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B Lets learn,Unit1 How can we get there?,1,hospital,science museum,post office,cinema,bookstore,review,2,我是小小翻译家,A.-邮局在哪里? -它在博物馆的旁边。,-Where is the post office?-Its next to the museum.,B.一个会说话的机器人!多么伟大的一个博物馆啊!,A talking robot! What a great museum!,C.我想要买一张明信片。,D.博物馆商店在哪里?,I want to buy a postcard.,Where is the museum shop?,3,crossing,4,turn left,turn right,go straight,5,A: How can I get to the museum?,A: Where is the post office?,B: Its next to the museum.,6,A: Where is the cinema?,B: Its next to the hospital.,cinema,hospital,A: How can I get to the hospital?,7,Look and say,Then turn left .,Go straight.,Excuse me. Where is the bookstore ?,?,8,Go straight. Then turn left .,Excuse me. How can I get to the science museum?,?,9,Excuse me. Where is the post office?,Its next to the cinema.,How can I get to the post office?,Go straight, then turn right.,A: B: A: B:,10,Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here?,No, turn left.,11,cinema,Bookstore,school,park,N,How can I get to the post office?,_at_.Then _.,Turn left,the cinema,go straight,12,_at_.Then _.,cinema,Bookstore,school,park,N,How can I get to the post office?,Turn right,the park,go straight,13,library,bookstore,supermarket,park,hospital,post office,A:How can I get to the ?,B:Go straight.,Then turn left/right at the,Pair work,A: Thank you.,B:Youre welcome.,14,连词成句,How can I get to the cinema?,1. to , the, next, Its, hospital . 2. to , get, I, How, cinema, the, can ?,Its next to the hospital.,15,Goodbye!,16,hospital,restaurant,Post office,library,cinema,bookstore,supermarket,A: Excuse me , How can I get to the restaurant?,Turn right here?,B: No, turn left.,A: Thank you.,B: Youre welcome.,17,

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