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_七下英语易错题分析1. She stayed at home and _ an interesting movie. A. watch B. saw C. looked at D. seelook, look at, see, watch 都有看的意思,但用法不同。look为不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意。如:look! There is a map on the wall. look at是由动词look 与介词at组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重看的动作。例如: Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。see为及物动词,意思是看见,侧重看的结果。也可用于看电影,如:see a movie. watch 是及物动词,意思是观看、注视, 用来指注视移动着的物体,如看电视、看球赛、看戏等。Watch TV watch a game 2. Linda, stop _please! Your mother is sleeping A. to talk B. talking C. to talking D. talksstop to do sth. 停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。 stop doingsth. 停止正在做的事。3. I _ the art club in 2005. A. joinB. joinsC. joined D. joining本题的时间状语是2005是过去时。所以谓语动词应该用一般过去时。4. Its time _ dinner. A. toB. forC. of D. withits time to do sth 到该做某事的时间了。(有强迫性的意思 )而且to后跟的是动词原形:Its time to have lunch. 过去时:It was time to do.Its time for doing sth是做某事的时候了 共0条评论.for后跟的是名词或动词的ing形式:Its time for lunch Its time for having lunch 共0条评论.5. Shed like _ this evening.A. going to the movies B. go to the moviesC. to go to the movies D.to going the moviesSb. Would like to do sth. 某人想要做某事。如:Hed like to go with you.Would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 如:Id like you to go to the movies. 6. She is good-looking _long black hair. She is _a red hat. A. with; onB. has; wears C. with; wearing D. with; wears 7My friend _ a pair of sunglasses but I am _a pair of dark glasses. A. with, wear B. wear, with C. wears, wear D. wears, withbe with= wear 穿戴;留有。或者用be wearing ;用了be 动词就不能再用wear/ wears. 8. Henry goes shopping every week, but nobody _ him. A. knowB. knowingC. knows D. knows nobody; anybody; everybody; someone; each; every one等不定代词; 不可数名词,Ving形式做主语时,如果在一般现在时中,动词都用三单形式。9.Old Henry _ his loved dog last night, but he didnt _ it. A. looked for, findB. found, looked for C. found, find D. looked for, look forLook for 强调寻找的过程,find指寻找的结果。类似的listen to 强调听的过程,hear强调听的结果 。10. I had a busy weekend, I saw an interesting talk show and _ a book about history.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to readand 连接并列的句式,成分和时态。本句前面为一般过去时,所以read用过去时。read 过去时和原型是一样的。11. Look! The boy _ his lovely cat. A. play with B. is playing for C. plays with D. is playing withLook!提示句子应该用现在进行时;和某人,某物一起玩短语用play with sb./ sth.12. Some of _ come from England. A. they B. their C. theirs D. themSome of中的一些;介词后面如果用代词必须用宾格。them / us13. The people in the bus _ their friends. A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are allall 在句中的位置为:be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义行为动词之前。如:We are all here. They can all do it. They all went there.14. Now he is _ about the Great Wall. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. tellingtell 意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事。tell sb sth 意为“告知某人某事”。 tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”。speak 意为“说话、讲话”,后面主要接语言。speak to 意为“和.讲话、谈话”。 speak of 意为“提到、说起”。alk 意为“谈话、讲话”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to;如果双方或多方交谈,多用 with。talk about 意为“谈论.”。 have a talk with 意为“与.交谈”。say 意为“说”。 say to 意为“对.说”。 It is said that. 意为“据说”。15. There _ a park,two restaurants and three backs in the neighborhood. A. has B. is C. are D. haveThere be 和have 都可翻译为有;句中用了there就不能选have/has了。There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由后面挨近的一项的单复数决定。16. Mrs. Wang teaches _ English. We like _ class very much. A. our, his B. our, her C. us, his D. us, her本句为teach sb. sth.教某人某事;sb.用宾格。不能按汉语习惯教我们的英语去翻译。Like这个动词后也用宾格。Mrs.是女的,所以用she的宾格形式her.17. Please come and work _us as a reporter. A. to us B. for C. from D. ofwork for 为某人/替某人工作;work as作为工作 He works as a waiter in that restaurant.18. _ interesting place! A. How an B. What a C. How a D. What an感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词.19. Im very busy _ I cant go shopping with you. A. but B. or C. so D. because我太忙了,不能和你去购物。but “但是 ” or “或者,否则” so所以 ,because 因为;不能用在同一句中。20. I _ think hes so great. A. dont B. arent C. not D. am not我认为他不是如此的好。当句中有think时,我们把否定词放think前,而不是加在be动词后,如我们不能说: I think he isnt so great. 