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Unit1 Lesson1 1 矿物(minerals) Minerals definition: Minerals by definition are natural inorganic substances possessing definite chemical compositions and atomic structures. 矿物的定义:具有稳定的化学成分、晶体结构的天然无机化合物。 Mineral types: native and metallic form, oxides, sulphides, carbonates, silicates and chlorides. 矿物的种类:主要按化学成分划分:单质矿物、氧化物、硫化物、碳酸盐、硅酸盐、卤化物等。 Isomorphism: substitution of atoms within the crystal structure by similar atoms takes place without affecting the atomic structure. 类质同象:矿物晶体中的原子被类似原子取代而不改变矿物晶体结构的现象。例如:铁橄榄石镁橄榄石。 Polymorphism: different minerals have the same chemical composition, but markedly different physical properties due to a difference in atomic structure. 同质多象:矿物的化学成分相同,但晶体结构和物理化学性质不同的现象。例如:金刚石、石墨。 Rocks: Rocks consist of a variety of minerals and form large parts of the earths crust. Granite, for instance, which is the most abundant igneous rock, is composed of three main mineral constituents, feldspar, quartz, and mica. 岩石:由一种或多种矿物组成的天然集合体,例如:花岗岩主要由石英、长石、云母以不同比例组成。 2 矿石ores Ore: An ore can be described briefly as an accumulation of mineral in sufficient quantity as to be capable of economic extraction. 矿石:具有经济利用价值的矿物集合体. Classification: (1) Ores are frequently classed according to the nature of the valuable mineral, such as native ores, sulphide ores and oxidised ores. (2) Ores are also classified by the nature of their gangues, such as calcareous or basic (lime rich), or siliceous, or acidic (silica rich) 矿石的分类:(1)根据有用矿物的性质分为:自然元素矿石(单质矿石)、硫化矿和氧化矿等。(2)根据脉石矿物的性质分为:钙质矿石、硅质矿石、酸性矿石等。 3 金属矿石与非金属矿石metallic ores and non-metallic ores Ores of economic value can be classed as metallic (when it is used to prepare the metal) or non-metallic (when it is used to make material), according to the use of the mineral. 根据矿物的用途划分:如果以提取矿物中的金属为目的,则成为金属矿石;如果矿物直接利用,则称之为非金属矿石。Review of the last lesson 1 矿物(minerals) Minerals by definition are natural inorganic substances possessing definite chemical compositions and atomic structures. Isomorphism: Many minerals exhibit isomorphism, where substitution of atoms within the crystal structure by similar atoms takes place without affecting the atomic structure. Polymorphism: Minerals can also exhibit polymorphism, different minerals having the same chemical composition, but markedly different physical properties due to a difference in atomic structure. 2 矿石ores Ore: An ore can be described briefly as an accumulation of mineral in sufficient quantity as to be capable of economic extraction. 3 金属矿石与非金属矿石metallic ores and non-metallic ores Ores of economic value can be classed as metallic (when it is used to prepare the metal) or non-metallic (when it is used to make material), according to the use of the mineral. Lesson2 Types of coal煤的种类 Lignite, Sub-bituminous coal, Bituminous coal and Anthracite. 主要包括:褐煤、亚烟煤、烟煤、无烟煤 Coking and use of coke炼焦及焦炭的应用 Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile constituents are driven off by baking in an oven without oxygen at temperatures as high as 1,000 C (1,832 F) so that the fixed carbon and residual ash are fused together. 焦炭是一种从低灰、低硫的烟煤中获得的固态碳质残余物,烟煤在隔绝氧气的条件下和1000度的高温下焙烧,驱除其中的挥发份,使固定碳和残留灰分熔融在一起。 Gasification Coal gasification breaks down the coal into its components, usually by subjecting it to high temperature and pressure, using steam and measured amounts of oxygen. 煤气化是将煤分解为不同的组分,通常是使用蒸汽和一定量的氧气气氛,在高温、高压条件下进行。 Liquefaction液化 包括间接液化和直接液化两种方法 Indirect synthesis: Coal would be gasified to make syngas and the syngas can be condensed using Fischer-Tropsch catalysts(催化剂) to make light hydrocarbons which are further processed into gasoline and diesel. 间接液化:首先将煤气化为合成气,然后在催化剂作用下将合成气浓缩制备轻质烃油,轻质烃油在进一步转化为汽油和柴油。 Direct liquefaction processes: liquefaction by hydrogenation, Solvent Refined Coal, Karrick process 直接液化:包括加氢液化、溶剂精炼、 Karrick法等。 