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九年级上学期第三次月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Hi, where are you going? See what the sign _?-Sorry, I _ it.Aspeaks; dont noticeBsays; dont noticeCspeaks; didnt noticeDsays; didnt notice2 . Mike usually gets up at 6:00, then he cleans _ own bedroom.AheBhisChimDhimself3 . 一Could you help me clean the floor,Bob?Wait a moment. I _ for some information about the World Cup.AsearchBhave searchedCam searchingDwas searching4 . In the UK, a woman usually doesnt like to be asked _.Aif she has been married or notBwhat is her ageChow much she weighsDwhere she comes from5 . -Is Jim at school today? - No, hes at home _ he has a bad cold.AbecauseBifCthoughDuntil6 . Can you tell me why you learn English so well? Its easy. _ you work, _ grades you can get.AThe more careful; the betterBThe more carefully; the bestCThe more carefully; the better7 . When and where _ you born ? I _ born in Shanghai _ September 1, 1990.Awas, were, atBwere, was, onCwas, was, onDwere, was, in8 . Theres some fruit in the kitchen. We _ buy any.Aneed toBneednt toCdont needDdont need to9 . Oh, so many people are standing outside the hall. _ will the film strat?_seven oclock.AHow soon; Not untilBHow long; Not untilCHow soon; UntilDHow long; Until10 . My mother is a writerShe_more than ten books since 1988AwritesBwroteChas writtenDwill write11 . Every student who _ in the same group takes part in his birthday party.AstudyBstudiesCare studyingDhave studied12 . My book _ here in two days through the EMS.Aare sentBis sentCwill be sentDwill send二、完型填空Choose the best words or phrases and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或者词组完成短文)Volunteers - work for freeAfter people finish school, they often look for jobs to make money for living. There are many kinds of jobs people do: doctors, policemen, teachers, workers and so on. Besides their own jobs, some people choose to be volunteers -people who do a job of helping other _ getting money. Volunteers do different types of jobs. Some volunteers read books on tapes so that people with poor eyesight can listen. Some deliver meals to elderly(年长者) or _ people. Still some volunteers help _ who visit a city during a big event(事件). Sometimes volunteers also assist in _ building fires. Volunteers help whenever a city is hit by a natural disaster(灾难). They might help to_ people from areas that hit by an earthquake or have been flooded. Volunteers are important and a city always needs a lot. Are you ready to be one?13 . AforBwithoutCbeforeDafter14 . AhungryBhealthyCsickDyoung15 . AfriendsBrelativesCtouristsDpassengers16 . Aputting downBputting upCputting awayDputting out17 . ArescueBloseCleaveDempty三、阅读单选阅读理解My name is David Smith. I am a boy. Im thirteen and Im from England. I have a sister(妹妺). Her name is Kate. She is eleven years old. I like playing basketball and football. I dont like playing table tennis. There are twenty boys in my class. They like basketball and football, too.18 . Whats the boys name?ATonyBKateCDavid Smith19 . Wheres he from?AEnglishBEnglandCChina20 . Whats his hobby(兴趣,爱好)?AbasketballBfootballCbasketball and football21 . How old is he? .AelevenBthirteenCtwenty22 . How many boys are there in the class?AelevenBthirteenCtwenty“I cant believe that you forgot to come to study with me last night!” shouted Sherri to her best friend Taylor. “Because of you, I failed todays math test. Youre so thoughtless.”“Youre being silly, Sherri,” said Taylor. “ I didnt come because I had to stay late at baseball practice. I called and told your dad. I guess you didnt get the message.”Have you ever been really angry with one of your friends or family members for letting you down? Everybody feels like this sometimes, but the key to controlling (控制) your anger is knowing what you are feeling and why, as well as understanding what you can do about it.Sherri was angry. But if she looked at her feelings, shed understand that the person she was angry with was herself. It wasnt Taylors job to make sure she studied for the math test it was hers. When she didnt do well in the test, she blamed (埋怨) her friend because that was easier than saying she had made a mistake. She thought she was angry at Taylor, but what she was really feeling was guilt (内疚).Learning to know your true feelings is the first step in knowing what to do with them. Once you understand your true feelings, its time to work them out with some communication skills.Really listening to what the other person is saying is important. Its part of understanding how the person is feeling and what the problem actually is. To give your full attention, you can keep eye contact (接触) and ask questions if you dont understand.Before you start talking, try doing a “ reality check” , a skill that makes sure you understand what youve just heard. You can paraphrase the persons words to show that you are listening and that you are trying to understand his or her side of the story. For example, imagine if Taylor said, “ Sherri, you are feeling really angry at me because I didnt show up last night and help you study for the math test. You didnt do well in it, and you think that its my fault.” Do you think that Sherri would have got so angry if she had realized that Taylor was truly listening to her?Now, its your turn to express your feelings. Start your sentences with “I”. This will let you express how someones behavior makes you feel. Instead of “You are so thoughtless,” you might say, “I felt really sad when you didnt come over.” Messages that start with “you” will make a person feel uncomfortable, while “I” statements express a feeling.Its important to realize that your life will be full of emotions (情绪). However, understanding what you are really feeling and then learning how to deal with it are even more important.23 . What is the first step to deal with your emotions?AUnderstanding how you really feel.BTrying to understand the other side of a story.CListening to what the other person is saying.DControlling your feelings when you are angry.24 . What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?AThe result of Sherris anger.BThe explanation of Sherris emotional problems.CThe reason for Sherris failure in her math exam.DThe importance of understanding Sherris real feelings.25 . What is the writers main purpose in writing the passage?ATo express how important listening is.BTo teach how to communicate feelings.CTo explain why emotions can control our lives.DTo show why peoples lives are full of emotions.Weve movedPlease come to party in our new house.8:00 p.m. on March 30Bill and AliceAdd: 44 North StreetTel: 522-2156E-mail: bettyemail.net.Must Sell 130 dollarsBest computerOnly 3 months old.Owner going abroad.Call Mike Green.Add: 6 King Street.Tel: 555-3956.E-mail: mikeqq.comSmiths Book ClubNew and old booksOver 1000 kindsGood coffee and teaOpen every day 9:00 to 22:00Add: 25 Jiulong SquareTel: 555-2125E-mail: smithyahoo.com26 . If you want to go to Bill and Alices party, you can call _.A555-2891B555-2125C522-215627 . Mike Green has to sell his computer because _.Ahe wants to celebrate in the new houseBhe will go abroadChe wants to buy some books28 . Smiths Book Club is open _ a day.Aten hoursBtwelve hoursCthirteen hours29 . When you want to read some books, you can go to _.A25 Jiulong SquareB6 King StreetC44 North Street30 . You can use the email mikeqq.com if you want to _.ADrink coffee and teaBread booksCbuy a computerThe Youth Daily newspaper group is looking for two English - language business editors (编辑)for the international team.Applicants(申请人) shouldhelp the editor-in-chief (主编) set goals and work on completing themgive creative ideas,be able to rewrite artic1es if necessary and give lessons to the team members who have litt1e experience.work hard to finish the tasks on time.have at least three years experience.If you join us,youll getfree lunch80% medical costseven days paid leave11 public holidays and a return to your hometownIf you are interested in it,you can first write to job youthdaily.com.31 . The Youth Daily newspaper group offers everything below EXCEPTto the editors.Ahave lunch for freeBa weeks leave without getting paidCpublic holidaysDmost medical cost32 . If you want to get the job,you can The Youth Daily newspaper group firstAcal1BvisitCemailDwrite33 . From the chart (图表) ,we know that.Aonly those who know two languages can get the jobBapplicants are required to be good at writingCanyone who has worked for two years can get the jobDworkers of The Youth Daily dont need to pay for housingHello! My name is Li Xiang and Im a kite lover. Last year on April 21, I went to Weifang with my father to celebrate the 35th Weifang International Kite Festival. It was really a happy trip for me.It was Saturday and we went to the festival early. Over 2000 kite lovers from 60 countries and areas came to the festival. There were more than 40 activities for us to take part in. The most exciting one was the kite flying competition. We saw a 100-metre-long kite made up of 53 smaller kites. An old man called Chen Jianquan made it. He first got to Weifang 30 years ago. After that, he takes part in the festival every year. In the afternoon, we went to watch a great kite show. There were all kinds of kites on the show. The second day, my father took me to Weifang World Kite Museum. There are four halls in the museum. We learnt about the history of kites and all the uses of them. We spent a whole morning in it. The festival lasted for 20 days and we stayed in Weifang for only three days. But I think I will come again, because Im a kite lover.34 . How many people took part in the kite festival on Saturday?AAbout 400BAbout 600CAbout 1000DAbout 200035 . When was the kite festival over?Aon April 21Bon April 23Con May 1DOn May 1036 . What can we learn from the passage?ALi Xiang and his father went home on April 25.BWeifang World Kite Museum is big with four halls in it.CPeople could take part in 60 activities during the festival.DLi Xiang and his father stayed in the museum for a whole day.四、回答问题Ann is an American girl. Shes in China now. Her father works in China. Her father is a teacher. He teaches English. He teaches in a middle school. Anns mother doesnt work. She is at home. Ann studies in a different middle school. She has two Chinese friendsLi Fang and Lin Xia. Li Fangs father is a shop assistant. He works in a factory. Her mother is a Chinese teacher. She works in a middle school. Li Fang and her mother are in the same school. Lin Xias father is a driver. He works on a farm. Her mother is a doctor. Their parents all work hard. They all love their children. 根据短文内容回答下列问题(用完整句子回答)37 . Where is Ann now?_38 . What does Anns father do?(职业)_39 . Is Ann in the same school with her father?_40 . Where does Li Fangs mother work?_41 . Is Lin Xias father a driver?_五、材料作文42 . 你将在本周五举办一次晚会来庆祝中国新年,想邀请美国好友Mike来参加,请根据以下晚会内容,写一封70词左右的电子邮件给Mike。文章开头和结尾已给出。1. 在晚会上,你将给大家讲述“年”这样一个中国古老的有趣故事;2. 可以跟你妈妈学做健康食物, 品尝饺子和馄饨,大家互相送礼物;3. 晚餐后,接着看春晚( the Spring Festival Gala),12点,一起放烟花Dear Mike, Id like to invite you to my party to celebrate Chinese New Year this Friday._Lots of love, Amy第 10 页 共 10 页

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