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科技论文设计与写作,第三章 摘要的写作,1,Contents,2,1. 摘要,摘要是对“论文的内容不加注释和评论 的简短陈述”。 可以说它是文章内容的高度浓缩和准确、简洁的摘录。,1.1 摘要的概念和作用,3,摘要的概念和作用,摘要的作用 让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容,以补充题名的不足:摘要担负着吸引读者和介绍文章主要内容的任务 为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便:文摘杂志对摘要可以直接利用,从而可避免由他人编写摘要可能产生的误解、欠缺和错误。,4,1.2 摘要的内容,摘要的内容 1)该项研究工作的内容、目的及其重要性。 2)所使用的实验方法、实验装置等。 3)总结研究成果,突出作者的新见解。 4)研究结论及其意义。 注意:不列举例证,不描述研究过程, 不做自我评价。,5,3.3 摘要的分类,(1)报道性摘要(Informative Abstract) 报道性摘要 即资料性摘要或情报性摘要,旨在压缩全文。这类摘要内容应该包括提出问题、研究该问题的方法、基本数据和结论,用来报道论文所反映的作者的主要研究成果,向读者提供论文中全部创新内容和尽可能多的定量或定性的信息。 篇幅以200300字为宜。,6,例:黄瓜无土栽培结果期营养液配方的优选,利用三因素五水平二次通用旋转组合设计, 优选出适合黄瓜无土栽培的营养液配方。 研究了氮、钾、镁对黄瓜产量、品质及叶绿素 含量等指标的影响。 结果表明:在三种元素中,氮对产量形成、可溶 性糖及叶绿素含量的影响最大;钾对维生素C影 响最大;镁对叶绿素含量仅次于氮。黄瓜的N, K、Mg优化配方分别为20.35,10.38,2.5 mmol/L。,研究方法,研究目的,研究结果,7,(2)指示性摘要(Indicative Abstract),指示性摘要 即概述性摘要或简介性摘要。它只简要地介绍论文的论题,或者概括地表述研究的目的,仅使读者对论文的主要内容有一个概括的了解,很少是论文的替代物。适用于基础学科的论文、管理论文、专题论述、综述等 篇幅以50100字为宜。,8,例:冷轧槽楔外端与摩擦影响的定量分析,建立了与Avitzuer不同的连续速度场,经变上限积分与参量积分求的槽楔冷轧变形力上界解,并侧重定量的讨论了外端与摩擦对变形力的影响。,例 :白薯线虫的防治 对密西西比州种植的白薯由于根节线虫所引起的问题作了讨论,叙述了1967年由蔬菜收获分公司实验站所进行的商品熏剂和杀虫剂的试验。对行间撒播的施用方法作了比较。列出了包括商品杀线虫剂vorlex、DOW WV W85、DD和试验的固体杀线虫剂68 138及Dasanit的试验结果。,9,Abstract Macrophages are important player in defense against invading pathogens and their dysfunction is linked to most of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Inflammation is a normal and physiological response of the immune system against harmful stimuli such as infection and injury. However, when allowed to continue unchecked, under certain conditions it turns into autoimmune or inflammatory diseases, neurodegeneration, and carcinogenesis. Currently, several safe and effective anti-inflammatory drugs are available with many more drugs in the development pipeline, among which are histone deacetylase inhibitors. In this review we discuss how post-translational modifications of histones influence the innate and adaptive immunity through macrophage survival, proliferation, polarization and functional responses. We also discuss how emerging classes of pharmacological agents which developed for use as anti-cancer agents, have been applied as anti-inflammatory drugs to treat macrophage-mediated inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.,10,(3)报道指示性摘要,报道指示性摘要 将原始文献中信息价值高的部分写成报道性文摘,其余部分则写成指示性文摘,起到检索、报道作用。它兼具报道性文摘和指示性文摘二者特点。篇幅以100200字为宜。 特点:高度浓缩原始文献中精华;客观准确确切地记述科技文献的重要内容,不加评论和解释;完整独立把原始文献内容浓缩成一篇短文,具有独立使用价值;具有报道性质和文献检索功能。,11,题名:柴油机燃用棉籽油的试验研究,介绍了不经任何改装的S195型柴油机燃用棉籽油与柴油混合油或纯棉籽油的试验研究情况。结果表明,燃用棉柴混合油或纯棉籽油时,发动机性能良好,无异常现象;适当调整供油提前角、加大循环供油量,可以达到原机功率,而且烟度有所下降。还分析了S195型柴油机在试验工况下的燃烧特性和放热规律。,12,对于学位论文的摘要可分为两种,一是短摘要,写法与学术论文的一致。 另一种是单独印发不受字数的限制,字数可达 25003000字。主要内容包括: 1)从事这一工作的目的性和重要性; 2)对研究内容和过程概略的加以叙述; 3)获得的主要结论,突出论文有创新性部分; 4)论述结论的价值。