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锦江区初2016届“一诊”考试试题英语A卷(共100分)第一部分 听力测试(共30小题,计30分)1 听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分,计6分)1. A. At school. B. For five years.C. By watching English programs.2. A. You should shake hands. B. Its strange. C. Good idea.3. A. Sorry, Im late.B. Im always on time. C. Yes, I think so.4. A. I like the movie. B. Its about an exciting superhero. C. I prefer movies that can cheer me up.5. A. By accident.B. Its very popular.C. Its a drink.6. A. I need some medicine, too.B. What kind of food do you like? C. Sure. Theres a supermarket down the street.2 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置。每小题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题1分,计4分)7. _ 8._ 9._ 10._三听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)11. A. A birthday cake.B. A music CD.C. A movie CD.12. A. She enjoyed it.B. She has never seen it.C. She has seen it many times.13. A. Yes, you can be as late as you like. B. Yes, you can be late several minutes. C. No, youre supposed to arrive on time.14. A. Talking.B. Going shopping.C. Going sightseeing.15. A. Along this road.B. On your left.C. Near the bus stop.16. A. He didnt find a job.B. He has difficulty in studying. C. He isnt allowed to do part-time jobs.17. A. Nothing.B. Swimming.C. Hiking.18. A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday.19. A. Sam.B. Mary.C. The mans friends.20. A. In one hour.B. In two hours.C. In three hours.四听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)21. A. What does Lisa do?A. A singer.B. A student.C. A violinist.22. Where was Lisa born?A. In England.B. In Australia.C. At Aunts home.23. When did Lisas father die?A. In 1965.B. In 1967.C. In 1989.24. What could Lisa play when she was ten?A. The piano.B. The violin.C. The guitar.25. How old was Lisa when she started a group called Friends?A. 8 years old.B. 12 years old.C. 24 years old.5 听短文,根据短文内容补全所缺信息。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)NameCharlieBirthplaceJapanAge_26_27_ in learning EnglishBefore going to the USAHe _28_ into Japanese.He wasnt _29_ to say what he thought because he was afraid to make mistakes.At the beginning of his living in the USAHe couldnt understand much because everybody _30_.第二部分 基础知识运用(共40小题,计40分)6 选择填空A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句画线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换画线部分的选项。A. is famous for B. made an effort C. missed D. everyday1. More and more people think that taking exercise is important in our daily life.2. He tried his best to introduce Chinese culture to Americans when he studied there.3. Im sorry to know he was absent from the meeting yesterday.4. Chengdu is known for its food.B. 从以下各题的A、B、C、三个选项中选择正确答案。5. _ old lady is the famous professor who will give us a speech about Internet. A. An B. The C. /6. Teenagers should be kept away _ drugs. A. from B. to C. at7. My sister likes staying alone, so she _ goes to the parties. A. often B. seldom C. always8. Nobody knows _ there are living things in outer space. A. whether B. what C. where9. Read the rules before going into the library, _ you may make mistakes. A. and B. or C. because10. -Whats the _ of the scarf your mum made for you?-Square.A. color B. size C. shape11. -Wheres Mike? Someone from Class 2 is looking for him.-Hes not at school. He _ the airport to meet the exchange student.A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been at12. -Look, the tree in front of the building is growing well. When _?-Three years ago.A. did it plant B. is it planting C. was it planted13. -You look great in the new dress, Nancy.-Thank you. But its not new, I _ it for three years.A. have bought B. bought C. have had14. You can take _ of the two cakes and leave the other for your brother. A. neither B. both C. either15. -Whos that girl over there?-She _ be Jenny, but Im not sure.A. must B. might C. should16. Shes a good housewife and she can buy _ things with less money.A. fewer B. more C. worseC. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从下边方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。A: Hi, Candy. I bought three T-shirts for 30 dollars yesterday!B: Oh, really? _17_ Sometimes the cheap ones are made of materials that dont feel very good.A: A hundred percent cotton. _18_B: Oh, OK. _19_ Id like to buy some.A: _20_B: OK. Ill go and have a look. Thank you.A. A small shop in our neighborhood.B. They are nice and soft.C. Where did you buy them?D. What are they made of though?7 完形填空。AWithout plants, people could not live. We eat plants. We _1_ the oxygen(氧气) that plants produce. And we need plants because they make our cities and our life beautiful and colorful. Thats why even in big modern _2_, we have parks full of trees, green grass and flowers. Also you are sure to _3_ some green house plants and flowers in the _4_ in every city.But do you talk to your plants? Do you give them _5_ and attention? The book The Secret Life of Plant by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird says that you should _6_ and give them love. The book tells a very interesting test. _7_ seeds(种子) were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. The other plant was given neither of them, only _8_ ideas. After six months, the loved plant was _9_. Under the earth, it had more and longer roots, _10_ it had a thicker stem(树干) and more leaves. But the other one was smaller and had fewer leaves.