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口语主观题素材主题I:地点类 PLACE1. Describeyourfavoriteareainthecityandexplainwhyyoulikethisarea. My favorite area in the city is the downtown area. First, there are many museums. Their collections can help me broaden my horizon and enrich my knowledge. Whenever I have any spare time, I will go to the museums there.Second, the down areas transportation is very convenient. Once I am in the downtown, I can commute to anywhere I want with great ease. The developed public transportation can save me huge amounts of time and money.2.Describeaplace/cityyouveneverbeentobutalwayswantedtovisitsomeday.Usespecificreasonsanddetailstoexplainyourchoice.I want to visit London someday in the future.First, I am a big fan of Harry Potter films. I really want to visit the Hogwarts Castle, King Cross Station and the Diagon Alley. These places all appeared in the films, I wish I can visit these places someday.Second, I love history very much. The British Museum in London is the most prestigious one in the world. I want to see the precious collections with my own eyes. 3.Describe aplacethatyouwouldliketogowithyourfriendsandexplainwhy.Include reasonsandexamplestosupportyourresponse.I would like to go to Shanghai Museum of Natural History with my friends. First, it is a terrific place which can provide us with useful knowledge that we all want to gain. Since we are all interested in nature science, that would be a perfect place to go.Second, there are many special programs which require team work. Things like making little sculptures, minimum excavations are designed for a group. So we can enjoy ourselves together.4. Wheredoyouoftengotoplayoutdoorsportsonsunnydays?Describethis placeandexplainwhyyou like this place.I go to our neighborhood sports field to play outdoor sports on sunny days.First, there are excellent facilities at the neighborhood sports field. I can play basketball, football and tennis there.Second, many friends and neighbors are likely to join me. Since its near our homes, it would be easy to call up some friends and play together as a team. That can make the game much more interesting. It can also cultivate our team spirit.5. Inyouropinion,whataresomeimportantcharacteristicsofagoodschool?Usereasonsandspecificexamplestoexplainwhythesecharacteristicsare important.Personally speaking, a good school must have following characteristics.First, it must be able to provide students with a good academic atmosphere. Since the environment always has huge impact on students, a good academic atmosphere can make students more willing to learn and study.Second, it must encourage all-round developments. Students should be educated to be outstanding in study as well as in other aspects, such as volunteering and other non-profit activities.6.What is your favorite place to studyandexplainwhy. The library is my favorite place to study.First, I can concentrate on my study there. Since everyone is reading or doing research, there would be no disturbance. I am very efficient when studying in the library.Second, I can solve the problems I meet in study right there in the library. There are plenty of books and computers which I can use to get information. That really does good to my study.主题II:人物类(Person)1. Describeapersonthatyouadmire.Explainwhyyouadmirethisperson.Includedetailsandexamplestosupportyourresponse.I admire Jackie Chen very much.First, he is an easy going and modest man. Famous as he is, he seldom refuses fans requests to take photos together while many other stars always get annoyed.Second, he is a tough man. Once shooting films in South Africa, he was seriously injured because of an accident. But he continued to shoot the film the moment his cuts stopped bleeding. Jackie Chen deserves me to admire.2. Inyouropinion,whataresomeimportantcharacteristicsofagoodteacher?Usereasonsandspecificexamplestoexplainwhythesecharacteristicsareimportant.From my perspective, a good teacher should have following qualities.First, he must very responsible. Everyone meets problems and questions in the process of study. Only a responsible teacher can help student find the solutions to all questions.Second, he must be very friendly to students. Thus, students will be no longer afraid of him and develop close relationships with him. A friendly teacher can help to cultivates students interest.3. Inyouropinion,whataresomeimportantcharacteristicsofagoodparent?Usereasonsandspecificexamplestoexplainwhythesecharacteristicsareimportant.In my opinion, a good parent must have the following qualities.First, he/she must be patient towards the children. It may take a long time for children to develop skill, and patience is a must for a good parent.Second, he/she must encourage instead of blaming his/her children when they are facing difficulties. Everyone, especially children, needs encourage when they are confronted with difficulties. A parent who only knows to blame will do no good to the children.4.Inyouropinion,whataresomeimportantcharacteristicsofagoodfriend?Usereasonsandspecificexamplestoexplainwhythesecharacteristicsareimportant. In my opinion, the following characteristics are imperative for a good friend.First, he must be a man with integrity. A friend without integrity may lead you to a false trace and even destroy your life, thats why integrity is so important.Second, he must be a good listener. A good friend is willing to listen to your stories when you are in bad mood, and someone who try to cheer you up when you are in tears.5. Describeyourfavoriteperformer,actor ormusician.Explainwhyyoulikethisperformerormusicianmost.Includereasonsandexamplestosupportyourresponse.I admire Jackie Chen very much.First, he is an easy going and modest man. Famous as he is, he seldom refuses fans requests to take photos together while many other stars always get annoyed.Second, he is a tough man. Once shooting films in South Africa, he was seriously injured because of an accident. But he continued to shoot the film the moment his cuts stopped bleeding. Jackie Chen deserves me to admire.6.Inyouropinion,whataresomeimportantcharacteristicsofagoodleader?Usereasonsandspecificexamplestoexplainwhythesecharacteristicsareimportant.From my perspective, the following qualities are necessary to become a good leader.First, he must be a man with great capacity. Since a leader will have to make many difficult choices and meet many difficulties, great capacity is indispensable.Second, he must be a tough man who cant be easily defeated. There are many ups and downs in the journey towards success, only a tough man can lead the group.7. Describeacharacterinafilm, book or film andexplainwhyyoulikehim/her.I like the character Harry Potter in the Harry Potter films.First, he is a kind and warm-hearted boy. He is always willing to help others and he only tries to disarm his enemies when they intend to kill him.Second, he is an extraordinary hero who sacrifices himself for the common good. After he noticed part of Voldemort lives inside himself, he chooses to die in order to make sure that Voldemort will never return.