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_名称项目 Unit 3 课时课时分配基础课 May I Help You?6 1,2Warming-up,listening and speaking 3,4,5Reading and writing课型New特点 6,7,8Real life skills 授课班级地点5号楼教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标素质目标1. To improve Ss ability of getting information through reading & listening.2. To know how to ask questions to know customers needs and understand the important role of a server.1. To master new words and phrases; to finish exercises. 2. To get the main idea of the whole passage. 1. Try to use proper words and body languages to serve customers efficiently and politely.2. Students will be able to use up-selling techniques.重点难点及解决方法Key points: to get the main idea of the reading passage.全面理解阅读材料,了解一名服务人员的重要性并能读懂信号满足顾客需求。Difficult point:to use the useful expressions to ask questions at check-in and taking orders.听懂所听材料,并掌握在宾馆登记入住时和餐馆时常用的提问句式。教学策略与方法根据销售类服务人员常见的服务内容,创设生动的职业情景,巧妙设置思维活动,让学生通过思考,组织语言,融入技巧,开拓思维,举一反三的运用一定的方法实现优质服务。教学资料及教学准备 Exercise book and students books Test papers Some example sentences板书设计Unit ThreeNew words and expressions: language points: 教学后记本单元以接待顾客岗位的人员工作态度、服务质量为切入点,以宾馆前台接待、餐馆点餐为主要职业情景,让学生了解提供优质服务,不仅需要出色的专业知识,更需要娴熟的人际沟通技巧,察言观色的技巧、以顾客为中心的宗旨。教学过程教学程序与内容教师活动-导学生活动-演设计意图 Unit Three 第一课时(前台接待) Warming-up ,Listening& Speaking A Step One: Warm-upActivity1: Some people are talking about the service theyve received. Have they received good or bad service? Write G for good or B for bad in the blanks.Activity2:Discuss ingroups: What should be done to improve the bad service mentioned above? Step Two:Listening&Speaking AActivity1: Listen to the conversation and tick() where it happens. Activity2:Intensive ListeningListen again. Then. underline the questions asked by the hotel clerk. Questions Asked at Check-inDo you have a reservation?How long will you be staying?Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking room?Will you be paying by cash or credit card?Could you fill out this registration form, please?Possible ResponsesYes, the name is Joe Smith.Ill be checking out on Friday.Non-smoking, if you please.Credit card, if you accept Visa.Do you need to see my passport.Activity 3:Suppose you work at the front desk of a hotel. Ask proper questions to get the following information.Activity 4: Complete the conversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Three: Summary Useful Expressions about questions asked at checked-in.Step Four: HomeworkAs a hotel cleark, know how to ask questions at check-in.Notes:Clerk kl:k n. 旅馆服务台接待员;职员Coupon ku:pn n. (购物的)赠券,优惠券Check in 登记入住Ill ring the hotel. Ill tell them well check in tomorrow. 我来给旅馆打电话,通知他们我们明天入住。Check out 结账离开,结账退房They packed and checked out of the hotel.他们收拾好东西,办理了退房手续。I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just checked out. 我非常失望没有见着布赖恩,他刚退房走了。Reservation rezven n.预定,预约He went to the desk to make a reservation. 他到服务台进行了预订。Do you have a reservation?你有预定吗?manage mnd vt. 管理,经营Mr. Smith manages a large department store.史密斯先生经营一家大型百货公司。manage to do sth经过努力克服困难,设法做成某事Given a chance, I will manage to do the work well.如果给我机会,我会设法做好这项工作。学生自主进行信息判断。分组讨论,派代表向全班汇报。听录音,关注工作流程中的关键词来获取答案。学生听并画线找出宾馆接待员提出的问题,同时模仿其语音语调。鼓励学生从已学对话中找出符合的问句,在此基础上,让学生自行编写问句进行扩充。了解好的服务和不好的服务,形成优质服务的态度。进一步帮助学生进入到顾客接待情境,引导学生思考在顾客接待过程中如何改善服务质量。辨析对话中人物所在的场所。掌握常见的宾馆前台接待对话,同时模仿语音语调。巩固学生在活动2中所学到的顾客接待用语与宾馆前台接待登记入住时的顾客信息收集;同时,为活动4的模拟真实情境中的恰当运用做准备。复习巩固宾馆前台接待对话,并能够进行简单的日常对话。Unit Three 第二课时(在餐馆)Listening & Speaking BListening and Speaking BStep One: ReviewReview some useful expressions about questions asked at check-in.Step Two: ListeningActivity1:Look at the picture. What did the customer order? Tick () from the list.Activity 2:Extensive listeningListen to the conversation and circle the correct answers.Activity 3:Intensive Listening Listen again and complete the order sheet for the waitress.Step Three: ArrangementArrange the sentence below to make a conversation between a customer and a waiter in a coffee shop.Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?Customer: Yes, please. Id like a cup of coffee.Waiter: Cream and sugar?Customer: Just blacks fine.Waiter: Anything else, sir?Customer: And a piece of toast.Waiter: Certainly, sir. Coming right up.Customer: Thank you.Step Four: Role-playRead the menu. Then work with your partner to turns to order and take the order.Step Five: HomeworkTry to remember the new words and expressions.Notes:Care for想要;喜欢Would you care for something to drink ?你想要喝点什么吗?She doesnt care for that color.她不喜欢哪种颜色。Ask & Answer观察图片,判断客人点的实物名称,做出正确选择。初听再听学生积极思考,将餐馆点餐句子的顺序重排。 角色扮演掌握重点单词用法,做好课后复习。