,13,1.4 摘要的三种格式,14,一段式,15,结构式,16,Abstract BACKGROUND Histone acetylation and DNA methylation are important mammalian epigenetic modifications that participate in the regulation of gene expression. Because dysregulation of histone deacetylase and DNA methyltransferases are hallmarks of malignancy, they have become promising therapeutic targets. In this study, we explored the anti-tumor activity of valproic acid (VPA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) and 5-Aza-2-deoxycytidine (5-Aza), an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferases, on renal cell carcinoma (RCC) cell lines 786-O and 769-P. MATERIAL AND METHODS The cell proliferation was detected by xCELLigence RTCA DP Instrument, viability by CCK8 assay, cell apoptosis and cell cycle by flow cytometry, and cell migration by wound healing assay, Transwell assay and xCELLigence RTCA DP Instrument. RESULTS We discovered that VPA and 5-Aza could individually induce decreased viability and have an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of 786-O and 769-P cells. This anti-growth effect was more pronounced when the cells were treated with both VPA and 5-Aza. The combination of VPA and 5-Aza also elicited more apoptosis and produced more cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase for both cell lines. On the other hand, treatment of RCC cells with VPA, 5-Aza, or a combination of both resulted in slow wound healing and impaired migration. CONCLUSIONS These findings clearly demonstrated that VPA combined with 5-Aza could significantly increase anti-RCC effects by inhibiting cellular proliferation, inducing apoptosis, promoting cell cycle arrest and prohibiting the migration of human RCC cells. PMID: 29457966 PMCID: PMC5827631,结构式,17,Graphical abstract Proposed molecular mechanisms of the combination Aza and TSA treatment mediated protection on endotoxemia induced macrophage apoptosis and pyroptosis. In bone maroow derived macrophages (BMDMs), LPS activates JMJD3- STAT3 signaling pathway by MEK/MAP kinases. Moreover, the increase of JMJD3 by LPS induces pro-inflammatory cytokines, and result in apoptosis of the cells. However, epigenetic modifiers Aza and TSA, which inhibits the activity of MAPK, JMJD3-STAT3 signaling and restores mitochondrial membrane integrity, and thereby reverses the apoptosis and pyroptosis of BMDMs induced by LPS.,18,1.5 摘要撰写技巧与注意事项,使用简短的句子, 用词应为潜在的读者所熟悉; 注意表述的逻辑性, 尽量使用指示性的词语来表达论文的不同部分(层次), 如使用“研究表明”表示结果; 使用“通过对.的分析,认为 ”表示讨论等; 确保摘要的“独立性” 或“自明性”: 尽量避免引用文献、图表和缩写; 尽量避免使用化学结构式、数学表达式、角标和希腊文等特殊符号; 可适当强调研究中的创新、重要之处; 尽量包括论文的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证或数据),19,摘要撰写技巧与注意事项,描述作者的工作一般用过去时态,但在陈述由这些工作所得出的结论时,应该用现在时态。 为简洁、清楚地表达研究成果, 在论文摘要的撰写中不应刻意回避第一人称和主动语态。 删繁从简。,例如: at a temperature of 250 to 300 at 250 to 300 at a high pressure of 2 kPa at 2 kPa has been found to increase increased from the experimental results, it can be concluded that the results show,20,摘要撰写技巧与注意事项,能用名词做定语时就不要用动名词,measuring accuracy measurement accuracy,能用动词、形容词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式,measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made thickness of plastic sheets was measured experiment results experimental results,21,1.6 摘要与结论的区别,摘要的目的是通过相对浅显的概念引诱读者进入论文主体;结论的目的是给能全文阅读的人一个总结并升华。,22,Abstract(共计六句话。每一句话都同时完成了内容和结构的功能。为了非材料专业也能理解这其中的逻辑) Magnesium is a lightweight structural metal but it exhibits low ductility-connected with unusual, mechanistically unexplained, dislocation and plasticity phenomena-which makes it difficult to form and use in energy-saving lightweight structures. (镁这种金属减重效果好,但有一些说不清道不明的基本问题导致其塑性差。一句话切入背景,提出问题。其中low ductility, difficult, energy-saving lightweight是这篇论文和相关研究的问题与目标。