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呼呈式英语演讲稿结尾欣赏目录第一篇:呼呈式英语演讲稿结尾欣赏第二篇:抒情式英语演讲结尾欣赏第三篇:鼓动号召-英语演讲结尾术欣赏第四篇:赞美式英语演讲结尾欣赏第五篇:英语演讲结尾术欣赏-名言正文第一篇:呼呈式英语演讲稿结尾欣赏*by appealingwherefore, o judge, be good cheer about death, and know of a certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. he and his are not neglected by the gods; nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance. but i see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die and be released from trouble wherefore the oracle gave no sign. for which reason, also, i am not angry with my condemners, or with my accusers; they have done men harm, although they did not mean to do me any good; and for this i may gently blame them.still i have a favour to ask of them. when my sons are grown up, i would ask you, o my friends, to punish them; and i would have you trouble them, as i have troubled you, if they seem to care about riches, or anything, more than about virtue; or if they pretend to be something when they are really nothing, then reprove them, as i have reproved you, for not caring about that for which they ought to care, and thinking that they are something when they are really nothing. and if you do this, both i and my sons will have received justice at your hands.the hour of departure has arrived, and we go our waysi to die, and you to live. which is better god only knows.法官们啊,不必为死亡而感丧气。要知道善良的人无论生前死后都不会遭逢恶果,他和家人不会为诸神抛弃。快要降临在我身上的结局绝非偶然。我清楚地知道现在对我来说,死亡比在世为佳。我可以摆脱一切烦恼,因此未有神谕显现。为了同样的理由,我不怨恨起诉者或是将我判罪的人。他们虽对我不怀善意,却未令我受害。不过,我可以稍稍怪他们的不善意。可是我仍然要请他们为我做一件事。诸位朋友,我的几个儿子成年后,请为我教导他们。如果他们把财富或其他事物看得比品德为重,请像我规劝你们那样规劝他们。如果他们自命不凡,那么,请像我谴责你们一样谴责他们,因为他们忽视了该看重的东西,本属藐小却自命不凡。你们倘能这样做,我和我的儿子便会自你们手中得到公义。离别的时刻到了,我们得各自上路我走向死亡,你们却继续活下去。至于生与死孰优,只有神明方知。i, general de gaulle, speaking from london, invited the french officers and soldiers who may be in british territory now or at a later date, with their arms or without their armsi invent the engineers and the workers skilled in the manufacture of armaments who may be; now or in the future, on british soilto get in touch with me.whatever may e, the flames of french resistance must never be extinguished; and it will not extinguish.tomorrow, as i have today, i shall speak over the london broadcast.我,戴高乐将军,现在在伦敦发表广播讲话。我吁请目前或将来来到英国国土的法国官兵,不论是否还持有武器,都和我联系;我吁请精于制造武器的技师与技术工人,不论是现在或将来来到英国国土,都和我联系。无论出现什么情况,我们都不容许法兰西抗战烽火被扑灭,而且它也永不会被扑灭。明天我还要和今天一样在伦敦发表广播讲话。on the whole, sir, i can not help expressing a wish that every member of the convention who may still have objections to it, would, with me, on this occasion, doubt a little of his own infallibility, and, to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument.总的来说,先生们,我情不自禁地要表达一个愿望:让每一个仍然反对这部宪法的与会者,在这个场合都与我一起稍稍怀疑一下,自己是否一贯正确,并且,为了表明我们的一致意见,请都在这份文件上签上自己的名字。i preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor. the twentieth century looms before us big with the fate of many nations. if we stand idly by, if we seek merely swollen, slothful ease, and ignoble peace, if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win at hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then the bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by and will win for therefore the domination of the world. let us therefore boldly face the life of strife, resolute to do our duty well and manfully; resolute to uphold righteousness by deed and by ; resolute to be both honest and brave, to (本文来源好)serve high ideals, yet to use practical methods. above all, let us shrink from no strike, moral or physical, within or without the nation, provided we are certain that the strife is justified; for it is only through strife, through hard and dangerous endeavor, that we shall ultimately win the goal of true national greatness.