( )1. A. eat B. breathe C. produce ( )2. A. cities B. villagesC. laboratories( )3. A. look for B. find C. have ( )4. A. fieldsB. spaceC. rooms( )5. A. loveB. placesC. lives( )6. A. laugh at themB. water them muchC. talk to them ( )7. A. Two B. Some C. Many( )8. A. hopefulB. pleasantC. unpleasant ( )9. A. smallerB. biggerC. shorter( )10. A. underB. aboveC. onBOne year ago, I worked at a traditional Chinese medicine store. Business was not bad. Every day we mixed medicinal herbs for _1_, so the store was always _2_ of a strong herbal smell.After I had worked there for a time, a boy of 13 or 14 started coming and _3_ on the stairs outside the store for a while every day. It seemed _4_ to me. Do you like the herbal smell? I asked him one day.I grew up _5_ this kind of smell, he said. He told me that his mother took herbal medicine for _6_, so he could mix herbs for his mother when he was very young. He mixed the herbs with deep _7_, hoping his mother would get better as soon as possible.Is your mother well now? I asked.He shook his head. My mother _8_ three years ago. Looking up into the sky, he went on:When I first passed by here and smelled the herbs, I thought of my mother. It is comforting to _9_ those days when she was alive. So I come here every day to sit for a moment. When I sit around this smell, I feel as if my mother is still alive _10_ waiting for her medicine in her room.1. A. mastersB. partnersC. patients2. A. filledB. fullC. crowed3. A. standingB. sittingC. walking4. A. strange B. funny C. accidental5. A. under B. withC. at6. A. daysB. months C. years7. A. loveB. happinessC. hate8. A. was well B. came backC. passed away9. A. mentionB. memorizeC. recall10. A. andB. butC. while第三部分 阅读理解8 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。正确的涂“A”, 错误的涂“B”。“O Miss Roberta! What ugly-looking hands Mary has!” said Daisy, as she walked home from school with her teacher.“In my opinion, Daisy, Marys hands are the prettiest in the class.”“Why, Miss Roberts, they are red and hard as they can be. How they would look if she would try to play on a piano someday!” cried our Daisy.Miss Roberts took Daisys hands in hers, and said, “Your hands are very soft and white,- just the hands to look beautiful on a piano; yet they dont have one beauty that Marys hands have. Shall I tell you what the difference is?”“Yes, please.”“Well, Marys hands are always busy. They sweep, wash dishes, help to wash and hang out clothes; they are always trying to help her poor, hard-working mother. Besides, they wash and dress the children and mend their toys. They are full of good deeds to every living thing. I have seen them patting the tired horse and the lame dog in the street. They are always ready to help those who need help.”“I shall never think Marys hands are ugly any more, Miss Roberts.”“Im glad to hear you say that, Daisy; and I must tell you that they are beautiful because they do their work gladly and cheerfully.”“Its a shame of myself, and so sorry,” said Daisy, looking into her teachers face with tearful eyes.1. Daisy never thinks Marys hands ugly.2. In Miss Roberts opinion, Mary looks the prettiest in the class.3. Mary is learning to play the piano.4. Besides helping her mother do housework, Mary always helps others.5. At last, Daisy was sorry for what she said about Marys hands.9 阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。ANews In BriefIf you hope for a long job in the future, maybe you need to think twice about these jobs. The American job search website CareerCast listed several disappearing jobs in the US. They include a mail carrier, farmer, and news reporter.The main reason behind these disappearing jobs is the development of science and technology, said CareerCast. Machines and computers do a lot of the work nowadays. The number of mail carriers is probably going to become smaller by 28 percent in 2020, which makes it the most endangered job.If you have a hard time staying away from junk food, scientists say thats because these foods are actually addictive. A new study from the University of Michigan and Columbia University, US, listed the most addictive foods. They are chocolate, ice cream, French fries, pizza and cookies.These are all highly processed foods. Processing is a big reason why food can be addictive, said the study. Fat and refined carbohydrates(碳水化合物), like white flour and sugar are added to food. And people may find that the food tastes so good and loss control over how much they eat. 1. These two articles are probably two _.A. stories B. pieces of news C. posters2. The first article is about _.A. some disappearing jobs B. website CareerCast C. a long job in the future3. Why are some of the jobs going to disappear in the future?A. Because you need to think them twice.B. Because they are the most endangered jobs.C. Because of the development of science and technology.4. “You have a hard time staying away from junk food” means “_”.A. Its hard for you to love the junk foodB. Its not easy for you to remain eating junk foodC. Its difficult for you to give up eating junk food5. According to the writer, chocolate must be _. A. processed in the University of Michigan B. highly processed food C. controlled foodBHave you ever wanted to try on clothes without going to the trouble of getting undressed? If you have, heres the invention for you: the virtual(虚拟的) fitting room.The technology, designed by Russian company AR Door, was first tried out in May. When a customer walks into a “ fitting” room, theyll stand in front of a big screen that looks like a mirror. A camera in the mirror, using Microsoft technology, moved itself and projects a 3-D image of the clothes onto you while you stand before a screen, and it will give you some advice about whether you fit it from the machine.The room also uses augmented reality(扩增实镜) technology. “Augmented reality allows the customers to select an item of clothing without having to try it on physically,” the company told the Daily Mail. A customer can see all angles(角度) of the clothes, and can control the program by pushing virtual buttons.AR Door is not the only company to be developing technology to help people with the way they look. Japanese company Shiseido recently showed its Magic Mirror, a virtual make up mirror that allows people to get a full makeover in seconds.However, the technology is not that perfect. The clothes still seem to hang on the surface of the body, rather than look like the customer is actually wearing them. And people shopping for clothes are probably still better to actually try them on. In the end, you wont know how something really looks and feels.1. The virtual fitting om is technology that _.A. allows people to watch a movie while trying on clothesB. can help people select clothes without having