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CMA Exam Retired QuestionsCMA Part 1 Business AnalysisExamination Questions for PracticeCMA第一部分商业分析考试练习题Section A: Business EconomicsA部分:商业经济学1.1.Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for bagels to shift to the left?a. A decrease in the cost of muffins.b. An increase in the population.c. A decrease in the price of bagels.d. An increase in the supply of bagels.下列哪项会使面包圈的需求曲线向左移动?a.b.c.d.松饼的成本下降人口增加面包圈的价格下降面包圈的供给增加2.2.Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for prepared meals sold in supermarkets toshift to the right?a. An increase in the price of prepared meals.b. An increase in consumer income.c. A decrease in the price of restaurant meals.d. An increase in the supply of prepared meals.下列哪项会使超市中出售的速食的需求曲线向右移动?a.b.c.d.速食的价格升高消费者收入增加饭店的价格下降速食的供给增加3.3.If a decrease in the demand for Product X causes the demand curve for Product Y to shift to the right,then X and Y are most likely to be which of the following?a. Shoes and laces.b. Butter and margarine.c. Knives and forks.d. Cars and gasoline.假设产品X的需求下降使得产品Y的需求曲线向右移动,那么X和Y最可能是下列哪两种东西?a.b.c.d.鞋和鞋带黄油和人造黄油刀和叉汽车和汽油 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 1CMA Exam Retired Questions4.4.All of the following will increase the demand for a factor of production excepta. an increase in the demand for the product.b. an increase in the marginal revenue product of the factor of production.c. training aimed at increasing productivity.d. an increase in the supply of the factor of production.下列哪项不会增加一种生产要素的需求?a.b.c.d.该产品的需求增加该生产要素的边际收入产品增加旨在提高生产率的培训该生产要素的供给增加5.5.If the demand for a product is elastic, a price increase will result ina. no change in total revenue.b. an increase in total revenue.c. a decrease in total revenue.d. an indeterminate change in revenue.假设产品的需求是有弹性的,那么价格增加会造成:a.b.c.d.总收入不变总收入增加总收入减少收入变动不确定6.A market research analyst determined the following market data for a commodity.Price$ 255075100Quantity Supplied2505007501,000Quantity Demanded7505002500Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?a. At a price of $30, there will be excess demand.b. A market clearing price cannot be determined.c. At a price of $80, there will be insufficient supply.d. A market price of $50 cannot exist for very long.6.一市场研究分析员为一商品确定如下的市场数据:价格供给数量需求数量美元25 250 75050 500 50075 750 250100 1,000 0根据上述信息,下列哪项说法是正确的?a.b.c.价格为30美元时,需求过剩不能确定市场出清价格价格为80美元,供给不足 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 2CMA Exam Retired Questionsd.50美元的市场价格不能维持很久7.An economist determined the following market data for a commodity.Price$255075100Quantity Supplied2505007501,000Quantity Demanded7505002500Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?a.b.In the short-term, there would be excess supply at a price of $40.In the long-run, if producers costs per unit decline, then a reasonable market clearing price couldbe $65.c. In the short-term, there would be excess demand at a price of $70.d. In the long-run, if producers costs per unit increase, then a reasonable market clearing pricecould be $70.7.一经济学家为一商品确定了如下的市场数据:价格供给数量需求数量美元25 250 75050 500 50075 750 250100 1,000 0Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?根据上述信息,下列哪项说法是正确的?a.b.c.d.在短期,价格为40美元时,供给过剩在长期,如果生产商的单位成本下降,那么合理的市场出清价格为65美元在短期,价格为70美元时需求过剩在长期,如果生产商的单位成本增加,那么合理的市场出清价格为70美元8.8.If the quantity demanded is less than the quantity supplied at a particular price, thena. there is a shortage and the price will increase over time.b. the price is below the equilibrium price.c. there is a surplus and the price will decrease over time.d. there is a surplus and demand will increase over time.如果在一定的价格时需求数量比供给数量小,那么a.b.c.d.存在短缺,价格会随时间增加而增加价格在均衡价格之下存在过剩,价格会随时间增加而下降存在过剩,需求会随时间增加而增加9.If a products price elasticity of demand is greater than one, then a 1% price increase will cause thequantity demanded toa.increase by more than 1%. 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 3CMA Exam Retired Questionsb. increase by less than 1%.c. decrease by less than 1%.d. decrease by more than 1%.9.