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2018年长沙市初中毕业学业水平考试模拟试卷英语(一)知识运用(两部分,共20小题,计20分)第一节 语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)21. -What happened?-He said he saw the house on _ fire.A. a B. / C. the 22. -How was your weekend? -Great.It was my grandmas _ birthday. We got together and enjoyed ourselves.A.seventy B.the seventieth C. seventieth 23. -Jim didnt make _ when and where to go after school.-Lets call him at once.A. it B. this C. that 24. Nearly fifteen people died in the bus accident in Shanghai. Its _ one that I have ever heard of.A.a very serious B. a more serious C.the most serious 25. He has made a lot of movies_ few good ones.A. if B. unless C. but26. I havent heard from Mrs Green since she _ to Beijing A.moves B.has moved C.moved 27. All the workers except the manager _ to work online at home.A .are encouraged B. is encouraged C. encourages28. -Have you seen the show Genius?Yes.Its such a funny show that I cant help _ again and again.A. to laugh B. laughing C. laugh29. -Could you tell me _ , Jim?-Next Sunday.A. when would you leave for BritainB. when you would leave for BritainC. when you will leave for Britain30. -Liz,did you see the lantern show on Lantern Festival?-Sure._ beautiful lanterns! A. What B. How C.What a第二节词语填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C=个选项中选出最佳答案。(共10小题,计10分)。Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong,and nothing seemed to go right? Not too long ago. I was having one those days.I lost my confidence and felt discourage and 31_. My focus was on me. After all, no one else was 32_ the same things as l was.I 33_ my embarrassing feeling to my mother, hoping for some pity 34_ ,she said, “I heard Lily was having a difficult day too.Why dont you make her some cookies and well 35_ them to her this afternoon?”I didnt really want to do it, but my mother insisted .So, I made the cookies and put them on a little plated. Then I made a card 36_ a sunflower on it and wrote a small note of kindness.That afternoon, we 37_ my friends house.I went to the door and rang the bell. Soon Lily came to the door and looked at me in surprise for the unexpected visit.Before she could say anything, I rushed,I heard you are having a bad day and decided to bring you something. I hope your day goes 38_ .”The look that came over Lilys face was onethat I could 39_ put into words. It was as if a dark sky was suddenly 40_ by the golden ray(光线)of the sun. I got back into the car and for some amazing reasons,I felt a lot better myself.That day I experienced the truth that James Barrie,a writer,attempted to describe, “Those who brings sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.”31.A.sad B.surprised C.excited32.A.researching B.experiencing C.influencing33.A.pointed B.showed C.asked34.A.however B.and C.so35.A.fetch B.bring C.take36.A.with B.in C.from 37.A.went off B.dropped by C.knocked into38.A.well B.worse C.better39.A.never B.often C.no40.A.boiled B.lighted C.shutIII阅读技能(四部分,共24小题,计48分)1. 图表理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项ATelephone MessageFrom:Jessica To:LucasDate:May 5 Time:15:00Message:She says that you must put on your sports shoes,cap andsunglasses;bring some food and drinks;meet at the school gate at8:00 am tomorrow.Tel:8467-635 Taken by:Jim41.Jessica and Lucas will meet at the school gate _.A.at 8:00 a.m.on May 5 B.8:00a.m.on May 6 C.at 15:00 on May 642.What will Jessica and Lucas probably do?A.Go to a party. B.Go to a movie. C.Go climbingBTalent Show5:30p.m.-10:30p.m,Thursday,March 16,2017 Dont leave the gym during the party. Dont bring friends from other schools.Bring your ID card with you.You cant bring snacks and drinks with you.You can wear your own clothes instead of theschool uniform.If you want to have a show,please call 933-3963.For other information,please call us or visit ourwebsite:Tel:933-3961 Website:www.talentshow.org.uk43.Where will the talent show be held?A.In the restaurant. B.In the gym C.In the library.44.which of the following is NOT true according to the poster?A.There are five rules for the talent show.B.You must wear your school uniform.C.You are not allowed to bring your friends from other schools.45.If you want to perform a show,you can _.A.call 933-3961B.call 933-3963C.visit www.talentshow.org.uk第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A. B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。