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Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A ( Grammar Focus - 3c ),1,(一)请写出下列电视节目对应的英文表达 1. 新闻节目 2. 肥皂剧 3. 脱口秀 4. 情景喜剧 5. 体育节目 6. 游戏节目 7. 才艺演出 8. 喜剧,导学案,news,soap opera,talk show,sitcom,sports show,game show,talent show,comedy,2,(1)What do / does sb think of .? =How do / does sb like .? 用来询问对某物或某人的看法,意为“某人认为怎么样?” 回答时可用love, like, not mind, not like, not stand等来表达对某物或某人的好恶程度。,-_ do you think of the film? -Very interesting. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which,导学案(合作探究:知识点导学),3,1 mind v. 介意,词 汇 点 睛,观察 Would you mind opening the window? 你介意打开窗户吗? He doesnt mind the cold weather at all. 他一点都不在乎寒冷的天气。,探究 mind表示“介意,反对”时,常用在疑问句和_中。其后可以接_、 _或代词等。常见句型:Would you mind (doing)?/Do you mind (doing)?,动名词,否定句,名词,学海风暴P50,4,活学活用 1根据汉语意思完成句子 我哥哥不介意艰苦的工作。 My brother _ _ hard work.,doesnt,mind,2单项填空 2013宜宾 Would you mind _ in the dining hall? Of course not. Anot to smoke Bnot smoking Csmoke Dnot smoke,5,2 stand v. 忍受;站立 观察 He cant stand the hot weather. 他忍受不了炎热的天气。 Li Fei can stand on his head.李飞会倒立。,探究 stand意为“忍受,容忍”时,常用于否定句和疑问句中, 后接名词、代词或动名词形式。,活学活用 汉译英 (1)我受不了肥皂剧。 _ (2)我受不了中午吃面条。 _,I cant stand soap operas.,I cant stand eating noodles for lunch.,6,(二)请翻译以下短语。(请从课本P33-34找出答案) 介意做某事_ 无法忍受_ 3. 认为_ 4. 向学习_ 5. 查明,找出_ 6. 在世界各地_ 7. 讨论关于_ 8. 有一天_,mind doing sth,cant stand,think of,learnfrom,find out,around the world,have a discussion about,one day,导学案,7,问题探究,1. plan 的用法 1)制定一个计划 make a plan (for) 2)我们计划参观长城。We plan to visit the Great Wall. plan 意为“计划,打算”。既可以作为动词,又可以作为名词, 常用的句型为:plan to do sth. 计划做某事。,2. hope 的用法 1)我希望你能很快好起来。I hope you can get well soon. 2)我希望能很快见到你。 I hope to see you soon. hope 意为“希望”,经常用到的句型为: hope to do sth. 希望做某事; hope 后面还可以跟宾语从句,但不能接双宾语。,8,问题探究,3. expect 的用法 1)我期待着明天去北京。 I expect to go to Beijing tomorrow. 2)我期待你能和我一起去北京。 I expect you to go to Beijing with me. 3)我期待你能通过考试。 I expect that you can pass the test. expect 意为“期待,盼望,预期”。 其句型为:expect to do sth. 期待做某事; expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事; 此外 expect 后面还可以跟宾语从句。,9,问 题 探 究,4. happen 的用法 1)这个故事发生在2003年。This story happened in 2003. 2)你怎么了?What happened to you ? 3)昨天我在街上碰巧遇到了我的一个朋友。 I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 表示“某地(某时)发生了什么事”,常用 “happen in/at + 某地”这一结构来表达,这时主语应该是事情。 表示“某人出了某事(常指不好的事)”,要用“ sth. + happen + to sb.”这一结构来表达。 表示“某人碰巧做某事”,要用“ sb. + happen + to do sth.”这一结构来表达。,10,小结训练,( )1. _ to him yesterday? A. What did happen B. Wahet did he happen C. What happened ( )2. The girl is not at school now. She _ at home. A. maybe B. mag is C. may be ( )3. My sisiter is not good at English, I hope _. A. you to help her B. you help she C. to help her ( )4. Can you learn _ from the man? A. a lot B. lots of C. a lot of,A,C,C,C,11,Lets have a competition,12,Choose and answer!,1,5,2,4,3,13,句式转换 I dont mind sports shows. (划线提问) _,2 mark,What do you think of sports shows.,14,订正句子:,2. I dont mind to finish the task by myself.,finishing,1 marks,15,3. Its too hot in the classroom. We cant _ it.We all _ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand,选择题:,1 marks,16,3 marks,What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?,翻译句子:,4.你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么?。,17,5.免答,直接得分。