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“鼎盛诺蓝杯”第十一届全国旅游院校服务技能(饭店服务)大赛英语口语测试题库一、客房服务1.词汇题号中文术语英文术语1酸性清洗剂acid-based cleaner2电源转换插座adapter3警报按钮alarm button4闹钟alarm clock5对过敏的allergic to6服务设施/用品amenity7烟灰ash8烟灰盅ash urn9烟缸ashtray10儿童看护员baby sitter11水(台)盆basin12沐浴露bath gel/lotion13地巾bath mat14浴袍bath robe15浴毯,浴用垫脚巾bath rug16香皂bath soap17浴巾bath towel18浴盆(缸)bath tub19浴室bathroom20浴室客用品bathroom supply21沙滩浴巾beach towel22床上布草bed linen23铺床bed making24褥子,垫被bed pad25床头灯bedside lamp26床罩bedspread27床架bed stock28腰带belt29毛毯,毯子blanket30百叶窗blind31女士衬衫blouse32客房送餐服务room service33灯泡bulb34书桌bureau desk35纽扣button36地毯carpet37警告caution38天花 (板)ceiling39频道channel40走客房check-out room41香烟cigarette42烟蒂cigarette bud/burn43化学清洁剂cleaning chemicals44清洁抹布cleaning cloth45清洁cleanliness46壁橱closet47外套,上衣coat48衣架coat (clothes) hanger49咖啡机coffee maker50不褪色的color-fast51掉色的color-run52梳子comb53补偿,赔偿compensate54走廊corridor55礼貌的courteous56婴儿床crib /baby bed /baby cot57衣柜cupboard58窗帘curtain59损坏,损伤damage60湿布damp cloth61锁钮deadbolt62清扫deep /thorough cleaning63送衣deliver laundry64预离房departure room65存放deposit66清洁剂detergent67拨号音dial tone68残障客人disabled guest69打扰disturb70请勿打扰DND=dont disturb71门把菜单(牌)door knob menu72门道,门廊doorway73水滴drip74干洗dry cleaning75抹灰dust76垃圾箱dustbin77除尘器duster78羽绒被duvet/down quilt79羽绒被单duvet sheet80电器electrical appliance81电梯elevator/lift82电梯大厅elevator bank /foyer83安全门emergency exit door84设备equipment85行政楼层exec. (executive) floor86快洗服务express cleaning87加床extra bed88面巾face towel/cloth89面巾纸facial tissue90褪色fade91龙头faucet/tap92羽绒枕头feather pillow93火警,防火警报器fire alarm94消防通道fire exit95急救箱first aid kit96平面图floor plan97冲洗flush98乳胶枕头foam pillow99折叠fold100冰箱fridge101垃圾garbage102抓杆grab bar/rail103吹风机hairdryer104扶手,手抓杆hand rail105方(手)巾hand towel106方便残障人士的handicap friendly107(带镜子的)梳妆台vanity108床头板headboard109通暖空调HVAC110冰桶ice bucket111赔偿indemnity112内线(房内)电话in-house call113烫熨板ironing board114项目,一件item115夹克衫jacket116按摩浴缸Jacuzzi117台(油)灯lamp118待洗衣服,洗衣房laundry119洗衣袋laundry bag120洗衣单laundry form121布草linen122本地(埠)电话local call123锁lock124失物招领处Lost and Found125行李架baggage / luggage rack126维修部maintenance department127人造纤维man-made fiber128床垫mattress129褥子,垫被mattress pad130床垫套mattress protector131缝补mend/sew132用拖把拖,擦拭mop133(带把柄的圆形)口杯mug134床头柜nightstand135便条本notepad136通告notice137枕头pillow138枕套pillow case139枕巾pillow cover /slip140枕芯pillow shaker141插头plug142电源板power bar / strip143被子quilt144被套quilt cover145收音机闹钟radio and alarm clock146刮须刀razor147遥控器remote control148折叠床roll-away bed149寄存保险箱safe deposit box/locker150当日洗衣服务same day laundry service151针线包sewing kit152洗发液shampoo153床单sheet154擦鞋套shoe shine mitten155擦鞋海绵shoe shine sponge156擦鞋服务shoeshine157短裤shorts158淋浴shower159浴帽shower cap160浴帘shower curtain161淋蓬头showerhead162签单sign the bill163指示牌signage164面(台)盆sink165台面sink counter166拖鞋slippers167肥皂soap168皂碟soap dish169插座socket170沙发sofa171污(换洗)布草soiled linen172换洗衣物袋soiled linen bag173文具stationery174棉花棒(签)swab175毛衣,羊毛衫sweater176打扫sweep177开关switch178泡茶用具tea maker179电话听筒telephone receiver180行窃, 偷窃的事例或行为theft181瓷砖,地砖tile182轮椅wheelchair183纸巾tissue184马桶,厕所,卫生间toilet185马桶池toilet bowl186卫生纸toilet paper187筒纸toilet roll188牙刷toothbrush189牙膏toothpaste190毛巾towel191变压器transformer192托盘tray193熨裤机trouser press194开夜床(做晚床)服务turn down service195吸尘器vacuum cleaner196贵重物品valuables197电压,伏特数voltage198小冰箱/小酒吧minibar199逃生图evacuation plan200洗熨烫服务valet service2.句子翻译题号题目参考答案1对不起,我不是有意要打扰您。我过一会再来。Im sorry, but I didnt mean to disturb you. I can come back later.2您要换床单而不用换毛巾?这没问题。Change the bed but dont change the towels? No problem.3下午好。您的房间还需要些什么吗?Good afternoon. Do you need anything else for the room?4您还需要些什么?或许我可以帮您把换洗衣服拿去洗一下。Is there anything else I can do for you? Perhaps you have some laundry I can take to be cleaned.5米耶克先生,很抱歉。