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1.我们什么时候喝你的喜酒?When will you invite us to your wedding feast?2.他的英语说得真好,就像外国人一样。 He speaks English so well. He sounds like a native speaker.3. 你要有所弋获,则必须在学习中不断深入。 弋获:射而得禽。泛指擒获。 译:If you want to gain anything, you must constantly deepen your studies.Sense of Grammar新学期已经过去一个月了。One month has passed since the new term began.假期从明天开始。The vacation begins tomorrow.Sense of Idiomaticness 地道;惯用法意识中国矿产丰富China is rich in minerals.今天食堂吃饺子。Jiaozi are served in the canteen today.吃食堂味道不好。The food served in the canteen doesnt taste good. Sense of Coherence连贯性;条理性我家里生活苦,父亲做小买卖,妈妈是家庭妇女,弟弟妹妹多,家里最大的是我,才十三岁,就唱戏养家了。My family was hard up, with Father a peddler, Mother a housewife, and so many children to feed. At thirteen, as the eldest child, I acted to help support the family.办年货 to do Spring Festival shopping坐月子 the new mothers month-long confinement for relaxation1. 他本来想要多给你一点帮助的,只是他近来太忙了。 He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy recently.2. 从他的话音里,我能听出东西来。 I can tell something from the tone of his voice.3. 我们享受公费医疗。We are entitled to free medical care.例 1. 问题是到哪儿去找答案。The problem is where to find the answer.例 2. 科学家必须知道怎样运用数学以求得对问题的准确答案。It is necessary that a scientist know how to use mathematics to get an accurate answer to his question. 例 3. 你做什么没关系,重要的问题是你怎样做。What you do does not matter. The point /The important thing is how you do it. 例 3中的“问题”是指“关键所在”、 “要点”、“要害”、“重要的事”,可译为The point 。也可用The important thing 生活中可写的东西是很多的,问题在于发掘和提炼。There are many things in life that one can write about, but the point is how to explore and select them. 例 4. 我不断参阅论述那些问题的著作。I have constantly referred to works dealing with those subjects. 例 4中的“问题”是指需要研究的“学科”或“论题”,故译为subjects。例 5.你会听到到处都在讨论这个问题。Youll find the topic being discussed everywhere.例 5中的“问题”是指人们谈论的“话题”,故译为topic。例 6.那台车床出问题了。Something has gone wrong with that lathe. 例 6中的“出问题”是指 “出了毛病”, 故译为 something has gone wrong。例 7.一路上没出问题。The trip went off without mishap.例 7中的“问题”是指“意外或不幸的事”,故译为mishap。例 1.他做事极其小心。He did his work with great care.例 2.小心不要打破鸡蛋。Be careful not to break the eggs.例 3.巡逻队必须小心,免遭敌人伏击。 The patrols must be on their guard against (on the alert against )the enemys ambush. 这两口箱子轻重不一样。The two cases do not have the same weight/ do not weigh the same.工作要分轻重缓急,不要眉毛胡子一把抓。Work should be done in order of importance and urgency. You shouldnt take up/ grasp all at once.请你别见怪,他说话就是不知轻重。Please dont mind his words. He simply doesnt know the proper way to talk.4. “人家”你们村子上有多少人家?How many households are there in your village? 他妹妹已经有人家了。His sister is already engaged. 这件事我是听人家说的。 I hear it from others.例1他的英语水平比我的高。He knows more English than I. 例2要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army例3. 各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership.2. 亲戚们送给她一笔钱作为她的学费。The relatives of hers offered her a sum of money as her tuition fee.3. 这些钱你是白送。You just throw away your money.4. 下雨了,我给你送雨伞来了。It is raining now. I have brought you an umbrella.7. 把犯罪分子送交法院审判。Hand the criminal over to the court for trial.8. 送君千里,终须一别。Although you escort your guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last.进行社会主义革命 to carry out socialist revolution进行一场激烈的争论 to carry on a spirited debate进行实地调查 to make an on-the-spot investigation进行科学实验 to engage in a scientific experimentdo / conduct a scientific experiment进行核试验 to conduct a nuclear test进行表决 to put a question to vote进行亲切的谈话 to have a cordial conversation进行侵略 to commit aggression;to invade进行抵抗 to put up resistance; to resist进行协商 to hold consultation with;to consult with 进行攻击 to launch an attack 对党员进行党的优良传统教育 to educate Party members in the Partys fine tradition取消一次会议 to cancel (call off )a meeting取消会员资格 to deprive sb. of his membership取消决定 to rescind a decision取消禁令 to lift a ban取消诺言 to kill the promise 3. 