主题III:物体AnObject1. Describethemostimportantgiftyouhavereceived.Whyisitthemostimportantgift?Includedetailstosupportyourexplanation.Or a gift to someone The most important gift I have ever received is a calendar. First, it reminded me that time passes away quickly. Since each page of the calendar was torn off at the end of a day, I got to know that time is precious and I must cherish it. Second, I learned from it that everything would be diluted by time. Just like the pages of calendar, all my bad feelings or failures would get out of my mind. So I have got to focus on the time being and the future instead of the past.2. Describeabookthatyouthinkisinteresting.Explainwhythisbookisinterestingtoyou.IncludedetailsandexamplesinyourexplanationOr a useful bookThe old man and the sea is an interesting book.First, it let me understand the great power of mans will. The old fisherman Santiago conquered the huge marlin simply because he was determined to stick to the end.Second, it gives a new definition of success. Santiago got nothing but a bare fish backbone at last. But he was a winner, because he overcame his inner fear, he conquered nature.3.Describeamemorablepaintingorphotoyouhaveseenbefore.Explainwhy youlikeitordislikeit.Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse. My favorite painting is Mona Lisa. First, it has a beauty of accurate. Huge amounts of calculations were made to secure this paintings quality. Second, it has a mysterious smile which deeply attracts me. No matter in which direction do you look from, she is always smiling. She wasnt an exceptionally pretty woman, but she looked so beautiful in the painting.4. Describeyourfavoritemeansoftransportation.Explainwhyyouenjoyit most.Includedetailsandexamplestosupport yourresponse. My favorite means of transportation is the high-speed rail. First, its always very punctual. Since it wont be greatly affected by the climate, the high-speed rail is seldom delayed. This is to say, my schedule wont be affected by the uncertainty of climate. Second, its very fast and cheaper than the plane. It is only a little bit more slowly than the plane, but it is much cheaper than the plane.5. ChooseONEoftheformsofthetechnologyinthelistandtellwhyithas greatimpactonpeopleslivesinyourcountry?Airplane,computerortelevision.Usespecificreasonsandexamplestosupportyourresponse.Airplane has a great impact on peoples lives in my country.First, airplane has greatly shortened peoples commuting time. Since it is more convenient to travel, more people go traveling in the vacations, this greatly boosts our countrys tourism.Second, airplane has helped people to broaden their horizons and enrich their knowledge. It paved the way for people to go abroad and get to know the foreign culture.6.Aforeignfriendiscoming to your country.Whatkindoffoodwouldyouliketorecommendtothisforeignfriend?Why?Usespecificreasonsanddetailstosupportyourchoice.I would recommend the small steamed bun to this friend. First, it is a typical Chinese food. It is very delicate and delicious, it integrates the intelligence of ancient Chinese. Second, this kind of food is unique in China. The small steamed bun can only be seen in China. It would be a great pity if he doesnt taste the small steamed bun during his visit in China.7.Describeyourfavoritestyleofclothing.Includereasonsanddetailsinyour response.My favorite style of clothing is sport suit. First, sport suit is suitable for me. Since I have to do many sports every day, wearing sport suits will save me a lot of time changing clothes.Second, sport suit is loose and comfortable. I can work more efficiently when I am wearing sport suits. Thats a perfect choice for students who need to study all day long.8.Describeajob,careerorprofessionwhichyouwishtopursue.Explainwhy thisjobisyouridealjob.Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse.I want to be an English teacher in the future.First, I believe that teaching can bring me a sense of achievement. It will be a great joy to witness my students master something that they dont know before.Second, I believe it is necessary to let more people learn English and learn about its culture. As an international language, English is very important in international communications. So students will learn more about the world through my effort.9.Describeyourfavoritemusic.Explain why you like this kind of musicI like Rock and Roll best.First, it is always very energetic. When I am tired or disappointed, it can always cheer me up and give me motive power to start working again.Second, it can help me relax. Singing or listening to rock music will help me release all my stress, anger and tiredness. Rock music can help me to adjust my mood and get ready for study. 10.Whatkindofmoviedoyoulikemost?Explainwhyyoulikethiskindof movie.Includereasonsandexamplestosupportyourresponse. I like detective movies best. First, the detective movies are very thrilling and attractive. Since you will never know whats going to happen next second, youll stay focused on the screen. Second, the detective movies can help cultivate my logical thinking skills. Since the detective movies contain careful planning and critical reasoning, it would help improve my logical thinking skills. 