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单位干部自荐信dear xxx: hello! very presumptuous letter to you. allow me to introduce myself to you. my name is bin温毅, hunan yiyang city intermediate peoples court of cadres, has long been engaged in trial work and legal theory research, has accumulated a wealth of trial experience teaching and have made more of the legal theory research. i have a strong ability to think rationally, a rich social experience, broad knowledge, but a more passive personality, temperament relatively detached, does not do publicity, poor self-promotion. sentiment over the years with great concentration of traditional culture, self-cultivation, happy-go-lucky, but always in the pursuit of inner tranquility, being indifferent to contain a number of vitality, hope厚积薄发total, do something, to have a better platform to play their own expertise and capacity, for the party and make due contributions to the country. engaged in the course of the study, i proposed a lot of legislative proposals, a lot of original ideas and theories, have been the supreme court, china womens federation, peoples court news,检察日报, legal daily, southern weekend and other agency leaders and editors, as well as some experts jurisprudence fully endorsed. i petition the court for many years engaged in supervision and case work, dealing with many plex problems of major cases, and yiyang city house judicial mittee of the national peoples congress has a close working relationship for many years and has 7 years transferred to the municipal peoples congress engaged in during the national peoples congress the work of the national peoples congress are more familiar with the work. so i think from their own ability and personality suitable for the work of the npc. i do not covet any fame or fortune, only to have a better platform to play and display their talents in order to achieve the one-china intellectuals in the world as the vision, do not live up to the party and the state more than i have years of training and education. x is a city i was impressed by the local, university graduation, i have worked in the x city, while leaving more than 10 years, but has always been a place where i魂牵梦萦is plex mind puzzles. so i hope to be able to work in x city, especially to self-remend you take the liberty, if not possible, please do not stock. i have attached the relevant circumstances, and the more样刊paper, is not convenient to send only to the list attached, some papers and the situation can .baidu. and .google. search for 温毅-bin. sincerely, salute!第二篇:单位自荐信自 荐 信尊敬的领导:您好!感谢您在百忙中抽空翻阅我的自荐信。本人是广州市医药职业学校中药药剂专业的应届实习生。出于对贵单位的仰慕及自身素质的自信,特向您递上我的自荐信,并热切希望能有机会把自己的能力应用到贵单位的事业发展中去。在将近两年多的中专学习生活中,为了成为一名德、智、体、美全面发展的学生,我本着严谨求学的态度,认真学习并掌握了扎实的专业基础知识,除了熟悉掌握了中药鉴定学、中药制剂学等23门专业课程,还掌握了microsoft 、 excel等程序电脑操作。我个性开朗乐观,对外语有较大的兴趣,在校期间,曾任职班级的文娱委员,在工作中做到尽职尽责,加强自我责任意识;参加校园的技能竞赛并获得“英语演讲比赛”第二名。在竞争日益激烈的今天,我坚信全方位发展,并熟练掌握专业知识的人才,才符合社会发展和用人单位的需要,才能立于不败之地。为此,我利用寒暑假的时间去做兼职,培养吃苦耐劳的精神,同时增强了我在社会工作实践的能力。通过两年的学习和实践,我从心理和能力方面做好了走上工作岗位的充分准备,怀着自信向您自荐,我诚挚地希望能成为贵公司的一员,希望能在贵公司能从我做起,在实践中不断学习进步,发挥自己的主动性、创造性,竭力为公司的发展添一份光彩。最后,感谢您阅读此信,愿贵公司兴旺发达!此致敬礼!自荐人:黄栩漫XX年6月10日附:推荐表,成绩单各一份,荣誉证书三份联系电话:158XX6604e-mail:hxumqq.第三篇:单位类自荐信尊敬的贵单位领导:您好!首先,衷心的感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的这份材料,并祝愿贵单位事业欣欣向荣,蒸蒸日上!我是上海师范大学历史系硕士应届毕业生,自从进入上海师范大学之后,惠于上海师范大学的浓厚学习、创新氛围,熔融其中三年使我成为一名复合型人才。在研究生学习期间,我继续发扬广泛涉猎知识,精研专业基础的精神。同时,我深深感受到上海的繁荣与发展,认识到要在社会中生存必须多方面发展自己。于是我积极参加实践活动,提高自身能力。无论是院校以内的活动还是校外社会实践活动,都能够积极参加。