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中国中车国际化人才“631工程”中初级项目学员选拔试题(2017年元月)考生注意事项1. 认真、工整地填写答题卡;2. 做题时请按例子所示,用HB或2B铅笔在答题卡上随题做答,不要把答案标在试题本上。正确答题方法 (如C为所选择的答案):A B C D3. 整个试卷共120题。听力部分有30道题,长度约25分钟,该部结束之后立即开始语法、词汇部分,然后是填充部分和阅读部分。这几部分时间统用,共90分钟。Part I Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In this section, you will hear 10 short statements. The statements will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says.When you hear a statement, you will have a period of 15 to 20 seconds to read the four sentences in your test book and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.Listen to the following example.You will hear:You will read:AHes been living in Beijing for a long time.BHe used to live in Beijing.CHes gone to Beijing for a short visit.DHe should stay longer in Beijing.Sentence B “He used to live in Beijing” is closest in meaning to the statement “He is no longer living in Beijing.” Therefore you should choose answer B.1. A Ill meet you on Wednesday afternoon.BI will be busy on Wednesday afternoon.CI will be free on Wednesday afternoon.D I need to be at home on Wednesday afternoon.2.ATom likes to be a winner.BTom enjoys playing games.CTom will probably win the next game.D Tom has won many games.3. AIt is a difficult task.B It is not a difficult task.CI did not expect the task.DI expected the task to be difficult.4. A I liked the movie, so did Mary.B I did not like Mary, though she liked the movie.C Mary took me to a movie.D Mary liked the movie.5. AIf you do it, he will be happy.BDont waste your time. C He will do what he has to do. DIf you are happy, he will be happy.6.AI wont go to the party.B I will write a paper.CI have no paper to finish.DIll have a party when I finish the paper.7.A We need not worry. BWe wont have many guests.C Our guests will arrive very soon.D Hurry up, or you will miss the train.8. A Tony was ready to give a lecture.B Tony was bored by the lecture.C Tony attended a lecture.D Tony enjoyed the lecture.9. A I trust him.B I hate him.C I admire him.D I envy him.10.A The film was shocking.B The film was interesting.C The film was boring.D The film was embarrassing.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the question only once. When you have heard the question, you will have a period of 15 to 20 seconds to read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.ExampleYou will hear:You will read:AAt the office.BOn his way to work.CHome in bed.DAway on vacation.From the conversation, we know that Bill is sick and will have to stay in bed until Monday. The best answer, then, is C “Home in bed” Therefore, you should choose answer C.11.AThe woman has forgotten Maxs phone numberBThe man saw Max on the street two months ago.CMax and the woman had not been in touch for some time.DThe woman made a phone call to Max yesterday.12.AMove the bike awayBGoing to the garage.CRepair the bikeDFinish his assignment13.AShe will see Helens teacher tomorrow.BShe has to meet Helen after the field trip.CShe can tell Helen in tomorrows meeting.DShe must tell Helen next week about the trip.14.A5:30B6:10C6:15D6:0015.AHe didnt think the course is interesting.BHe thought the course was wonderful.CHe wanted to take more optional courses.DHe couldnt quite understand the course.16.ATo tell him about workBTo cancel an appointmentCTo discuss about the moviesDTo invite him to see a film17.ABy subwayBBy taxiCOn footDBy bike18.ABefore the breakBDuring the breakCRight after breakDIn the afternoon.19.AJack is the funniest person in class.BShe appreciates Jacks humor.CShe doesnt enjoy Jacks humorDJack is not funnier than she is.20.Aa studentBa lecturerCan assistantDa reporterSection CDirections: In this section you will hear several brief talks and/or conversations. You will hear them once only. After each one, you will hear some questions. You will hear each question once only. After you hear the question, you will have 15 to 20 seconds to choose the best answer from the four choices given. Mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.21.AIt is good for walking.BIt will soon change.CHe had been there before.DHe could see rare plants.22.Acarrying heavy equipmentBclearing path through forestCfinding somewhere safe to campDpacking too much food23.Athe number of dangerous animalsBgetting information he neededCwriting down new informationDbeing responsible for a team of people24.AsevenBnineCelevenDtwenty two25.AShe had to learn to be independent.BShe was the only Russian student.CShe found learning English hard.DShe looked after other students.26.AThe music was unfamiliar to her.BShe saw it when she was a child.CChildren will enjoy it.DShe has never heard about it.27.Ago sightseeingBgo to nightclubsCperform in fashion showsDgo shopping28.AMen imitated certain sounds to express thoughts.BThe origin of language is quite complicated.CWords didnt have written form originally.DWords were invented to represent sounds.29.AThe fact that it can associate things with thoughtsBThe fact that one word is connected with anotherCThe fact that it can associate one person with anotherDThe fact that it can recall to us our past events30.AWords can be used to represent various meanings.BThe longer we live, the more the words mean to us.CSome great writers are able to confuse our feelings.DLiterary style means charming use of language.Part II Grammatical Structure and Vocabulary(30 minutes)Section ADirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.31. London has a larger population than _ in the United Kingdom.Aany cityBany citiesCany other cityDall other city32. I will give the dictionary to _ wants to have it.AwhomeverBsomeoneCwhoeverDanyone33. It is said that the bus company will raise the bus fare _ 