11.Which subject do you prefer to study and why, art or science? I prefer to study science. First, science is more useful in the future society. All the technologies are based on basic science knowledge. Studying science can pave my way for future study and career. Second, science is more accurate and more logical than art. All my researches can be based on statistics rather than pure theories. This would be more convincing and more scientific.12. What are some important effects of the worldwide availability of the Internet on modern peoples life? Use specific details and examples to support your response. Or cellphone In my opinion , the worldwide availability of Internet has the following impacts on modern peoples life. First, it is much easier for people to get information and knowledge. With the help of Internet, people can get much of the information and knowledge by surfing the Internet. Second, it is more convenient for people to communicate with each other. Because of the widespread of instant chatting software, people no longer need to wait months or days to hear from their relatives or friends.主题IV:事情或者活动类 经验类(Event,activity or experience)1.Describeaspecialopportunitythatyouhavebeengiveninyourlife.Explain whyitisimportanttoyou.Includereasonsanddetailsinyourresponse.Ive been once given a chance to deliver a performance at a Home for the aged. It was a special experience because of following reasons.First, it helped me realize that many people around us need to be taken care of. Those old men and women hardly have visitors. So it is necessary to organize more performances to let them not feel lonely.Second, it helped me realize that everyone has his/her own responsibility towards the society. As a member of the society, I should do something to help those people who need help.2. Describeonedifficultyyouhaveencounteredandhowyouovercameit. Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse. Or achievementWhen I just arrived in America, I was very unwilling to speak English. With the following reasons, I finally overcame it.First, I have to communicate with teachers in order to get food. Since they didnt know whether I was hungry, I had to try to remember and use a few English words like “I am still hungry.”Second, my teachers kept encouraging. They were all working very hard to teach me English. Whenever I spoke a simple word, they would be over the moon.3. Describeonekindofyourskillswhichyouaregoodat.Explainwhythisskillisimportanttoyou.Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse.Or favorite activityPlaying tennis is one kind of skills which I am good at.First, it provides me with an opportunity to exercise and keep fit. By playing tennis, I have got a very strong body and a good shape as well.Second, it provides me with a chance to make new friends. As the tennis must be played in pairs, I always have to play tennis with a stranger. By playing tennis, I make friends with many of them.4.Describethemostimportantdecisionthatyouhaveevermadeinyourlife. Explainwhythisdecisionisimportanttoyou.Includereasonsanddetailsto supportyourresponse.The most important decision Ive ever made in my life was to learn English when I was five years old.First, English opens a brand new world for me. Most of the information and millions of books are written in English. By learning English, I can get many useful knowledge and information.Second, English helps me to make friends with foreigners. As English is the language most foreigners speak, I always help them by answering their questions in English. Thus, I make friends with many foreigners.5.Describeoneofyourfuturegoals.Explainwhythisgoalisimportanttoyou. Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse.Teaching English is one of my future goals.First, I believe that teaching can bring me a sense of achievement. It will be a great joy to witness my students master something that they dont know before.Second, I believe it is necessary to let more people learn English and learn about its culture. As an international language, English is very important in international communications. So students will learn more about the world through my effort.6.Describeyourfavoritetimeofayear.Explainwhyyoulikethistimemost. Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse.My favorite time of a year is the summer vacation. First, I can read all the books I want to read in the summer vacation. Since I have plenty of spare time, I can enjoy myself and learn much knowledge at the same time.Second, I can have a good rest after a semesters busy study life. I can go traveling and do much exercise. These activities can help adjust my mood and my body.7. Describesthemostenjoyable andparticulardayinyourlife.Includereasons anddetailsinyourresponse. Or important day The most enjoyable and particular day in my life is the day in which I got the letter of admission from my ideal high school.First, after four years strive, my dream finally came true. As the most prestigious high school in my city, it really took my great effort to get accepted. And on that day, I was really over the moon.Second, that meant I will get better education and will be provided with high-quality resources. These will pave the way for me to get into my ideal university.8. Describeacelebration,publiceventormomentthatismostimpressiveto you.Explainwhyitwasmemorabletoyou.Includereasonsandexamplesto supportyourresponse. My junior-high school graduation is the most impressive moment for me. First, it reminded me of the past four years. All the things weve experienced together, no matter we were happy or sad, winners or losers. We just felt like a big family. Second, it gave me the courage for future study life. The graduation ceremony was just a rest station in my study life. We have got to continue our journey towards success and our personal goals. So that we will one day make all of our teachers, friends and parents proud of us.9. Whatisyourfavoritewaytorelaxyourself?Explainwhyyouliketousethis waytorelaxyourself.Includereasonsanddetailstosupportyourresponse.I like listening to rock music to relax myself.First, listening to rock music will help me release all my stress, anger and tiredness. Rock music can help me just enjoy myself. That can help adjust my mood.Second, listening to rock music can help me temporarily forget all the trouble and worries. Thats very necessary when I am facing stress. When I am intoxicated in music, I feel much better.10.What kind of volunteer work would you do


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