The Fischer-Tropsch process (or Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis) is a catalyzed chemical reaction in which synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is converted into liquid hydrocarbons of various forms. The most common catalysts are based on iron and cobalt, although nickel and ruthenium have also been used. The principal purpose of this process is to produce a synthetic petroleum substitute, typically from coal, natural gas or biomass, for use as synthetic lubrication oil or as synthetic fuel. Sasol (South African Coal and Oil) is a South African company involved in mining, energy, chemicals and synfuels. In particular, they produce petrol and diesel profitably from coal and natural gas using Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The Bergius Process is a method of production of liquid hydrocarbons for use as synthetic fuel by hydrogenation of lignite (brown coal) at high temperature and pressure. It was first developed by Friedrich Bergius in 1913. Lignite or sub-bituminous coal is finely ground and mixed with heavy oil recycled from the process. Catalyst is typically added to the mixture. A number of catalysts have been developed over the years, including tungsten or molybdenum sulfides, tin or nickel oleate, and others. Naphtha normally refers to a number of different flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons, i.e. a distillation product from petroleum or coal tar boiling in a certain range and containing certain hydrocarbons, a broad term encompassing any volatile, flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture. The Karrick process is a low-temperature carbonization (LTC) of coal, shale, lignite or any carbonaceous materials. These are heated at 680F (360C) to 1380 F (360 C to 749 C) in the absence of air to distill out oil and gas. The process was the work of oil shale technologist at the U.S. Bureau of Mines in the 1920s. China has announced high volume commercial coal liquefaction production in late 20071, after a successful trial, starting a process that could rapidly free China from dependency upon external OPEC oil imports. The process is reported to have 60-meter-high cylindrical structures and to be a direct coal liquefaction process. While lacking formal confirmation, the process described seems identical to the Karrick process.Review of the last lesson Types of coal煤的种类 Lignite, Sub-bituminous coal, Bituminous coal and Anthracite. Coking and use of coke炼焦及焦炭的应用 Coke is a solid carbonaceous residue derived from low-ash, low-sulfur bituminous coal from which the volatile constituents are driven off by baking in an oven without oxygen at temperatures as high as 1,000 C so that the fixed carbon and residual ash are fused together. Gasification 汽化 Coal gasification breaks down the coal into its components, usually by subjecting it to high temperature and pressure, using steam and measured amounts of oxygen. Liquefaction液化 Indirect synthesis: Coal would be gasified to make syngas and the syngas can be condensed using Fischer-Tropsch catalysts to make light hydrocarbons which are further processed into gasoline and diesel. Direct liquefaction processes: liquefaction by hydrogenation, Solvent Refined Coal, Karrick process The Fischer-Tropsch process is a catalyzed chemical reaction in which synthesis gas, is converted into liquid hydrocarbons of various forms. The Karrick process is a low-temperature carbonization (LTC) of coal, shale, lignite or any carbonaceous materials. These are heated at 360 C to 749 C in the absence of air to distill out oil and gas.Lesson3 Introduction Coal assay techniques are specific analytical methods designed to measure the particular physical and chemical properties of coals 煤质分析技术是指用于分析煤的物理和化学性质的特定分析方法。 Chemical properties of coal 煤的化学性能 Each type of coal has a certain set of physical parameters which are mostly controlled by moisture, volatile content (in terms of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons), ash content and carbon content. 