我来给酒店维修工程师打个电话。Im very sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Hayek. Please allow me to call our maintenance engineer.6我立刻派人上楼来再打扫一遍。Ill send someone up right away and have itcleaned again.7先生,我马上给您拿一些干净毛巾到您房间。Ill bring up more towels to your room right away, sir8吸尘器可能会有点吵,会不会打扰您呢?The vacuum cleaner may be a little noisy. Is that alright?9普特南先生,晚上好!我现在可以为您开夜床吗?Good evening, Mr. Patten. May I do the turn-down service now?10房间有加宽的门廊和走道,而且家具之间预留了更多的空间。The room has extra wide doorways and corridors, with extra space around the furniture in the room.11对这个问题我觉得非常抱歉,让我来检查一下。Let me have a look at it. Our apologies for the problem.12快洗服务需要两个小时,但是价格更贵一些。The express laundry service will take two hours and will cost more.13我来给您送洗好的衣服。 我把衬衫挂在您的衣橱衣架上吧。I am here to return your clothes. I will hang the shirts up on hangers in your closet.14您的吹风机的电压看上去应该是220伏特,和中国的电压一样。It looks like your hair dryer is 220 volts, the same as in China.15如果您借一个转换插座,离店前一定要归还。如果不归还,就会发生费用。If you borrowed an adapter, please give it back when you leave. If not, there will be a charge for it.16我理解,但是这恐怕不行。这项服务是不符合酒店规定的。I see, but Im afraid thats not possible. That service is against our hotels regulations . 17您需要我什么时间回来帮您打扫房间呢?What time would you like me to come back to clean your room? 18女士,没问题。我们总会按照您的要求提早收拾房间。有什么需求尽管告诉我们。Certainly, madam. We can always clean your room(s) earlier on your request. Just let us know what you need. 19不客气。先生,夫人,晚安,祝你们晚上过得开心。Youre welcome. Good night, madam, sir, and do have a very pleasant evening! 20很高兴听到您在我们这住得很开心。希望很快再能见到您。Im glad you enjoyed your stay here. Please come again soon. 3.应景服务题号题干参考答案1The room attendant is servicing a guests room. The attendant: 1) greets the guest and offers to help; 2) repeats what the guest wants and asks how many; 3) gives the towels; 4) asks about extra service; 5) introduces his or her own name and leaves with good wishes. Attendant: Good morning. Do you need anything for the room?Guest: Yes, I need more bath towels.Attendant: Bath towels. Do you want two?Guest: Yes, thats fine.Attendant: Here you are.Guest: Thank you.Attendant: Is there anything else you need?Guest: No, thats great.Attendant: My name is Gina. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Have a good afternoon!2The room attendant knocks at the door of the guest room. He or she: 1) asks to enter the room; 2) says sorry for not intending to disturb and agrees to do the servicing later; 3) repeats the guests requests. Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in?Guest: Yes.Attendant: Im sorry. I didnt mean to disturb you. I can come back later.Guest: Just a minute. When you clean the room, would you mind changing the bed, but not the towels?Attendant: Change the bed but dont change the towels? No problem. Ill come back later.3The room attendant is servicing a guests room. The attendant: 1) greets the guest and offers to help; 2) tells the guest where the hair dryer is placed; 3) repeats the guests requests and agrees to bring them in quickly. Attendant: Good afternoon. Do you need anything for the room?Guest: Yes, I need a hair dryer. Attendant: It should be on the wall in the bathroom. Guest: Yes, please. Could I get a couple of more towels and another blanket?Attendant: Yes, madam, more towels and one blanket. We will get them to you right away.4The room attendant knocks at the door in response to a guests request for the turn-down service. She or he: 1) enters the room politely; 2) offers help; 3) agrees to do as requested and offers bed sheet changing service; 4) offers to help with laundry service. Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in, madam?Guest: Yes, thanks for coming so quickly. Attendant: Certainly, madam. How can I help you?Guest: Id like some fresh towels in the suite when I get back this evening. Attendant: Ill get them immediately. Would you like me to also change the bed sheets? Guest: Yes, that would be nice. Could you also turn down the covers? Attendant: Is there anything else I can do for you? Perhaps you have some laundry I can take to be cleaned.5The room attendant knocks at the door in response to a guests request for the turn-down service. She or he: 1) enters the room politely; 2) offers to turn down the room; 3) agrees to change the foam pillows for more comfortable ones; 4) offers to do other turn down services. Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in?Guest: Come in, please.Attendant: Good evening, Mr. Patten. May I do the turn-down service?Guest: Sure. Please go ahead. I dont like these foam pillows very much.Attendant: No problem. I will change them for more comfortable ones.Guest: Thank you. I appreciate that.Attendant: Shall I draw the curtains for you?Guest: Yes, please. I didnt realize it is so late.6The room attendant is turning down a guest room. She or he: 1) agrees to change the foam pillows for more comfortable ones; 2) offers to close the window curtains; 3) recommends a restaurant; 4) responds to the guests “thank-you” and leaves politely. Guest: I dont like these foam pillows very much.Attendant: No problem. I will change them for feather pillows for you.Guest: Thank you. I appreciate that.Attendant: Shall I draw the curtains for you?Guest: Yes, please. I thought I might go down to one of your restaurants. Which restaurant do you recommend?Attendant: The Chinese restaurant on the second floor is very good.Guest: Oh, great. Thank you.Attendant: You are very welcome. Goodbye.7The room attendant explains to Ms. Smith the facilities for the handicapped. She or he: 1) says his purpose; 2) explains the facilities for the handicapped (the door, the furniture); 3) explains the specially designed door handles; 4) explains the specially designed facilities by the bed. Attendant: Nice to meet you, Ms. Smith. I am going to show you the handicapped facilities in this room.Guest: Thank you. Attendant: First, the room has extra wide doorways and corridors, with extra space around the furniture in the room.Guest: Can someone in a wheelchair move around easily?Attendant: Thats right. Also the door handles are low so they are easy to reach.Guest: That is a good idea.Attendant: Over here, by the bed, there are stiff handles.8The room attendant is called to Ms. Wangs room. She or he: 1) greets and asks about the problem; 2) makes apologies and promises to solve the problem; 3) asks about extra requests; 4) agrees to meet the request and leaves politely. Attendant: Good afternoon, Ms. Wang. You reported a problem?Guest: Yes, thats right. My shower is running hot and cold.Attendant: Our apologies for the problem. I will have someone to repair the shower. Guest: Thank you.Attendant: Is there anything else I can do?Guest: I need a new light bulb for the desk lamp.in the bedroom.Attendant: I will change it for a new one. Have a good day. I will come back shortly.9The laundry attendant gets laundry from Ms. Lees room. He or she: 1) greets and asks about the laundry; 2) asks about how many pieces of laundry; 3) offers to fill out the laundry list; 4) explains the express laundry service policy.Attendant: Good afternoon, Ms. Lee. I am here to collect your laundry.Guest: Yes, thats right. Come in.Attendant: How many items do you have for washing?Guest: Well, I have this skirt suit that needs to be dry-cleaned. Attendant: Let me fill out the laundry list for you. Guest: Oh, thank you. I forgot to