AI “aint” doing that “cos” I dont want to! Do you understand this sentence? We speak slang words(俚语) sometimes, but its important to learn formal words to improve our study. This is why a school in Britain is trying stopping informal language by banning(禁止)all slang words.The London all-girls high school, Harris Academy Upper Norwood, says the ban will let students “express themselves confidently and appropriately”. Words banned include “aint”, which can mean “am not”, “is not”, or “have not”. The word “cos” is used for “because”. And “innit” is slang for “isnt it”.But is slang bad? Its considered incorrect because very few people speak it. Its not normal. Yet language has always changed over time-even Shakespeare made up words.Slang words are popular among young people. They love their convenience. For example, “Are you busy?” asks a boy. “No, I have nuffin to do,” replies his friend. At the end of the conversation, his friend says, “ I have gotta go, cya.” we can understand that his friend isnt busy because he has noting to do. As the friend leaves he means, “Ive got to go. See you.” The Internet has influence slang words as they are much easier to write and simpler to say.The school says the students need to improve their language skills for finding jobs in the future. Do you think banning slang words is the best way?46. The slang word “aint” can be used for the following except “ ”A. am not B. do not C. is not 47. People think slang is incorrect because _A. It is an old type of language B. Some schools have stopped using itC. very few people speak it 48. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?A. How the young learn slang wordsB. How to express yourself with slang wordsC. Why slang words are popular among the young.49. What does the underlined word “appropriately” mean in Chinese?A. 恰当地 B. 流利地 C. 相似地 50. Which of the following agrees with the writer?A. Students express themselves better without slang wordsB. Its wrong to ban slang words in schoolC. Its uncertain whether the ban is good or badBMusic has brought James Blunt worldwide fame, but becoming a pop star hasnt been an easy road for him.Blunt was born into a family of soldiers in 1974. So it is no surprise that he himself joined the army as a soldier in 1996. Music wasnt popular entertainment in the family house. His father considered all music to be unnecessary noise. “Like any parents, mine wanted me to have a secure job with a regular salary and career prospects”, Blunt said in an interview with the BBC. “And the one job my father knew of that hed experience of himself was the army, so he could help me in that direction.” In 1999, he was sent to Kosovo(科索沃) as a member of the peacekeeping force. Despite following in his fathers footsteps, music was James primary passion. The young officer took his guitar with him. Blunt explained to the Herald-Times.” Wherever you are in the army, you take something to keep yourself amused. Some bring a pack of cards, some a football. I took a guitar.” His wartime experience inspired him to write the song No Bravery. Blunt couldnt escape his love of music. He left the army in October 2002 and decided that it was time to replace guns with guitars. He flew to the US in September 2003. There he met Linda Perry, songwriter and produces, who helped him with the music. In 2005, Blunt released his first album. Back to Bedlam. It was a huge success that the album sold over 10 million copied worldwide and its single. Youre Beautiful, hit number one in over a dozen countries.51. Blunt became a soldier at first because_.A. he loved the job with a regular salary.B. he preferred to sing in the army.C. his father expected him to be a soldier.52. What dose the underline word ” secure” mean in Chinese.A. 赚钱的 B. 稳当的 C. 轻松的53. Blunt went to Kosovo with _.A. a football B. a pack of cards C. a guitar54. Blunt release his first album when he is _.A. 31years old B. 28 years old C. 30 years old.55. What can be the best title of this story.A. Warsa Lasting Theme for MusicB. Road to Become a Pop Star.C. Living up to Parents Expectation.C五选四阅读 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项不全对话,选项中有一项为多余。Itisbadforyourhealthtogetangryinlife,buthowcanyoucontrolyouranger?56._Change what you expect.Ifyouexpecttoomuchandcantgetit,youwillbedisappointed. 