转换场景,进入“餐馆”这个职业情景,迅速进入waiter这个角色。通过听去实现筛选信息。训练学生熟悉工作流程中要用的问答,为下一个综合对话活动做句子准备。理解并掌握重点单词的读音,词义及其用法。Unit Three 第三、四课时(一名服务人员的重要性)ReadingReadingHow Important Are You?Step1: SkimmingRead the passage and find what “your” job is.Answer: “You” are a worker whose main job is to deal with customers.From: You will realize that dealing with customers is a major part of your job.Step2: Scanning1Read the passage again to get the main idea. of the first two paragraphs.a. “You” play an important role in the success of a business.b. “You” should work hard to run a successful business.c. Dealing with customers is only part of “your” job.Step3: Scanning2Read the passage again to find the two examples on how to make customers feel important. Give the customer your full attention. Look at the customer in the eye.Step4: ApplicationLook at the pictures below and read the “signs” the customers give. The man is in a hurry.What should the waiter do?Suggest him some foods that can be served in a short time. The woman thinks the dishes are too expensive.What should the waiter do?Suggest her some nice meals that are not too expensive.Step5: Summary 1. Language points 2. The important role of a serverStep6: HomeworkTry to remember the words and expressions learned in class and master the usage of them.Notes:1, avoid vt. 避免avoid something避免某事avoid somebody避免某人avoid doing something 避免做某事The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster. 飞行员不得不采取紧急措施避免灾难的发生。She felt that her friends tried to avoid meeting her purposely.她感觉到她的朋友在故意躲着她。2. in addition 另外in addition 副词,位于句尾时,相当于as well;in addition to 复合介词,“除之外”,相当于as well as和besides, 后接名词,代词、动名词。In addition to lending me his camera, he taught me how to use it.除了把相机借给我,他还教我如何去使用它。当主语后跟有in addition to 引导的短语时, 谓语动词仍与其前的主语保持一致。The teacher, in addition to his students, is interested in the film.老师和他的学生都对这部电影感兴趣。快速阅读任务阅读1(段落1和2)任务阅读2(段落3和4)看图, 分析顾客心理,找出顾客的”需要”,提供合适的服务.Practice & try to remember the key points.通过快速浏览课文,找出作为服务人员的“”。阅读问题和选项,运用针对问题找出答案的阅读策略,进行阅读,完成阅读任务。通过阅读后两段,让学生使用查找的方法,提高阅读技巧,完成阅读任务。让学生灵活使用所学句型;让学生灵活使用服务技巧,努力提供优质服务.及时复习巩固,注意查漏补缺。除掌握英语各个语言知识点的一般规律之外,还需要注意英语各个语言知识点的特殊规律。Unit Three第五课时(填送货单)WritingWritingStep1:RevisionReview the passage How Important Are You?.Step2:ReadingRead the phone conversation below and underline the key information the clerk shouldnt miss.A pizzaDeliveryMy name is Angela Smith. My address is number two Front Street.A large pizza with mushrooms, olives and extra cheese.Step3:Role-playUse the menu on page38 to role play a conversation between a customer and a take-out clerk. The clerk needs to complete the form for delivery as shown below.Step4:SummaryHow to fill out a form for delivery.Step5:HomeworkReview what have been learned in the unit.复习阅读部分课文阅读角色扮演&填写送货单通过快速阅读的查找技巧,莪让学生在对话中敏感的抓住重要信息,为下一个环节的写作做好准备。依据送货单的项目,编写并在模拟真实职业场景中进行顾客和职员之间的对话。Unit Three第六课时(提升销售)Real Life SkillsReal Life SkillsStep1: Lead-inSuppose you work at a supermarket. Read the poster and choose the appropriate description from the box for each one.Answer: a. clearanceb. regular-priced merchandisec. coupond. special promotione. saleStep2: Match upLook at some customers shopping carts and up-sell another product to each of them. Be sure your offer is relevant to what theyve bought. Step3: ReadingRead the conversation below. How many times did the waiter try to up-sell? Mark them in the conversation. Would you like to upgrade to a medium one? Would you like cheese with that? Would you like to add a donut to go with that?Step4: Discussion Did the waiter above make a successful up-selling?Further ReadingStep1: Pre-reading Do you know how to use up-selling techniques properly?Step2: While-readingWith the above question, scan the whole text and find out the up-selling techniques Pay attention to the customer. Pick the up-sell wisely. Be specific. Ask the customer for permission to describe the item you are up-selling. Resist the temptation to over up-sell.Step3: Post-readingWork in group of four or five. Two role-play a scene of up-selling while the others make comments: Is the salesperson behaving properly?Step5: Summary1. Useful phrases 2. How to use up-selling techniques properly?导入按要求寻找相关信息匹配练习将学生分成2人一组,读对话,并画出有提升销售的地方,全班核对。将学生分成4大组进行讨论。读前思考讨论查读读后小组活动:角色扮演+讨论评价总结本活动为项目的导入部分,让学生从阅读和分析各类超市海报着手,一是让学生进入到模拟真实的情景中;二是储备项目任务提升销售所需要的信息,让学生做好准备,找出推销的内容和理由,并运用本单元所学的语言和职业技能来解决问题,为下面的活动做好铺垫。培养学生职业道德、职业素养、学会揣摩顾客的心理,满足顾客的需要,运用合适的雨燕和态度,改善服务质量。学生开展快速阅读,自行总结“提升销售”技巧(即文章要点)通过角色扮演,身临其境的体会提升销售技巧该如何运用,再通过旁观者的观察,分析其运用的是否合适。帮助学生查漏补缺THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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