to try them onC. allows people to walk freely in the fitting room2. You can _ if you stand in front of a big screen that looks like a mirror.A. get the advice of your friends about the clothesB. control the computer without doing anything C. see the back of the clothes without moving when you try it on3. The virtual fitting room was invented in _.A. Russia B. Japan C. the US4. From the last paragraph, we can learn that _.A. the magic mirror now widely usedB. people still need to try on clothes before buying themC. the technology wins great success and is perfect5. What can be improved if the company wants to make the virtual fitting room more popular?A. Allow people to get a full makeover in seconds.B. Make clothes hang on the body of the customers.C. Allow people to see the real clothes and feel the clothes.B卷1 阅读补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A-F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并在答题卡相应题号将代表句子的字母标号涂黑。Modern inventions have speeded up peoples loves amazingly. Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour, aircraft cross the world inside a day, while computers operate at very fast speed. 1._ Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster and each new computer boasts(吹嘘) of saving precious seconds in dealing with tasks.2. _ When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel that they have been left behind on another time zone. 3._ Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to some scientists; too much use may transmit harmful radiation(射线) into our brains, a consequence(后果) we do not like to think about.4._ Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so used to unchanging activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.5._ No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestor faced; they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence. So modern inventions had influenced peoples lives in both ways.A. There was a time when some peoples lives were devoted(奉献) simply to the rice planting or the care of cattle(家畜).B. We try to do more things with the time we have saved.C. However, what do we do with the time we have saved?D. Indeed, this love of speed seems never-ending.E. Again, speeding too long at computers leads to painful wrists and fingers.F. All this saves time, but at a price.2 短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺。每次限用一次。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)but cheer child cross difficult far goal or push regret two wishDo you know Erden Eruc? He is the first person to row three different oceans, the first person to row mainland to mainland from Australia to Africa, the first person to cross an ocean from the southern hemisphere to the northern.Erden Eruc started rowing across the Pacific Ocean in a rowboat from California on July 10, 2007. He headed for Australia with only birds, fish, and sharks ever since._1_ the Pacific is only part of his journey. Eruc has decided to go all the way around the world using his own energy. He will row, bike, walk, and climb the world _2_ help form any motors(发动机) at all. His plan includes climbing the tallest tops of mountains in the world along the way.For the first part of his trip, he bicycled 5,546 miles from Seattle, Washington to Mount Mckinley in Alaska and back, walked 67 miles to base camp, and climbed 20,320 feet to Mckinleys top. Then, in the _3_ part of his adventure, he rowed to Australia.Why does he try to go around the world this way? He explains that he wants to encourage kids to dream their dreams and get to their own _4_. He wants to show kids that there might be hard parts along the way, and sometimes they might not even get to that final goal. _5_ they can have great adventures and learn a lot along the way.Eruc faced some _6_. For example, winds and waves kept _7_ him westward when he wanted to go south toward the Solomon Islands. He thought if his luck didnt change, he would _8_ change his plan, and aim to land at Papua New Guinea. One way or another, he was sure he would get to his next goal: Australia.When his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people - especially _9_. He has already visited many schools and shared his story.Eruc encourages all kids to set their eyes on a goal and not give up. He says, “With goals, we will make progress, and we will be _10_ along than when we started, even if we dont get to some goals. Thats called life.”A row across the Atlantic is his next trip, starting in late April 2016. Expect new records. 3 完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)(16春九5)A: Nowadays, most students born after 1978 in China are the only child of their families. Are you one of them?B: Yes. But personally speaking, I do not want to be the only child of my family.A: Why not? Being an only child _1_ that your parents have only you to spend the money on and not have to share it among other siblings(兄弟姐妹). So, youd get more toys, more good things, of course, more love from your parents than normal.B: Youre right. And I am the “king” of the family. My parents buy me many expensive things and let me do _2_ I want. My grandparents never let me do any chores because they want me to do my homework. Thus its easy for me to be selfish, rude and bad-tempered(坏脾气的). No one wants to make friends with me, a person who always _3_ but never gives anything!A: Im sorry to hear that. However, to tell the truth, I always _4_ I was the only child in my family. Perhaps it is not a nice thing to say, but thats how I truly feel!B: Maybe the grass always seems _5_ on the other side. I really want a brother or sister, and then I wont feel so lonely and helpless. The feeling of _6_ delays(延迟) our ability to deal with others, because most of our childhood, we stay alone more than stay with others.A: You should know that brothers or sisters do not always get along well with each other. They have the usual childhood _7_. Being the eldest in my family, I always felt that I was not _8_ fairly when it came to certain situations, especiall


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