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概述 Summary,推拿:运用各种手法作用于人体的特定部位来防治疾病。 Tui na :Use all kinds of manipulations to the specific part of the human body to prevent and cure the disease. 名称演变:按跷、案扤、导引、按摩、推拿(明清) 源于小儿推拿。 Name evolution: an qiao、an wu、dao yin、 An mo 、Tui na (Ming and Qing Dynasties)come from Infantile massage,1,概述Summary,Westen:Massage。 China: Early Chinese Massage Now Tuina。 推拿学:研究运用推拿来防治疾病的一门科学。 Massage : one science to study the use of massage to prevent and cure the disease of a science,2,简便:简单便捷。 Simple and convenient 简单易学,容易掌握是它的一大特点。大多数手法操作简单,能够被大多数人掌握。 Simple and easy to learn, easy to master is one of its characteristics. Most manipulation is simple, easy to master by many people. 便捷: Convenient,推拿特点Massage characteristics,3,手法的分类classification of the manipulations,Tuina of traditional Chinese medicine is famous for its long history,numerous school,rich and varied manipulations,high skills, broad indications and outsanding therapeutic edffects.More than 200Tuina manipulations are described in book. Although the manipulations are numerous,they can be classified into 2 majior categories according to the actiong patterns of their external forces.,4,1 pressing category,Pressing sub-category按压 Linear moving sub-category推擦 Circular moving sub-category摩揉 Rolling sub-category推滚 Pinching-grasping sub-category捏拿 Knocking sub-category叩击 Vibrating sub-category震动 Suporting inserting sub-category托插,5,2 rectifying category,shaking sub-category抖动 Lifting sub-category端提 Opposing sub-category背顶 Thrusting wrenching sub-category推板 Rotating sub-category环摇 Pressing-reducing sub-category按正Pulling stretching sub-category拔伸,6,Pressing category,Pressing sub-category All the manipulations in which the manipulator puts his palm,finger or other parts of the body on the patients body surface and delivers force at the vertical direction to the body surface ,belong to the sub-category of the pressing manipulations.the typical technique is pressing,others like compressing,pointing,nipping and so on,7,8,Linear moving sub-category推擦,All the manipulations in which the manipulator puts his palm,finger or other parts of the body on the patients body surface and moves straightly with constant pressing force ,belong to the sub-category of the linear moving manipulations.,9,10,Rolling sub-category推滚,All the manipulations in which the manipulator touches the patients body surface with the camber surface shaped with his finger tip or hand dorsum,and rolls forward and backward along the body surface,belong to the sub-category of the rolling manipulations.,11,Rectifying category,Sub-category of the shaking manipulations抖动 All the manipulations in which the distal part of the patients limb is held and then shaked up and down rapidly and continuonsly,12,13,Sub-category of the lifting manipulations端提,All the manipulations in which the distal or superior part of the patients limb is held and then lifted briefly and suddenly so as to separate the osteoarti cular space.,14,15,Sub-category of the Opposing manipulations 背顶,All the manipulations in which the spine is forced to stretch backward to break through a certain movement obstruction with a pair of unhorizontal forces in opposing direction .,16,17,Thrusting wrenching sub-category推板,All the manipulations in which patients joint is forced to move at a specific direction an then break through articular dyskinesia with a sudden, controlled turn or curved force.,18,19,Rotating sub-category环摇,All the manipulations in which patients joint is rotated in a slow ,steady and circular movement.,20,21,Pressing-reducing sub-category按正,pressure is directly exerted on the bone structure of a certain spinal segment and cause movement with a specific direction in it.,All the manipulations in which,22,23,Pulling stretching sub-category拔伸,All the manipulations in which the force of the opposing directions is exerted on the two ends of a joint to pull the joint ,bone ,and ligaments.,24,25,

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