假设某一产品的需求价格弹性大于1,那么价格升高1%会使得需求数量:a.b.c.d.增加超过1%增加少于1%减少小于1%减少超过1%10.With regard to elasticity, all of the following statements are correct except thata.the price elasticity of demand is calculated as the percentage change in quantity demandeddivided by the percentage change in price.b. the availability of substitute products generally results in a product having high price elasticity.c. the price elasticity of demand indicates the degree of response to a change in price.d. demand tends to be more inelastic when the expenditures on a product are quite high relative to aconsumers budget.10.关于弹性,下列说法中错误的是:a.b.c.d.需求的价格弹性等于需求数量变动的百分比除以价格变动的百分比替代产品的可用性一般会造成产品的价格弹性高需求的价格弹性是指对价格变动的反应程度当产品支出与消费者的预算高度相关时,需求倾向于更缺乏弹性11.11.When a perfectly elastic demand curve is plotted on a graph with price on the vertical axis and quantityon the horizontal axis, the curve isa. parallel to the horizontal axis.b. parallel to the vertical axis.c. downward sloping with a kink in it.d. upward sloping from the origin.画完全有弹性的需求曲线,纵坐标为价格,横坐标为数量时,该曲线:a.b.c.d.平行横坐标平行纵坐标向下倾斜,有一拐点从原点身上倾斜12.12.If the demand for a good is elastic, then a(n)a. decrease in price will increase total revenue.b. increase in price will increase total revenue.c. decrease in price will decrease total revenue.d. increase in price will have no effect on total revenue.如果某产品的需求是有弹性的,那么:a.b.c.d.价格下降会使总收入增加价格上升会使总收入增加价格下降会使总收入减少价格上升对总收入无影响 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 4CMA Exam Retired Questions13.13.If the cross elasticity of demand for two products, A and B, is positive, then an increase in Bs price willcause the demand fora. A to decrease.b. A to increase.c. B to increase.d. B to remain unchanged.假设产品A和产品B的需求交叉弹性是正数,那么产品B的价格增加会使得:a.b.c.d.产品A的需求下降产品A的需求增加产品B的需求增加产品B的需求不变14.14.Which one of the following statements correctly defines the income elasticity of demand?a. The percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in income.b. The percentage change in income divided by the percentage change in quantity demanded.c. The percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in income.d. The percentage change in income divided by the percentage change in quantity supplied.关于需求的收入弹性,下列哪项说法是正确的?a.b.c.d.需求数量变动的百分比除以收入变动的百分比收入变动的百分比除以需求数量变动的百分比供给数量变动的百分比除以收入变动的百分比收入变动的百分比除以供给数量变动的百分比15.Which one of the following best describes the cross elasticity of demand?a.The percentage change in quantity demanded of one product divided by the percentage changein its price.b. The percentage change in price of a product divided by the percentage change in quantitydemanded.c. The percentage change in quantity demanded of one product divided by the percentage changein price of another product.d. The percentage change in price of one product divided by the percentage change in quantitydemanded of another product.15.关于需求的交叉弹性,下列哪项最好?a.b.c.d.一种产品需求数量变动的百分比除以价格变动的百分比一种产品价格变动的百分比除以需求数量变动的百分比一种产品需求数量变动的百分比除以另一种产品价格变动的百分比一种产品价格变动的百分比除以另一种产品需求数量变动的百分比16.An economic research firm performed extensive studies on the market for large screen televisions (LSTs).Portions of the results are shown below.Household Income$50,00060,00072,000LST Sales (units)20,00028,00039,200 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 5CMA Exam Retired QuestionsPrice of LSTs$1,000900810The income elasticity of demand for LSTs isa. 0.4.b. 1.5.c. 2.0.d. 2.5.LST Sales (units)100,000115,000132,25016.一经济研究公司广泛研究大屏幕电视(LST)市场。部分研究结果如下所示:家庭收入LST销量(单位)美元50,000 20,00060,000 28,00072,000 39,200LST的价格美元1,000900810LST的需求收入弹性为:a. 0.4b. 1.5c. 2.0d. 2.5LST销量(单位)100,000115,000132,25017.17.According to cross elasticity of demand, if the quantity demanded of one product varies directly with thechange in the price of another product, then the two products area. substitute goods.b. complementary goods.c. independent goods.d. normal goods.根据需求的交叉弹性,如果一种产品的需求数量直接随另一种产品价格的改变而改变,那么这两种产品是a.b.c.d.替代品互补品独立商品正常商品18.18.All of the following factors are determinants of market demand excepta. the price of the product.b. consumer income.c. prices of substitute products.d. the supply of the product.