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长沙市2019年七年级上学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jeff, is this_ notebook?No, its not _ . Maybe its Marys.Ayour;myByours;mineCyours;meDyour;mine2 . -How is your father?-_.AHe was fine.BHes fine.CHes very tall.DHes sad.3 . - Hello! Whats _name?- Hi, Mary! She is Jane.AmyBhisCherDyour4 . -Do you need more time to finish the work?- Yes, another ten days _ enough.AareBisCwereDwas5 . How _ is it from Xian to Taian? Its less than 3 _ flight.Along, hoursBfar, hoursClong, hoursDfar, hours6 . Here _a photo of my family. My family _ in it.Aare, areBis, areCare, isDis, is7 . Thank you!_!AThank youBOKCThats all rightDIm fine, too8 . Alice, theyre your aunts _ and theyre your _.Asons; cousinsBsons; brothersCbrothers; cousins9 . - Lucy, your new dress looks very nice on you!- _. I like it very much.AYoure welcomeBI dont think soCThanks a lotDDont say that10 . My father_ free on Sunday. He often plays with me.AisBdoesCisnt beDdoesnt be11 . Mum, _ is my friend. _ name is Tony.Ahe; HisBthis; HisCthis; HesDhe; His12 . My mother has a busy _,so she has much _ to do every day.Awork, workBwork, jobCjob, jobDjob, work13 . Zhang Yining is _ favorite table tennis player.AIBmeCmyDmine14 . _ Tom using the computer?No, he _.AIs; isBDoes; doesntCIs; isntDIs; doesnt15 . Are these_ near the river?Aapple treeBapple treesCapples trees16 . Jim,was your friend bornSeptember,1999?AinBonCatDfor17 . _ Diaey amusement parks are there in China?Two.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow soonDHow long18 . Are these _ keys? Yes, theyre _.Ahis; hisBher; herChe; hisDshe; her19 . Lucy is expected _ to the celebration today.Ato comeBcomesCcomingDcame20 . Quite” looks similar_“Quiet in spelling.AasBlikeCtoDfrom21 . The old man is poor, _ he lives a happy and healthy life.AandBorCbutDbecause22 . _?Sorry, I dont have a watch.AWhats thatBWhat is itCWhat time is itDHow are you23 . -Does Tom speak English?-_. But he can speak a little Japanese.AYes, he does.BYes, he is.CNo, he doesnt.DNo, he isnt.24 . Are the shoes under your bed? _.AYes, it isBYes, they areCNo, it isntDYes, theyre25 . - Im very worried about the coming exam.I am afraid I cant pass this time.-! Im sure you ll make it.ANo problemBThats rightCCheer upDDont mention it26 . _ cups of tea do you need? Two cups.AHow muchBHow manyCHow oftenDHow long27 . Our Chinese teacher told usinteresting story andstory was about Thomas Edison.Aan; aBthe; theCa; theDan; the28 . -_ you at home last Friday? -No, I _.AWere, wasnt BWere, werentCWas, wasntDDid, didnt29 . Are the pencils in the box?_.AYes, it isntBNo, they arentCThey arentDIt is30 . Mom, _ is my watch? Look! Its on your bed.AwhatBwhereChowDwho二、补全对话5选5补全对话 A:根据对话内容,选择正确答案。A: Hi, Susan!B: 31 . A: Is my computer game on the table?B: No, it isnt. Its in the bookcase.A:32 . Are they in the bookcase, too?B: 33 . Theyre on the chair.A: Where is my pencil box?B: 34 . A: And where is my schoolbag?B: Its under the table. And your baseball is under the chair.A: Oh, OK. And where are my moms keys?B: 35 . A: Hi, Alan!B: The keys? They are on the table.C: No, they arent.D: How about my books?E: Its under the sofa.三、完型填空My neighbor Lisa is a middle school student. She is thirteen years old. She usually_at 5:40 every morning. Then she goes out to exercise. She often _ for half an hour. At about 6:40, she eats breakfast. After _ she goes to school at 7:20. Her school is not far, _ she walks to school. She eats lunch at 12:00. After school, she usually plays volleyball with her friends for an hour. She thinks it is important for her to be _.On weekends, she usually goes to the music club. She loves music very much. She can play the guitar, the piano, and the _. Some musicians think playing the drums is not _, but she plays very well. And she is also _ at singing. She wants to be a _ in the future.Can her dream _? “Sure, it can.” says Lisa.36 . Atakes a walkBeats breakfastCgets upDplays sports37 . AsingsBreadsCdrawsDruns38 . AthoseBthatCthemDit39 . AbutBbecauseCorDso40 . AhealthyBfunnyCinterestingDfamous41 . AguitarBdrumsCchessDviolin42 . AeasyBdifficultCfunnyDgood43 . AwellBpopularCbadDgood44 . ArunnerBplayerCmusicianDteacher45 . Ahave funBcome trueChave timeDcome in四、阅读单选This is a room in Kates house. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. Theres a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard.46 . Is there one room in Kates house?AYes, there is.BThere is a bed.CThere is a computer.47 . Whats in the room?AOnly a bed.BOnly a table.CA bed, a table, a computer and some chairs.48 . Is there anything on the table?AYes, there is.BNo, there isnt.CSome books.49 . Who is at home?AKates father.BKates mother.CKate.50 . Kates father and mother are _.AteachersBstudentsCat home五、阅读判断Hello, my name is Kate Green. Nice to meet you. I am an English girl ,and my birthday is on May 14. My home is in England but I love China and my friends very much . Miss Wang is my English teacher , she is a good teacher . She has a son, his name is Sunny. We like English very much. We are very happy.根据短文判断正误。对的填T 错的填F51 . Kate Green is an English boy.(_)52 . Her birthday is on May 16.(_)53 . Her home is in England.(_)54 . Mr Wang is her English teacher.(_)55 . Sunny is Miss Wangs son(_)六、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求, 改写下列句子)56 . He wanted to make some cakes for his mother.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _to make any cakes for his mother?57 . I like English better than any other subject.(保持句意基本不变)Of all the _, I like English _.58 . The new car costs one hundred and twenty thousand yuan.(对划线部分提问)How _ the new car cost?59 . They are going to have a sports meeting in the playground.(对划线部分提问)_ they going to have a sports meeting?60 . We had a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year last year.(对划线部分提问)_ you have a party last year?七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):61 . After three hours hard climb, I reached the top of the mountain _. (safe)62 . The monster was moving _ towards the house. (silent)63 . When there is no _, the radio cant work. (powerful)64 . In order to keep fit, Susan has made a _ to eat more healthy food and do more exercise. (decide)65 . The first time she took the exam she failed, but the second time she became _ in passing it. (success)66 . The new film Wandering the Earth has _ millions of people since the Spring Festival. (attractive)八、填写适当的句子补全对话A: Hi, Tom. (46) 67 . ?B: Im going to the gym.A: (47) 68 . ?B: Im going to take part in a basketball match there. Could you please go there to cheer me on (为加油)?A: (48) 69 . .B: Thats great. Do you enjoy playing basketball?A: (49) 70 . . But I cant play it very well.B: You need more practice.A: Youre right. (50) 71 . ?B: It begins at three oclock.九、回答问题Johnson lived in a certain part of London. Every morning,he woke up early and took an old bag to the subway station. He would take the subway to Central London. There he would collect(收集) scrap(废品).He did this every single day.Johnson collected scrap for 20 years. His house was dirty,and a bad smell(气味) came out of the house. The neighbors could not stand the smell anymore,so they called the police officers to deal with the problem. The officers opened the door and cleared the house. They found some money in his house. The police soon knew that Johnson was not a truly poor man because he could live a normal life with the money. They decided to try to stop him collecting scrap.In the evening,the police found Johnson near his house. One of the officers told him that there was no need for him to collect scrap anymore. Johnson went back to his house without saying anything. The next morning he woke up as usual and continued collecting scrap.A few days later,the police knew that Johnson had to send much money to his old parents. They were badly ill for many years in a small village. Although they could get relief (救济金) from the government,Johnson refused. He believed he could make money by his own hands. After knowing the truth,the officers announced(宣布) the fact to the neighbors. All of them understood and admired Johnson.Johnson had no great plans or dreams all his life. He won praise from others because he kept independence in his mind. The earlier people learn to be independent,the more meaningful life they will get.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。72 . What did Johnson take to the subway station every morning?_73 . How long did Johnson collect scrap?_74 . Who called the police officers?_75 . When did the police find Johnson?_76 . Why could Johnson win praise from others?_十、话题作文77 . WritingWrite a short passage about “My favorite flat”(以“我喜欢的公寓”为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的短文)List the following points as a reference.a. What kind of flat is your favorite?b. Tell us some reasons.c. How do you feel living in it?_十一、启事类78 . Helen丢了一个红色的书包,她的电话号码是132-7789.请替她写一则寻物启事。Lost第 11 页 共 11 页


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