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_Module 1 School LifeUnit 1 There are fifty students in the class.Preparation在黑板上写出单词Festival,要求学生回忆并说出已学过的节日名称,如:New Year, Christmas Day等,并板书。组织两人小组活动,内容是在节日时的对话。如下例:Happy New Year.Happy New Year.Do you.?Yes/No. We.两人小组活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。对演示认真又基本无语言错误的学生给予奖励。介绍短语Spring Festival, 带读后转入第1小节的学习1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)先不打开书,问学生:春节后,一些同学又见面了,他们很高兴地在一起交谈,他们谈了些什么呢(What are they talking about ?)?2)要求学生听一遍录音后,回答上面的问题,然后将答案School Life 写在黑板正上方。3)写出以下问题,要求学生听第二遍录音后回答:How many students are there in the class?How long are the lessons?How does Feifei go to school?How long does the bus take to get to school ?学生回答上述问题后翻开书,跟录音读一遍对话。组织四人小组操练本段对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。第2、3、4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 2 Whats your favourite lesson?Preparation1)教师先简单用英语介绍本班的一些情况,然后要求学生分两人小组就School life话题进行对话,也可以给出以下问题要求学生对话:Do you like your school?How many lessons do you have each day?How do you get to school?两人小组活动后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。对演示认真又基本无语言错误的学生给予奖励。2)教师说:下面有几位同学,他们也就School life 进行了交谈。他们谈了什么呢?1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)教师说:请同学们听第一段对话,然后回答:How many lessons does Gu Ming have each day?以下三段对话的教学方式与上相同,教学中使用的参考用题如下:What time is the recess?Whats Gu Mings favourite lesson?What does Ms Wang teach?2)学生答完问题后,要求他们跟读四段对话的录音。3)学生跟读完对话后,教师组织两人小组操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。第2、3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 3 I love basketball!Preparation教师指出,前两个单元主要学习了School life这一话题的语言,现在要求学生两人一组就这一话题对话,并给出例子:A: Hello, B.B: Hello, A.A: Can I ask you some questions about school?B: Sure.A: How many.?B: .两人小组回答后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。教师说:有一位学生Susan 也对她的朋友谈了她的学校生活。他们谈了些什么呢?1Listen and say. Susan talks to her friend. Listen to what they say and repeat.1)教师说:请同学们听下面的对话,然后回答:Is Susans class big? How many students are there in her class?2)学生听一遍对话录音,然后回答上列问题。3)学生带着以下问题听第二遍对话录音:Does Susan like her class?Are Susans teachers nice?How does Susan go to school?Is it a long journey from Susans home to her school?学生回答完以上问题后,跟读对话录音一遍。学生跟读完对话后,教师组织两人小组操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。2Listen to what Sam (a student in America) says and fill in the gaps.教师说:有一位学生叫Sam ,他介绍了自己的情况。他说了些什么呢?请学生们听下面一段独白并回答问题:What is Sams favourite lesson?学生回答问题后,要求他们听第二遍独白并填空。3Write sentences about your school life and Sams school life.在教这一小节时,教师可以先要求学生口头造句,然后再笔头造句。第4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 4 Its nice to meet you.Preparation教师在教本单元第1小节前,可先组织学生齐唱、分组唱Unit 3中所学过的歌。1Read and find. Feifei introduces Susan to her friends.本节的教学可分两步进行:先阅读对话并要求学生说对话大意,然后阅读第二遍并根据其意思填词。2Match the countries on the left with the nationalities on the right.本节由于与上、下两节无联系,可将其移至本单元第5小节后进行。第3、4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。5Around the World: Class Sizes1)教师在教这一小节时,可先给出以下范例,然后要求学生分两人小组,按表格所列内容对话:A: Are the classes big in China?B: Yes, they are.A: How many students are there in a class in China?B: There are fifty.2)两人小组活动造句后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。第2小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Module 2 On the TelephoneUnit 1 Can I speak to Gu Ming, please?Preparation1)教师在黑板上画一台电话或在讲台上放一台电话机,问学生:Whats this ?