5%.AforBtoCfromDby34. He never stopped trying to do a thing _ to do.Awhich he decideBthat he had decidedChe decidesDhe would decide35. He gave up the hope of passing the examination _ he had already failed it twice.AunlessBifCsinceDuntil36. _, he would have been able to make enough money for the trip.AIf he worked harderBHad he worked harderCWorking harderDIf he were working harder37. Every means _tried but without much result.Ahas beenBhave beenCareDis38. We have to do another experiment today, _?Ahave weBshouldnt weCdid weDdont we39. When a fire _ at the National Exhibition in London, ten priceless paintings were destroyed.Abroke offBbroke downCbroke outDbroke up40. Tommy admitted _ the rock through the window.AthrowingBbeing thrownCto throwDto be thrownSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Each section has four parts underlined. The four underlined parts are marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined part that is wrong. Mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.41. One of the workers has hung the curtains that had been laying on the floor.ABCD42. When the policeman found the body of that young man, he had already died for aboutABCDtwo days.43. The project which seems to be very attractive to us requires more labor that have put inAB C Dbecause it is extremely difficult.44. The house that was used to stand at this corner was destroyed during the bombing in 1940. AB CD 45. If the weather were fine next week, we shall go on a picnic.ABCD46. Some bosses dislike to allow people share their responsibilities; they keep all importantABCmatters tightly in their own hands.D47. The town we visited was a four-days journey from our hotel, so we took the train AB C instead of the bus. D48. You must hurry up if you want to buy something because there is hardly something left.A B C D49. The new tax program by a government led to a series of demonstrations A B Cthroughout the country.D50. The old man is in the habit of going for a walk along the river every morning except it rains. A BCDSection CDirections: There are 20 sentences in this section. Each sentence has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the 51. All the buildings are _ with flowers to welcome the Chinese delegation.AfurnishedBdecoratedCsuppliedDdisguised52. People were surprised to find out he had the ability to _ everything he was involved in.AprecedeBeffectCdominateDinstruct53. We established and maintained more _ and confiding relations with him.AimitateBintimidateCinitiateDintimate54. Researches found that the _ of a father can help improve a childs grades.AinvolvementBinteractionCassociationDcommunication55. The travelers _ their journey after a one-hour breakArecoveredBresumedCrenewedDrestored56. The TV commercial says this material doesnt _ in the wash, but it has.AdissolveBcontractCslimDshrink57. Some viruses are _ by certain insects.AtransplantedBtransformedCtransportedDtransmitted58. His eye was injured in an accident, but after a _ operation, he quickly recovered his sight.AdelicateBconsiderateCpreciseDsensitive59. The _ amount of money was not known though we knew that it was large.AtrueBactualCapparentDobvious60. Professor Williams is _ as one of the worlds greatest living biologist.AdignifiedBclarifiedCacknowledgedDillustrated61. They were the last two to go _ ship.AabroadBboardCaboardDbroad62. My brother has to leave the _ because of his illness.AnativeBnaveCnapDnavy63. I have never seen him being _ with anger before.AfuriousBfuneralCferryDfurnish64. The parcel didnt state clearly who the _ is.AnotificationBdistinctiveCobligatoryDnominated65. Her parents are in a rage about her_.Anostril piercingBcontextureCplentitudeDrepugnance66. To be _ with you, I dont like your attitude.AabruptBbluntCfuriousDlenient67. I dont understand why he wants to live in _.AsouvenirBsolidarityCsodiumDsolitude68. Sorry, our manager is in _.AsereneBservingCsessionDsetback69. My neighbor is a very _ gentleman.AgenerousBgeneralCgenerateDgenetics70. Her _ manners impressed me.AentitledBeconomicalCelegantDeligiblePart III ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices in the column on the right. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and draw a short bar across the corresponding letter.Parents have long told their children that going to bed earlier will make them healthier and happier. Now they _71_ have scientific backing for trying to get their kids _72_ to bed at a reasonable hour.Scientists have proved that teenagers who _73_ bedtimes of 10pm or earlier are healthier than those who stay up late. Teens _74_ to stay up late are more likely to suffer from depression and think about self harm than those who _75_ getting eight hours of nightly sleep.Researchers studied more than 15,000 students between the ages of 12 and 17. The average sleep _76_ was seven hours and 53 minutes, _77_ the nine or more hours of nightly sleep recommended for teens. Their results are _78_ with the theory that inadequate sleep is a risk factor for depression, working with other risks through _79_ possible casual pathways to the development of this_80_ disorder. Adequate quality sleep could _81_ be a preventative measure against depression and a treatment for depression.The researchers believe that sleep _82_ is directly linked to depression, leaving the youngsters less able to cope with daily stress and with more difficulties in _83_ with schoolmates and adults.An estimated 10 million Britons have sleep problems. In 2005, a teenage sleepwalker had to be rescued _84_ being found asleep on the arm of a 130ft crane.Mandy Gurney, an expert on childrens sleep, says that an _85_ number of young people spend their _86_ years sleep-deprived. As a result they are not only tired and inattentive but are more likely to suffer from a range of health_87_ Gurney has been asked to set _88_ a sleep clinic by UK health authorities, who believe that _89_ getting children to sleep better will produce huge cost _90_ in health treatments over their lifetimes.71. A. finallyB. normallyC. barelyD.readily72. A. outB. away C. offD. in73. A. fixB. makeC. setD. choose74. A. arrangedB. allowedC. adjustedD. adapted75. A. preventedB. decidedC. settledD. reported. 