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七年级英语Starter:lesson1-8试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 介绍人物时:这是我的表妹Andy. This is my cousin Andy.那是我的朋友Jim. And _.Athis is my friend JimBthat is my friend JimCit is my friend JimDhe is my friend Jim2 . _ love _. _ love flowers.AMan, watch, WomanBMan, watches, WomenCMen, watches, WomenDMen, watch, Women3 . What a useful _ it is! Yes. Every time I meet new words, Ill look them up in it.AdictionaryBnotebookCmagazineDeraser4 . My father is a teacher. He works in a _.AsupermarketBschoolChospitalDcinema5 . Dont lose your heart. Everyone makes_.AmistakesBdecisionCpromisesDquestions6 . Peter says, “ Good morning” to you. You should say _.AHiBHelloCIm ten.DGood morning7 . If you are tired, you can go to a with your friends. You can chat with them there. Its a quiet place.AhillBpost officeCtea houseDtheatre8 . Maths _ a little difficult, I think.AbeBamCareDis9 . Where is his_?Its on the bed.AtapesBkeysCwatchesDclock10 . Which of following is not a natural disaster?AEarthquakeBFloodCStormDA bus accident11 . _ there _ boys on the playground?AIs, someBAre, someCAre, anyDIs, any12 . There _ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.Awill haveBis going to haveCwill beDis going to play13 . Would you like some _ to eat?Just a little, please.AapplesBcarrotsCteaDbeef二、完型填空Li Lei has a nice watch. It _ three hands on _ face. It _ fast or _. It _ the right time. So Li Lei knows when to get up _ the morning and when to_ to school. He likes it very much. Li Lei has many friends at school. His friends often _ him the time. He always tells them the right time. They _ very happy _ with him.14 . AhaveBhasCisDare15 . AitsBitCitsDit is16 . AisBhasChaveDisnt17 . AslowBniceCwrongDright18 . AtellsBspeaksCsaysDtalks19 . AonBatCinDwith20 . AgoBgosCgoesDgoing21 . AasksBaskCto askDasking22 . AisBareCisntDhave23 . AplayBto playCplayingDPlays三、阅读单选I am Tom. My favourite toys are a panda and a monkey. The panda has big eyes and a small nose on its face. The monkey has a big mouth on its face. The panda has two black ears on its head and it has a round white baby. The monkey has long arms but short legs. It has big feet but the monkey cant jump or run. So it never feels tired. The panda looks happy so it never feels sad or angry.24 . The panda feels _.AsadBsad and angryChappyDtired25 . The panda has _.Abig feetBlong armsCa big mouthDblack ears26 . The monkey has _.Along armsBlong legsCa round bodyDa small nose27 . The monkey never feels _.AsadBtiredChappyDangry28 . Tom has _.Aa panda and a monkeyBonly a pandaConly a monkeyDa toy panda and a toy monkey四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 完成下列句子):29 . Mary wants to be a dentist in the near future. (改为否定句)Mary_ to be a dentist in the near future.30 . Id like to be an engineer in 10 years time. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to be an engineer in 10 years time?31 . My father is_40_.(对划线部分提问)_ is your father?32 . Samuel Han would like to be a doctor because he likes to help sick people.(对划线部分提问)_ Samuel Han like to be a doctor?33 . Sam finished his work at eight oclock in the morning.(对划线部分提问)_ Sam_ his work?34 . A dentist takes care of peoples teeth. (保持句意基本不变)A dentist_ peoples teeth.35 . What is Tom? (保持句意基本不变)_ Toms_?36 . Kitty would like to be a reporter in the future. (保持句意基本不变)Kitty _ be a reporter in the future. 五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空37 . Our English teacher often asks us_(read)English.38 . Ben _(can)come to my party because he is ill.39 . The_(two) Sunday in May is Mothers Day.40 . Tom is _(study)for a Chinese test.41 . Hed love _(have)a cup of coffee.42 . Can you _(go)to the zoo with us on Saturday afternoon?43 . Thank you for _(help)me with my science.44 . How about _(visit)grandparents this Saturday?45 . My mother enjoys _(walk)after dinner to keep fit.46 . Why not_(go)to the movies with me tonight?47 . Im afraid _(walk)out after dark in the city.48 . Would you like to go_(ride)with us?49 . Be quiet! Students are busy _(prepare)for the coming exam now.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子50 . 我们正在试图拯救地球。We _ to save the earth.51 . 在镇上的每个人都位该在清理活动中发挥作用。Everyone in town should _ a part in _ it up.52 . 你认为目前是什么导致了这个问题?_ do you think _ this problem at present?53 . 那些燃烧煤的工厂也用大量黑烟污染了空气。Factories that _ also polluted the air with a lot of _.54 . 假如我们不做些什么阻止鱼翅买卖,那么鲨鱼在某一天可能会消失。Sharks may _ one day if we do not do something _ the sale of shark fins.七、单词填空缺词填空。My grandparents l55 . on a farm. It is not f56 . away from our city. My parents and I often travel there b57 . train. It t58 . about one hour and ten m59 . . This is a picture of the farm. You can s60 . some cows, horses and sheep eating g61 . . My grandparents dog is u62 . the tree. There are some d63 . on the river. In summer, I often s64 . in the river. I love the farm. It is wonderful.八、英汉互译:单词/短语英汉互译65 . 靠近_66 . 到目前为止,迄今为止_67 . 欢迎到_68 . 因而感谢_69 . 不客气_70 . 最舒服的座位_71 . 选择歌曲最用心_72 . 最糟的商店_73 . 影院_74 . the shortest waiting time_九、材料作文75 . 书面表达你喜欢小猪佩奇吗?请你以小猪佩奇的身份,写一篇以My family为题目的文章。+Peppa brother参考要点:1.家庭成员;2.每个家庭成员的年龄或生日、饮食习惯和兴趣爱好3.要求:1.80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总数;2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。My FamilyHello! I am Peppa._十、其他在下面一组单词中找出一个与所给音标发音相同的单词,并把其序号填入题前括号内。76 . i:AthisBtheseCletDkind77 . i AthinBsheChiDmy78 . AclassBwhatCdadDname79 . AnoBtodayCphotoDdog80 . e AtenBtoiletCcloseDeye81 . AbuyBbutCsupermarketDbusy82 . ei AhandBcandyCgameDdance83 . ai AchickenBdrinkCfishDnice84 . u AsoBorangeCoftenDcome85 . u: AuseBstudentCblueDbus第 8 页 共 8 页

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