鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 9 Section B & Self Check课时练习

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 9 Section B & Self Check课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . In his e-mail, David promised _his daughter during her stay in Japan.AvisitingBvisitCvisitedDto visit2 . Did you visit Taipei International Flora Expo( 台北花博会)?Yes. It is the world of flowers. You can see many kinds of flowers in different_ red,pink, purple, yellow, black.AsizesBnamesCshapesDcolors3 . When we stayed at the country house, we had only enough water for drinking. Thats why we didnt take afor two days.AbathBvisitCdrinkDwalk4 . The doctor has worked in the operation room all night without _ any rest.AtakeBtakesCtakingDto take5 . Look at that man in the photo. He is my fathers brother, my_.AcousinBfatherCbrotherDuncle6 . Look! I found a wallet in the classroomYou should give it to its.He must be upset about losing it.AvolunteerBnurseCpassengerDowner7 . - Which is _the bank?-Turn left at the first street, and youll find it on your right.Athe way toBthe road toCthe street toDthe way for8 . .Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is the _ of ChinaAleaderBprideCvoice9 . Do you like to do some _ with your sister and brother in the science laboratory?AexamplesBexhibitionsCexamsDexperiments10 . What food do you have for lunch?Some _ and two _.Asalad;appleBsalad;applesChamburger;bananaDhamburgers;banana11 . Joe, our daughters birthday is on next Sunday.I want_ her a computer.AgiveBgivesCto giveDgiving12 . I want _ the supermarket with my sister this afternoon.AgoBto goCgoingDgoes13 . We feel like_some food and drink because well invite some friends_in a party.Abuying;to joinBto buy;joiningCbuying;join14 . Do you like eggs for breakfast?AaBtheC/Dan15 . How can Lucy say bad words about me? I thought we were good friends.Who told you that? True friends need .AdistanceBcourageCtrustDshame16 . Why would some workers die continue working in the factory?Psychologists say they are under too much pressure.Abetter thanBby accidentCinstead ofDrather than17 . How do you study _ a test ?I study _ working _ a group.Afor, in, withBfor, by, atCfor, by, with18 . Do you want _ to the movies?AgoBgoesCto go19 . His mother is ill in bed,_he cant come to the party tonight.AbecauseBsoCbut20 . (2017.长沙市湘一外国语期末)Most of the shoes in the store_on sale and this pair of shoes_very cheap.Aare;isBare;areCis;are21 . May I use your _? I want to take some photos of the flowers. Sure. Here you are.AcrayonBcomputerCwatchDcamera22 . Our English teacher encourages uspart in all kinds of after-class activities.Ato takeBtakeCtakingDto taking二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。23 . Gina loves_ (西红柿) and carrots.24 . Ms. Brown only has some_ (面包) every morning.25 . Cindy is a_(肥胖的) girl.26 . I have some _ (问题) to ask you.27 . This is Anns room.Its _(真正地) tidy.根据句意并结合首字母,写出单词的正确形式, 使句子完整,每空填一词。28 . This is my new w_. It can tell me the time.29 . The g_ name is Alice and the boy is Bob.30 . After class, we often go to the school l_ to read books there.31 . Dale is my c_. He is my uncles son.32 . The color of my jacket is g_.33 . What is your t_ number? Is it 4625-8394?34 . Her f_ name is Cindy. Her full name is Cindy Green.35 . Tom can swim well, b_ I cant.36 . My father is a doctor. What about y_?37 . You need to say t_ to the people who help you.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空三、用所给动词的适当形式填空38 . Im going to get up early tomorrow morning _ (catch) the early bus.39 . I often hear the girl _ (sing) in the next room.40 . _ (make) money, he raised two cows on the farm.41 . I cant go with you now because I have a letter _ (write).42 . Could you help me _ (cook) dinner?43 . I have some important news _ (tell) you.44 . Mike usually _ (drive) to work, but I like walking to work.45 . Look, Betty _ (row) a boat on the lake.46 . John _ (enjoy) his life on the farm.47 . He often _ (miss) the early bus in the morning.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词48 . 在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。_in the sun _bad for your eyes.49 . 他花了很长一段时间写完他的家庭作业。It _him a long time_ finish writing his homework.50 . 我妈妈花了500元买了这辆自行车。My mother _500 yuan _the bike.51 . 网上购物正在改变我们的生活方式。_is changing the way of our life.根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词.52 . 玻璃杯里有多少酸奶?_ yogurt is there in the glass?53 . 你能往西瓜汁里加些牛奶并且混合大约3分钟吗?Can you pour some milk into the watermelon juice and _them _ for about three minutes?54 . 昨天他们唱歌庆祝祖国生日。They _the birthday of their motherland_songs yesterday.55 . 桌上有多少杯绿茶?大概有五杯。_ cups of green tea are there on the table? Maybe five cups.56 . 你需要一些牛奶吗?_ you need _milk?五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空where;friend;year;our; how old;good;America57 . Betty is thirteen_ old.58 . Tony is from America and he is _.59 . _ are you?Twelve.60 . Daming and Lingling are _61 . _ is Linda?She is in Beijing.62 . Its_ to see you.63 . Miss Liu is _ Chinese teacher.六、多任务混合问题Hello, everyone! My name is Kitty. I am thirteen years old. I come from Xian, but now I live with my parents in Beijing. I like Beijing very much. I am tall and slim. My hair is long, and I wear glasses. I like dancing. I practice dancing three times a week after school. I also like sports. I often play football with my classmates after school. I like all the lessons at No. 22 Middle School, and Im good at English. I like English best. I have a good friend and her name is Jenny. 她十二岁。We can help each other at school.64 . Where does Kitty live now?_65 . Kitty practices dancing _ after school.66 . 请将处画线句子译为汉语。_67 . 请在文中找出与所给的句子意思相同的句子。I do well in English. _68 . 请将处句子译为英语。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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