21. - Would you like something to drink? - _ A. No, thanks. B. No, I dont. C. No, I cant. D. Yes, I do.当别人询问你需要什么东西时,需要Yes, please! 不需要No, thanks. 22. _your brother want to play football this afternoon? A. Does B. Are C. Do D. Is你哥哥今天下午想踢足球吗?本句已经有了实意动词play不能再有be动词。be动词不能和动词原形用在同一个句子中。23. Its seven oclock. My family _ breakfast. A. is having B. are having C. have D. has24. My family _ a happy one.My family / My class / the police等集体名词做主语时,谓语动词要根据语境来判断是单数还是复数。如果看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如果强调具体的成员活动应该用复数。如:23题具体的时间状语和语境体现了应该用现在进行时。而且是强调家庭成员个体的活动,都在吃早饭,24题我的家是一个幸福的家,强调的是整体如:My family is a big one. 25. Its dangerous to be out at night. Mother always tells me _. A. not sleep late B. not to go out late C. not stay out late D. not go out late告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. 诸如此类的to do 句型变否定句直接在 to前加not. 否定为tell sb. not to do sth. 比如: She asks me not to eat in class.26. She _ her friends goes to shopping every month.27. She _ her friends go to shopping every month.28. I_ my friends go shopping every month.A. with B. is C. and D. amWith; and 都可以翻译为“和”的意思。区别在于with是伴随主语,动词的形式由with前的主语决定;and是共同主语,谓语动词用复数形式。所以26-28题选什么介词由后面的动词决定。如果是句未用with。如:She goes shopping with her friends every month. 29. What _ your sister _ on Sunday? A. does, often do B. do, often do C. does, do often D. does, often does你姐姐星期天经常做什么?often是一般现在时的时间状语 ;助动词does后用动词原型。30. Dont you want _ an actor after you leave school? A. to do B. to beC. be D. to do 这是一个一般疑问句的反问句。你毕业后难道不想当演员吗?31. _ is Tonys English? His English is very good. A. What B. Where C. How D. WhoTony的英语怎么样? 他的英语非常好。32. She _with her grandfather when she was a child. A. lived B. live C. is going to live D. lives 本句的时间状语是后面的从句when she was a child当她还是一个孩子的时候。所以语境为一般过去时,所以动词live用过去式lived. 33. John and I _at school yesterday. A. are B. was C. were D. am 本句的主语是两个人,时间状语是yesterday,所以用were. 但是如果John with me就应该是单数,with后是伴随。30. 我发现Jack 在英语课堂上笑。 I _Jack _in the English class.31. 周末我看他们踢足球。 I _ them _ soccer on the weekend.32. 那个孩子迷路了,我们帮他找到了他的父母。 That child _, we helped him _ his parents.35. 挨着旅馆的是一个带漂亮花园的小房子。 Next _ the hotel _ a small house _ a beautiful garden.46. 熊猫在这里,左面,就在树袋熊的对面。The pandas are over _ _ the left, just _ _ the koalas.47. 你的朋友是从美国来的吗? _ your friend _ _ America?60.你能告诉我去动物园怎末走吗?Can you tell _ is the way _ the zoo?61.我来告诉你怎么去银行。Let me tell you _ _ get to the bank.51. 用所给动词的适当形式填空A: _(be)Peter your best friend?B: Yes, he is.A: Where _ (come) from?B: America.A: _ he often _ (write) to you?B: Yes, once a month.A: Where _ he _(live)?B: He _ (live) in Tianjin. It _ (not be ) far from Beijing.A: What _ you _ (do) now?B: Im _ (write )a letter to him.A: I want _ (have )a pen pal like yours.52. Where does Mr. Smith come from? _ A. An American B. Yes, he does. C. He comes from America. D. He is in America.53.Look! Sally is taking _ (photo) of the beautiful beaches.54. Look! Mike _ (play) beach volleyball with his friends.55. Look! Visitors _ (lie) on the grass. They are really very relaxed!63. Please r_ to give he book to Liu Mei when you see her.64. Who is the man w_ funny glasses and long curly hair.68. We also have great green tea as w_ as orange juice.85.There are twenty _ (knife) in the pencil box.86. We had fun r_ horses in the park.87. 邮局和公园之间又投币电话吗? Is there a pay phone _?88. 横过这条马路后向右转,你能看见一家超市。_, you can see a supermarket.89.这是游览这个地区的起点。This is _.90. 一家服装厂在我们学校对面。A school factory is _.91.最近的银行在哪里?_92. 老虎在夜间不睡觉。The tiger _.93.孩子们都喜欢和小动物玩。Children _little animals.94. 我喜欢考拉因为它们很可爱。I like koalas _.95. 让我们谈谈聪明的大熊猫吧。_ the cute pandas.96.这个小女孩有点害羞。_104.你想为杂志社工作吗? _105. Do you want _ with me? Good idea! A. go shopping B. to go shop C. to go shopping106. He is drawing in _the first shop. A. the B. an C. a 107. 谁在隔壁房间里弹钢琴?Who _ in the next room?108. 他不是再看电视,而是在玩电脑游戏。He _, but he _ the computer games.109. 你想去看电影吗? 当然想,这录像很无聊。 _ go to the movie? Sure, this video is _.119. 有一些人在照相,其他人躺在沙滩上。Some _ _. _ are lying on the beach.120.我的老师对我通过了考试感到十分吃惊。My English teacher _ that I can pass the exam.121.-事情进展如何? 一切进展顺利-_ ? - Everything _ well. 122. All the girls enjoy _ in the classroom. A. sing B. to sing C. singing 123. The bedroom is _. A. Lucys and Lilys B. Lucy and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily124. 