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银川市2020年(春秋版)七年级上学期期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ , is that your school ID card?ASorryBExcuse meCHiDOK2 . You _return the book now. You can_ it until next week if you like.Aneednt; keepBmustnt; borrowCneednt; borrow3 . We are _ to hear that we will have a three-day off.ApleaseBpleasedCpleasureDpleasant4 . How long _ your parents _? For about twenty years.Adid, marry B. have, marriedBhave, got married D. have, been married5 . This is _mother, and _name is Mary.Aher; hisBmy; herCyour; hisDhis, my6 . _ I finish the project tonight?No, you neednt. You can finish it tomorrow.AShallBMustCMayDCan7 . -Have you got_ book on travelling?-Yes. What about this one? But you must return it by_Friday.Aa; theBa; /Cthe; theDa; a8 . We failed in the writing competition. _. You cant win every time.ANo wayBBest wishesCCheer upDGood job9 . My brother and I_.Ais a studentBam a studentCare students10 . Lady Gaga is_ for her beautiful voice.ApopularBfamousCspecialDdifferent11 . -Whose book is this?-I dont know. Its not _. Ask Mary, please.AIBmeCmyDmine12 . Whats your telephone number?_ 478-5598.AImBItCItsDIts13 . Does she _ home by bus? Yes, she _.Ago, doBgoes, doesCgo, doesDgoes; goes14 . -Lets go to the park after school.- _.AIm OK.BThank you.CBye.DGood idea.二、完型填空根据短文内容选出空白处的最佳选项Yesterday was my grandmothers 60th birthday. My parents and I got up early in the morning, and then we took the subway to _home. After we arrived, my mother _ lunch in the kitchen. My father played _with my grandfather in the living room. They like to play chess and they are in a chess club. I _ with my grandmother about my school life. She was very interested in it. At lunchtime we gave our _to my grandmother. My parents _a beautiful dress for her. I drew _ picture as her birthday gift. We sang the birthday song (歌) together (一起), _ she made a wish before blowing out the candles. We had a very delicious lunch. _lunch, we went to the park and took many photos. _ happy we were!15 . AherBhisCmyDyour16 . AorderedBhadCcookedDsold17 . Aping-pongBchessCgamesDcards18 . AspokeBsaidCtalkedDtold19 . AgiftsBluckChelpDmessages20 . ApaidBfoundCwashedDbought21 . AaBanCtheD不填22 . AorBbutCandDso23 . AAtBAfterCForDBefore24 . AWhereBWhenCWhatDHow三、阅读单选Mrs. Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a small village. Her husband died ten years ago. But she had a 24-year-old daughter. Her name was Alice. She worked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mother, Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week. But dont worry, Mum. Ill send you some money every week. A month later, Mrs. Black was very angry. She decided to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train. When she saw her daughter, she said, Alice, why do you never call me?Alice laughed, But mother, she said, you havent got a telephone.No, she answered, I havent, but you have got one. 25 . Mrs. Black lived _.Ain CanadaBin AustraliaCin EnglandDin America26 . Mrs. Black lived _.AaloneBwith her husbandCwith her daughterDwith her mother27 . Alice decided to work in Boston because _.ANew York was too far from her mothers villageBBoston was near her mothers villageCshe had found a good job thereDshe thought Boston was a quiet and nice place28 . A month later, Mrs. Black went to see her daughter in Boston _.Aby airBby trainCby busDby sea29 . Alice had never telephoned her mother because _.Ashe didnt have time to do soBher mother didnt have a telephoneCshe didnt want to spend money on callingDher mother didnt know how to make a telephone callMarty would turn eleven in just three days.Martys parents wanted to give him a surprise. They talked about the list of gifts one night after Marty went to sleep. Dad said, I think Marty will just get tired of the basketball, and he doesnt like taking pictures. Mom said, We just bought him a new bicycle last Christmas.I think we should get Marty the telescope, said Dad, hes so interested in space and the planets.Sounds good, said Mom.Dad stopped by a store the next day after work and picked out a telescope. He waited until Marty was asleep and brought the telescope from his car into the house.Wow! This is wonderful, said Martys mom, now where are we going to hide it until