57_andyouarelesslikelytobecomeangryThinkoftheotherpersonTryandunderstandhisorherposition.Whyaretheybehavinglikethat?Howwouldyoufeelifyouwereintheirshoes?Canyouagreetotheirreasonsforbeingangry?Onceyouseethingsfromtheirpointofview,yourangermaybereplacedbyconcern.58_Whenyougetangry,takeadeepbreathandstopthethoughtsthataremakingyouangry.Thinkofsomethinghappyinstead,somethingyoulikeandenjoy.Yourangerwillgraduallybecomeless.Surroundyourselfwithpositivepeople.Themorepeoplearoundyoushowthattheyarecalmandhappy,thecalmerandhappieryoubecometoo.59._Imaginedoingsomethingterribletothepersonwhoisannoyingyouandchangeyourangerintoyourimagination.Thenyouarefreetoactcalmlyandreasonablyonthesurface.A.Readbooksaboutcontrollinganger.B.Useyourimagination,notyourvoice.C.So changewhatyouwant and need.D.ThinkofsomethingpositiveE. Here are some ways to deal with第四节 阅读表达 Have you heard about “Survival(生存) Holidays”? “Survival Holidays” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents. The reason why people like “Survival Holidays” is that they think being closed to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities usually spend all time watching TV and playing computer games, “Survival Holidays” gives them an important change. Is “Survival Holidays” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing(打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults, but children dont know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them. Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives. 60. Is “Survival Holidays” for children or parents?_.61. Why do people like “Survival Holidays”?_.62. What do the children in big cities usually do?_.63 How do children feel when they are in danger._.64. What can children learn in the survival activities?_.IV.写作技能(三部分,共11小题,计32分)第一节 语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将画线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) What can we talk about with a foreigner? If you have a chance to talk with a foreigner, what will you talk about with him or her? Maybe you have heard that 65. Many westerners do not like to talk about their own lives or their families with people that they dont know well. Asking an American how much money he or she makes is a no-no(禁忌). When you want to start a conversation with a foreigner, its better to talk about what you have in common. 66. 比如,你可以问他天气情况。Then, you can talk about some“safe”topics like sports, movies, and music. As you know him or her better, you can begin to talk about more personal topic with him or her. Of course, there are differences among cultures. 67. Americans like to talk about themselves rather than their families because most of them think that they are special and unique(独一无二的). Besides, some questions like“Do you believe in God?”or“Will a black man be a good president?”may cause strong feelings in many Americans. 68.最好不要谈论这些话题。If you dont try to avoid these topics, you may cause trouble. In Brazil you can talk about anything except soccer. You may have a terrible fight if you talk about it with a new friend there. 69. Knowing the differences between your own culture and another is a good way to know another country. If you know more about whats important to people in their lives, you may find a good topic to talk about._第二节 情景交际 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分)A: Hello! Im a reporter from CCTV News. Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: May I ask you some questions?B:_70_.A: Do you often go to the movies?B: Yes. I like movies very much.A:_71_?B: Hmm About three or four times a week.A:_72_?B: I think the Palace Cinema is.A: Why do you think so?B: Because it has the biggest screens and the best seats. You know, its really great.A:Yeah, I think so. Is it the cheapest one?B:_73_. Town Cinema is the cheapest and its not far. But its too crowded.A:Oh, really?_74_?B: Well, let me think. The Palace Cinema isnt far, either. Its about 5 minutes drive and happens to be suitable for taking a walk. So I prefer the Palace.A:Perfect. I will go there someday.第三节 书面表达(计12分)75. 随着家庭生活条件的提高,现在的中学生或多或少会有一些属于自己的零花钱。请以“How to Spend My Pocket Money”为题写一篇作文,内容需包含以下要点:你从哪里得到零花钱;你平常用零花钱做些什么(至少两点);你觉得用零花钱还可以做些什么有意义的事(至少两点)。要求:(1)必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (2)词数:80词左右; (3)文中不得出现你的真实姓名、学校名和地名。_参考答案:听力略21-25:BCACC 26-30:CABCA 31-35 ABBAC 36-40 ABCAB 41-45 BCBBB46-50 BCCCC 51-55 CBCAB 56-59 ECDB60. For children.61.Because they think being closed to nature is good for children.62.They spend all time watching TV and playing computer games63. They feel uncomfortable and terrible.64. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. 65. 很多西方人并不喜欢与他们不熟悉的人谈论他们的生活或他们家人的生活。66.For example, you can ask him how the weather is.67.比起聊他们家人,美国人更喜欢聊他们自己。68.Youd better not talk about these topics.69.了解你自己的文化和另一个国家文化的不同是了解另一个国家的好方式。70. Of course/Sure.71.How often do you go to the movies?72. Which cinema do you think is the best?73. No.74. Can you tell me how to get to the Palace Cinema?作文:略

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