因此,我的同胞们,我对你们要讲的是,祖国要求你们不要过安逸的生活,而要过艰苦奋斗的生活。20世纪已赫然在目,它将决定许多国家的命运。假如我们再游手好闲,虚度光阴,一味地骄奢淫逸,苟且偷生,假如我们在你死我活的激烈竞争前畏首畏尾,裹足不前,那么,更勇敢、更坚强的民族将会超过我们,并将赢得统治世界的权利。因此,让我们勇敢地面对斗争的生活,下决心卓越而果断地履行我们的职责,下决心做既诚实又勇敢的人,脚踏实地地为崇高的理想而奋斗。最重要的是,只要我们坚持正当的斗争,不逃避斗争,不论是精神的斗争还是物质的斗争,国内的斗争还是国外的斗争;因为只有通过斗争,通过不畏艰险的努力,我们才能最终达到真正的伟大国家的目标。第二篇:抒情式英语演讲结尾欣赏*in a lyric wayo liberty! o sounds delightful to every roman ear! o sacred privilege of roman citizenship! once sacred, now trled on! is it e to this? shall an inferior magistrate, a governor, who holds his whole power of the roman people, in roman province within sight of italy, bind, scourge, torture, and put to an infamous death, a roman citizen? shall neither the cries of innocence expiring in agony, the tears of pitying spectators, the majesty of the roman monwealth nor the fear of justice of his country restrain the merciless monster, who, in the confidence of his riches, strikes at the very root of liberty, and sets mankind at defiance? and shall this man escape? fathers, it must not be! it must not be, unless you would undermine the very foundations of social safety, strangle justice, and call down anarchy, massacre, and ruin, on the monwealth!啊!自由,这曾是每个罗马人的悦耳乐音!啊,神圣的罗马公民权,一度是神圣不容侵犯的,而今却横遭残踏!难道事情真已至如此地步?难道?真已至?5牡胤阶芏剑娜咳醋月蘼砣嗣瘢箍梢栽谝獯罄徒囊桓雎蘼硎堇铮我饫俊薮颉萄恫酪晃宦蘼砉衤穑磕训牢薰际芎耐纯嘟泻啊怨壅叩耐槿壤帷蘼砉埠凸耐弦灾廖肪骞曳频男睦矶疾荒苤浦鼓阏獠腥痰亩袢寺穑空馊艘勒套约旱牟聘唬蚧髯杂傻母幻锸尤死啵训勒舛袢丝梢蕴油殉头穑恐钗辉希庖欢豢梢园。庋隽耍忝蔷突嵬谌缁岚踩幕笊闭澹埠凸欣椿炻摇甭竞突倜穑?br but, whatever may be our fate, be assured, be assured, that this declaration will stand. it may cost treasure; and it may cost blood; but it will stand, and it will richly pensate for both. through the thick gloom of the present i see the brightness of the future as the sun in heaven. we shall make this a glorious and immortal day. when we are in our graves, our children will honor it. they will celebrate it with thanksgiving, with festivity, with bonfires, and illuminations. on its annual return they will shed tears, copious, gushing tears, not of anguish or sorrow, but of exultation, of gratitude, and of joy. sir, before god, i believe the hour has e. my judgment approves this measure, and my whole heart is in it. all that i have, and all that i am, and all that i hope, in this life, i am now ready here to stake upon it; and i leave off as i began, that, live or die, survive or perish, i am for the declaration. it is my living sentiment, and, by the blessing of god, it shall be my dying sentiment; independence now, and independence forever.但是,无论我们个人的命运是祸是福,请坚信,坚信宣言必将巍然屹立。为达成宣言,我们可能耗费钱财,可能流血牺牲;但是,宣言必将屹立,并加倍偿还所耗的钱财和生命。透过面前的阴沉的形势,我看到了光明的远景,有如昭昭天日。今天将作为光荣不朽的日子载入史册。当我们长眠地下之时,我们的子孙将纪念这个日子。他们将感激满怀、载歌载舞、高燃篝火、张灯结彩庆此佳节。年年此日,他们将痛洒热泪、湿袖沾襟。这眼泪,不再是被奴役的屈辱之泪,不再是痛苦忧伤之泪,而是欢欣鼓舞、感恩戴德与喜庆欢乐的热泪。主席先生,我对上帝发誓,我深信这时刻已经到来。我断定这宣言是顶呱呱的,我全心全意拥护它。我将所有的一切,我的全部禀性、我一生的希望都倾注在这宣言上。我要重复我开始时说的话:无论生、死、成功、失败,我坚决支持独立宣言。这是我的生平愿望,愿上帝赐福于我,使它也成为我临终时的遗志吧。争取立刻独立!