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过程装备与控制工程专业过程装备CAD技术上机作业班级: 过程装备与控制工程12-3 姓名: 黄凌瑞 学号: 2012216538 2015年4月3(1)源程序:(command circle 0,0 36)(command circle 15,12 9)(command circle -15,12 9)(command circle 0,-8 4)(command donut 0 18 15,12 -15,12 )(command arc -18,-15 0,-25 18,-15)3(2)源程序:(setq plw 5);指定线宽(command pline 0,0 w plw 0,100 150,100 150,200 w 0 300,200 300,100 450,100 450,0 c)3(3)源程序:(initget 1)(setq p0 (getpoint 直线起点:);输入直线起点(initget 1)(setq cta (getreal 圆心线与水平线夹角:);指定圆心线与水平线夹角(initget(+ 1 2 4)(setq r (getreal 圆半径:);输入圆半径(initget(+ 1 2 4)(setq n (getint 圆的个数:);输入圆的个数(setq cta (/(* pi cta)180.0)(repeat n (command circle p0 r) (setq p0(polar p0 cta (* r 2)4、源程序:(setq a (getreal a=)(setq b (getreal b=)(setq r (getreal r=)(setq x1 (/ a 2)(setq x2 (expt r 2)(setq x3 (/(expt a 2) 4)(setq x4 (- x2 x3)(setq x5 (+(expt x4 0.5) r)(setq x6 (+ x5 b)(setq p0 (list a b)(setq p1 (list x1 x6)(setq p2 (list 0 b)(setq p3 (list 0 0)(setq p4 (list a 0)(command arc p0 p1 p2)(command pline p2 p3 p4 p0 )5、源程序:(command circle 100,100 200)(setq s1(ssget “L”)(command offset 30 s1 500,500)6、源程序:(command polygon 5 0,0 i 100 )(setq e1(entnext)(command circle 0,0 60)(setq s1(ssget “L”)(ssadd e1 s1)(command mirror s1 -100,-200 100,-200 )7:对话框文件:column1:dialog label=价格查询; spacer; :popup_list label=书籍名称; key=plist1; fixed_width=true; width=30; :edit_box label=单 价(元); key=edbox1; width=30; spacer; ok_only;驱动程序:(defun mainprogram() (setq plist_1(list 高等数学 大学物理 大学英语) (setq plist_2(list 26.00 30.50 28.00) (setq jiage 26.00) (liebiao) )(defun liebiao() (if( (setq dlg_id1(load_dialog e:20122165387.dcl) 0) (progn (if(new_dialog column1 dlg_id1) (progn (start_list plist1) (mapcar add_list plist_1) (end_list) (set_tile edbox1 26.00) (action_tile plist1 (plistaction) (setq flag(start_dialog) ) (alert Unable to display dialog box ) ) (unload_dialog dlg_id1) ) (alert Unable to load dialog box) ) )(defun plistaction(/ idnum) (setq idnum(get_tile plist1) (setq idnum(atoi idnum) (setq jiage(nth idnum plist_2) (set_tile edbox1 jiage)运行结果:8对话框文件id0:dialog label=算属相; spacer; :edit_box label=出生年份:; key=edbox1; width=20; spacer;:row :text label=属 相:; :text width=20; key=txt1; spacer;spacer; :row spacer; ok_only; spacer; 驱动程序:(defun ex9()(if(setq dlg_id1(load_dialog e:20122165388.dcl) 0) (progn (if(new_dialog id0 dlg_id1) (progn (set_tile edbox1 0000) (mode_tile edbox1 2) (action_tile edbox1 (edbox1action) (setq flg00(start_dialog) ) (alert unable to display dialog box) ) (unload_dialog dlg_id1) ) (alert unable to load dialog box) )(defun edbox1action() (setq flg1 0) (setq idnum(get_tile edbox1) (if(= flg00 1) (progn (setq a idnum) (setq idnum(atoi idnum) (setq b(itoa idnum) (if (= a b) (progn (setq idnum(rem idnum 12) (setq shuxiang(nth idnum plist_1) (set_tile txt1 shuxiang) ) (alert 请输入正确年份) ) ) ) ) (defun mainprogram() (setq plist_1(list 