每一种煤都有一系列物理性能参数,主要包括水分、挥发份(包括脂肪烃和芳香烃)、灰分和含碳量。 Chemical Analysis 化学分析 Coal is also assayed for oxygen content, hydrogen content and sulphur. Sulphur is also analysed to determine whether it is a sulfide mineral or in a sulfate form。 煤的化学分析主要包括氧、氢、硫含量的分析。对硫来说,还要确定是硫化物还是硫酸盐。 Physical and Mechanical Properties物理和机械性能 Relative density, Particle size distribution, Float-sink Test, Abrasion Testing 相对密度、颗粒粒度分布、浮沉试验、磨耗试验/耐磨试验 Special Combustion Tests特殊燃烧试验 Specific Energy, Ash Fusion Test, Swelling Index test 比能、灰熔性试验,膨胀性试验Review of the last lesson Chemical properties of coal Each type of coal has a certain set of physical parameters which are mostly controlled by moisture, volatile content (in terms of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons), ash content and carbon content. Chemical Analysis Coal is also assayed for oxygen content, hydrogen content and sulphur. Sulphur is also analysed to determine whether it is a sulfide mineral or in a sulfate form。 Physical and Mechanical Properties Relative density, Particle size distribution, Float-sink Test, Abrasion Testing Special Combustion Tests Specific Energy, Ash Fusion Test, Swelling Index testLesson4 1 Concept of mineral processing It is a process of physically separating the grains of valuable minerals from the gangue minerals. 矿物加工是从脉石矿物中分离有用矿物的过程。 2 Function of mineral processing In the majority of cases the energy consumed in direct smelting or leaching of low grade ores would be so enormous as to make the cost prohibitive(昂贵的、禁止的. )在大多是情况下,低品位矿石直接熔炼或浸出的能耗巨大、成本昂贵。 Mineral processing reduces the bulk and weight of material which must be transported to the smelter,the lack of undesirable waste materials increases the smelter recovery. 矿物加工能够使送往冶炼厂的原料体积和重量大大减少,而且,因原料中的杂质含量低,有利于提高冶炼回收率。 2 Main operations There are two fundamental operations in mineral processing,namely the liberation of the valuable minerals from their waste gangue minerals, and separation of these values from the gangue. 矿物加工有两类基本的作业,称为有用矿物从脉石矿物中的解离和有用矿物与脉石矿物的分离(富集)。 Liberation: Liberation of the valuable minerals from the gangue is accomplished by comminution to such a particle size that the product is a mixture of relatively clean particles of mineral and gangue. 解离:有用矿物与脉石矿物的解离是由粉碎来完成的,粉碎粒度要保证产品成为较为纯净的有用矿物和脉石矿物颗粒的混合物。 Concentration: Separation is usually achieved by utilizing some specific difference in physical or chemical properties between the valuable mineral and gangue minerals in the ore. 富集:分离通常利用矿石中有用矿物和脉石矿物物理或化学性质的差异来完成的。 Mineral processing methods 1. Separation dependent on optical and radioactive properties 根据矿物光学性质或放射性的差异。 2. Separation dependent on specific gravity differences. 根据矿物比重的的差异 3. Separation utilizing the different surface properties of the minerals. 根据矿物表面性质的的差异。 4. Separation dependent on magnetic properties 根据矿物磁性的差异。 5. Separation dependent on electrical conductivity properties. 根据矿物导电性的差异。 Other important steps Heat treatment: Roasting, Calcination,sizing of the ore and dewatering of the mineral pulps. 热处理:焙烧,煅烧,矿石的分级和矿浆脱水。Review of the last lesson 1 Concept of mineral processing It is a process of physically separating the grains of valuable minerals from the gangue minerals. 2 Function of mineral processing In the majority of cases the energy consumed in direct smelting or leaching of low grade ores would be so enormous as to make the cost prohibitive。 Mineral processing reduces the bulk and weight of material which must be transported to the smelter,the lack of undesirable waste materials increases the smelter recovery. 3 Main operations There are two fundamental operations in mineral processing,namely the liberation of the valuable minerals from their waste gangue minerals, and separation of these values from the gangue. 