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开放英语(1)形成性考核册答案学前记录卡请自我评估一下你目前的英语基础.1.你是否掌握了本课程作为起点要求的600基础词汇: A. 是. B. 否2.你现有的词汇量约为_520_ ,能熟练使用的词汇约为_310_.3.请写出你认为自己已经掌握的英语语法内容. 人称代词、冠词、一般现在时、词类、 there be的句型等的用法。a/an不定冠词,表泛指,常用于第一次提到的单数概念;The 定冠词,表特指,常用于第二次提及或带定语的名词;独一无二的;乐器名称前.动词时态:一般现在时,P145通常表示:经常性、习惯性动作;客观真理、现在现状动词形式:am is are /do does /have has注意:1、动词的第三人称单数形式,2、行程表、时间表要用一般现在时例句:1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观现实。如: The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。现在进行时,p52,97,193通常表示:此刻和现阶段正在进行的动作;还可以用进行时表示即将发生的动作动词形式:am /is/ are doing注意:1、助动词be的人称变化,2、表示静物、心态及感情的动词不用进行时例句:Listen! She is singing an English song. 听,她正在唱英语歌。 Listen!He is playing the piano. 听!他在弹钢琴。 Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图。那些孩子正在公园放风筝。 Look!A train is coming. 看!火车来了 一般将来时,p203,207,239通常表示:将要发生的;预测可能发生的;即时决定做的事动词形式:will do / be going to do 注意:表示将来的计划和意图用be going to do 例句:1、明天谁将要来这里? Who will come here tomorrow? 2、九月份我将会返校。 I will come back to school in September. 3、下周会发生什么? What will happen in the following week? 4、今天下午我们打算开班会。We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon. 学习记录表11、 请用学过的功能句型介绍一下你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。My name is YueZongWei.我叫岳宗伟I am thinty-seven years old.我37岁了I am Work in bayannaoer.我在巴彦淖尔工作I am a manager.我是一名管理人员或:My name is JiangHaiYan, I am 27years old. My job is an accountant; I live in shenzhen, I have a family, my husband, my son and I, we have a dog. I like my job, I love my family. 我的名字叫蒋海燕,我今年27岁。我的工作是一个会计,我住在深圳,我有一个家庭,我的丈夫,我的儿子和我,我们有一只狗。我喜欢我的工作,我爱我的家人。2、表达问候的常用语:1. Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。2. Glad to see you.认识你很高兴。3. Its very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高兴能有这个机会认识你。4. Hi, John.嗨,约翰。5. Hello.你好。6. Good morning , teachers and fellow students.老师、同学们早。7. May I introduce myself to you?我可以自我介绍吗?8. I am pleased to see you.我很高兴遇到你。9. I enjoy the privilege of meeting you.我很荣幸遇见你。10.I am delighted to know you.我很高兴认识你。11. I am honored to know you.认识你深感荣幸。12. I am happy to see you.我很高兴见到你。13. Its a pleasure to know you.认识阁下深感荣幸。14. Hi (Hello), everybody.嗨,大家好。15. Good morning, everybody. I am Danny Chou. I am still a student in high school.大家早,我是周丹妮。我还是个中学生。16. May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you?我可以冒味地自我介绍吗?17. Is everything going on well?一切还好吗?18. Long time no see.好久不见了。19. Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是个惊喜!近来可好吗?20. Hows everything?一切都好吗?21. Hows your family?你家人都好吗?22.Hi, Mark.how are you doing?嗨,马克。你好吗?23.Fine. And you?不错。你呢?24. Hello,Jane. how are you?哈罗,珍。你好吗?25. Pretty good. Thanks. And you?很不错,谢谢。你呢?3、 请简要解释不定冠词a/an和定冠词the的区别,并举例说明答:a/an不定冠词,表泛指,常用于第一次提到的单数概念;The 定冠词,表特指,常用于第二次提及或带定语的名词;独一无二的;乐器名称前.例句:This is a teacher,he is the teacher of history for us.She is playing the piano.New York is a vevy big city,bus it,s not the capital of the USA.I work in the IT Deparment of a large bank.4、 请写出现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。1)、表示此该正在进行或发生的事情和动作。a).I am waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai.b).He is talking to a customer.2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻并没有进行。a).Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment , but right now he is sleeping .b).Wang Li is planning a new marketing campaign at the moment , but right now he is visiting New York.5、现在进行时的两种用法1.(1)当句子表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。 (2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。 (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如: We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 (4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如: Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。 2.现在进行时表达按计划安排近期内即将发生的动作 进行时表将来有这种用法的动词或短语有:come, go, start, leave, take off, fly, see off, meet, get(to), arrive, stay, return, take等。 例1 Mr. Ma is coming. 马老师要来了。 例2 I am leaving Washington for New York. 我马上要离开华盛顿到纽约去了。 你仔细体会一下,这些动词都是表示“来,去”之类的瞬时动词。 所以不能说Im being a teacher现在进行时的基本用法: a. 表示现在(指说话人说话时)正在发生的事情。例如: We are waiting for you. 我们正在等你。 b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。例如: Mr. Green is writing another novel.他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)c. 表示渐变,这样的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如: The leaves are turning red. 叶子在变红。 Its getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。 d. 与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如: You are always changing your mind. 你老是改变主意。典型例题 My dictionary _, I have looked for it everywhere but still_ it. A. has lost, dont find B. is missing, dont findC. has lost, havent found D. is missing, havent found. 答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时 1、请写出下列名词的复数形式。Parent photo bus life half child woman toothParents photos buses lives haves children women teeth2、频度副词often,always,sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。1).动词to be之后:a. I am often ill on planes. b. She is always at home at night.c. They are sometimes keen on playing cards.2).实意动词之前:a. I usually work on Friday. b. Tom sometimes goes to London.3) 助动词之后,实意动词之前:a. He does not always work on Tuesday. b. I do not usually go to work by bus.开放英语(1)作业1 neP-50 第一部分 交际用语 FeWtKH /MI O1.( A)How old is the manager? -He is 35 years old. A. Right B.Wrong2.(A)What do they do?They work in a bank.A. Right B.Wrong3.( B)Would you like some crisps? -No,Im sorry. A. Right B.Wrong4.( B)How much does the flat cost a month? -Its on the tenth floor. A. Right B.Wrong5.( A)Could you sign the register ,please? -Of course. A. Right B.Wrong第二部分词汇与结构 ?QDHEC6 2 B0h|Y.S8%1 6. ( B ) He _ for an IT company.A. work B. works C. working7. ( A ) I have coffee _breakfast time.A. at B. in C. on8. ( C ) _name is Wanghua.A. He B. Hes C. His9. ( C ) She is _only accountant in my sons company.A. a B. an C. the10. ( C ) Maria often has walk with _ parents in the morning.A. she B. their C. her11. (B ) _ you got any family?A. Do B. Have C. Has12. (B )Hes responsible _the central computer system.A. in B. for C.of13. (C ) The Business Banking Department is on_floor.A. second B. the two C. the second14. (C ) Wang Li is _ a new marketing campsign at the moment.A. plan B. planing C. planning15. (C) Polly enjoys _ the guitar in a band in her free time.A. play B. to play C. playing16. (B ) There _ three plants in the corners of the room.A. is B.are C. have 17. (A ) I work in _ IT Department of _large bank.A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a18. (B ) What _ “nr “ mean?A. is B. does C. do19. (B ) I sometimes go to the pub _ Friday.A. in B. on C. at20. (A ) _people are my friends._people are my husbands friends.A. There , Those B. This , That C. Here , There 21. (B ) He _ in Beijing, but I his parents _in hang zhou. A. live , lives B. lives , live C. live , live22. (A ) My husband doesnt _ ,but I like it very