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八年级下学期期末调研测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Daming _ to take part in my birthday party last night.AinvitedBwas invitedCis invitedDwas inviting2 . -Have you decided to the beach?In two days.Awhom to goBwhere to goCwhen to goDwhy to go3 . Sandy sits in front of Amy, but behind Simon. So Sandy sits _ Amy _ Simon.Anext; toBboth; andCbetween; andDbetween; to4 . This is _ ID card.Whose is it?A/BanCaDthe5 . Youplay with the knife. Its very dangerous.AneedntBmustntCmay notDmight not6 . It seems to rain. Youd better _ the windows open when you go out.Adont leaveBnot leaveCnot to leaveDwont leave7 . He finds _ hard to finish the work in two days.AitBthatCits8 . Thank youfor your help.Youre welcome.AThanksBT.hankCNo thanks9 . How manyare there in the fridge? About twenty.AtomatoesBbreadCappleDMilk10 . -Jack, you are certainly an early bird.-Really? My alarm clock rang at 6:00 this morning.Asing very wellBget up earlyCstudy so hardDget back early11 . One of his fingers was _ in the accident.Amade upBtaken onCput upDcut off12 . Children mustnt swim in the river because it s_.AstrongBinterestingCdangerousDtraditional13 . These songs are great moving. Their lyrics can _ girls thoughts and feelings.AexpressBdiscussCexpectDimagine14 . _ cup of tea on the table produces _nice smell.AThe; theBA; aCThe; a15 . Miss Gao is strictherselfeverything .Awith,atBwith , aboutCin ,withDwith, in二、完型填空My name is Alice. Im _ English girl. This is a _ of my family. These _ my grandparents. This is my father. _ name is Bob. This is my mother. _ name is Mary. _ is the girl? She is my sister. Her name is Grace. These two boys are my brothers, Eric and Frank. Huanhuan is _ my family, _. Huanhuan is the _ of my dog. Its my good _.16 . AaBanCtheD/17 . AmapBphotoCcupDruler18 . AareBisCamDbe19 . AHerBHeCHisDHes20 . AHeBHerCSheDHis21 . AWhoBHowCWhatDWhat color22 . AinBofCtoDtoo23 . AtoBandCtooDof24 . ApictureBnumberCnameDjacket25 . AfatherBsisterCcousinDfriend三、阅读单选Hello, everyone! I am Li Jie. Do you know what I see in England? Well, it is really an interesting (有趣的) trip (旅行). Now, let me tell you what I find in this trip.In China, I have five English classes every week. When I study (学习) English, my teacher teaches me to say “I am fine” when people ask me “How are you?” But in England, I find people say “I am good,” or “Im not so good.”One day, someone says to me with “Whats up?” But I dont know what to say.All the girls want to be nice. English girls like to get a tan in the sun but in China, girls only want to get white.In China, study comes first, so we study hard and thats it. But in England, a “good” student also does much for others (别人), and they play sports (运动) or music after school.After I come back from England. I think for a long time. I can t forget (忘记) this trip!26 . Li Jie has five _ every week.AChinese classesBmath classesCEnglish classesDmusic classes27 . What does the underlined word “tan” mean in Chinese?A晒黑B美白C苗条D健康28 . A good English student _.Aonly does homeworkBonly plays sports or musicConly studiesDalso helps others, plays sports and music29 . Which is the best title (标题)?AMy Trip in EnglandBMy Study in EnglandCMy english friendsDMy Question about EnglishIts always a happy moment when you get some pocket money. But have you ever thought about how to spend your pocket money wisely? Here is some advice.Make a list.When you get your pocket money, dont get too excited. We all have a lot of things that we want. But do you really need them? Thats why it is necessary to make a list before you spend money. Start with the thing you want most. You can also write down how much it costs or how important it is in your life. By doing this, you will see if it is really necessary to buy it.Help others.How about being more selfless and using your pocket money to help others? We all know that there are many people in the world who are in need of our help. Helping others brings out the best in us and is one of the greatest joys in our lives. So consider using your pocket money to do something useful and helpful, and feel how you can make a difference.Save as much as you can.There is an old saying that “Money doesnt grow on trees.” If you spend all your pocket money right away, youll have no money until your next “pay day”. A wallet sometimes might not be the best place to save money because it may make it easier for you to spend your money. Get a piggy bank(存钱罐)or ask your parents to start a savings account (账户) for you. Someday when you look back, youll get a strong feeling of achievement by saving so much money by yourself!30 . Why should we make a list before spending money?ABecause it can help us know if we have enough money for the things.BBecause it can make sure we buy everything we need.CBecause it can help us know which thing is the most expensive.DBecause it can help us buy things that we want most.31 . What does the underlined sentence “Money doesnt grow on trees.” mean?AMoney is as important as trees.BMoney doesnt come easily.COne can make money by growing trees.DWe should use our money to protect the environment.32 . The best place to save money can be _ according to the writer.Aour piggy bankBour parents walletCour parents accountDour wallet33 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AHelping others can bring us great happiness.BSaving much money can make us get a strong feeling of achievement.CPocket money can be used to do something useful and helpful.DWe should tell our parents before we buy something expensive.34 . What is the best title for the passage?AHow to save pocket moneyBHow to get pocket moneyCHow to help others with pocket moneyDHow to spend pocket moneyTeacher NeededThe English Study Center needs an English teacher. You must:be good at Englishbe good with childrenbe a woman over the age of 26work from 9:00 a. m. to 4:30p. m. on weekendsCall Mrs. Jin at 3042-5509 for more information.Babysitter WantedWe have two daughters.We need a babysitter. The pay is $ 10 per hour. You must:look after themread to themplay with themdo some housework in our housework from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. on weekdaysPlease call Mrs. Smith at 9064-2573 or 9203-3675.Cook WantedOur restaurant serves noodles, dumplings, rice and different kinds of dishes. We need three cooks.You must:be a man over the age of 30have over three years cooking experiencework from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 p. m.