4 Mineral processing methods 1. Separation dependent on optical and radioactive properties 2. Separation dependent on specific gravity differences. 3. Separation utilizing the different surface properties of the minerals. 4. Separation dependent on magnetic properties 5. Separation dependent on electrical conductivity properties.Lesson5 Locked Particles 连生颗粒/连生体 The particles containing mineral also contains a portion of gangue. 既含有有用矿物,又含有脉石矿物的颗粒,称为连生颗粒. Degree of liberation 解离度 The “degree of liberation “ refers to the percentage of the mineral occurring as free particles in the ore in relation to the total content. 解离度,是指矿石中以纯矿物颗粒形式存在的矿物含量占该矿物在矿石中总含量的百分比. Optimum mesh of grind 最佳磨矿粒度 In practice, ores are ground to an optimum mesh of grind, determined by laboratory and pilot scale testwork, to produce an economic degree of liberation. 实践中,通过实验室实验和半工业实验,确定一个最佳磨矿粒度,使矿石达到一个经济的解离度. Two stage separation两段分选/阶段分选 This method discards most of the coarse gangue early in the process, thus considerably reducing grinding costs, as needless comminution of liberated gangue is avoided. 采用阶段分选,可以在及早地丢弃粗颗粒脉石,这样就避免了已解离脉石的不必要粉碎,能够大大降低磨矿成本.Review of the last lesson Locked Particles The particles containing mineral also contains a portion of gangue. Degree of liberation The “degree of liberation “ refers to the percentage of the mineral occurring as free particles in the ore in relation to the total content. Optimum mesh of grind In practice, ores are ground to an optimum mesh of grind, determined by laboratory and pilot scale testwork, to produce an economic degree of liberation. Two stage separation This method discards most of the coarse gangue early in the process, thus considerably reducing grinding costs, as needless comminution of liberated gangue is avoided.Lesson6 1 The object of mineral processing 矿物加工的目的 The object of mineral processing, regardless of the method used, is always the same, i.e. to separate the minerals into two or more products with the values in the concentrates, the gangue in the tailings, and the “locked” particles in the middlings. 无论采用什么方法,矿物加工的目的都是一样的,就是把矿物分离为两种或两种以上的产品,使有用矿物进入精矿、脉石矿物进入尾矿、连生颗粒进入中矿。 2 Limitation of Mineral Processing 矿物加工的局限性 Such separations are, of course, never perfect, so that much of the middlings produced are, in fact, misplaced(混杂的) particles. This is often particularly serious when treating ultra-fine particles, where the efficiency of separation is usually low. 矿物分选不是完美的,大部分中矿实际上是混杂颗粒。尤其是处理超细颗粒时,这种情况更为严重,分选效率也比较低。 3 Recovery回收率 The recovery, in the case of the concentration of a metallic ore, is the percentage of the total metal contained in the ore that is recovered in the concentrate. 对于金属矿选矿来讲,回收率是指进入精矿中金属占矿石中金属总量的百分比。 4 The ratio of concentration 选矿比 The ratio of concentration is the ratio of the weight of the feed to the weight of the concentrates. 选矿比是指给矿(原矿)重量与精矿重量之比。(表示生产1吨精矿所需要处理的原矿数量) 5 Grade 品位 The grade, or assay, usually refers to the content of the marketable end product in the material. 品位通常指物料中所含适销最终产品的含量(如金属含量,铁矿石中TFe的含量)。 6 Enrichment ratio The enrichment ratio (富集比)is the ratio of the grade of the concentrate to the grade of the heads, and again is related to the efficiency of the process.Review of the last lesson The object of mineral processing The object of mineral processing, regardless of the method used, is always the same, i.e. to separate the minerals into two or more products with the values in the concentrates, the gangue in the tailings, and the “locked” particles in the middlings. Recovery The recovery, in the case of the concentration of a metallic ore, is the percentage of the total metal contained in the ore that is recovered in the concentrate. 