问一些学生:Whats your telephone number ?回答后,教师说明,本模块是学习打电话情景中的常用语,并在黑板中心上方写出本模块和本单元标题。1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)教师边做一些动作边向学生说明:Im doing. 然后解释 “am (is , are ) + v-ing ” 形式表示的意思。教师对学生说:A和B 在交谈。他们在谈什么呢?请听下面一段对话并回答下面的问题:What is Gu Ming doing?以下三段对话的教学方式与上相同。教学中使用的参考用题如下:What is Wei Gang doing?What is Feifei doing?What is As mother doing ?学生答完问题后,要求他们跟读四段对话的录音。学生跟读完对话后,教师组织两人小组活动操练这些对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。本节学完后,接学第4小节内容。第4小节内容的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。第2、3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 2 Were Skipping!Preparation 教师进教室后问几个学生:What are you doing?教师组织两人小组活动,按以下范例对话:A: What are you doing?B: Im. A: What is. doing?B: He/She is. 两人小组活动后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。评价后接学本单元第2小节。2Pronunciation.1)教师边做动作或画简笔画边教词语skip, long jump, swim, exercise, draw, run;2)让学生跟读本小节B部分内容学音标。3)让学生跟读本小节A部分内容并小幅度地做相应的动作。4)接教第1小节内容。第3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 3 My sister is reading a book.Preparation教师设置打电话情景,与几个学生打电话交谈。教师组织两人小组活动,按以下范例对话:A: Hello, 6382318.B: Hello. This is. Is.there?A: No, hes / shes not. Hes / Shes doing . B: I see. Can I leave a message?A: Yes.B: Can you. ?A: . 两人活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。教师说: Susan和Sarah在打电话, 电话的内容是什么呢? 由此导入到本单元第1小节的学习。1Read and find.1)教师要求学生翻开书,阅读本节材料, 并回答下列问题:Is Susan busy?What is Susans father/mother/brother doing?What is Susan doing?要求学生按阅读材料内容, 从方框内的词中选择合适的词填空。教师组织两人小组活动操练对话。两人小组活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。第3小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Unit 4 Liu Hong is running after her cat.Preparation1)教师进教室后问几个学生:What are you doing?2)教师自己做动作或请几个学生做动作,同时问学生:What am I doing?What is. doing?What are. doing?3)教师介绍:Hu Shan is sick. His friend is with him. What are they talking about?由此引入到本单元第1小节的学习。Listen and write. Hu Shan is sick. His friend is with him.1)教师要求学生听两遍本节内容录音并回答:What is Gu Ming/Zhang Hai/Wei Gang/Wei Ming/Feifei/Liu Hong/the cat/doing? 教师要求学生听第三遍录音, 并在材料空白处填进录音中相应的词。教师组织两人小组活动操练所学材料。两人小组活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。第2、3、4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Module 3 My everyday lifeUnit 1 What are you doing?Preparation1)简要提示Module 2所学内容。2)多媒体显示Module 2中第4单元第3小节内容(可以换作ACTIONS TO MIME表中几个动词),组织学生再做Mime Game。Look and listen. Then repeat.让学生先不打开书,告诉学生说下面有四段对话,每段对话中有三个人在讲话。他们在讲什么呢?告诉学生,下面将放对话录音两遍:听第一遍时不打开书,带着以下问题听,然后打开书,边看书边听第二遍,听完后回答这些问题。Is Mark eating his breakfast?What is Fiona doing?Is Maggie playing with the dog?What is Doris doing?2)要求学生跟读录音。跟读前,完成第二小节教学(重在读准第二小节提示内容)。3)三人小组活动,模仿操练四段对话,然后演示评价。Work in pairs. 教完第1小节后,接着教第4 小节内容。本小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Write what the people are doing.本小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4Homework.要求学生模仿第1小节形式造对话。Unit 2 Im visiting my aunt on Saturday.Preparation1)简要提示Unit 1所学内容。2)要求学生按自己所做的家庭作业分组活动,然后演示评价。3)师生就下列问题做交谈,并引入本单元第1小节的学习。What are you doing this Saturday / Sunday?Are you (doing sth.)?Look and listen. Then repeat.1)告诉学生:A、B两位小朋友在谈论他们课后某个时间的活动。请分段听他们的交谈录音两遍,然后回答下列问题:(听第一段对话后回答)What is A doing on Monday?When will A and B have the picnic?(听第二段对话后回答)Is A going to the cinema on Thursday?When are they playing badminton?(听第三段对话后回答)What is B doing on Saturday?When are they having a barbecue?