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必修四专项练习1. Ill come to see your performance at 9: 00 tomorrow morning. Im sorry, by then my performanceand Ireporters in the meeting room. A. will end; will meet B. will have ended; will be meetingC. will be ended; am going to meet D. is to end; will be meeting2. This is the researchmany scientists attach importance. A. to thatB. in thatC. in whichD. to which3. You must remember that he has brokenlaw, and that you could get intotrouble for hiding him. A. the; /B. the; a C. /; aD. /; /4. The officialbecause he abused(滥用)his power. A. arrestedB. was arrested C. allowedD. was allowed5. time going on, my memories seemed to get worse. A. AsB. WithC. AfterD. While6. Im sure cars which areby solar energy will be popular in the near future. A. pressedB. controlled C. poweredD. pushed7. Anplan or method is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one. A. alternativeB. attractive C. eventualD. effective8. To be an excellent runner, you must be prepared to go through much hard work. A. for a startB. at the first C. with a startD. at last9. Mother commanded that little Tonyto school alone. A. goB. goingC. wentD. goes10. This pair of shoes is, so I want to throw it away. A. along the wayB. on the way C. on the way outD. by the way11. You can rely onthat it will rain this weekend. A. whichB. itC. thatD. what12. so much homework, many students come to be tired of school. A. Loaded withB. Loading with C. Loading ontoD. Loaded onto13. At present the government has done something tosome bad behaviour of the officials. A. move offB. move away C. rid ofD. get rid of14. A plan has been put forwardmore graduates should go to work in the country. A. whenB. thatC. whetherD. how15.I have had my computer repaired. How much did theyyou for repairing it? A. chargeB. costC. spendD. pay16.you start with one small positive thing during your day, youll begin to move into a more positive situation. A. Even ifB. In case C. In order thatD. As far as17. Janes pale face suggested that sheill, and her classmate suggested that sheto see a doctor. A. be; wentB. was; went C. be; goD. was; go18.Are you going to have a holiday this year? Id love to. I cant wait to leave this place. A. offB. outC. behindD. over19. The sun heats the earth, the air to rise and the winds to blow. A. causedB. causingC. causesD. to cause20. The informationby this office did not agree with the fact. A. providedB. to be provided C. providing D. being provided21. Have you ever think about whether your speech canto the crowd? A. get afterB. get around C. get alongD. get across22. The factory underwill have to be given up halfway because of the lack of money. A. constructionB. control C. considerationD. discussion23. Since you are in a public place, the noise of your radio must beto a level that we all feel comfortable with. A. supposed B. allowed C. attachedD. limited24.Andrew wont like it, you know. Can you change its color? ! I dont care what Andrew thinks. A. No way B. No problem C. Its out of question D. Its no wonder25. Nora caught the 18: 15 bus and arrived at herat 20: 00. A. distanceB. destination C. discussionD. description26. He is one of my students and always comes to see me whenever. A. he is convenient B. he will be convenientC. it is convenient to him D. it will be convenient to him27. Yesterday our car gothalfway; fortunately we managed to get itfinally. A. struck; workingB. stuck; started C. struck; workedD. stuck; start28. Im nota good mood, so dont trouble me to think of a solutionyour problem. A. in; ofB. at; ofC. at; toD. in; to29. It was difficult to guess what your parentswould be to your failure in the examination. 来源:Zxxk.ComA. impressionB. reaction C. comprehensionD. opinion30. The King didntanyone to go against his will. A. permitB. refuseC. predictD. seek31. The fire caused by the dry climate, which proved later the strongest one in the area, quickly, and destroyed the forest. A. to spreadB. spreading C. spreadD. to have spread32. The bikes driven by electricityin color, size and shape. A. varyB. diverseC. transformD. differs33. Dream of the Red Mansions is more thannovel. It can help us understandsocial life of that time. A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the; a34. Learning English means more than memorizing a huge lot of words. Ita large amount of reading as well. A. involvesB. Inspires C. limitsD. associates35.hard I work, I never seem to be able to catch up with others. Can you give me some advice? A. WhateverB. Whenever C. WhereverD. However36. The boy requested that his parentshim a big house. A. boughtB. would buy C. should buyD. to buy37. He has been told many times that his casual clothes are not right for someoccasions. A. risky B. urban C. formal D. traditional38. Im afraid that the passengers will have to wait at the airport for another daythe fog clears up. A. whenB. unlessC. ifD. though39. Most people arebringing down the price of housing because its too high for them. A. in honour ofB. in search of C. in charge of D. in favour of40. Whetheror design, he arrived too late to help us. A. by purposeB. by aim C. by accidentD. for chance41. She was put into prison because shestate secrets to the enemy. A. gave upB. gave out C. gave inD. gave away42. When he entered the hall, he found the big deskwith flowers and many peopleat him kindly. A. covering; staring B. covered; stared C. covered; staring D. covering; stared43. Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he was stilland could think clearly. A. awakeB. aware C. consciousD. confused44. Have you heard from Janet recently? No, but Iher over Christmas. A. saw B. have seen C. will be seeingD. have been seeing45. and turn off the light? Of course. With pleasure. A. Could you give me a favour B. Could you do me a favour to meC. Could you give a favour to me D. Could you do me a favour46.How do you deal with the agreement between the company and the customers? The keythe problem is to meet the demandby the customers. A. to solving; makingB. to solving; madeC. to solve; makingD. to solve; make47. Can we sit at the table near the window? I am sorry, but italready. A. was takenB. took C. has been takenD. has taken48., I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks. A. GenerallyB. Personally C. FranklyD. Faithfully49. The manager interviewed everyone involved in the accident to find out the truth behindactually happened. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. it50. Mum, it is nice weather. Id like to go skating this afternoon. Dont you think the ice on the lake is too thin toyour weight? A. standB. catchC. supportD. take51. Its impossible for all the people to get the job becauseof them are not fit for it. A. noneB. all C. not allD. every one52. Justice has long arms. Those who break the law will not escape. A. to punish B. to be punished C. punishingD.being punished53. He met my mother in the library, he got the news of my marriage. A. from whomB. from where C. for whichD. for what54. China is playing apart in solving the international problems. A. leadingB. sharpC. formalD. live55. As a result of the earthquake, a largeof earthblocked several rivers there. A. number; hasB. quantity; has C. number; haveD. quantity; have56.she was ill that day, she was the first to come to school as usual. A. WhenB. ThoughC. BecauseD. As57 Their products are a little more expensive but theyre really of high. A. featureB. qualityC. quantityD. process58. The conference wasfixed for the 10th, August, but later the unexpected landslide(泥石流)made us put it off. A. normallyB. obviously C. originallyD. partly59. In most western countries, on April Fools Day, people often playtrick on each other; children especially have greatfun. A. a; aB. the; the C. /; aD. a; /60.Are you going to London for a holiday? . A. That all dependsB. Thats nothing C. It doesnt matter D. If you like61. Mrs. White found her husbandby letters and papers and looking very worried. A. surroundedB. rounded C. surpassedD. shaped62. People should read the related regulations before theynatural resources. A. exportB. exploitC. existD. produce63. Dont be sad! We could take a nice holiday. A. in the leastB. at most C. at leastD. in addition64. I went to bed early last night, I was exhausted. A. soB. unlessC. thoughD. as65. At the meeting, all the people were deeplywith her brilliant report. A. impressedB. surprised C. excitedD. comforted66. Wu Juping, the most beautiful mother, is also popular with foreigners for her saving the babyoff a high building. A. honored; fallingB. honoring; fallingC. honored; fallenD. honoring; fallen67. The school headmaster forbidsat school. A. fighting B. to fight C. us fightD. from fighting68. Standing on the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower, you will get a wonderfulof Shanghai city. A. sight B. scene C. sceneryD. view69. Here are casesthe word “school” is used as a verb. A. thatB. whenC. whereD. which70. The factory produced many famous cars, none ofshipped to foreign countries. A. themB. whichC. itD. what71. Something sad seems to have happened to Nancy today. Just now when I went to see her I found her. A. cryingB. to cry C. criedD. was crying72. Hearing the strange sound, with a gun in his hand. A. out rushed heB. did he rush outC. out he rushedD. had he rushed out73. You can stay at my cottage in the countryyou like. A. whereverB. whoever C. wheneverD. however74. The constant rise of meat price requires that effective measures_by the government. A. must be takenB. be taken C. will be takenD. should take75. Many experts stick to the viewteachers development is the key to the education quality. A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where76. The old lady came to the police station and claimedof her purse when she was shopping. A. to be robbed ofB. to be robbing C. to rob D. to have been robbed77. He must be a man of wide knowledge, for his talkvarious subjects. A. was coveredB. covered C. would cover D. had covered78. It was said that the famous star died of a kind of cancersmoking. A. joined withB. joined to C. relating withD. related to79. The environmental protection advertisements on CCTV will surelyto our conscience or our desire to be worthy citizens. A. adaptB. attachC. adjustD. appeal80. Our books notbe published until December. A. due toB. planned to C. owing toD. thought to81. Were you all frightened at the sound of the fire alarm? No. Everyone stayedand obeyed the police. A. calmB. quietC. silentD. peaceful82. Careful! There is a nailof the chair. A. sticking outB. putting out C. standing outD. giving out83. There is a great deal of evidencethat music activities can help different parts of the brain develop. A. indicateB. indicating C. to indicateD. to be indicating84.get a better score, she has been studying hard all day. A. So as toB. In order to C. So thatD. In order that85. The book said that the hero was killed by reactionaries(反动分子)but his spirit would never. A. die awayB. die down C. die offD. die out86. He left France, preferring to give up thethat would one day come to him and went to live in England. A. wealthB. possession C. fortune D. treasure87. Ladies and gentlemen, lets keep the meeting short and toso as not to waste everyones time. A. the opinionB. the note C. the keyD. the point88. I cant understand why you allthink that I did it. A. shallB. willC. canD. should89. I came here by taxi and the driverme 50 yuan. Really? Youby bus. A. paid; should come B. cost; should have comeC. charged; ought to have come D. spent; ought to come90. Hes made general manager while still less than 30. Thats really quite! A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything12

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