单词简单,属于材料类和工业界的常识) We employ long-time molecular dynamics simulations utilizing a density-functional-theory-validated interatomic potential, and reveal the fundamental origins of the previously unexplained phenomena. (我们采用长时分子动力学+密度泛函的方法,揭示了那些说不清道不明的现象。总括研究+展示发现,给出解题工具和方法。),23,Here we show that the key c + a dislocation (where c + a indicates the magnitude and direction of slip) is metastable on easy-glide pyramidal II planes; we find that it undergoes a thermally activated, stress-dependent transition to one of three lower-energy, basal-dissociated immobile dislocation structures, which cannot contribute to plastic straining and that serve as strong obstacles to the motion of all other dislocations. (有这么个不稳定的叫做位错的高能量原子级别的结构,在温度和力的作用下发生变化,制造出一个“变种同类”。这个变种不喜欢运动,不光自己不喜欢运动,还横在跑道上挡着别人运动。摘要中最细致的理论部分,阐明微观世界的发生了什么,位错、滑移是金属原子尺度的行为。) This transition is intrinsic to magnesium, driven by reduction in dislocation energy and predicted to occur at very high frequency at room temperature, thus eliminating all major dislocation slip systems able to contribute to c-axis strain and leading to the high hardening and low ductility of magnesium.(镁金属的世界里就是很容产生这种变异,从而消除了C轴应变的主要位错滑移系统,导致镁的高硬度和低导电性。由微观升级到宏观,由机理外化到现象,从而回到文章标题。),24,Enhanced ductility can thus be achieved by increasing the time and temperature at which the transition from the easy-glide metastable dislocation (亚稳态位错) to the immobile basal-dissociated structures (不活动基底解离结构 ) occurs. (要恢复秩序,就要去除变异,而方法就是剔除利于变异的因素。宏观层次的解决方案。) Our results provide the underlying insights needed to guide the design of ductile magnesium alloys.(我们的结果为指导高塑性镁合金的设计提供了基本洞见。指出本论文为解决该问题的价值贡献。),整个摘要严格由浅入-深入-浅出三部分组成,使非专业人士也能够理解。,25,Conclusion,结论共计四句话,结构和内容两种功能同时完成。,In summary, use of a new DFT-validated interatomic potential in long-time MD studies reveals a rich set of intrinsic structural transitions of the key dislocations in Mg that explain long-standing experimental puzzles and are responsible for low ductility in Mg.(用一种方法揭示微观世界某种行为,从而解释了宏观性能的一个疑团。概括了整篇论文。注意这个总结和摘要第2句的总括不同!),The easy-glide pyramidal II undergoes thermally activated, stress dependent transitions into various lower-energy products lying on basal planes.(重述微观行为。奉上一个take home message,是文章结束时最明智的选择。),26,The dislocation structures are in good agreement with experimental observations, the differences between experiments are explained, the temperature range where the transition is operative agrees with experiments, and the product dislocations are immobile and so cause high strain hardening by serving as obstacles for all other dislocations, leading to low ductility.(用别人的实验数据证实本研究的模拟结果。相对于摘要增加了新的内容。摘要里有无石破天惊是关键;已经有了,就要考虑这个新发现的质量有无保证。典型的科学式处理。),This new overall understanding opens opportunities for design of Mg-based alloys based on the mechanistic concept of energetically stabilizing the easy-glide dislocations on pyramidal II planes.(这些新的理解为设计镁合金掀开了新的篇章。再次给自己的工作做一评价。酒香,要喊出来。),27,2. Keywords,从论文中提炼出来 最能反映论文的主要内容 在同一论文中出现的次数最多 一般在论文的题目及摘要中都出现 可为编制主题索引和检索系统使用 建议选取代表性的制备方法、研究方法、研究内容、材料、性能等,2.1 什么是关键词,28,2.2 选择关键词应注意问题,使用较定性的名词,多是单词或词组,原型而非缩略语; 无检索价值的词语不能作为关键词,如“技术”、“应用”、“观察”、“调查”、“有机化合物”,“地球化学”,等; 化学分子式一般不作为关键词 未被普遍采用、未被专业公认或在论文中未出现的缩写词,不能作为关键词(除专用名词外,关键词应是词典中能查到的词,不要自造); 每篇论文标引的关键词一般为38个。 英文关键词要与中文对应,数量完全一致。,29,Click to edit company slogan .,Thank You !,

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