4 The ratio of concentration The ratio of concentration is the ratio of the weight of the feed to the weight of the concentrates. Grade The grade, or assay, usually refers to the content of the marketable end product in the material. Enrichment ratio The enrichment ratio is the ratio of the grade of the concentrate to the grade of the heads, and again is related to the efficiency of the process.Unit2 Lesson1 Introduction 简介 The liberation of valuable minerals from the gangue minerals is achieved by comminution, in which the particle size of the ore is progressively reduced until the clean particles of mineral can be separated by some concentrating methods. 有用矿物与脉石矿物的解离是通过粉碎完成的,通过粉碎使矿石颗粒逐步减小至能够分离的纯净颗粒。 Crushing and Grinding 破碎与磨矿 Crushing is accomplished by compression of the ore against rigid surface, or by impact the surfaces in a rigidly constrained motion path. 破碎是靠刚性表面对矿石的压力或是在严格限定的运动轨道内,表面对矿石的冲击而实现的。 Grinding is accomplished by abrasion and impact of the ore by the free motion of unconnected media such as rods, balls, or pebbles. 磨矿是矿石被钢棒、钢球或砾石等离散介质的研磨和冲击作用而完成的。 Strain of a crystal lattice 晶格的变形 In the crystalline lattice of minerals, the inter-atomic bonds are effective only over small distances, and can be broken if extended by a tensile stress. 在矿物晶格中,原子间的键力仅在一个很小的距离内有效,能够被拉应力拉伸而断裂。 Stress concentration 应力集中 The distribution of stress depends upon the mechanical properties of the individual minerals, but more importantly, upon the presence of cracks or flaws in the matrix, which act as sites for stress concentration. 应力分布取决于各种不同矿物的力学性质,但更重要地取决于矿石内部中裂隙和裂纹的存在,因为这些地方能够成为应力集中的部位。 Crack propagation 裂纹扩展 Materials fail by crack propagation when the energy released by relaxing the strain energy is greater than the energy of the new surface produced. 当释放的形变能大于新生表面能时,材料就能够通过裂纹扩展而破裂。 Modes of fracture 破裂模式 Breakage is achieved mainly by crushing, impact, and attrition. Therfore, there are three modes of fracture such as compressive, tensile, and shear fracture. (矿石)破裂主要通过压碎、冲击和研磨作用而实现。因此,主要有压力破裂、拉力破裂和剪切破裂三种破裂模式。Review of the last lesson Function of comminution The liberation of valuable minerals from the gangue minerals is achieved by comminution, in which the particle size of the ore is progressively reduced until the clean particles of mineral can be separated by some concentrating methods. Crushing and Grinding Crushing is accomplished by compression of the ore against rigid surface, or by impact the surfaces in a rigidly constrained motion path. Grinding is accomplished by abrasion and impact of the ore by the free motion of unconnected media such as rods, balls, or pebbles. Strain of a crystal lattice In the crystalline lattice of minerals, the inter-atomic bonds are effective only over small distances, and can be broken if extended by a tensile stress. Stress concentration The distribution of stress depends upon the mechanical properties of the individual minerals, but more importantly, upon the presence of cracks or flaws in the matrix, which act as sites for stress concentration. Crack propagation Materials fail by crack propagation when the energy released by relaxing the strain energy is greater than the energy of the new surface produced. Modes of fracture Breakage is achieved mainly by crushing, impact, and attrition. Therfore, there are three modes of fracture such as compressive, tensile, and shear fracture.Lesson3 Primary Crushers (粗碎破碎机) 破碎在选矿中的作用:破碎属于矿石准备阶段,是矿物加工过程的重要环节,主要目的在于为后续磨矿或分选作业准备适宜的矿石粒度。 破碎机种类:按照作业性质分为粗碎、中碎和细碎三种;按照设备型式分为:颚式破碎机、旋回式破碎机、圆锥破碎机、辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机等。 粗碎破碎机:主要包括颚式破碎机和旋回破碎机两大类. 颚式破碎机:破碎腔由固定颚板和运动颚板组成,通过动颚向对于定颚的摆动,使矿石受到挤压、破碎。根据动颚的运动特性,又分为简单摆动式和复杂摆动式两种。通常作为粗碎设备使用,不能挤满给矿。 旋回破碎机:破碎腔由固定锥(倒立截头圆锥)和固定锥中间的运动锥(正立截头圆锥)组成,通过动锥向对于定锥的摆动,使矿石受到挤压、破碎。通常作为粗碎设备使用,其特点是允许挤满给矿、处理能力大。 颚式破碎机 结构示意图颚式破碎机 原理示意图 简单摆动式(双肘板) 复杂摆动式(单肘板)旋回破碎机结构及原理 Primary crushers Primary crushers are heavy-duty machines, used to reduce the run-of-mine ore down to a size suitable for transport and for feeding the secondary crushers. There are two main types of primary crusher in metalliferous


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