抓:狗把他的手抓了。 The dog scratched his hand.抓住机会 grasp the opportunity抓苗头 watch out for the first sign抓生产 attach importance to production抓住机遇 value opportunities4. 上:上当to be taken in上瘾to be addicted (to sth.)Get into the habit上告to complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court上年纪 to be getting on in years上钩To rise to the baitfall into a trap上任to take up an official post/ assume office上刑to put sb to torture我已吩咐我的手下人都上了子弹。(茅盾子夜) Ive already ordered my men to have their guns loaded.2. “好”好教徒a faithful/pious/sincere/devout/devoted Christian好父母a loving/caring parent 好儿女an obedient/filial child好妻子a virtuous wife好丈夫a dutiful/responsible husband 一次性付款lump-sum payment;full payment; (分期付款 on hire purchase; installment)一次性拖鞋disposable slippers;一次性筷子throwaway chopsticks 一次性密码One time password一次性解决问题To solve the problem once and for all1在中国,离开了武装斗争就没有无产阶级的地位,就没有人民的地位,就没有共产党的地位。Without armed struggle, neither the proletariat ,pruletrit, nor the people, nor the Communist Party would have any standing at all in China.2新老干部要互相学习,互相帮助,取长补短。Old and new cadres should learn from and help each other, to make up for each others deficiencies.3我们必须培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。We must cultivate the ability to analyse and solve problems.4这件事要尽量快办。This matter needs immediate action.5他一开口总是三句话不离本行。He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop.6多年来那个国家一直有严重的失业现象。For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.7他的朋友们听到他家中的困难情况后,都主动伸出援助之手。After his friends heard about his family difficulties, they offered him a helping hand.8每条河流都有上游、中游和下游。Every river has its upper, middle and lower reaches.9人们利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。People use science to understand and change nature.10我们必须认真帮助他们解决工作问题和学习问题。We must earnestly help them solve their problems of work and study.11我国少数民族有三千多万人。The minority nationalities in our country number more than thirty million.12我昨天没进城,一来是因为天气不好,二来是因为我不舒服。I didnt go to town yesterday both because of the nasty weather and the fact that I was not feeling myself.13他们是多年的邻居,一旦分别,不免依依不舍。After being good neighbors for years, they cant bear to part from each other.14他把事情一五一十地都给父母讲了。He told his parents the whole story exactly as it had happened.在一些发达国家,手机数量已经超过了传统电话的数量。In some developed countries, the mobile phones have outnumbered the traditional telephones.来自在线交易的竞争对邮政业务构成了威胁。The online transaction is threatening the postal service.汽车业一直是环保主义者攻击的对象。The automobile industry has always been attacked by environmentalists.她每天来我们家干活扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。She came over to work at our house every day - sweeping, scrubbing and cleaning.像这一类的问题有不少,如果处理不当,就很容易动摇我们的方针,影响改革的全局。There are many more issues of this kind, and if not properly handled, they could easily shake our policies and affect the overall situation of reform.我们满怀信心,昂首阔步迈向21世纪。We are advancing confidently towards the 21st century.市场商品供应丰富多彩。The market had an adequate supply of commodities.海峡两岸的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same flesh and blood.在工作中,大家都必须杜绝浪费现象。We must put an end to waste in our work.关于利润分配问题,我们没有异议。We dont differ in our profit distribution.孔子开创了中国教育史上的私人讲学事业。The Confucius became the first individual to initiate a private school.看到这惨状,大家立即陷入了恐慌,有人甚至有了打退堂鼓的心思。The sight of the miserable scene made people so panic-stricken that some of them even conceived 我一想到还要在这里再呆一年就浑身不舒服。The thought of spending another year here makes me physically sick.1. 这个拐角处曾发生过多起交通事故。 The corner has seen many car accidents.2. 2011年召开了十一届全国人大三次会议。 The year 2011 witnessed the convocation of the 3rd session of the 11th National Peoples Congress.3. 古今中外,在商贸市场上历来都是大鱼吃小鱼。 There exists a law at all times and in all countries that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business1. 