永远保持独立!the memory of burnsi am afraid heaven and earth have taken too good care of it to leave us anything to say. the west winds are murmuring it. open the windows behind you, and hearken for the ining tide, what the waves say of it. the doves, perching always on the eaves of the stone chapel (kings chapel) opposite, may know something about it. every home in broad scotland keeps his fame bright. the memory of burnsevery mans and boys, and girls head carried snatches of his songs, and can say them by heart, and, what is strangest of all, never learned them from a book, but from mouth to mouth. the wind whispers them the birds whistle them, the corn, barley, and bulrushes brassily rustle them; nay, the music boxes at geneva are framed and toothed to play them; the hand organs of the sao yards in all cities repeat them, and the chimes of bells ring them in the spires. they are they property and the solace of mankind.忆彭斯恐怕天地万物完美地保存了这些记忆,以致没有给我们留下诉说余地。阵阵西风正在倾诉。打开身后的窗子,听听涌来的浪潮在说些什么。常在对面王国教堂檐下栖息的鸽子也许略知一二。在辽阔的苏格兰大地上,家家户户都在使彭斯的美名大放异彩。忆彭斯男女老少都记得他的诗歌的某些片段,都能凭记忆脱口而出,而最奇妙的是,人民从来不是通过书本,而是通过口口相传学到这些诗歌的。风儿在哼着这些诗歌,鸟儿在唱着这些歌,谷物、大麦及芦苇在大声吟唱这些诗歌。不仅如此,设计精妙的日内瓦音乐盒在演奏这些诗歌,各城市萨瓦人的手风琴在不停地演奏这些诗歌,塔顶排钟在和谐地吟唱这些诗歌。他的诗歌是人类的财富和慰藉。第三篇:鼓动号召-英语演讲结尾术欣赏*with agitation & appeal#鼓动号召结尾术欣赏fly then to arms: let a holy rage animate you in the fight, and let the christian world resound with these s of the prophet, cursed be he who does not stain his s with blood! if the calls you to the defense of his heritage think not that his legions angels or breathe one and all his enemies would crumble away into dust? but god has considered the sons of men, to open for them the road to his mercy. his goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you to avenge his glory and his name.christian warriors, he who gave his life for you, today demands yours in return. these are bats worthy of you, bat in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die. illustrious knights, generous defenders of the cross, remember the exles of your fathers who conquered jersusale, and whose names are inscribed in heaven; abandon then the things that perish, to gather unfading palms, and conquer a kingdom which has no end.-from st. bernard:a second crusade快快拿起武器吧。愿神圣的怒火使你们在战斗中勇武有力;愿基督徒的世界回响起先知的预言:刀剑不染血的人要受诅咒。如果我的主召唤你们起来保卫他的财产,你们切勿以为他已失去手中的力量。他岂不能派遣无数天使或一声令下就使敌人顷刻之间化为齑粉?可你们是上帝顾惜的子民。他给你们仁慈的出路,他召你们为恢复他的荣耀和圣名而战,使你们有一天得到平安。基督的勇士们,为你们献出生命的基督今天要求你们以生命回报。你们值得进行这场战斗,因为你们胜利无比光荣,死亦受福无穷。显赫的骑士,十字架的英勇捍卫者啊,谨记你们先辈征服耶路撒冷的榜样,他们的名字已经铭刻在天堂。抛弃尘世终将消灭的一切吧,你们该夺取的是常青之树,要征服的是永恒的王国。and love, young men, loves and venerates the ideal. the ideal is the of god. high above every country, high above humanity, is the country of spirit, the city of the soul, in which all are brethren who believe in the inviolability of thought and in the dignity of our immortal soul; and the baptism of this fraternity is martyrdom. from that high sphere spring the principles, which alone can redeem the peoples. arise from the sake of these, and not from impatience of suffering or dread of evil, anger, pride, ambition, and the desire of material prosperity are arms mon alike to the peoples and their oppressors, and even should you conquer with these today, you would fall again tomorrow, but principles belong to the peoples alone and their oppressors can find no arms to oppose them. adore enthusiasm, the dreams of the virgin soul, and the visions of early youth, for they are a perfume of paradise, which the soul retains in issuing from the hands of its creator. respect above all things your conscience; have upon our lips the truth implanted by god in your hearts, and, while laboring in harmony, even with those who differ from you, in all that tends to the emancipation of our soil, yet ever bear your own banner erect and boldly promulgate your own faith.such s, young men, would the martyrs of cosines have spoken, had they been living amongst you; and here, where it may be that, invoked by our love, their holy spirits hover near us, i call upon you to gather them up in your hearts and to make of them a treasure amid the storms that yet threaten you; storms which, with the name of our martyrs on your lips and their faith in your hearts, you will overe.god be with you, and lest italy!