much.A. like shopping B. likes shopping C. likes to shop23. (C) - _ are you from? -Im from NanjingA. What B. When C. Where24. (C ) He _ lunch in the canteen right now.A. has B. have C. is having25. (A ) _ children has his brother got?A. How many B. How much C. How about第三部分句型变换 *:5S*E&V %,1xOl4l 26. He is a manager. xcl$41!W OM2*qiH Is he a manager? tEN8SX ? K,d 27. She usually goes to work by bus. VnYcqeCm sTxgU ! _ Does she usually go to work by bus? bess b= #z1/VZ 28. There are fifty students in the class. .6Llk M6g b8 Ez Are there fifty students in the class? *iN5/wVG 8B(=Y;w 29. They have a large house. sU+8&vBp AtUtE#K Have they a large house? / Do you have a large house? s f.z(o .EReYZO 30. Hes currently working on TV advertisements. AmZW=n2 $rWDZ0Z Is he currently working on TV advertisements? V!(7=ku! 第四部分阅读理解 lQiw8qD d&AO 4 Hi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning .He lives in London and hes British .His parents are from London ,but they live in Oxford, He is 34 years old. Hes an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank.Hes lovely, of course.See you on Thursday.Love , Polly.31. ( B ) Rob is Polly;s new boyfriend.A. Right B. Wrong 32. ( A ) David is British .A. Right B. Wrong 33. ( A ) Davids parents are British.A. Right B. Wrong 34. ( B ) Davids parents live in London.A. Right B. Wrong 35. ( B )David works at a university.A. Right B. Wrong Xiaoyan: tells David about the people she works with.David :So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people ,Jung, Lee and Liu they are the Marketing Department and I am their IT expert.David: Do you like it there?Xiaoyan: Yes, theyre great people .Lee is the Sales Manager. He is responsible for 25 sales people in China .Hes planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment ,but hes (略)36. ( B )How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?.A. Two B. Three C. Four37. ( B )What does xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai?.A. She is a secretary. B. she is an IT expert . C. she is the sales manager.38. ( B )What is Lee responsible for ?A. the advertising B. the sales people C. the office39. ( A )What is liu doing right now ?.A. he is on holiday B. he is working om TV advertisements C. he is visiting the New York office.40. ( C )What is Jungs current project?.A. A sales campaign B. TV advertisements C. New databases_$hK9I 第五部分翻译 41-45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。 1Jdx#K NMfHrYHbh 41. The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor. 2lGY_O!m t#z_Mn 会议室在一楼。 3!h5 gKl9Nkd!R 42. He s talking to a customer right now. =Gu&0f eWP079 他现在正在和一顾客讲话。 q?CsmY Jsa/ # 43. David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. M;Pry 3J $A9Pi/*z 大卫午餐时间经常在办公室吃三明治。 &.?Edbh 8ta h 44. I have a reservation for a single room. 5N $XY 3p&T?E% 我预定了一间单人间。 vs=qUw) R#W ThpX 例:Would you like sth? ? x #K:a? 6 | Would you like a drink?Yes,please,/No,thanks. 32.-v N2SR|. Would you like to do sth? b4dmc*N+ 13!L bC Would you like to have a cooffe ? Yes,please. R#da;j :*ci What N*-tBz iNA3Y What would you like,Pollly? I would like a glass of wine. 6ZQ |L=Ytp t/i I! What about + v_ing ? pr0X7 #_E5 J6Zc*W What about going to an estate flat ? c?A$Y?|9 TrjyU How about + ving ? a1cX+W R&?9tVRR What about going to an estate agent ? /7AHd ; iGW|jN Why dont you? CM R Xoe|U Why dont you take the tube ? 