学生回答问题后,教师启发学生复习了解以下词语的意义和用法,然后用它们口头造句: have ones picnic, visit sb., What about.?, have a piano lesson, How about.? play badminton, on Thursday / Tuesday / Saturday / Sunday ., have a barbecue 要求学生跟读录音。跟读前,完成第2小节教学。两人小组活动,模仿操练三段对话,然后演示评价。2. Work in pairs. 要求学生联系自己的生活实际,参考使用第1小节模式,分两人小组造对话,然后演示评价。3. Listen and sing.本小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4. Homework.要求学生就他们星期天的活动造对话。 Unit 3 What are you doing?Preparation简要提示Unit 2 所学内容。要求学生按自己所做的家庭作业分组活动,然后演示评价。1Complete the dialogue with words from the box.1)要求学生打开书,按本小节指示语完成选词填空练习。2)要求学生跟(老师)读对话两遍后自读一遍。3)三人小组活动操练对话,然后分别让几个学生扮作Mr Li , 全班其他学生扮作Andrew , Diana , .。“Mr Li ”分别与他们谈话。2Pronunciation. 本小节提前至第1小节后上,以保持教学步骤连贯。其教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3Write about what you do at the weekend .本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4. Write about Bills adventure.1)两人小组活动:就九幅图进行对话,然后演示评价。2)给学生几分钟,根据九幅图做口头作文,然后演示评价。3)根据九幅图和口头作文提示做书面表达练习。5Homework. 模仿本单元第4小节,写一篇书面表达,内容是自己的某次经历或活动。Unit 4Hes riding a bike.Preparation简要提示Unit 3 所学内容。要求学生打开书,看第2小节的图,并准备按小节指示语完成该小节的任务。1Look and listen . 该小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。2. Work in pairs. 本小节原为本单元第1 小节,现根据本单元学习的难易程度和内容的连贯性,和本单元第2 小节的次序对调。其教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3Correct the homework.1)要求几位学生根据自己的家庭作业,叙述自己的某次经历或活动,然后其他学生评价。2)要求学生两人一组,互相批改家庭作业。3)要求学生根据批改情况,总结出写作中常犯错误和改正办法,为进入本单元第4小节学习作准备。4. Tasks: the Weekend 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。5. Around the World: . 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。6. Work with your partner and . 本小节原为本单元第3小节,现根据本单元的连贯性调整为第6小节。其教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。7. Homework.写一篇书面表达,叙述自己课后业余活动。Module 4 Come and play with us!Unit 1 Come and play with us!Preparation1)简要提示 Module 3所学内容。2)要求几位学生用英语叙述自己课后业余活动,然后要求他们互改。3)要求学生总结叙述中常犯的错误及纠正办法。1. Look and listen. Then repeat.1)告诉学生:有两个同学在打电话,他们谈了些什么呢?请大家带着下面两个问题听第一段对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题: What is Zhang Hai doing? What is Zhang Mei doing?2)学生在回答问题时,教师帮助学生理解对话中的生词或词语。3)学生回答问题并纠正错误后,教师请他们打开书,先带读对话一遍。带读过程中突出本单元第2小节内容,然后在适度讲解第2小节内容后,要求学生跟读录音带。4)两人小组活动:操练所学对话,然后演示评价。5)用以上的方式教第二段对话。2. Work in pairs.本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Read and listen. Then sing the song.本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4. Homework.模仿本单元第1小节造一组对话。Unit 2You can talk to me, Auntie!Preparation 1)简要提示Unit 1所学内容后, 全班同学唱Unit 1中所学歌曲。2)两人小组活动:按所完成的家庭作业练习对话,然后演示评价。1. Look and listen. Then repeat.1)告诉学生:有两人在打电话,他们谈了些什么呢?请大家带着下面几个问题听对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题: Who is Aunt Xiaoying talking to? What is Gu Mings father doing? What is Gu Mings mother doing? What is Gu Mings brother doing?2)学生在回答问题时,教师帮助学生理解对话中的生词或词语。3)学生回答问题并纠正错误后,教师请他们打开书,先带读对话一遍。带读过程中突出本单元第2小节内容,然后在适度讲解第2小节内容后, 要求学生跟读录音带。4)两人小组活动:操练所学对话,然后演示评价。5)引导学生总结归纳“打电话”情景中的常用语言表达方法,如: A: Hello?B: Hello. Is that.? / Hello. This is.2Work in pairs. Ask these questions.1)用本单元第3小节材料造一个“打电话”的对话。2)两人小组活动,按所造对话进行练习,然后演示评价。3Homework. 模仿本单元第1小节造一组对话。Unit 3 What are they doing?Preparation 1)简要提示Unit 2所学内容。2)两人小组活动:按所完成的家庭作业练习对话,然后演示评价。1. Read and find. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。2. Work in pairs.1)按照第1小节的图和本小节的范例造对话。2)两人小组活动:操练所造的对话,然后演示评价。3)多媒体展示一些类似图画,要求学生先自我准备12分钟,然后用自己的话描述那些画中内容,之后评价。3. Look and write. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。