(six days a week)For more information, you can call 3762-7035 or come to our restaurant at 23 Center Street.35 . Jenny wants to be an English teacher. She should call _.A3042-5509B9203-3675C3762-7035D9064-257336 . An English teacher in the English Study Center, has to work at _.A9:00 a.m. on MondayB2:00p.m. on WednesdayC8:30 a.m. on SaturdayD3:00p.m. on Sunday37 . The babysitter can get _ a day.A$70B$140C$350D$49038 . How many cooks does the restaurant want?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.39 . From the third column, we cant know _.Awhat the restaurant servesBthe work time of the cooksChow much a cook can getDthe address of the restaurantChildren can spend hours a day looking at computer screens and other digital devices(数码设备). Some eye doctors say this leads to an increase in “computer vision syndrome(电脑视力综合症).”Nathan Bonilla-Warford is an optometrist(验光师)in Tampa, Florida. He has seen an increase in problems in children. “A lot more children come into the office either because their parents have noticed that they have headaches or red or watery eyes or discomfort, or because their nearsightedness appears to be increasing and theyre worried,” he says.Dr. Bonilla-Warford says part of the problem is that children may be more likely to pay no attention to early warning signs than adults. “Even if their eyes start to feel uncomfortable or they start to get a headache, theyre less likely to tell their parents, because they dont want to have the game or the computer or whatever taken away,” he explains. He says another part of the problem is that people blink(眨眼)less often when they use digital devices. He says, “A person who uses an electronic device blinks about one third as much as we normally do in everyday life. And so that can result in the front part of the eye drying and not staying protected like normal.”Eye doctors offer suggestions like following which is known as the 20/20/20 rule. That means every twenty minutes look away twenty feet or more for at least twenty seconds from whatever device youre using.Other suggestions include putting more distance between you and the device and using good lighting. Of course, another way is to spend less time looking at screens. Many experts say children should spend no more than two hours a day using digital deviceswith no screen time for children under two.But not all eye doctors have noticed an increase in problems in children. Dr. David Hunter, from Childrens Hospital Boston, has not seen an increase in his practice. “While it is possible to developfatiguelooking at screens for a long period of time, theres certainly no proof that it actually causes any damage(伤害)to the eyes.” he says.40 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?ADr. Bonilla-Warford thinks using computers causes nearsightedness.BPeople keep their eyes protected against drying by blinking normally.CChildren under two can watch TV for less than two hours a day.DDr. David Hunter says headache causes an increase in eye problems.41 . What does the underlined word “fatigue”mean?AInterest.BAbility.CTiredness.DDifficulty.42 . What can be the best title for the passage?ALooking at Screen: Two Hours or MoreBHow Can Children Use Their Eyes ProperlyCUsing Digital Devices: Advantages and DisadvantagesDHow Much Screen Time Is Too Much for Children四、根据首字母、中文提示填空43 . _ /na/ of them has a car.44 . Mike is not good at_ (交流)with his parents.45 . The rain was _ (敲打) against the windows.46 . Sun WuKong has a m_ stick in the book Journey to the West.47 . Work hard, you will_ (成功).48 . The coat is made of _(丝绸).49 . I saw him pick the box of _(火柴) up from the ground.50 . Many foreigners _ / turIsts / come to visit the Great Wall every year.51 . The new space museum is in the _(south) part of our city.52 . He_/ru/ rubbish around just now?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。53 . Betty didnt accept my _(invite).54 . It was very hot yesterday, but it is even _(hot) today.55 . If you wear jeans, we _(not let) you in.56 . My grandparents expect _(watch) Beijing Opera tomorrow.57 . She like to have friends who are _(difference) from her.58 . If people have problems, they shouldnt keep them to _(they).六、完成句子完成句子,每空一词59 . 我买了一本新词典,你想看一下吗?I bought a new dictionary.Would you like to _?60 . 这个大沙发占据了太多的空间。The big sofa _ too much room.61 . 琳达有许多爱好,比如阅读、绘画和游泳。Linda has many hobbies,_ reading,painting and swimming.62 . 昨天雨下得很大,结果,大部分同学都迟到了。It rained heavily yesterday._,most students were late.63 . 你的那本新书什么时候出版?When will your new book _?七、填空The game of curling(冰壶) is more than 500 years old. But curling did not appear as an Olympic sport until the 1998 Winter Games with both mens and womens championships. At the games, two teams play against each other at a time. The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1-kilogram stones towards several concentric (同心的) rings or circles. Their aim is to get the stones as close to the center of the rings as possible. One game is made up of 10“ends”. During each end, each four-person team “throws” eight stones. Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stones direction and the stones speed(速度). The team with the fewest points at the end of the game,is the loser.阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _68 . _八、书信作文69 . 书面表达假如你叫Wang Yang,你喜欢听音乐,也有一些其他的爱好,如做运动、读书等。请你给笔友Wei Hua回复一封电子邮件。内容如下:1.你刚刚考完试,很高兴有时间给她写回信,谈论爱好;2.你喜欢轻柔和传统的音乐及理由;3.喜欢做运动健身;4.喜欢读科学书籍及理由。要求:发挥想象力,思路清晰;词数80左右。_第 11 页 共 11 页

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