76. A. formatB. nightC. durationD. rest77. A. againstB. toC. withD. off78. A. stableB. consistentC. reliableD. constant79. A. marvelousB. reasonableC. dangerousD. multiple80. A. headB. spiritC. moodD. sight81. A. meanwhileB. whetherC. thereforeD. then82. A. deprivationB. povertyC. absenceD. shortage83. A. planningB. interferingC. occupyingD. engaging84. A. beforeB. afterC. while D. during85. A. increasingB. decreasingC. expandingD. enhancing86. A. dailyB. laterC. earlyD. middle87. A. disordersB. problemsC. burdensD. disputes88. A. upB. onC. withD. for89. A. directlyB. naturallyC. clearlyD. simply90. A. discountsB. earningsC. depositsD. savingsPart IV Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Directions: In this part there are passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one you think is the best answer. Mark your choice on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter.Questions 91-96 are based on the following passageGlobal warming is heating the planet twice as quickly as previously feared.Temperatures could soar by nearly 6 degrees C this centuryfaster than any time in the past 10,000 years, warns an UN report released recently.In the past 100 years the earths temperature rose by only 0.6 C. But the last decade of the 20th century was the warmest on record.Talks to cut emissions by five percent collapsed in Hague several months ago. The report warns that a temperature rise of up to 5.8 C, with the warming of the oceans and melting of polar icecaps, will force sea levels to rise by as much as 3ft, making tens of millions of people in Bangladesh and Egypt homeless. Parts of lowland Britain are also at risk.Scientists believe the predicted rise, which will bring storms, floods and droughts, will be partly due to a reduction in air pollution. The report was issued at a meeting in Shanghai attended by experts from 99 countries.A pollution clean-up will be partly to blame for such a temperature rise. A reduction in emissions of sulphur dioxide, which causes acid rain, has increased the impact of greenhouse gases. These gases trap the suns heat whereas sulphur dioxide cools the atmosphere.The UNs International Panel on Climate Change called on governments to step up efforts to curb global warming by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fossil fuels.British scientists Professor John Houghton said: “The six degrees depend on just how much fossil fuel we burn this century. If we burn less, then the increase will be less.”91. How many degrees could temperature rise this century according to the prediction?A6B0.6 C5.8 D392. What may NOT be a consequence brought by the temperature rise?AIce in polar areas might be melted.BSea level may rise by 3ft.CMany people may become homeless.DSome highland areas could be at risk.93. What can be blamed for the temperature rise?Abetter air qualityBStorms, floods and droughtsCGlobal warmingDAn increase in emissions.94. The word “curb” in paragraph 7 means _.AchangeBcontrolCdecreaseDdiminish95. It helps to deal with global warming if we could _.Aincrease the impact of greenhouse gasesBincrease emissions of carbon dioxideCreduce emissions of carbon dioxideDreduce emissions of sulphur dioxide 96. What does Professor Houghton suggest?AWe should improve fossil fuel burning.BWe should decrease fossil fuel burning.CWe should raise environmental awarenessDWe should control population growth.Questions 97-101 are based on the following passageTea tree oil, the increasingly popular remedy for everything from spots to insect bites, is under threat of being banned by the European Union. The EU has said that even small amounts of the oil could be unsafe and unstable after clinical trials found users risked rashes and allergies. The cosmetics firms that produce natural oil have been given until June to convince scientists that the oil is safe to sell to the public. The warnings follow revelations that boys have been warned against using hair gels that contain tea tree oil after three cases of them growing breasts were reported. Researchers in the US believe that the oils may have hormone-like properties that lead to the growth of breasts. Writing in New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers say that the repeated use of such oils may disrupt hormonal function. Because essential oils are natural products, the public often assumes they must be safe. People should never apply any sort of essential oil directly to the skin without diluting it first. Tea tree oil has become very popular, and many people have started applying it directly to deal with skin infections. In fact this is a very aggressive oil. The skin can dry out, blister or form a rash.The Scientific Committee on Consumer Products said existing safety tests were inadequate and that even widely sold cosmetics were of questionable stability and were being sold without adequate proof of safety. Some data suggest undiluted oil as a commercial product is not safe, the committees report said. Our major concern is that toxic and risky chemicals become even more potent, if stored at room temperature, and exposed to light and air. Essential oils are concentrated oils ex


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