鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 10 单元检测

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语六年级上册Unit 10 单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_your sister _sweaters for sports?ADoes, needBAre, needCDo, needDAre, needing2 . How much _ these pants?_ ten dollars.Ais;ItsBare;TheyreCis;TheyreDare;They3 . -?Yes,please. I need a watch for my daughter.ADo you have a watchBCan I help youCIs this your schoolbagDDoes she like sports4 . This shirt _ 25 yuan.Ais on sale forBare on saleCare on sale forDis sale5 . 下列选项中哪个是音乐电视的缩写?AMTVBYTVCDTVDCTV6 . Dr. Smith working though he felt sick.AprovidedBcontinuedCofferedDstopped7 . How many friends will come to your birthday party? About .Atwelve; twelfthBtwelveth; twelveCtwelfth; twelve8 . Are these your shoes?Yes,_.AtheyreBthey areCthese areDtherere9 . 一Diaoyu Island belongs to China一Surely it does! We Chinese never _ it upAcutBfixCgiveDput10 . _people travel every year? Perhaps when we are talking about it. More than 100 planes have taken off around the world.AHow manyBHow muchCHow longDHow often二、补全对话7选5IV.从方框中选择适当句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A. Yes, he likes soccer.B. Do you know that boy?C. Yes, its under my bed.D. Whats his phone number?E. Whats his name?F. Sounds good.G. He doesnt like English.A: Hey, Mary.11 . B: Yes, hes my cousin.A: 12 . B: Tom Green.A: What does he like? Do you know?B:13 . A: Oh. Do you have a soccer ball?B: 14 . A: Lets get your soccer ball and play it with Tom.B: 15 . 三、完型填空完形填空We have a big playground in our schoolWe all like to_games_after schoolIts FridayWe have only two classes_the afternoonWhen school is_,a lot of students go to the playgroundLook!The boys of Grade Two are_a basketball matchSome girls are_and shouting(大叫)Football is our favorite sportMany teachers are also_footballLi Ming,Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade OneThey are_volleyballThey are playing very_Its half past five nowIts time_homeThe students all leave the playground16 . A. do B. make C. play D. take17 . A. there B. have C. at there D. at have18 . A. on B. in C. at D. with19 . A. beginning B. finish C. all D. over20 . A. having B. making C. playing D. doing21 . A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. meeting22 . A. playing B. playing the C. Play D. play the23 . A. playing B. making C. play D. make24 . A. good B. nice C. well D. bad25 . A. for B. to go C. go D. go to四、阅读单选Part-time Cleaning HelpAre you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I needyou. The work is boring, but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 pm t0 5:00 pm,Monday to Saturday. Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.A Fitness Camp For Overweight KidsAre you too fat? Can you run as fast as your classmates? Have you failed your PEexamination? Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again. Come and joinus! Please call Nathan at 475-2300.Next Wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching the piano, David Smith has made his first CD! Come andmeet him this weekend. Special presents for the first 50 people.Time: Sat. 7:00 pmCall Marsha at 873-2059.26 . The cleaner will workhours one week. A12B15C16D1827 . In the fitness camp, you can .Aclean the houseBlose weightCmeet David SmithDmake a CD28 . needs a cleaner.ANathanBMarshaCMrs. JohnsonDMarsha and Nathan29 . You can call , if you want to lose weight.A475-2300B544-9968C873-2059D474-230030 . If youre the tenth to come to , you can get a special present.Athe cleaning centerBthe fitness campCNext Wave Music StoreDNext Fashion StoreDolls (玩偶) come in all shapes and sizes. Many people like to collect them. The reason is probably that dolls make people feel like they just gave birth to their own children.One famous doll company (公司) is Madame Alexander. The dolls it produces are usually bought by mothers for their daughters to play with. Two of the most expensive dolls they have are Kathleen Toddler whose market price today is from $125 to $300 and Binnie, which costs about $175 to $475.Cabbage Patch Kids are another kind of dolls. That companys marketing policy(政策) is different because you dont buy a doll but rather adopt (收养) one. You just have to pay a small, regular fee (定额费用).They were very successful in the 1980s.Lee Middleton also produces (生产) baby dolls, including different collections. As they are very lively, these dolls are still very popular among collectors.Another company that makes dolls is Tiny Miracles. They have a collection called the Ashton Drake Galleries that consists of (由组成) 10-inch long babies. They are not sold in stores, so if you want