下列哪项因素不是市场需求的决定因素: 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 6CMA Exam Retired Questionsa.b.c.d.产品的价格消费收入替代品的价格产品供给19.19.All of the following are violations of antitrust laws excepta. selling below cost only in certain geographical areas.b. collusion pricing to restrain trade.c. predatory pricing to drive out competition.d. price discrimination by service companies.下列哪项不违反反托拉斯法?a.b.c.d.只在某些地域以低于成本的价格销售勾结定价以限制贸易掠夺性定价以排除竞争服务公司的价格歧视20.20.The goals of antitrust legislation include protecting all of the following excepta. competition, by outlawing monopolies and prohibiting unfair competition.b. consumers welfare, by prohibiting deceptive and unfair business practices.c. small business firms, from economic pressures by big business competitors.d. domestic firms, from unfair practices of foreign corporations.反托拉斯法的目的不包括保护下列哪项?a.b.c.d.竞争,通过禁止垄断和不公平竞争消费者福利,通过禁止欺骗性和不公平的商业行为小企业,免受大企业的经济压力本土企业,免受国外企业的不公平行为21.21.Federal antitrust laws are enforced by use of all of the following excepta. an injunction to prohibit a specific action.b. an order for specific performance.c. criminal sanctions, including imprisonment and fines.d. revocation of the corporations charter and liquidation of the firm.联邦反托拉斯法不是通过使用下列哪项来实施的?a.b.c.d.禁止某一特殊行为的禁令具体绩效命令犯罪处罚,包括入狱和罚款撤消公司经营许可,清算公司 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 7CMA Exam Retired Questions22.22.In defending an antitrust case charging price discrimination, a company is least likely to be able tosuccessfully defend its behavior ifa. discounts are granted to larger purchasers.b. there are differences in manufacturing or delivery costs.c. the companys pricing policy is a good faith effort to meet the price of competitors.d. the company is merely following the price leadership of dominant firms.在辩护价格歧视的反托拉斯案件时,公司最不可能成功辩护其行为,如果:a.b.c.d.给予较大的购买者折扣制造费用或送货费用不同公司的定价策略努力符合竞争者的价格公司只遵循主导企业的价格领先战略23.23.Which one of the following is a characteristic of the economic concept of utility?a. It is easily quantifiable.b. It is objective.c. It is subjective.d. It is impossible to quantify.下列哪项是效用这一经济概念的特点?a.b.c.d.容易量化客观主观不能量化24.Which one of the following statements with regard to the consumption of goods and its relationship toutility is correct?a.As consumption of a commodity decreases, the marginal utility derived from that commodity willalso decrease.b. As consumption of a commodity increases, the total utility derived from that commodity decreases.c. As consumption of a commodity increases, the marginal utility derived from that commodity willeventually decrease.d. Consumption of a commodity is determined at the point where the marginal utility of thecommodity is at its maximum.24.关于商品消费和其与效用的关系,下列哪项说法是正确的?a.b.c.d.随着商品消费减少,该商品的边际效用也会减少随着商品消费增加,该商品的总效用减少随着商品消费增加,该商品的边际效用实际上会减少在商品的边际效用最大时,商品消费数量也就确定了25.25.For a consumer, the law of diminishing marginal utility means that the consumer achievesa. less satisfaction as more of a product is consumed.b. more satisfaction as more of a product is consumed.c. more consumption of a product as income rises.d. less consumption of a product as income falls.对于消费者,边际效用递减意味着消费者得到: 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 8CMA Exam Retired Questionsa.b.c.d.更少的满足,随着消费更多的产品更多的满足,随着消费更多的产品更多的产品消费,随着收入增加更少的产品消费,随着收入降低26.26.A consumers budget line shows various combinations of any two products thata. can be purchased with a given money income.b. will yield the same level of satisfaction to a consumer.c. have positive cross elasticity of demand.d. have negative cross elasticity of demand.消费者预算线显示什么样的两种产品的不同组合?a.b.c.d.给定收入,可以购买的对消费者能带来相同水平满足的需求的交叉弹性为正的需求的交叉弹性为负的27.Which one of the following statements concerning indifference curves is correct?a.b.c.The quantity demanded can be determined at the point where indifference curves cross.Indifference curves measure voter apathy of government policy.Indifference curves are used to determine the comparative advantage of trading in twocommodities.d. Combinations of goods which are equally preferred by a consumer are depicted usingindifference curves.27.