年轻人啊,热爱理想、崇敬理想吧。理想是上帝的语言。高于所有国家和人类的是精神的王国,是灵魂的故乡。在那儿,所有的人都是兄弟,相信思想不容侵犯,相信我们不朽的灵魂是神圣的。这充满博爱的洗礼可称得上是一种殉道。惟有出自那种崇高境界的原则能够拯救各民族。你们要为实现这些原则而奋斗,不要因为邪恶、愤怒、自大、野心以及物质欲望使你们受苦、使你们害怕、使你们难以忍受而奋起。今天这些都是武器取得的胜利,明天你们还是会失败的。唯有原则是属于人民的,压迫者找不到战胜原则的武器。崇高奔放的热情,追求贞洁灵魂的理想和青春的憧憬吧,因为这是灵魂从造物主手中得到的天堂的芳香。你们必须尊重良心,视良心高于一切其他事物。你们口中只能说上帝永远和你们的心在一起。在解放咱们的国土的一切努力中,要团结一致,甚至要团结和你们意见有分歧的人,同时要高举你们自己的旗帜,大胆地传播你们的信仰。年轻人啊!如果柯先萨的烈士仍然活着的话,他们也将会对你们说这番话的。现在,他们圣洁的灵魂被我们的爱所鼓动,可能正翱翔在我们的头顶。我号召你们铭记这番话并牢牢珍藏在心底。你们念念不忘英雄的英名,心怀烈士的信仰,就定能战胜将临的狂风暴雨。愿你们与上帝同在,与意大利同在!第四篇:赞美式英语演讲结尾欣赏*with plimentsand, consequently, marx was the best-hated and most calumniated man of his time. governments, both absolutist and republican, deported him from their territories. bourgeois, the conservative or ultra democratic, view with one another in heaping slanders cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity pelled him. and he died beloved, revered and mourned by millions of revolutionary fellow workersfrom the mines of siberia to california. in parts of europe and americaand i make bold to say that though. he may have had many opponents he had hardly one personal enemy.his name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work!正因为这样,马克思成为当代最遭嫉恨和最受诬蔑的人。各国政府,无论是专制政府,还是共和政府,都将他从他们的土地上驱逐出去。资产阶级,无论是保守派,还是极端民主派,都纷纷争先恐后地诽谤他,诅咒他。他对这一切毫不在意,把它们当作蛛丝一样轻轻抹去,只是在万分必要时才做答复。现在他谢世了,在整个欧洲和美洲,从西伯利亚到加利福尼亚矿井,千百万革命工人战友无不对他表示尊敬、爱戴和悼念。我敢大胆地说:他可能有许多敌人,但却难得一个私敌。他的英名如同他的事业将永垂不朽!in the national rejoicing and pride, the french people send brotherly greetings to their gallant allies, who, like themselves and for the same cause, have sustained so many hardships over such a long period, to their heroic armies and to those manding them, and to all those men and women who, throughout the world, fought, suffered and worked so that the cause of liberty and justice might ultimately prevail.在这举国欢腾、扬眉吐气的时刻,法国人向英勇的同盟国致以兄弟般的敬礼。他们和我们一样,为了相同的事业,在过去漫长的岁月中,历尽艰难困苦。法国人民还向盟军的英勇战士和指挥官们致敬,向全世界一切为争取自由和正义的最后胜利而战斗、受难和工作的兄弟姊妹们致敬。第五篇:英语演讲结尾术欣赏-名言*with celebrated dictums#名言结尾术欣赏chairman mao has written, so many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. ten thousand years are too long, seize the day, seize the hour!this is the hour, this is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and a better world.in that spirit, i ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to chairman mao, to prime minister zhou, and to the friendship of the chinese and american people which can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world.-(speech by president nixon of the united states at weling banquet 21 february, 1972)毛主席写过:多少事,从来急,天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕。现在就是只争朝夕的时候了,是我们两国人民攀登那种可以缔造一个新的、更美好的世界的伟大境界高峰的时候了。本着这种精神,我请求诸位同我一起举杯,为毛主席,为周总理,为能够导致全世界所有人民的友谊与和平的中国人民同美国人民之间的友谊,干杯!选自一九七二年二月二十一日欢迎宴会上美国总统尼克松的讲话my friends, allow me to e a traditional famous chinese poem as my end. i think we can further and better understand that our parents love us warmly and deeply like that of a spring. now i will recite the poem:the thread in mothers handa gown for parting son.sewn stitch by stitch, alas!for fear of cold hell stand.such kindness of warm suncant be repaid by grass.may every one of us respectand love our parents!may our society be full of love!thank you all!