作为实践活动,曾多次到长春附近的中小学参加“与中小学不断线活动”,课余时间,我又不间断地实习,这些不仅锻炼了我的能力,而且也使我了解到社会的发展需要,为以后的工作打下了良好的基础。同时对于上海市举办的多次公益性活动,我都能够积极参加,成为XX年世博会光荣的世博志愿者,多次社会实践使我得到很大锻炼,并获得多项先进个人称号。XX年我进入河南省安阳师范学院历史系学习,大学四年是我思想、知识结构及心理、生长成熟的四年。本科四年学习期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,努力把理论知识运用到实践中去,曾参加第六届河洛文化国际研讨会,并在会上发言。此外我很喜欢电脑,不仅熟练掌握基本应用软件的使用,而且顺利通过国家计算机二级。在英语方面,顺利通过国家英语四级,并且参加英语口语培训。此外,我积极投身学生会和社团等学生组织,为同学服务,表现出色,贡献卓越,曾先后荣获校级“优秀三好学生”、“优秀党员”、“优秀学生干部”、“环保社团杰出组织者“等称号。过去并不代表未来,勤奋才是真实的内涵,对于实际工作我相信,我能够很快适应工作环境,熟悉业务,并且在实际工作中不断学习,不断完善自己,做好本职工作。“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,我真诚地希望加盟贵公司,我定会以饱满的热情和坚韧的性格勤奋工作,与同事精诚合作,为贵单位的发展尽自己的绵薄之力。下页附履历敬请勘酌,恳请接纳,回函是盼,我恭候您的佳音!此致敬礼!自荐人:赵永春第四篇:事业单位英文自荐信dear leaders: hello! first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to give me an opportunity to put themselves forward. xx i am a fresh college graduates. through four years of undergraduate study, i already have a solid basic knowledge of professional skills. i have confidence in your organization to accept various forms of interview and assessment. four years in college, i am hard-working and a positive attitude and aggressive, all-round training to enrich their own system to learn and master a more solid foundation of professional knowledge, there are strong self-learning ability and the ability to solve practical problems in school, as a result study hard, the outstanding (on scholarship). in addition to puter access to the provincial level ii good level of puter, but also proficiency in the use of photoshop software, flash software, spss software, such as the use of software. in addition, in order to expand their own knowledge, i also read a great deal with the management, marketing, accounting, psychology-related books, to make their own in this field have a better understanding of a progress. in capacity, has been the heart of cus life, we need to exercise an important aspect, in the university, i participated actively in sports and social activities, such as students, youth volunteers, such as literary clubs. at the same time, theoretical and practical in order to better link, i also go to the practice of the summer survey, and has served as high school teachers of mathematics courses, in the process greatly enriched my college life and social experience, on the one hand, my training organization and coordination ability and interpersonal ability to train on the other hand, the logic of my thinking and the ability to conduct its affairs. to study hard and continue to make progress is imprinted in my mind, i believe that through my efforts will contribute to your organization! please give me a chance! thank you! look forward to receive your good news! sincerely, salute!第五篇:应聘事业单位自荐信在应聘事业单位的过程中如何写自荐信?以下是一封事业单位自荐信,希望大家能够在个人求职自荐信模板中有所收获并能掌握一定的自荐信撰写技巧与自荐信的写法。尊敬的领导:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间给我一个自荐的机会。我是xx学院的一名好范文。通过大学本科四年的学习,我已具备了扎实的专业基础知识功底。我有信心接受贵单位各种形式的面试与考核。在大学四年间,我以勤勉进取的积极态度,全方位地充实锻炼自己,系统地学习和掌握了较为扎实的专业基础知识,有较强的自学能力和解决实际问题的能力在校期间,由于学习刻苦,成绩优异(获奖学金)。计算机水平除取得省计算机二级优秀水平外,还能熟练使用photoshop软件、flash软件、spss软件等软件的运用。此外,为了扩大自己的知识面,我还阅读了大量与管理、营销、会计、心理学有关的书籍,使自已在此领域有了更一进步的了解。在能力方面,一直是生活中校园深处的我们所需要锻炼的一个重要的方面,在大学里,我积极参加文体和社会活动,如学生会,青年志愿者,文学社等。同时,为了理论和实际更好的联系起来,我也在暑假去实践调查,并多次担任高中数学培训班教师,在此过程大大丰富了我的大学生活和社会经历,一方面培养了我的组织协调能力和人际交往的能力,另一方面培养了我的逻辑思维能力和处理各项事务的能力。努力学习,不断上进是我心中的烙印,我相信通过我的努力一定会为贵单位做出贡献!请您给我一次机会!谢谢!期盼能得到您的佳音!此致敬礼!第 8 页 共 8 页

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