请尽快回答我的问题。Please answer my questions _ _ as possible.125. 我家在学校和医院之间。My home is _ the school _ hospital.126.在第二个拐角处向右拐,你就能够看见它。Take the second turning _ _. You will see it.127.你想去游泳吗? Do you want to _?128. What _ Tom look like? A. do B. does C. is129. - _ does your mother look like? - He is tall. He had black hair.130. He came in _ a pair of sunglasses. A. on B. in C. with131. How much water _ in the glass? A. is there B. are there C. there is132. There is no spring _ autumn there. A. not B. or C. and133. 你的英语老师长得怎样? _ _ your English teacher _?134. Kate个头中等,也很好看。Kate _ _ _ and _.135. 她卷发,穿着红色外套。She _ _ _ and she _ _ _.136. 这里没有人认识我。_137. They had a talk _ Yao Ming _ the morning of October 17.A. and; on B. with; on C. for; in138. Id like something _. Im thirsty. A. to eat B. to drink C. for drinking139. _ students are there in your class? A. How many B. How long C. How much140. What kind of _ would you like most? A. movie B. movies C. a movie141. _music, life wont be colorful. A. With B. Without C. No142. 我想要一杯咖啡和一琬饺子。Id like _ and _.143. Terry不喜欢洋葱和粥。 Terry doesnt like _ _ _.144. 果汁和牛奶是我最喜欢的饮料。 Juice and milk _ my _ _.145. 你们想要哪一种特色菜? _ ?146. _ are good friends. A. I and Jack B. Jack and I C. Jack and me147. 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。_ _ _ is _ _ your eyes.148. 大多数学生度过了一个快乐的星期天。 _149. 她假期去看了她叔叔。She _ her uncle _ her vacation.150. 我们在位语文考试而学习。We _ _ for Chinese _.151.那个孩子迷路了,我们帮助他找到了她的父母。That child _ _. We helped him _ his parents.152. 在街道拐角处,有一家小饭店。There _a small restaurant at the _ of the street.153. Sarah生病了,呆在家里,哪里也没有去。Sarah was ill. She _ at home. She went _.154. I like this bike. My sister _ it, _. A. likes, too B. like, too C. likes, either155.She doesnt like the bag. I _ . A. doesnt either B. dont too C. dont either156. They like the sports shows. I _ with them. A. dont B. cant C. agree157. What do you think _ “Tell it like it is”? A. off B. about C. like158. I like game shows. Tina _ too. A. like B. do C. does159. 我可以问你一些问题吗?May I _ you _ questions?160. 我认为最酷的东西就是太阳镜。I think the _ thing is _.161. Dont watch TV _ school nights. A. in B. at C. on162. I have to go to bed _ ten oclock every night. A. by B. in C. on163. Maria likes fruit, _ she doesnt like vegetables. A. and B. but C. or164. Peter _ to wear sweater for gym class every week. A. does B. have C. has165. Does Linda _ to go to school on weekend? , No, she _. A. have, dont B. has, doesnt C. have, doesnt 166. 外面很冷,你必须穿大衣。 Its _ outside. You _ wear your coat.167. 你必须在十一点半前上床睡觉吗? _ 168. 我们班上有很多规定。There are _in our class.169. They will go home in half _ hour. A. a B. an C. the 170. - What would you like for breakfast? - I _ some noodles. A. had like B. would like C. would want171. Would you like _ dumplings? A. some B. any C. a 172. - Is Jim her today? -Yes, but he _ here yesterday. A. isnt B. was C. wasnt173. One of the _ is my mother. A. teacher B. teachers C. doctores174. 上课了,请停止讲话。 The class is beginning. Please _.175. 一起去公园玩游戏吗? _ go to the park to play games together?176. 为了使学校更漂亮,我们应该多种树。 We should plant more trees _ make our school more beautiful.177. 该吃饭了。 _178. 你每天都得乘车上学吗?You _ _ go to school by bus ever day, dont you?179. 不要玩牌了。该做你的作业了。_ _ cards. You must _ your homework.180. _ any noise, Mike. Your grandmother is sleeping. A. Not make B. Doesnt make C. Not making D. Dont make181. - Can you play football here? - No, I _. A. cant B. dont C. arent D. may not182. - _do you think of your teacher? - She is very nice. A. How B. What C. Which D. Who183. Sally, you have o wear sports shoes _ gym class. A. for B. to C. on D. with184. There is _ “h” in the word “hour”. A. a B. the C. the185. We need _ useful dictionary. A. a B. the C. the186. There _ a lot of people in the zoo last Sunday. A. was B. were C. had D. are187. Jack _ lunch at home, isnt he? A. is having B. was C. has D. had188. Joe went to Paris last year, _? A. did Joe B. didnt Joe C. went not he D. didnt he189. - Tom _ the classroom? - Tom _. A. cleaned, cleaned B. did, did C. cleaned, did D. did, cleaned190. There _ lots of food in the basket. A. are B. is C. arent D. werent191. How many books _ in your school library? A. there are B. are there C. there is D. is there192. _any CDs on the sofa? A. Is there B. Are C. Is D. Are there193. I was born _ May 1, 1994. A. in B. on C. at 194. Tom usually helps me _ my English. A. with B. on C. for195. My mother is good _ maths.A. on B. at C. in196. Thank you _ your help. A. for B. with C. of197. Its cold outside. Youd better put _ your coat. A. on B. off C. away198. Hurry up, _ we will be late _ school. A. or; for B. and; at C. or; at199. They had a party _ Saturday afternoon. A. in B. on C. at D. for200. He got _ the bus and sat down. A. on B. at C. of D. in201. They are all interested _ history. Aat B. with C. in D. on202. Whats the weather _ ? A. like B. to C. of D. about1. Hi! Tony. Your mother is waiting the bus stop . A. for B. at C. on D. to2. - was the weather like there yesterday ? It rainy . A. How , was B. What , was C. How , is D. What , is3. Tom is very short . So he sits the classroom . A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of D. front of 4. Thank you for us so good ideas . A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives5. some water in the cup . A. There are B. There have C. There is D. There has6. I found a liitle boy in the corner . A. to cry B. cries C. crying D. cry 7. How about camels(骆驼)in Egypt ? A. riding B. having C. taking D. bring 8. Tom borrowed an interesting book me last week . A. to B. of C. from D. for9. You remember the English words easily . A. also can B. also do C. can also D. can do10. Lucys sister never late for school . A. to get B. get C. getting D. gets11. You can agree with . A. I B. what I said C. me D. B and C12. The old man can make his kite higher in the sky . A. flies B. to fly C. flying D. fly13. great weather it is today ! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 14. The coat is so expensive I cant buy it . A. it B. this C. these D. that15. Today the weather is cool , so we decide the mountains . A. climb B. climbing C. climbs D. to climb16. There are many flowers on side of the river . A. each B. the other C. either D. A.B and C17. Beijing is famous the Great Wall . A. of B. for C. with D. at18. My mother doesnt help me ,and does my father . A. so B. neither C. either D. such19. The girl is so sad because she has friend. A. a B. some C. any D. no20. How your sister her weekend ? A. did , spends B. do, spend C. does , spends D. did , spend21. I an hour reading English yesterday morning . A. took B. paid C. spent D. spented22. Its five oclock in the afternoon ,its time for you home . A. to go B. go C. went D. to go to23. You had better your lessons carefully . A. study B. to study C. studing D. studies 24. The Smiths Beijing America yesterday .A. left , for B. leaved , for C. leave , for D. leaves , for25. Everyone in our class the beautiful scene of nature every day . A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoys Denjoyed26. I want to buy something today . A. to eat B. eats C. eating D. ate27. It takes my sister two hours remember words every day . A. to B. for C. at D. of28. Would you like some dumplings mutten them . A. have , in B. with , in C. with , with D. in , in29. Who is the girl curly hair ? A. have B. with C. has D. in30. Peter likes to play jokes other boys . A. at B. on C. to D.forKeys : 1-5 BBCCC 6-10 CACCD 11-15 DDBDD 16-20 DBBDD 21-25 CAAAC 26-30 AABBB1. Next week, he is arriving _ Beijing.A. in B. at C. to D. /2. My birthday is _ Feb. 29th.A. in B. on C. to D. at3. How is your vacation _? It s great.A. doing B. going C. like D. go4. There is _ food in the fridge (冰箱).A. a little B. any C. many D. few5. Is it cool or hot in June in Beijing? _A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn t. C. It s cool. D. Yes, it s cool.6. There _ a book on the desk.A. has B. are C. is D. have7. Can you _ it in English?A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak8. They have fun _ Bridge Street.A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visits9. It s eight o clock. The students _ an English class.A. have B. to have C. are having D. has10. My sister and I _.A. is doing

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