外高桥保税区是中国大陆第一个自由贸易区,她是以出口加工和自由贸易相结合的一个综合型对外开放区域。/位于浦东新区东北端,濒临长江口,距市中心20公里。/改译:Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone is the first of its kind on Chinas mainland, or rather a comprehensive free trade zone open to the outside world characterized by free trade along with export processing. / Overlooking the Yangtze River estuary, the zone is located in the northeast end of the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, 20 kilometers from the downtown district of the city proper. /3. 我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样;谁也不知道是什么时候留在这里的,谁也不去理会它。只是麦收时节,门前摊了麦子,奶奶总是要说:这块丑石,多碍地面哟,多时把它搬走吧。I used to feel sorry for that ugly black piece of stone lying like an ox in front of our door; none knew when it was left there and none paid any attention to it,except at the time when wheat was harvested and my grandma,seeing the grains of wheat spread all over the ground in the front yard of the house,would grumble: “This ugly stone takes so much space. Move it away someday.”1. 茶会上只会供应茶和蛋糕。 Only tea and cakes will be served at the tea party. 2. 石油价格自去年以来稳步上升。 3.我希望一年四季都是春天 I wish it were spring all the year round.4.今晚有人在此讲了些不该讲的话。 Something that shouldnt have been mentioned was said here tonight. 5. 面包和牛奶是少数政府不打税的东西。 Bread and milk is one of the few things that the 6. 在西方,吃饭用的是刀和叉 。 In the west, fork and knife is used for having dinner.7. 当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发展。 Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country.8.(政策)谁想变也变不了。No one could change this even if he wanted to. 1. 他咳着从祖父的房间里慢慢走出来。(家)原文中的“咳着”显然是表示状态的次要动词,因而在译文中转换成分词短语,这种译文句子就主次分明,层次感很好。Coughing, he strolled out of the room of Grandpa.2. 妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊哼着眠歌。(荷塘月色)显然,“拍着闰儿”是主要动词,而”哼着眠歌”是次要成分,故可译成伴随状态的分词短语。In the room, my wife was patting the son, Run-er, sleepily humming a cradle song.3. 双方见面寒暄几句,甚至海阔天空地聊一番就各自走开四个动词连用。 “双方见面”是表示时间关系的从属成分,在译文中译成时间状语,“寒暄几句” 和“聊一番”则是并列关系,可译成两个并列谓语。When two strangers are introduced to each other, they will greet each other briefly, or even chat casually for quite a few minutes, and then excuse themselves. 4. 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分。可把汉语句子中的非主要谓语译成从句的形式。The ocean, which covers 71 percent of the earths surface, is a basic component of the global bio-support system.6. 从我们这些年的经验来看,经济发展隔几年上一个台阶,是能够办到的。 Judging from the experience of these years, we find it possible for our economy to reach a higher level every few years.7. 由于英语被接受为联合国的官方语言之一,这就使英语在国际外交场合使用得更加广泛。 The acceptance of English as one of the official languages for the United Nations has promoted its use in the international diplomacy.9. 流言蜚语使他们之间的友谊变成了怨仇。Their friendship was turned into enmity through idle gossip. 10. 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。This issue has not yet been thoroughly explored. 11. 人们目睹了两位宇航员在月球上登陆。The two astronauts were seen to land on the moon.12. 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。 His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemical.13. 他过去那副尊容,只要你见过一次,无论什么时候你都不会忘记。 He had a face that is unforgettable once it is seen.14. 美国政府中有许多工作程序, 为的是保证在作出决定前有关人士都能对政策表示意见。 American governments are filled with procedures designed to assure that interested persons may comment on policies before decisions are made.15. 我的态度,你现在骂我玩世不恭也好,不负责任也好,我告诉你,我盼望这一次是我们最末一次谈话了。 My attitude, you may now call it flippancy or irresponsibility. But to be honest with you, I hope this will be our last conversation.玩世不恭:因对现实不满而采取的一种不严肃、不认真的生活态度。Cynical: believing the worst of human nature and motives 愤世嫉俗的Flippant: Lacking respect or seriousness. 轻薄的,轻浮的,无礼的 展望新世纪初的国内外形势,未来五到十年,是我国经济和社会发展极为重要的时期。世界新科技革命迅猛发展,经济全球化趋势增强,许多周边国家正在加快发展。