0,Ds1y 2、5个以上描写天气的形容词freezing寒冷的,arid干旱的,balmy温和的,damp潮湿的,dank阴湿的,windy刮风,snowy下雨,cloudy多云。BIx*t9wA 2、请用学过的功能句型描述一下你自己的外貌、性格爱好以及所擅长的事情。(Unit 9, Unit 11)(仅供参考)Hello, I am Mary. I am tall and I have got long, golden wavy hair with blue eyes. I am very nice and kind. I am quite outgoing and talkative very friendly. I love London. I like the cafs and the concerts in the parks. I hate shopping and spending money! I love sitting in cafs and reading newspapers. I like reading English newspapers. I prefer watching television. I love surfing the Internet for information. I am interested in visiting other countries. I am good at French. I am keen on learning languages.您好,我是玛丽。我很高,我有长长的金色卷发,蓝色的眼睛。我很好很好。我很外向和健谈的,非常友好。我爱伦敦。我喜欢咖啡S和CO在公园ncerts。我讨厌购物和花钱!我喜欢坐在咖啡馆和读报纸。我喜欢读英文报纸。我更喜欢看电视。我喜欢上网冲浪R的信息。我对访问其他国家很感兴趣。我擅长法语。我热衷于学习语言。Hi, I am YueZongWei. I am 1.6 meters tall, my short hair dark eyes. I am very outgoing and talkative, very friendly. I love chengdu. I like to drink tea and take a walk. I hate shopping and spending money! I like to sit on the cafe reading a newspaper. But I dont like to read foreign newspapers. I prefer to watch TV. I also like to surf the Internet to find information. Im very interested to travel to other cities. Im good at Chinese. Im keen to learn history.您好,我是岳宗伟。我1.6米高,我短发黑眼睛。我很外向和健谈的,非常友好。我爱成都。我喜欢喝茶和散步。我讨厌购物和花钱!我喜欢坐在咖啡馆看报纸。但我不喜欢读外文报纸。我更喜欢看电视。我也喜欢上网冲浪查找信息。我对去其他城市旅游很感兴趣。我擅长汉语。我热衷于学习历史。开放英语(1)形成性考核作业答案2 TFSdbg z|g2Q#$-S 第一部分交际英语 -)A:+ GF 1.(B)How do I get to the bus station? You take the number 38 bus. A. Right B.Wrong2.( B)What does he look like? He looks sad. A. Right B.Wrong3.( B)Whats the weather like in Shanghai? Thats all right. A. Right B.Wrong4.( A)What do you think of your new job? I think it is very difficult . A. Right B.Wrong5.( B)Excuse me ,where is the bus stop , please? Its outside the greengrocres A. Right B.Wrong第二部分词汇与结构 ?QDHEC6 2 B0h|Y.S8%1 6. ( B ) - _ Singapore like? - Its small and well-organised.A. What does B. What is C. How is 7. ( C ) How many _would you like to buy? A. coffee B. oil C. oranges 8. ( B ) I dont need _ coffee,thanks. A.some B. any C. no9. ( A ) _ rice do you want to buy? A. How much B. How many C. How10. ( C) I _ buy any wine. A. need not B. dont need C. dont need to11. ( C ) It _ rheavily here at this momen.? A. rain B. rains C. is raining12. ( A ) I havent got a cat .-Neither _ I, A. have B. do C. am13. ( A ) He can _ good English. A. speak B. talk C.say14. ( A ) What about Wednesdya evening?-Sorry , _ then. A. Im too busy B. Im free C. Im fine15. ( A ) Im interested _ cooking. A. in B. to C. at16. ( B ) It often_ in winter in the north of China. A. snow B. snows C. is snowing 17. ( A ) _ come to dinner tonight? A. Would you like to B. How about C. What about18. ( B ) I dont need _ mineral water ,but Id like _ tea, thanks. A. any, any B. any ,some C. some, some19. ( A ) I am not keen_ sports. A. on B. with C. in20. ( A ) You can paint the walls and _ posters.You can do what you want. A. put up B. put down C. put on21. ( A ) I prefer watching TV.- _ do I A.So B. Neither C. Nor22. ( C) How much does it cost _ bus? A. at B. on C. by23. ( A ) The area is too dirty. - Yes ,I agree. Its _ . A. not clean enough B. not enough C. clean not enough24. ( B ) He goes to work _ foot but comes back home _ taxi. A. by , by B. on, by C. by , on 25. ( C ) How about _ a taxi? A. take B. to take C. taking第三部分句型变换 *:5S*E&V 2630小题;将下列句子改写为否定句。 