书写前,可用英语口头填空,然后再书写。4. Homework. 模仿本单元第2小节造对话。Unit 4Farmer Dick is selling his vegetables.Preparation 简要提示Unit 3所学内容。两人小组活动:按所完成的家庭作业练习对话,然后演示评价。1. Listen and put the pictures in order. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。在听录音前可先作些介绍,如:Dick is a farmer. He grows and sells vegetables.2. Listen to Farmer Dicks Day again. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Tasks: a Letter to a Penfriend 1)将本小节A部分改为两人小组活动:先阅读A部分说明,然后根据六幅图画内容进行对话,然后演示评价。2)部分内容可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Around the World: .本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。Homework.写一篇短文,介绍某一天你家中每个人的活动。 Module 5 Weekend jobsUnit 1 Im watering the new trees.Preparation 1)简要提示Module 4所学内容。2)让几位学生上台,根据自己所写的短文,介绍某一天他们家中每个人的活动。 1Look and listen. Then repeat.1) 告诉学生说,有一位小记者采访了几位学生。他们说了些什么呢?请大家带着下面几个问题听对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题。 What are the teachers and students doing? What is Li Jie doing? What is Li Qing doing? What is Bai Feifei doing?2)学生在回答问题时,教师帮助学生理解对话中的生词或词语。3)学生回答问题并纠正错误后,教师请他们打开书,先带读对话一遍。带读过程中突出本单元第2小节内容,然后在适度讲解第2小节内容后,要求学生跟读录音带。4)两人小组活动:操练所学对话,然后演示评价。2What are the children doing? .本小节可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Work in groups.本小节可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4. Homework.假定你是一位小记者,采访几位同学的课余活动,然后写成一篇报道。Unit 2Im making some flowers for my mother.Preparation 简要提示Unit 1所学的内容。让几位学生上台,根据自己所写的报道,向全班同学汇报,然后大家评价。1Look and listen. Then repeat.1)告诉学生:Ms Brown正在和几位学生谈话。他们谈了些什么呢?请大家带着下面几个问题,听对话录音两遍,然后回答这些问题: What are Ms Brown and the students talking about? What is Sarah doing for her mother? What is Robert doing for his mother? What is Diana doing for her mother? What is Jane cooking?2)学生在回答问题时,教师帮助学生理解对话中的生词或词语。3)学生回答问题并纠正错误后,教师请他们打开书,先带读对话一遍。带读过程中突出本单元第2小节内容,然后在适度讲解第2小节内容后,要求学生跟读录音带。4)两人小组活动:操练所学对话,然后演示评价。2. Continue the dialogue.1)两人小组活动:根据本小节的英语提示,模仿第1小节对话形式造对话,然后演示评价。2)书面完成本小节练习,然后相互批改并报告批改结果。3. Homework.就“母亲节”活动内容,采访几位同学造对话。Unit 3He is making tea.Preparation 简要提示Unit 2所学内容。四人小组活动:按所完成的家庭作业练习对话,然后演示评价。1. Read and complete. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。2. Listen to someone describing. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Listen and sing. 本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。4. Homework.观察五位同学的活动并用英语描述。Unit 4 We are flying a kite.Preparation 1)简要提示Unit 3所学内容后, 全班同学唱Unit 3中所学歌曲。2)要几位学生上台, 根据自己所学的英语,描述几位其他同学的活动,然后大家评价。1. Match the sentences to the pictures.(根据所学内容难易,教学本单元时可将本小节与第1小节教学内容对调)本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。2. Complete the dialogue with the words.本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。3. Tasks: Weekend Jobs1)本小节教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。2)两人小组活动后,要演示评价,然后再填写那张表。4. Around the World: Tree Planting 教学本小节内容前, 教师应先简介背景知识,然后按“教师用书”的建议教学。5. Homework. 记述自己的周末活动。并表达自己喜欢和不喜欢什么活动。