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八年级英语下册第六模块检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Where _ go this summer?Id like to go _ warm.Awould you like to; some whereBwill you like to; anywhereCwould you like to; somewhereDwill you like to; somewhere2 . There istime left. Lets start at once.AfewBlittleCa fewDa little3 . There is a big cake. _ share it.AMay be we canBWe may beCMaybe we canDMaybe can we4 . Health is important for everyone.Yes,we _ take it seriously.AshouldBcanCmightDmay5 . We shall travel by night _ by day.Or we cant get there on time.Aas well asBinstead ofCas wellDinstead6 . LilyisntasasPeterSheoftenmakesmistakesinhercomposition.AcarelessBcarefulCcarelesslyDcarefully7 . Millie is very_,so we all want to make _ with her.Afriends ;friendlyBfriendly; friendsCfriendly ;friendlyDfriends ;friends8 . The boy _the toys _this.Alike; likeBlikes; likesClikes; likeDlike; likes9 . Not only you but also Susan _ this song. Its very popular.AlikeBlikedClikesDliking10 . - Did Qingdao show _ to the world during the SCO Summit (上海合作组织峰会)?- Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development.Asomething specialBanything specialCspecial somethingDspecial anything二、补全短文6选5Reading is a good hobby for all kinds of reason.First,reading is fun. 1.You will never feel bored or tired.Next,you can read a book anywherein a car, on a plane,or even in the bathroom. 2.It is so easy to get a book.Another good reason for reading is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby,you will get better and better at it.And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. 3,you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much better.Some people say that reading is not in fashion(时尚). 4.You can read on the Internet.The more you read,the more knowledge you will get.Good readers may become writers,too. 5.Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now?11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _三、完型填空Hello!My_is Jim Smith. My first name is_, and Smith is my_name_am_English boy. Whats that over there? Oh, its my_Its an_dictionary. I like_very much._is it? Its red. Can you_dictionary? Yes, D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.16 . AnameBfamilyCnumberDtelephone number17 . AJimBSmithCJim SmithDjim18 . AfirstBMiddleCfullDfamily19 . AMyBYouCIDHe20 . AaBanCtheD/21 . AbookBeraserCnameDdictionary22 . AChineseBEnglishCJapaneseDgood23 . AthisBthatCitDme24 . AWhatBWhoCHowDWhat color25 . AsayBspellCspeakDtell四、阅读单选When you get up in the morning,do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear?If so,you probably need help when making the bigger choices in your life,like what to do when youre older.BraveNewGirls,by American author Jeanette Gadeberg,will help you make such choices.To make them,it says,you must be a brave new girl.A brave new girl is one whos confident,healthy and happy.A brave new girl can realize her dreams.To be brave,you need to make decisions for yourself.Other people may tell you what to do,but you should not listen to all of them.You must only do what you want.If you always wear clothes like your favorite TV star,for example,you must stop doing so.Instead,become your own star and wear the clothes you want.The book also tells girls to start liking how they look.You have to like your body,it says.If you dont,you will not take good care of it and wont stay healthy.The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident.If youre confident,youll succeed in life.A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys.You just look at their grades!Todays brave new girls will become tomorrows brave new women.Only in this way can they realize their dreams and become who they want to be.26 . “BraveNewGirls” is a/an _ according to the passage.AbookBmagazineCnewspaperDstory27 . If you want to be a brave new girl,you must be _Abusy,friendly and happyBcareful,friendly and confidentCconfident,healthy and happyDconfident,successful and happy28 . The writer says“You have to like your body.” It means _Ayou must wear new and fashionable clothesByou must play well and be happy every dayCyou must only do what you want in your lifeDyou must look after your body well and stay healthy29 . Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?AA brave new girl can make choices for herself.BA brave new girl always wears clothes like her favorite TV star.CIf you are not confident,you will not be successful in life.DIf youre brave new girls now,youll be tomorrows brave new women.JudyI like reading novels and newspapers best. Novels can make me remember the past and dream about the future. Reading newspapers makes me care about others and the whole world. I think reading books is like making friends. It gives me much pleasure. BoltMy hobby is making kites, collecting kites and flying kites. I began to make my first kite when I was nine years old. It wasnt beautiful, but I liked it very much. Now I have different kinds of kites. On Sunday, I often fly kites with my friends in the park, and its my happiest time.DickIm a schoolboy. I have many hobbies, but Im interested in keeping pets best. I have a lazy pet cat, her name is Mimi. Shes very fat. Shes black and white. When I come back home, she usually runs to me and plays with me. When Im doing my homework, she always lies under the table quietly. What a cute cat she is!LisaDifferent people have different hobbies. My favorite hobby is cooking. I enjoy cooking because it keeps me happy in my life and shows my love to my family. I often help my mum cook meals on weekends. Now I can cook a lot, for example, I can cook tomatoes with eggs and potatoes with beef. Cooking has so much fun. I love it.30 . Judys hobby is .Akeeping petsBcollecting kitesCreading booksDcooking meals31 . Bolt often flies kites with .Ahis cousinsBhis classmatesChis friendsDhis teammates32 . Dicks pet cat is .Acute and lazyBgray and whiteCquiet and thinDfunny and brave33 . Lisa often _ on weekends.Aplays with her pet catBhelps her mother cook mealsCmakes kites with her grandmotherDreads her favorite novels34 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe name of Dicks pet is Maomao.BJudy likes to make friends.CLisa is fond of walking a pet pig.DWhen Bolt was 9 years old, he made his first kite.Tom and Edward are brothers. They are very different(不同的) in many aspects(方面). Tom likes basketball very much. Its very interesting for him. He likes tennis, too. But he doesnt like soccer. He thinks its difficult and boring.Edward, his brother, likes soccer best. He thinks its so exciting and interesting. He plays it every day, and he has a collection of four tennis balls. But he doesnt like tennis.They also like different food. Tom likes eggs and fruits. Apples are his favorite. But Edward likes meat(肉) and vegetables, and broccoli is his favorite.But they also have the same hobbies. They like rock music very much. They like Beatles very much. They can also play the drums and the guitar well. They make(组建) a band with their best friend, Cindy. The bands name is Sea. The people around like their band very much.35 . Who likes broccoli best?AEdwardBTomCCindy.DWe dont know.36 . Why does Tom like basketball?ABecause its exciting.BBecause its interesting.CBecause its relaxing.DBecause its exciting and interesting.37 . What instruments can Tom and Edward play?AThe guitar.BThe drums.CThe guitar and the drums.DThe violin.38 . Are Tom and Edward the same in many aspects?AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CYes, they are.DNo, they arent.39 . What do they both(都) like?ABasketball.BTennis.CVegetables.DRock music.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成句子中的单词。40 . Judy likes to take part in all kinds of outdoor _.41 . Many students have different_, such as reading, painting and so on.42 . When you want to post a letter, you need a _.43 . One dollar is one hundred _.44 . Failure is the mother of_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空V. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)45 . My grandparents live on the _ (five) floor.46 . Can the boys keep _ (them) promises?47 . Dont leave the batteries here. They may _ (pollution) the land.48 . What do you _ (usual) do on Sundays?49 . Kitty would like to go _ (swim) with her parents.七、完成句子.完成句子50 . 你可以向我要到收音机。(ask)You can _ the radio.51 . 我们考虑食物。Lets _ the food.52 . 快点!我们会上学迟到。(come)_! We are late for school.53 . 你常和你的同学们一起做游戏吗?(play)Do you usually _ with your classmates?54 . 谢谢你找到我的录音机。(find)_ my tape player.八、信息归纳We Want the Best!We did a survey of things that interest young people today.This is what they told us.Most of the cafes in town are good,but The Turks Delight,the newest cafe to open here,is the most popular.It is also the most expensive,but the coffee is the best and the chairs are the most comfortable.Whats more,the music they play in the cafe is the best.The cell phone that everyone wants to buy is the VPhone.This is the coolest phone around because it is like a computer.It has the most extras.You can take photos,make videos,check your email,and of course,make phone calls.And what video game is the best today?Well everyone agrees it is Viper Boy.It has the best graphics(图画),the most realistic(栩栩如生)sound and the most interesting story.The bestNameReasonsCafe36.55 . 37.56 . Cell phoneVphone38.57 . Video game39.58 . 40.59 . 九、材料作文60 . 许多人喜欢打篮球。假如你最喜欢的运动是打篮球,请描述一下这项体育运动,包括它的特点以及你喜欢它的原因。词数80左右。第 9 页 共 9 页

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