TTG=7x:3 yBK$2to 26. You can smoke in the bedrooms. Q & /5B /c_,G You can not ( cant ) smoke in the bedrooms. |kmP#P BqG-(V 27. It usually snows in winter in Ireland. 3ZT3I1/D I36$ It doesnt usually snow in winter in Ireland. e!ZaOeE m +A4aQ9 28. Put them on the desk. FVNTE +LW Bor_(eL Dont put them on the desk. 4SUzR $t*XTY6R 29. She has got brown wavy hair. 8 f!,!Wn oOUIP She hasnt got brown wavy hair. ZQ/P(t .eC w 30. I need to buy some apples. qtrd;xR |3FGMg% I dont need to buy any apples. 6jm?d9 A * :| d 第四部分 阅读理解 bLWY Tj 31-35Franco : Is this your calligraphy, Xiaoyan?Xiaoyan : Yes .Do you like it?. . .(略)31. ( B ) Francos handwriting is beautiful.A. Right B. Wrong 32. ( A ) Franco doesnt like using computers for personal letters.A. Right B. Wrong 33. ( A ) Xiaoyan doesns like using comfuters for persond letters.A. Right B. Wrong 34. ( A ) Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history.A. Right B. Wrong 35. ( B ) Franco is not interested in researching his family historyA. Right B. Wrong 36-40小题:Xiaoyan : I have most of the things I need . We dont need to buy any rice , and we dont need any peas.(略)36. ( C ) How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy?A. One B. A kilo. C. Four37. ( A ) Do they need any cream?A. Yes , they do . B. NO, they dont . C. The text does not tell us. 38. ( A ) How many prawns do they want to buy?A. A packet B. Two packets . C. Three packets 39. ( B ) Who would like to have some vegetables?A. Xiaoyan B. Mary . C. Shopkeeper40. ( A )Which is not included in shopping list?A. Rice and peas B. Potatoes and coffee C. Melons and wine第五部分 翻译 _U LzA B1FJAKI); 41-45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。 A 961 IIT_g 41. The living room is large and comfortable. 6&;GC.(y mT-I 起居室既大又舒适。 YL!oHs4 =NY55t . 42. I prefer watching TV to reading the paper. oC9 w1-P6cf 43. The bank is opposite the newsagents. -8FURWJ R)*DkL! 银行在报刊亭对面。 .1;UEb|T ojlyW)$% 44. He borrows a lot of money from me. B84 -jk 他从我这里借了很多钱。 mx Kz kr?+)wB 45. It takes forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi. lD3nzp = s4(Y 打的从机场到市中心要花40分钟时间。 RhHmaN 9|Pf_5% 学习记录表31、在表示比较时,常用形容词比较级 + than的结构,请举出两个例句。除此之外,还可以通过其它一些句子结构来对人或事物进行比较。请写出这些句子结构并举一个例句。(Unit 14 Unit 17)(1) 形容词比较级+thanShe was warmer than Frank.She was a little faster than him.(2) To be+形容词+asShanghai is as modern as London.This book is as thin as that one.(3)to be the same asBusiness life in Shanghai is the same as in London.2、 这几个单元介绍了多种用于表示将来的时态句子结构,请各举一个例。(1) 一般现在时表示预先安排的日程(Unit 13) Next month I do aerobics on Saturday. (2) 现在进行时表示将来的安排(Unit 14)Is she coming back to London on Thursday?(3) 一般将来时表示预测(Unit 15)How much will we need?(4) 一般将来时表示将来的客观事实(Unit 15)Molly will be here.(5) 一般将来时表示即时的决定(Unit 17)What about the shopping ? There is a lot,(6) 表示将来的计划和意图(Unit 17)Tim is going to borrow his parentscar.开放英语(1)作业3第一部分 交际用语1.( A)How are you feeling? I feel much better . Thank you. A. Right B.Wrong2.( B)How was your day yesterday? I ve got a bad cough. A. Right B.Wrong3.( A)Why dont we have a barbecue? Thats a good idea. A. Right B.Wrong4.( B)What time does the Swimming Pool close ? On Tuesday A. Right B.Wrong5.( A)What was the party like? It was grest A. Right B.Wrong第二部分词汇与结构 ?QDHEC6 2 B0h|Y.S8%1 6. ( B ) - _ any yoga classes in the evenings? A. Is there B. Are there C. Have (以下省略题目)7B 8B9A10A11B12A13C14B15A ;BuMzG:tmZ jO2p H/% 16A17B18B19A 20B21C22C23B24

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