied答案D3.以so开头,用 so助动词/情态动词/系动词主语表示前面叙述的情况也适合于另一个人或物,意为也,同样,也如此。表示前面叙述的否定情况也适合于另一个人或物,用neither/nor助动词/情态动词/系动词主语。 Society has changed and so have the people in it.社会变了,人也变了。注意:1)当so表示对前句内容的肯定、符合,或进一步强调前面所说的情况,或者赞同前面的说法时,应用自然语序。意为 的确,正是。Tom works hard.汤姆工作很卖力。So he does and so do you.的确如此,你也是。2)倒装部分的助动词、情态动词、连系动词的时态和形式要与前句相一致。If you dont go,neither/nor shall I.(If you dont go,I shall not go.)你不去,我也不去。注意:表示前面的多种情况也适合于另一人或物,或者既有肯定又有否定情况或涉及到不同类型的动词时可用:It is the same with sth./sb.或 So it is with sth./sb.句型。She does well in English,but is poor in maths. So it is with Lucy.她英语学得好,但数学学得差,露茜也是如此。 Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!_, madam. Its our soup of the day.A. Let me see B. So it isC. Dont mention it D. Neither do I答案B解析答语意为:是这样的,女士。这就是我们今天的汤。根据答语可知,第二个人同意第一个人说的话,因此用So主语助动词/情态动词/系动词结构,意为的确如此。4.由as引导让步状语从句要用部分倒装或前置。句式为:表语/状语/动词原形as主语其他。如:Clever as he is,he doesnt study well.虽然他很聪明,但他学习不好。Child as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得不少事情。Much as I like it,I wont buy it.虽然我非常喜欢它,但我不买。Try as she might, she failed.虽然她试过了,但还是失败了。注意:表语前的名词无形容词修饰时冠词要省略_, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A. Strange as might it soundB.As it might sound strangeC.As strange it might soundD. Strange as it might sound答案D5.在so.that从句中,如果soadj./adv.放在句首,其主句要倒装。So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him.他讲话声音足够大,以至于每个人都能听得见。_ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious the couple wasB. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple wereD. The couple was such curious答案B解析句意:这对夫妇对于野生植物是那样的好奇;以致于他们决定去马达加斯加进一步研究。主语是couple, 所以谓语用复数形式;该句子用部分倒装, so修饰的形容词或副词提到句首。6.如果虚拟条件句的谓语含有were,should ,were可以把if省略而将这三个词放于条件句主语前构成倒装。If it hadnt been for their help,we couldnt have finished the work on time.Hadnt it been for their help,we couldnt have finished the work on time.要不是由于他们的帮助,我们不可能按时完成那项工作。If there should be a flood,what would we do?Should there be a flood,what would we do?要是发了洪水,我们该怎么办呢?_ the morning train, he would not have been late for the meeting.A. Did he catch B. should be catch C. has he caught D. Had he caught答案D7.频度副词及短语often,always,now and then ,many a time ,every other day等放在句首时有时也倒装。Many a time has he come to comfort me.他来安慰了我好多次。Often did he warn them not to do so.他经常告诫他们不要那样去做。8.某些表示祝愿句子也用倒状语序。May you succeed.祝你成功!Long live the Communist Party of China!中国共产党万岁!方法技巧点拨1. 考前应认真研读高考题目,了解命题人的意图,对高考方向有所把握。2.倒装句在句式上考生不是很习惯,故考生得从多方面入手,熟悉各种倒装句式,以不变应万变。3.要注意倒装句中的主谓一致、时态一致及人称一致等问题。4.加强理解分析能力,切忌机械记忆,注意知识间的交叉,分清句子成分。5.在平时的学习中尽最大努力运用所学知识,达到熟能生巧的目的。题组一 能力过关I.完成句子1. _(as, strange, may, sound, it), I was very pleased it was over.2. Short _(it, is,as), Chinas first space class conveys so much knowledge and is certainly of great importance.3. _had she begun_ she heard someone running up the stairs.4. _(I, spend) more time on my studies instead of being addicted to computer games, I would be working in a chain company of Microsoft.5. Under no circumstances_(you, leave) the door to the Data Centre unlocked.I promise Ill be more careful in future.6. Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned_(we,realize) we cannot eat money.7. If a healthy environment is gone, _ everything that our life depends on.(也如此)II.项填空1. _ by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over other companies. A. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet2. Only in this way _ to make improvements in the operating system. A. you can hope B. you did hopeC. can you hope D. did you hope3. Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him.A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he had begun4. John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before.A. a girl did standB. a girl stoodC. did a girl stand D. stood a girl5. Was it because of his shortsightedness _ he was turned down by the company?No, it was because of his poor performance.A. when B. thatC. what D. how6. Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent _ properly in this hospital.A. can be the patients treated B. can the patients be treatedC. the patients can be treated D. treated can be the patients7. At no time _ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.A. they actually broke B.do they actually breakC. did they actually break D. they had actually broken8.Never for a second, the boy says, _that my father would come to my rescue.A.I doubted B.do I doubt C.I have doubted D. did I doubt题组二 体验真题1.(2015天津) Only when Lily walked into the office _ that she had left the contract at home. A. she realized B. has she realized C. she has realized D. did she realize2.(2014 全国大纲卷)_ the nurses want a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.A. Not do only B. Do not only C. Only not do D. Not only do3.(2014陕西)No sooner _ stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.A. had Mo Yan B. Mo Yan had C. has Mo Yan D. Mo Yan has4.(2014 湖南)Only when you can find peace in your heart _ good relationships with others.A. will you keep B. you will keep C. you keptD. did you keep题组一 能力过关I.完成句子1.Strange as it may sound解析考查倒装结构。句意:尽管这听起来有点怪,但是我很开心它结束了。as引导让步状语从句时,意为虽然,尽管,从句用部分倒装的形式,即形容词/副词/零冠词的名词/动词原形等as主语。3.No sooner; than/Hardly; when解析考查固定结构。hardly.when., no sooner.than.意为一就。主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。另外,当把hardly/no sooner置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。4.Had I spent解析考查虚拟语气和特殊句式。由句意可知,逗号前为条件虚拟语气句,从句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故从句谓语动词用had过去分词,当从句中省略了引导词if时,从句用部分倒装,即将助动词had提到从句的主语之前,句子还原为:If I had spent more time on my studies instead of being addicted to computer games. 5.should you leave解析考查倒装句。句意:你无论如何都不能不锁数据中心的门就走了。我答应你下次我会注意的。under no circumstance相当于in no case/in no way/on no account/by no means/never,意为决不,置于句首时,句子要部分倒装,即:将助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。若句中没有助动词或情态动词,则需要添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语前。由语境可知,此处有责怪的意思,情态动词应用should。6.will we realize解析考查倒装。当only强调状语且位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。如:Only by working hard can you make progress.You can make progress only by working hard.只有努力才能取得进步。7.so is解析考查倒装结构。句意:如果有益于健康的环境消失了,我们生活所依赖的一切也将消失。根据语境可知,前面提到的事也适用于后面的事物,且为肯定含义,因此用so助动词主语结构。II.项填空3.A 解析考查倒装句。句意:直到离开家,他才开始意识到这个家对他来说是何等的重要。not until引导的从句置于句首时,主句需用部分倒装。主从句的动作基本同时发生,故用一般过去时。4.D 解析副词there,here等位于句首,应用完全倒装句式。句意:约翰打开门,他从来没见过的一位女孩站在那儿。5.B 解析句意:他是因为近视而被公司拒绝的吗?不,是因为他的糟糕表现。分析句子成分可知,问句为强调句的一般疑问句形式,故选that。Zx.xk6.B解析考查倒装句。句意:只有在提高这家医院医生的数量50%之后,病人们才能在医院里得到良好的治疗。 only加上强调的介词短语、状语或状语从句置于句首,句子需用部分倒装。7.C解析考查倒装。否定介词短语位于句首,用部分倒装。根据后面it was unfair to punish them中谓语是过去时,所以选C而不选B。8.D解析考查倒装用法。否定副词never放于句首时,句子须用倒装语序,即把助动词放在主语的前面;根据引号里的宾语从句中谓语动词用过去将来时可知,主句要用一般过去时,故选D项。易错点:考生审题不清,容易被the boy says干扰,不知道使用倒装句或者使用与现在有关的时态,而误选其他三个选项。题组二 体验真题1.D 解析句意:只有当莉莉走进办公室的时候,她才意识到她把合同忘家里了。本题考查only位于句首,引导的时间状语从句,主句要主谓倒装。根据时态和句意可知选D。2.D 解析考查倒装句。句意:护士们不仅要求涨工资而且要求减少劳动时间。此处后面的but also被省略,not only引导的句子置于句首时,需部分倒装。故选D。3.A 解析no sooner.than.结构中的no sooner置于句首时,其后的从句用部分倒装。4.A 解析考查倒装结构用法。Only修饰的状语(从句)位于句首时,句子的主句要用部分倒装。即Only+状语/状语从句+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。根据从句的can可以排除D项。句意:只有当你在你心中找到宁静的时候,你才会与其他人保持好的关系。故选A。 - 13 -

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