作者:黄健如(南昌市教委教研室外语教研员 新标准英语初中起点教师用书编委)Module 6 The Clothes We WearUnit 1 Why are you wearing a dress today?Step 1 Warming upWatch a Kids Fashion Show. If you dont have this kind of video, you can organize a fashion show. Select two from each group, ask eight Ss to put on what they like wearing. Your class can begin with their performing on the stage.Brainstorming: Ask as many questions as possible about different items of clothing and the eight fashion show stars.In groups of four, students write down the English names of as many different kinds of clothing as possible within three minutes. Teacher will give help if they need. See which group can make the biggest list.Step 2 Presentation and practice.1.Review and present the present simple tense:Ask the Ss to describe what the fashion stars are wearing. Then ask and answer in pairs, using the patterns as follows:T: What is XXX wearing?wearing with that dress?Ss: XXX is wearing.Show them some real objects like jacket, jeans, hat, dress, skirt, T-shirt, socks, sports shoes, cap, etc. to class. If students are interested in trying on/putting on these objects, they can learn the new words by watching, trying on /putting on them.A Game: The Ss who want to try on the clothes can put them on in the try-on room one by one.(A try-on room can be set up by hanging up a piece of curtain in the corner of the classroom. Other Ss watch and answer the teachers question.T: What is XXX doing?Ss: He is trying on/putting on some clothes.T: What is he wearing now?Ss: I think he is wearing.T: What is she wearing with that.?Ss: .Then the teacher asks the Ss in the try-on room to come out and see if their answers are right or not.2.Compare the present simple with the present continuous.Teacher asks the Ss why he guesses like that.Ss may say like this:Because he usually wears.Step 3 Look and listen. Then repeat.Ask the Ss to look at the first picture. Ask them to say what the person is doing/wearing.Play the tape and let them follow the text.Point to the picture and ask:T: What does she usually wear?SS: She usually wears trousers and a T-shirt.T: What is she wearing now?Ss: Shes wearing a dress and a hat.T: Why is she wearing a dress and a hat?Ss: She is going to a party.Repeat this procedure for the other pictures.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence for the students to repeat.Step 4 PronunciationListen and say.1) Ask the Ss to read the sentences silently to themselves. 2) Play the tape. Ss point and repeat.Practise the / i:/ and / I / minimal pair.1) Ask the Ss to look at the words and put them into the box.2) Check their answers3) When you have a correct list on the board, practise the sounds and words with the Ss.Listen and put the words in the correct column.This exercise works on the /u:/ and /J/ minimal pair. Work in the same way as above. Step 5 ImprovingWork in pairs. Match the words to the pictures and encourage the Ss to say which clothes they like wearing and why.1) Interview Encourage them to leave their seats to interview the teachers and classmates around, trying to get information about which clothes they like wearing and why.2) ReportChoose some to report what they have interviewed.Step 6 A fashion showSs organize a fashion show. Get them to work in groups of six. Each takes a different role.Role A, Role B, Role C, Role D: Fashion show models, dressed in different clothes and modeling in front of the class.Role E & Role F: Do an oral description of what the models are wearing.Unit 2 Were having a lovely time!Step 1 Revise and compare the present simple and present continuous.Ss bring to class several photos of themselves, ask and answer about the photos as follows:What is she/he wearing now on the beach?What does she/he usually wear at home? JanePeterMikeStep 2 Brainstorming: Sally