所有这些既对我们提出了严峻挑战,也为我们提供了迎头赶上、实现跨越式发展的历史性机遇。 Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 21st century,it can be said that the next five to ten years will be an extremely important period for Chinas economic and social development. The worldwide new scientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly with great momentum. The economic globalization trend is gaining strength. Many neighboring countries are accelerating their development. All this serves as a severe challenge as well as a historic opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve development by leaps and bounds.我一直跟着母亲。I have always been with Mother.你是赞成还是反对这项计划?Are you for or against the plan?你想像不出他听到这个消息时是多么生气。You cant imagine how angry he was at the news.四、NV守财奴的特点是贪婪。A miser is characterized by greed.中子(Neutrons)的作用不同于质子(protons )。Neutrons act differently from protons.他是世上一切邪恶的化身。He personified all the evil in the world.五、 NAdj.他有口才,有风度。He was eloquent and elegant.冰的密度比水小。Ice is not as dense as water.1.中国成功地爆炸了其第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 Chinas successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused great repercussions throughout the world. 2. 我们觉得解决这个问题并不难。We feel no difficulty in solving this problem.5. 张医生光明磊落,平易近人,热爱医学。 Open and aboveboard, Dr. Zhang is a man of easy access and has a strong love for medical science. 6. 学术交流是十分必要的。Academic exchange is a vital necessity. 7. 事实上,那个地区的和平之所以遭到破坏,正是他们的干涉所造成的。In fact, the destruction of peace in that region resulted from their intervention. 8. 学医很艰苦,成为一名医生需要很长的时间。 The study of medicine is very hard, and it takes a long time to become a doctor. 9. 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功夫不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 1.杭州历来盛情招待来自全世界的游客和客商。 Hangzhou has long been hospitable to the tourists and businessmen from all over the world. (VAdj.)2. 绝对不许违反这个原则。 No violation of this principle can be tolerated. (V N)3. 他们不顾一切困难、挫折,坚持战斗。 They kept on fighting in spite of all the difficulties and setbacks. (V Prep.)4. 邓小平在“十一大”上说:“一定要少说空话,多做工作。” Deng Xiaoping said at the 11th Party Congress, “There must be less empty talk and more hard work.” (V N)5. 交朋友不能不加选择。 You cannot be indiscriminate in making friends. (V Adj.)6. 改革开放也使民族精神获得了新解放。 The reform and opening-up has also further emancipated the minds of the people. (N V.)7. 一颗子弹从大树后面飞来,穿透他的衣服,射入他的身体。 A bullet came from behind a big tree, through his clothes, into his body. (V Prep.)8. 水资源稀缺是我国经济和社会发展的严重制约因素。 Lack of water resources is a serious limitation on the economic and social development of our country. (Adj. N)9. 微型计算机的迅速推广,无疑会引起许多社会问题。 The rapid proliferation of microcomputer will doubtlessly cause many social dislocations. (Adv. Adj.)10.我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展。 Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically . (N Adv.)近年来,中国城市化进人加速阶段,/ 取得了极大的成就,同时也出现了种种错综复杂的问题。/ 今天的城乡建设速度之快、规模之大、耗资之巨、涉及面之广、尺度之大等已远非生产力低下时期所能及,/ 建筑已成为一种重大的经济活动。(102字)In recent years,urbanization in China has stepped into an accelerating phase./ Amidst magnificent achievements,there have emerged some complicated problems. / The crux is that the cities and the countryside are developing at such a rapid rate,on such a large scale,with such enormous capital,in such a vast extent that they have surpassed any historical period China has ever witnessed before. / Virtually,building construction has today become a major economic pursuit in China. 1. 会议将于明天下午在303教室举行。2. 我是在北京工作时认识他的。3. 甚至在夏天,他也勤奋地工作,以求达到他的目标。 表目的:to reach his goal4. 除了太阳以外,看起来月亮是天空中最大的物体。除了(介词):except for5. 因为大火,数千人无家可归。因为(介词):because of, due to, owing to, thanks to6. 从山顶我们可以俯瞰全城。From the mountain top1. The meeting will take place / be held in Room 303 tomorrow afternoon. 