,2 marks,18,Read and complete.,to watch,do,dont,What do you think of talk show?,I cant stand them.,I dont mind them.,to watch,plan to watch,to learn,Why do you like watching the news?,Because I hope to find out whats going on aroud the world.,19,【观察领悟】仔细观察下列句子, 体会动词不定式(短语)的句法作用。 1. I want to watch a game show. 2. I plan to watch Days of Our Past. 3. I hope to be a singer one day. 4. He came here to give us a report. 5. To see is to believe. 6. The teacher told us to study hard.,20,【知识构建】动词不定式,21,动词不定式的句法作用 1. 作主语。 动词不定式(短语)作主语时, 为了避免句子的头重脚轻, 常用it作形式主语, 而把真正的主语动词不定式(短语)放在句子的后面。 *To learn English well is very important. =Its very important to learn English well. 学好英语很重要。,22,2. 作表语。 动词不定式(短语)作表语常用于系动词be的后面。 *His work is to feed animals. 他的工作是饲养动物。 3. 作宾语。 动词不定式(短语)可以放在一些动词后面用作宾语, 常接动词不定式作宾语的动词有: begin, start, want, forget, remember, learn, like, hate, love等。,23,4. 作宾语补足语。 (1)带“to”的不定式作宾语补足语: tell/ask/want/would like/wish/like/invite/encourage/teach sb. to do sth. 等。 (2)省略“to”的不定式作宾语补足语: 常跟在let, make, see, watch, hear, feel, notice, have等感官动词或使役动词后面作宾语补足语。 (3)可带“to”也可省略“to”的: help sb. (to) do sth. 。,24,5. 作定语。 动词不定式作定语常用来修饰名词或不定代词, 放于所修饰的词后, 作后置定语。 *The best time to plant trees is spring. 最好的植树时间是春季。 Green Park is the best place to go to on weekends.,25,【学以致用】 句型转换(同义句转换)。 1. To read English in the morning is very important. is very important English in the morning. 2. His brother decided that he would buy the book. His brother decided the book. 3. He hopes that he can visit the Great Wall. He hopes the Great Wall. 答案: 1. It; to read 2. to buy 3. to visit,26,4. Do you want to say anything for yourself? Do you have anything for yourself? 5. “Dont make any noise, ”the mother said to the boy. The mother told the boy_ _ _any noise. 答案: 4. to say 5. not to make,27,. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空 plan, learn, watch, expect, stand 1. I like soap operas, but my brother cant them. 2. My favorite TV show is the news. I can a lot from it. 3. Jenny likes sitcoms. She thinks they are funny. 答案: 1. stand 2. learn 3. watching/to watch,28,4. Parents always their children to be successful. 5. What do you to do this weekend? To go shopping with my friends. 答案: 4. expect 5. plan,29,. 句型转换 1. Paul wants to watch sports shows. (改为一般疑问句) Paul watch sports shows? 2. How do you like soap operas? (改为同义句) do you soap operas? 3. They plan to watch a football game on TV tonight. (对画线部分提问) do they on TV tonight? 答案: 1. Does; want to 2. What; think of 3. What; plan to watch,30,4. Mr. Green hopes to spend time with his family on weekends. (对画线部分提问) Mr. Green hope on weekends? 5. We expect to find out whats going on around the world. (对画线部分提问) you to find out? 答案: 4. What does; to do 5. What do; expect,31,Prectice,watch soap operas,watch a soap opera,watch talk shows,a game show,watch a game show,32,3b. Answer the questions.,33,Do a survey,Do you want to watch a movie?,Yes, I do.,34,连词成句,1)dont, I, mind, shows, really, talk (.) _ 2)your, of, sitcoms, what, sister, does, think (?) _ 3)what, expect, you, learn, news, do, from, to (?) _ 4)hope, world, I, the, to, around, find, on, out, going, whats (.) _,I really dont mind talk shows. What does your sister think of sitcoms? What do you expect to learn from news? I hope to find out whats giong on around the world.,35,

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