关于无差异曲线,下列哪项说法是正确的?a.b.c.d.需求数量在无差异曲线相关的点确定无差异曲线计量选民对政府政策的态度无差异曲线用来确定两种商品交易时的比较优势用无差异曲线来表示消费者偏好相同的商品的组合28.28.The concept of economic profit is best defined as totala. revenue minus all accounting costs.b. income minus the sum of total fixed and variable costs.c. revenue minus the sum of total fixed and variable costs.d. revenue minus all explicit and implicit costs.经济利润的概念是总:a.b.c.d.收入减去全部会计成本所得减去总固定成本与总可变成本之和收入减去总固定成本与总可变成本之和收入减去全部显性成本和隐性成本29.“Economic costs” often differ from costs shown in a firms financial statements. For a corporation, amajor difference would arise due toa.b.interest costs.salary and wage costs. 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 9CMA Exam Retired Questionsc. opportunity costs.d. state and local tax costs.29.“经济成本”经常不同于企业的财务报表中显示的成本。对于企业来说,主要的不同在于:a.b.c.d.利息费用工资费用机会成本州和当地税费30.30.Which of the following costs, when subtracted from total revenue, yields economic profit?a. Variable costs.b. Recurring operating costs.c. Fixed and variable costs.d. Opportunity costs of all inputs.下列哪项成本,当从总收入中扣除时,会产生经济利润?a.b.c.d.可变成本经常业务费用固定和可变成本全部投入的机会成本31.31.32.32.Williams makes $35,000 a year as an accounting clerk. He decides to quit his job to enter an MBAprogram full-time. Assume Williams doesnt work in the summer or hold any part-time jobs. His tuition,books, living expenses, and fees total $25,000 a year. Given this information, the annual total economiccost of Williams MBA studies isa. $10,000.b. $35,000.c. $25,000.d. $60,000.Williams是一名会计,年薪35,000美元。他决定辞职去学习一MBA项目。假设Williams在暑假不工作,也没有兼职工作。他的学费、书费和生活费用总共是一年25,000美元。已知上述信息,Williams学习MBA每年的总经济成本为:a. 10,000美元b. 35,000美元c. 25,000美元d. 60,000美元Jenson Products, a manufacturer of kitchen appliances, is attempting to estimate its long-run coststructure in light of changing economic conditions. Which one of the following potential changes wouldhave the least impact on Jensons long-run production costs?a. An increase in the sales tax rate.b. More stringent consumer safety legislation.c. Labor cost escalation.d. A decrease in the supply of skilled labor.Jenson产品公司是一家厨具生产商,正在估算经济条件变动时其长期成本结构。下列哪项潜在变动对Jenson公司的长期生产成本影响最小?a.b.销售税增加更严格的消费者安全法规 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 10CMA Exam Retired Questionsc.d.人工成本增加技术工人供给减少33.33.When a firm employs more of a variable input to a fixed input, and output rises by smaller and smalleramounts, the firm is experiencinga. diminishing marginal utility.b. diminishing returns.c. increasing opportunity costs.d. diseconomies of scale.当公司的固定投入所需的可变投入更多,产出数量慢慢上升时,该公司正在经历:a.b.c.d.边际效用递减回报递减机会成本增加规模不经济34.Auburn Products Inc. has compiled the following daily cost information for its manufacturing operation.Output (units)012345678Fixed Cost$2,0002,0002,0002,0002,0002,0002,0002,0002,000Variable Cost$02003805507008601,0401,2501,500Auburns average total cost at an output level of 3 units isa. $667.b. $850.c. $1,217.d. $2,550.34.Auburn产品公司已经为其制造活动编制了如下所示的每日成本信息:产出(单位)0固定成本美元2,000可变成本美元01 2,000 2002 2,000 3803 2,000 5504 2,000 7005 2,000 8606 2,000 1,0407 2,000 1,2508 2,000 1,500当产出水平为3单位时,Auburn公司的平均总成本为:a. 667美元 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 11CMA Exam Retired Questionsb.c.d.850美元1,217美元2,550美元 2008 Institute of Certified Management AccountantsApril 2008Page 12CMA Exam Retired Questions35.Daily costs for Kelso Manufacturing include $1,000 of fixed costs and total variable costs are shownbelow.Unit OutputCost10$12511$25012$40013$52514$70015$825The average total cost at an output level of 11 units isa. $113.64.b. $125.00.c. $215.91.d. $250.00.35.Kelso制造公司每天的成本包括1,000美元固定成本和如下所示的总可变成本:单位产出成本10 11 12 13 14 15125美元 250美元 400美元 525美元 700美元 825美元当产出水平为11单位时,平均总成本为:a. 113.64美元b. 125.00美元c. 215.91美元d. 250.00美元36.Harper Products cost information for the normal range of output in a month is shown below.Output in units

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