do that. Can I get this done by express service?Attendant: The express service will take two hours and will cost more. Is that OK?Guest: Yes, thats fine. Thank you. 10The room attendant is called to Mrs. Browns room. She or he: 1) greets the guest; 2) repeats the guests request (for example, borrowing an adapter) and agrees to do as told; 3) asks about the voltage of the hairdryer; 4) explains the reason for needing a transformer and tells about the voltages in the USA and Europe. Attendant: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith.Guest: Hello. I need to borrow an adapter.Attendant: An electrical adapter, certainly.Guest: I want to plug in my hair dryer.Attendant: Do you know what voltage it uses?Guest: No. Is that important?Attendant: Electronics may need a transformer if the voltage is different. Is it from the USA or from Europe? The USA is 110 volts, and Europe is 220 volts.11The room attendant is called to Mrs. Browns room. She or he: 1) greets the guest; 2) repeats the guests request (for example, borrowing an adapter) and agrees to do as told; 3) gives the guest the adaptor and asks the guest to sign a form; 4) explains two ways to return the adaptor; 5) leaves politely. Attendant: Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith.Guest: Hello. I need to borrow an adapter.Attendant: An electrical adapter, certainly.Guest: Thank you. Attendant: Here it is. Can I ask you to sign this form?Guest: Okay, Ill take care of it. Attendant: You can leave it in the room or give it to the cashier at check-out.Guest: OK, thats great. Thank you.Attendant: Our pleasure. Goodbye.12The room attendant is called to Mrs. Greens room. She or he: 1) greets the guest and offers help; 2) says something about the hotels child care service and trained staff; 3) asks about the childs age and explains why; 4) tells the guest about the babysitting price (with a minimum of four hours). Attendant: Ms. Green. How may I help you?Guest: Id like to know if you could find me a babysitter to take care of my little son. Attendant: Yes, our specially trained staff can offer child care service. Guest: Thats good. Attendant: But we dont take care of children under 18 months old. May I know how old your son is, madam?Guest: His second birthday is only a week away. Attendant: We charge RMB 40 yuan for the service by the hour, for a minimum of four. 13The room attendant is called to Mrs. Greens room to book the babysitting service. She or he: 1) tells the guest the babysitting price (with a minimum of four hours); 2) asks about the time; 3) repeats the total hours of the service and asks about the guests room number; 4) leaves politely. Attendant: We charge RMB 40 yuan for the service by the hour, for a minimum of four hours. Guest: Quite reasonable. Attendant: For how many hours do you need the service?Guest: Well, Ill have to leave at 5:30 p.m. and wont return until midnight. Attendant: OK, thatll be about 6 hours. Your room number, madam?Guest: 1206, the name is Mrs. Green. Thank you for your help. Attendant: We are always at your service. 14The room attendant knocks at the door of a guest room to do the turn-down service. She or he: 1) asks to enter the room; 2) greets the guests and offers to do the turn-down service; 3) explains the turn-down service (four things to do: bed coverlet, corner of the blanket, curtains and lights, etc.); 4) explains more things to do (for example, bathroom, fresh towels, etc.). Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in? Guest: Yes, please.Attendant: Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now? Guest: What do you mean by that?Attendant: For the turn-down service, Ill take away the bed coverlet and fold up the corner of the blanket. Besides, Ill draw the curtains and turn on some lights. Guest: How nice. What then?Attendant: Ill clean the bathroom and bring in some fresh towels. 