is on the beach with her mother, father and sister on the beach. They are having a good time there. Imagine:What is Sally doing? What is Sallys sister doing?What is Sallys mother doing? What is Sallys father doing? On the beach 1) Divide the Ss into four groups. On the blackboard write as follows:G1 G2 G3 G4Four groups first take their turns to answer this question, then they are free.Different actions on the beach (verb phrases) get one mark.See which group is the winner.Note: When the Ss present the new verb phrases, write them on the blackboard first; after the game, teach them.Step 3 Read and answer the questions.Read the postcard and do the multiple choices individually, then check the answers: A/C/C/AAsk and answer six pictures on the textbook in pairs.What is she/he doing at the moment on the beach?What does he/she do at home on Monday?SallySallys motherSallys fatherThen demonstrate their dialogues in front of the class.Step 4 PronunciationListen and say.1) Ss read through the sentences silently to themselves. 2) Read after the tape one sentence by one sentence. 3) Read the sentences together.Listen and put the words in the correct column. Practise the sounds /e/Q/ /C:/ /E:/individually and chorally.Ask the Ss to put the words in the correct column.Call back the answers. Unit 3 Whos Peter?Step 1 Guessing gameAsk one student to stand in front of the class with the back facing us.Other Ss ask him/her: What is XXX wearing? What is XXX wearing with that?If his/her answer is right, he/she can come back to the seat.Other Ss can take turns to come to the blackboard to guess what other Ss are wearing.Note: See who guesses the most answers right according to their memory.Step 2 Listen and write the names.Write the names of the children on the board: Peter, Jane, Sally, Bobby, John, Mary.Ss hear a description of what each child in the picture is wearing, and write the name next to the correct picture.1) Play the tape once through while they just listen and look at the pictures.2) Play the tape again and ask them to write the names.3) Play the tape again for them to revise or complete their work.4) Ask them to check with their partner again, then call back the answers from the whole class.Chain drill: Ss ask each other “Who is Peter?” “He is wearing a sweater and trousers. Who is Sally? .”Step 3 Look and write.Look at the pictures. What is Marks family doing on their holiday? What do they do at home? Write Marks holiday postcard for him.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures. Get them to tell you what they can see.Write a card to Paul, telling Mark what he is doing at the seaside, what his sister is doing and what his mother is doing. Also tell Mark On Mondays what they do at home.When they have finished individually, they can exchange their work with a partner and do peer-correction.Call back the answers from the whole class, allowing for (correct) individual variation in the use of language.Step 4 Listen and sing.Ask the Ss to read through the words of the song by themselves silently.Then you read the words while they listen.Next, read the words, pausing after each line for them to repeat.Then play the tape while they listen to the song, possibly twice.Finally, play the tape for them to join in the singing.Un


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