猴 鸡 狗 猪 鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊) (ex9) 9:对话框程序:huatu:dialog label=图形绘制; spacer; :row :column :image key=image; width=20; aspect_ratio=0.5; color=-2; :column label=; :popup_list label=所开槽数:; key=pp1; list=1n2n3n4n5; width=20; :popup_list label=角度(cta):; key=pp2; list=15n20n30; width=20; :column :column label=起点坐标p0(单位:mm); :edit_box label=X坐标:; key=edbox1; value=0.0; :edit_box label=Y坐标:; key=edbox2; value=0.0; spacer; :column label=几何尺寸(单位:mm); :edit_box label=总体高度(H); key=edbox3; value=0.0; :edit_box label=顶边宽度(a); key=edbox4; value=0.0; :edit_box label=斜边长度(b); key=edbox5; value=0.0; :edit_box label=槽底宽度(c); key=edbox6; value=0.0; ok_cancel; 驱动程序:(defun mainprogram() (setq flag 0) (dialog1) (if (= flag 1) ;(progn (huagc) ;) );IF );DEFUN mainprogram(defun dialog1() (if ( (setq dlg_id1 (load_dialog E:20122165389.dcl) 0);加载对话框文件 (progn;progn1 (if (new_dialoghuatu dlg_id1);显示对话框(progn;progn2 ;以下初始对话框和描述文件控件 (start_image image) (setq max_x (dimx_tile image) (setq max_y (dimx_tile image) (slide_image 0 -50 max_x max_y D:2012216538GS.SLD) (end_image) (action_tile pp1 (plistaction1) (action_tile pp2 (plistaction2) (action_tile edbox1 (edbox1action) (action_tile edbox2 (edbox2action) (action_tile edbox3 (edbox3action) (action_tile edbox4 (edbox4action) (action_tile edbox5 (edbox5action) (action_tile edbox6 (edbox6action) ;(huagc) (setq flag (start_dialog);激活对话框 );end of progn2(alertunable to display dialog box);end if new dialog (unload_dialog dlg_id1);卸载对话框 );end of progn1 (alertunable to load dialog box) );end if load dialog );end of defun(defun plistaction1() (setq caosu (1 2 3 4 5) (setq csid (get_tile pp1) (setq csid (atoi csid) (setq cs (nth csid caosu) )(defun plistaction2() (setq jiaodu (15 20 30) (setq ctaid (get_tile pp2) (setq ctaid (atoi ctaid) (setq cta (nth ctaid jiaodu) )(defun edbox1action() (setq x (get_tile edbox1) (setq x (atoi x) )(defun edbox2action() (setq y (get_tile edbox2) (setq y (atoi y) )(defun edbox3action() (setq H (get_tile edbox3) (setq H (atoi H) )(defun edbox4action() (setq a (get_tile edbox4) (setq a (atoi a) )(defun edbox5action() (setq b (get_tile edbox5) (setq b (atoi b) )(defun edbox6action() (setq c (get_tile edbox6) (setq c (atoi c) )(defun huagc() (setq cta (/ (* pi cta) 180.0) (setq p0 (list x y) (setq pt (polar p0 (* 0.5 pi) H) (command pline p0 pt) (repeat cs (command (setq pt (polar pt 0 a) (setq pt (polar pt (- cta (* 0.5 pi) b) (setq pt (polar pt 0 c) (setq pt (polar pt (- (* 0.5 pi) cta) b) ) ) (command (setq pt (polar pt 0 a ) (setq pt (polar pt (* pi 1.5) H) c) (command hatch ansi31 p0 ) )运行结果:10:源程序:*pop1上机作业第7题.cc(load E:/2012216538/7.LSP)(mainprogram)第8题.cc(load E:/2012216538/8.LSP)(mainprogram)第9题.cc(load e:/2012216538/9.LSP)(mainprogram);第10题.cc(load e:/2012216538/10)运行结果:

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