15The room attendant knocks at the door of a guest room to do the turn-down service. She or he: 1) asks to enter the room; 2) greets the guests and offers to do the turn-down service; 3) explains the turn-down service (four things to do: bed coverlet, corner of the blanket, curtains and lights, etc.); 4) tells the guest the way of not being disturbed. Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in? Guest: Yes, please.Attendant: Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now? Guest: What do you mean by that?Attendant: For the turn-down service, Ill take away the bed coverlet and fold up the corner of the blanket. Besides, Ill draw the curtains and turn on some lights. Guest: Oh, I see. But Im having some friends over now. Would you come back to do the service in two hours? Attendant: Yes, of course. You may also press the DND sign on the panel of the night stand if you dont want to be disturbed for the time being. 16The room attendant knocks at the door of a guest room to do the turn-down service. She or he: 1) asks to enter the room; 2) greets the guests and offers to do the turn-down service; 3) explains the turn-down service (four things to do); 4) agrees to do as requested. Attendant: Room attendant. May I come in?Guest: Yes, please.Attendant: Good evening. Would you like me to do the turn-down service for you now?Guest: What do you mean by turn-down service? Can you tell me about it?Attendant: By turn-down service, it means I will clean up the room, make the bed, clean the bathroom, replace the linens, and draw the curtains, etc. Guest: I have just taken a bath. There is no bath robe in the bathroom. Attendant: Dont worry. I will bring in a new bath robe. 17The room attendant knocks at the door of a guest room to do the turn-down service. She or he: 1) asks to enter the room; 2) greets the guests and offers help; 3) repeats the guests request and asks about changing the bed sheets; 4) asks about laundry. Attendant: Housekeeping. May I come in, please?Guest: Yes, the door is open. Attendant: How can I help you, maam?Guest: Id like some fresh towels in the room. Attendant: Some fresh towels. Ill get them right away. Would you like me to also change the bed sheets?Guest: Yes, that would be fine. Could you also turn down the bed covers?Attendant: Certainly, maam. Perhaps you have some laundry I can take to be cleaned.Guest: Right. I do have some clothes in the laundry bag. 18The room attendant knocks at the door of a guest room to do the turn-down service. She or he: 1) responds to the guests request (for example, it is stuffy in the room); 2) responds to the guests request (for example, difficult to find the light switch in the evening); 3) agrees to vacuum the room; 4) responds to the guests request (for example, wishing to read newspapers in the evening). Guest: It gets stuffy in this room. Attendant: Ill open the window while you are away, and make sure to close it before you return. Guest: Excellent. I can never find the light switch when I get back in the evening.Attendant: Ill make sure to leave the bed stand lamp on after I finish cleaning up.Guest: Are you going to vacuum? Attendant: Certainly, maam. We vacuum our rooms every day. Guest: Id like to read some newspapers in the room in the evening. 19The room attendant is called to Mrs. Lees room. She or he: 1) greets the guest and offers help; 2) agrees to an extra bed and asks the guest to contact the Front D


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