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国际商务自荐信你正在浏览:国际商务英文自荐信dear sir,i have been told by mr. james, operation manager, hong kong merical business publishing, with whom i believe you are acquainted, that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in august. i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions.you can see from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had six years of varied experience in the book business publishing. the panies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ.my work was in the credit department and in the accounting department in both panies, with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions, i have been assigned with the daily office administration. the account courses taken at space, university of hong kong specifically prepare me for doing the accounting required in your department.i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you. if there is further information that you wish in the meantime, please let me know. i can always be reached at the address or contact phone number given at the resume.sincerely yours第二篇:国际商务专业大学生的自荐信格式尊敬的招聘单位:我叫,是四川绵阳人,今年20岁,是职业学院经济管理系国际商务专业的学生。现即将毕业面临就业,特此参与双选会应聘。推荐自己,展现自我。俗话说“光阴似箭,日月如梭”,但在我大学的三年时间里我却是惜时如金,从而不断提高自己不断严格要求自己,物流是从学习上或者生活中都使自己不断完善。在平时的学习中除了利用本专业的专业只是和相关领域的信息外,还注重建立和提高自己分析我信息的能力和水平。除了在平时要完成大学的教学大纲,并且取得优秀成绩外,还通过可以利用的资源看博客,新闻,和报纸摘要。希望通过这样来扩大自己的知识面,做到自身技术的专业化和其它领域的全面化,从而正确树立自己的人生观、价值观和社会观。对公司贡献一份自己的力量。“专业突出,素质全面”这样的复合型人才,除了平时积极参加班级和学校的社交活动之外,也在假期或周末从事于社会实践中去。而自己的勾通能力,、创新能力和团队合作能力是在一点一滴中不断积累起来的。这样以便对未来职业生涯进行规划,以及帮助自己更好的了解自我。真诚的我懂得利用自己的实际行动和明智的头脑来拥有属于我自己的一片天空。也希望并相信领导你有伯乐的慧眼相信我的能力,并诚恳希望成为你的麾下。祝愿单位事业蒸蒸日上!也祝愿您身体健康!工作顺利!此致敬礼!自荐人:第三篇:国际商务专业大学生的自荐信尊敬的领导:你好!我叫,是xxx人,今年xx岁,是职业学院经济管理系国际商务专业的学生。俗话说“光阴似箭,日月如梭”,但在我大学的三年时间里我却是惜时如金,从而不断提高自己不断严格要求自己,物流是从学习上或者生活中都使自己不断完善。在平时的学习中除了利用本专业的专业只是和相关领域的信息外,还注重建立和提高自己分析我信息的能力和水平。除了在平时要完成大学的教学大纲,并且取得优秀成绩外,还通过可以利用的资源看博客,新闻,和报纸摘要。希望通过这样来扩大自己的知识面,做到自身技术的专业化和其它领域的全面化,从而正确树立自己的人生观、价值观和社会观。对公司贡献一份自己的力量。“专业突出,素质全面”这样的复合型人才,除了平时积极参加班级和学校的社交活动之外,也在假期或周末从事于社会实践中去。而自己的勾通能力,、创新能力和团队合作能力是在一点一滴中不断积累起来的。这样以便对未来职业生涯进行规划,以及帮助自己更好的了解自我。若能与您携手共事,我将倍感荣幸。特呈上求职信一封,希望您能给我这次机会,我一定还您一份满意!诚盼佳音,深表谢意!最后,祝贵公司业绩蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼!自荐人:第四篇:国际商务学生的自荐信模板国际商务学生的自荐信模板,关键词是自荐信,国际商务学生,尊敬的领导:您好!首先,对于您能在百忙之中抽出时间来翻阅我的资料,我表示由衷的感谢。正如您所见的,我的简历做得很简单,因为我知道,您能翻阅我的资料的时间并不会太多,所以,一切就长话短说了。我是一个国际商务应届即将毕业的毕业生,和所有的毕业生一样,在面临毕业之际我们都被分配到嘉瑞集团进行实习,现在实习均已结束。所以需要正式踏足社会寻找工作。我有一定的策划组织协调能力。并且为人诚实,责任心强,乐观且积极向上,能吃苦耐劳,学习领悟和适应能力也都不错。这些都是我的长处。只是初出茅庐,需要经受社会的洗礼,承受生活的考验,更需要一个机会来锻炼。正好,在这个时候,我看到了贵公司的招聘。我觉得我应该来试试。贵公司近年来所取得的成果,另人瞩目。而贵公司所提及的岗位,坦白的讲,说我能完全胜任,不免有些心虚。但对我而言,这是一个机会,我相信我能通过不断的学习去适应并干好来。这是一个可以让我得以锻炼并不断成长的机会,更是一个能让我为之奋斗的机会,而我更相信,给我这个机会,我的成长,我的努力,更将给贵公司带去新的活力。我真诚地希望能加盟贵公司,虚心学习,努力工作,尽心尽力,为公司的发展,竭尽我绵薄之力。真切希望能给我这个机会。再次感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间来翻阅我的材料,如能有幸引起您的关注,并给我一个机会,我将好好表现,不失所望。此致敬礼!第5(来源 好)篇:国际商务学生英文自荐信distinguished leadership:hello!first of all, thank you for takingthe time to read this letter.i am the foreign international business students . fromxxxx to the present into the school, i always adhere to the crucial struggle aimed at seizing must strengthen confidence despite difficulties with the dictum study hard in school. at the same time, under the guidance of teachers, in the knowledge of the influence, the opportunity of bettering the practice, to bee a university student with good academic performance. i love their profession, through the expertise of the learning system, has a more solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability to operate the business.while studying at the school to learn the main courses are: the basis of english economic law practice documents, international finance, international trade theory, international trade practices, trade and economic geography, principles and practices of customs, foreign trade, such as letters and telegrams.three years of university life and learning, i not only have a good team spirit and a strong hands-on operation capacity, the document is very good at operations, in economic and trade sector, foreign-funded enterprises, industry and other enterprises and institutions,the present system through professional learning,i not only the solution of international trade law, familiar with international trade policy, but also master the skills of international trade and ways to carry out the process of international trade practice.university, i discipline, hard up, study hard and won a scholarship to study in professional knowledge, a large number of widely read economic books, to broaden their knowledge. at the same time, in the second phase of the adoption of the cet, also made dan zhengyuan certificate, a certificate of trade and sales.the advance of our times, but everyone in the re-start, i would like this to start in todays time, as a result of your eye and surely shine with greater splendor. lost now lost everything, lost in the future, i am of you now, i would like to be your future. sincerely hope that your organization will give us an opportunity to provide a platform to display their skills.job intention:. foreign trade business operations documents and other related workyours sincerely,第 7 页 共 7 页

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