朋友们:最后我提议,让我们一道重温中国一首古老的歌谣,从中再次领悟一番父母对儿女春天般的厚爱:慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。愿我们都拥有一颗孝心!愿我们的社会充满爱心!谢谢大家!the last cause of this disobedient spirit in the colonies is hardly less powerful than the rest, as it is not merely moral, but laid deep in the natural constitution of things. three thousand miles of ocean lie between you and them. no contrivance can prevent the effect of this distance in weakening government. seas roll and months pass between the order and the execution; and the want of a speedy explanation of a single point is enough to defeat the whole system. you have, indeed, wingled ministers of vengence, who carry your bolts in their pouches to the remotes verge of the sea. but there a power steps in that limits the arrogance of raging passion and furious elements, and says: so far shalt though go, and no farther.殖民地这种不屈服的精神作为最后一个原因,其影响并不亚于其他的原因,因为这不仅仅是个道德问题,而且它深深植根于自然界事物的构造之中。你们和他们之间相距着万里大洋。来自那遥远统治的影响目前尚无法防止。通过海路传递命令到执行命令往往要几个月时间;只要有一个需迅速解决的问题即可彻底毁掉整个体系。你们确实面对着长有翅膀的复仇大臣,他们的袋里装着你们的霹雳直至天涯海角。但有一种力量会限制这种盛怒之威,并且说:至此为止,回头是岸。there is saying that about the sun which makes us forget his spots, and when we think of general grant our pulses quicken and his grammar vanishes; we only remember that this is the simple soldier, who, all in taught of the silken phrase makers, linked s together with an art surpassing the art of the schools and put into them a something which will still bring to american ears, as long as america shall last, the roll of his vanished drums and the tread of his marching hosts. what do we care for grammar when we think of those thunderous phrases; unconditional and immediate surrender, i propose to move immediately upon your s, i propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer. mr arnold would doubtless claim that that last phrase is not strictly grammatical, and yet it did certainly make up this nation as a hundred million tons of a no.1, fourth proof, hard-boilded, hidebound grammar from another mouth could not have done. and finally we have that gentler phrase, that one which shows you another true side of the man, shows you that in his soldier heart there was room for other than glory war mottoes and his tongue the gift to fitfully phrase themlet us have peace.人们说太阳的存在使我们忘掉了它的黑点,我们一想起格兰特将军,就会心潮澎湃,而全然不管他的语法。我们只记得这是一位纯朴的军人,他根本没有受过那些咬文嚼字的文人的影响,他使用了一种胜过各派的艺术,把词语连接起来并加入了某种气质,只要美国存在,这种气质就仍然会把那消失的鼓点声和前进的脚步声带回到美国人的耳际。我们想起以下如雷灌耳的词句,还会在乎什么语法?无条件立即投降;我建议立即按你的方案行动;我建议在这条战线上打到底,即使要打整整一个夏天。阿若德先生肯定说,最后一句话严格地说不符合语法。但这句话确实唤醒了这个国家,而另一张嘴即使吐出成千上万吨第一流的、反复校对过的、坚硬的和古板的语法,也未必能起到这种作用。最后,我们还记得那句温文尔雅的话。这句话表现了格兰特将军的另一真实的方面,表现了在这位战士的心中,除了光荣的战争之类的格言外,还可以容纳别的东西,表现了他能够天才地、恰如其分地说出这些东西。这句话就是:让我们拥有和平吧!to summarize what i have said: aim for the highest, never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund make the firms interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly be not impatient, for, as emerson says, no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.-from andrew carnegie:the road to success我把所说的话归纳如下:要志在顶峰;千万不要涉足酒吧;不要沾酒,即使仅在用餐时喝点酒;千万不要投机;签署支付的款项时,千万不要超过盈余的现金储备;取消定货的目的永远在于挽救货主;集中精力,把所有鸡蛋放进一个篮子并照管好那个篮子;支出永远小于收入;最后,不要失去耐心。因为正如爱默生所说,除你自己以外,没有人能哄骗你离开最后的成功。引自安德鲁卡耐基成功之路您可能还需要以下相关范文:英语演讲高潮结尾术欣赏英语演讲总结要点结尾欣赏英语演讲稿结尾格式英语演讲稿开头和结尾举例式英语演讲开场欣赏第 19 页 共 19 页

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