2. I got to know him/made his acquaintance when I was working in Beijing.3. He worked diligently/ hard even in summer to reach his goal /with a view to attaining his aims.4. The moon appears to be the biggest object in the sky except for the Sun. 5. Thousands of people became homeless because of the big fire. /On account of the big fire, thousands of people were rendered homeless.6. We can have a birds view of the whole city from the mountain top. /From the top of the hill, we saw the whole city below us.据研究人员统计,接下来的几十年,欧洲人口将持续减少。目前欧盟国家的妇女平均生1.5个孩子,而为了保持人口替代率,每个妇女至少要生两个孩子。即便从现在开始妇女增加生育数量,人口减少的趋势仍将持续几十年,因为他们的下一代中愿意成为父母的人比这一代的要少。(122字)According to researchers estimate, Europes population will continue to decline for decades. At present 1.5 babies are born for every European Union woman,when two births are required for the population “replacement rate” to be maintained. Even if women started to have more children again,the tendency to population decline would continue for decades,as there will be fewer parents in the next generation than in this one. 正说反说的灵活性1. 我们不否认我们工作中有缺点。 We dont deny that we have shortcomings in our work. We admit that we have shortcomings in our work. 2. 每当他听到这支曲子,总要潸然泪下。Whenever he heard the tune, he would be moved to tears. Never did he hear the tune without being moved to tears. 1. 计划失败了,他在政治上多年不得志。The plan failed and for years he lost his political power.2. 他试图避而不答我的问题。He tried to avoid answering my questions.3. 他的秘书没有告诉他这件事。His secretary failed to tell him about it.4. 他这星期有三天没有去上学。Hes missed school three days this week.5. 这个计算上的错误没有被会计发觉。The error in calculation escaped the accountant.2. NOUN 170具有否定意义的名词:absence, omission, failure, refusal, lack, ignorance, neglect, exclusion, denial, scarcity, shortage, etc. 她未被邀请参加会议,这使她的自尊心大受伤害。 Her exclusion from the meeting hurt her pride very much. 由于台湾方面没有出席,这次谈判很可能取消。 The negotiation is likely to be cancelled due to the absence of Taiwan side.这次不成功是他成功的基础。This failure was the making of him.这个地方处于无人管理状态。This district was in a state of neglect. 这里供水不足。There is lack of water supply here.他做了此事只是出于无知。He did it just out of ignorance.3. ADJ. 170具有否定意义的形容词或形容词短语:missing,ignorant, free from, far from, safe from, short of, blind to, deaf to, dead to, foreign to, etc.我的确不知道他打算干什么。I am ignorant of what he intends to do indeed.他恬不知耻。 He was dead to all feelings of shame. 这地方没有天花和瘟疫。The place is safe from smallpox and plague.他不懂英语。He is ignorant of English.那是他最不感兴趣的事情。And thats the last thing he is interested in.她对工作还不熟悉。She is new to the job老师发现有些学生不在。The teacher found some students absent.这个决定是不可改变的。The decision is final. 4. ADV. 170具有否定意义的副词: seldom, scarcely, hardly, rarely, barely, down, otherwise1. 现在谈论这件事还不是时候。It is hardly the time to discuss this matter.2. 会议关于这个问题几乎什么也没有提到。Scarcely anything was mentioned about this problem in the meeting.他变得焦躁不安,这是不难理解的。He has become understandably restless.不出所料,今年夏天更热。This summer is predictably hotter.她漫不经心地说:“哼,这有什么关系?”She said idly, “Well, what does it matter?”他不慌不忙地从信封里抽出信纸,打开来。Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelop, and unfolded it.5. CONJ. 170具有否定意义的连词: unless, until, lest, before1这个国家还没有从地震灾难中恢复过来就又遭到恐怖袭击。The country suffered from terrorist attacks before it recovered from the earthquake.2. 如果贵方的订量不超过一万件,我们不能将价格下调5%。We cannot reduce our price by 5% unless your order exceeds 10,000 pieces.战士们宁可战斗到死,而决不投降。The soldiers would fight to death before they surrender.如果他不通知我,我就不去。I will not go unless I hear from him.还没有等我们回来, 客人就走了。The guest had already gone before we came back.你不放我走我就一直喊叫。I wont stop shouting till you let me go.6. PREP. 171 具有否定意义的介词: without, beyond, against, hehind, below, above, in spite of, instead of, past1. 我实在无法理解她为什么嫁给这么一个烟鬼。It is beyond me why she married such a

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