one, you have to order it straight from Tiny Miracles.These are just a few of the baby dolls on the market. The best place to sell dolls is online because almost everyone has a computer and the company can make money here much more easily than by putting an ad in the newspaper. The companies dont even have to create their own websites because they can use auction (拍卖) sites easily, meaning they just have to open an account (开户).31 . Who usually buy dolls produced in Madame Alexander?AMothers.BDaughters.CGrandparents.DFathers.32 . If you want to adopt a baby doll,you should choose .ALee MiddletonBTiny MiraclesCCabbage Patch KidsDMadame Alexander33 . Which of the following is an advantage (优点) for companies that sell dolls online?AThe companies need to make their own websites.BThe companies have to open an account.CThe online companies have to advertise (登广告) their goods.DAuction sites allow them to do business easily.34 . What can we infer (推测) from the passage?AMothers like to buy expensive dolls for their daughters.BKathleen Toddler is the most expensive doll in the world.CThe policy of adopting a doll was popular in the 1980s.DDolls make people feel that they are children.35 . The writers purpose (目的) of writing the passage is to .Aintroduce ways to make baby dollsBintroduce different kinds of baby dollsCtell us how to choose a beautiful baby dollDshow different baby doll collections五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示填写单词36 . Mr. Greens store is near our school. He s_ some school things.37 . The jackets are very nice in Mr. Smith s c_ store.38 . I want to b_ my mother a watch for her birthday.39 . The b_ in white is my brother.40 . A_ my clothes are here.41 . There are t_ days in April as well as in June and in September.42 . The jackets in this_(服装) store are very nice.43 . The p_ of the TV is 6,000 yuan.44 . I often _(买)gifts for my parents on their birthdays.45 . We s_ many kinds of clothes in our store.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空46 . I _ (eat)a big pizza yesterday.47 . There _ (be)many sheep on the farm last year.48 . I _ (watch)a cartoon(卡通片)on last Saturday.49 . Her father _ (read)a newspaper last night.50 . Did you _(visit)your relatives last Spring Festival?51 . It was sunny and they decided_(go)shopping.52 . We should try _(do)everything well.53 . What kinds of _(activity)do you take part in?54 . Therell be a car _(wait)for you.55 . The boy finds soccer _(enjoy)and he often plays it with his friends.七、完成句子根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)56 . 那些勇敢的消防员扑灭了火,救出了这个小男孩。Those brave firemen _ the fire and saved the little boy.57 . 我们都为国家的快速发展而感到骄傲。All of us are _ the fast development of our country.58 . 她学钢琴总共有五年了。She has learned to play the piano for five year _.59 . 条条大路通罗马。All roads _ Rome.60 . 汤姆的爸爸对他很严格。Toms father is very _ him.根据汉语意思完成句子61 . 他打算在大学学习医学。He is going to _ in the university.62 . 我在南京出生,但在北京长大。I was born in Nanjing but _ in Beijing.63 . 我想通过驾驶考试,但我对此没有把握。I want to pass the driving test,but Im not _ it.64 . 你确定自己能独立完成它吗?Do you _ that you can finish it by yourself?65 . 不用担心我。我可以自己照顾自己。Dont _ me. I can look after myself.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文yourself, buy, afford(买得起), socks, in, at, sweaters, have, boy, onlyCome and66 . your clothes at Miss Cools Clothes Store! Do you like67 . ? We have sweaters68 . a very good price- only $ 10! Do you need bags for sports? We69 . great bags for only $3! For girls, we have T-shirts70 . red, green and white for71 . $4! For72 . , you can buy73 . for only $6 each! Anybody(任何人) can 74 . our prices!Come and see for75 . at Miss Cools Clothes Store!九、多任务混合问题任务型阅读I like the summer vacation very much. Its relaxing and I can do everything I like.Last summer vacation, I went to my grandparents home with my parents. They lived in the country (乡村). (A) They were very happy to see us. The country was very beautiful. We saw many beautiful flowers and heard the birds sing there. We did many interesting things there. We went 1, cleaned the house, and watched TV together. Every morning I 2up early, and then I went out for a walk. It 3me healthy. My grandma and my mother cooked nice food, such as (例如) fish, meat and vegetables. I also made some new friends during the vacation. My grandpa told me many funny stories. We (B) 玩得很高兴 in the country. I had a good vacation.根据短文内容完成下列任务。任务一:将所给单词的适当形式填到文中13空白处。get, make, shop76 . _77 . _78 . _任务二:将(A)处画线的句子译为汉语。79 . _任务三:将(B)处画线的汉语译为英语。80 . _十、材料作文81 . 招聘广告。招聘学生助手。体育俱乐部招聘学生助手。你必须:1.是学生2.擅长体育3.与孩子们相处的好4.外向更多信息请拨打456718咨询Mr.Wang.第 10 页 共 10 页

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