Sunday?Why not put it in the study? Marty wont find it there.Sunday morning came. Marty was so excited about his birthday, He ran into the kitchen, but didnt see anything special as usual. Happy birthday! said his mom and dad from the next room. Marty looked confused. Dad told Marty to follow him to the study. This is fantastic! yelled Marty, I was hoping for the telescope myself, too. Thanks so much for knowing me so well. Youre welcome, said Mom and Dad. That night, Marty saw many beautiful stars and even the planet Mars.30 . How old is Marty now?ATen.BNine.CTwelve.DEleven.31 . What gift did Marty really hope to get for his birthday?AA telescope.BA camera.CA basketball.DA bicycle.32 . Where did Martys parents hide the gift?AIn the sitting room.BIn his fathers car.CIn the kitchen.DIn the study.33 . The underlined words picked out probably meanAgaveBchoseCfeltDentered34 . What can we learn from the passage?AMarty really loved playing basketball.BMartys family were all interested in space.CMarty wasnt sure what gift to get before his birthday.DMarty got a bicycle from his parents on his last birthday.Mr and Mrs Smith had always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey ( 新泽西) in the past, staying in a small inn(旅店)at the foot of the hill.One year, however, Mr Smith made a lot of money in his business, so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around the famous city.They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening. They had expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, because in that small inn in New Jersey, no meals were served after seven. They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would take dinner there that night. “ Are you still serving dinner?” asked Mr Smith. “ Yes, certainly, sir,” answered the waiter. “ We serve it until half past nine.”“ What are the time of the meals then?” asked Mr Smith. “ Well, sir, We serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning, lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon, tea from four to five, and dinner from six to half past nine.” answered the waiter.“ But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of London.” said Mr Smith.35 . Mr and Mrs Smith always spent their holidays inbefore they made a lot of money.A. New York B. LondonC. New Jersey D. Washington36 . They went to London by.A. sea B. plane C. train D. bus37 . From the story we know that this was thetime for Mr and Mrs Smith to go to London.A. first B. secondC. third D. fourth四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补全单词38 . Do you like surfing the I_?39 . How o_do you wash your hair?Once a week.40 . I dont think junk food is good for our h_.41 . Her grandmother is still healthy, a_she is over 90 years old.42 . Drinking milk every morning is g_for us.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空词形转换43 . Some people think that wolves are dangerous to _ (human).44 . “Did _(someone)let you go?” the teacher asked angrily.45 . Tomorrow is Toms _(twelve)birthday. Lets give him some presents.46 . Please brush your _ (tooth) every day.47 . Did your uncle enjoy _(he) at the party last weekend?48 . Many people miss Lei Feng because he was so _ (help).49 . The more you read, the _ (fast) youll be.50 . He doesnt like studying math. His grade is the _ (bad) in our class.51 . We should use our pocket money_ (wise).52 . _(luck) , I have got a chance to be an exchange student in the US. I wont miss it.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择单词并用其适当形式填空,每空一词。be tomato one have eatHello! I am Tina. I am an English girl. I am thirteen. I 53 . a brother and a sister. My brother, Mike, is eight and my sister, Kate, is only four. We 54 . a happy family.We have healthy 55 . habits. I like salad. My brother likes 56 . and my sister likes strawberries. We all like sports.Today is June 57 . . It is my brothers birthday. A big cake is on the table. Some delicious food is on it, too.Do you like them? Come to the party and have the cake and the food.七、将所给单词连成句子将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确。58 . you, come, my, to, can, party_?59 . want, watch, to, what, do, you_?60 . in their homes, will, have, people, robots_.61 . I, be, want, scientist, to, a _.62 . book, a ,future, is, it, the, about_.八、材料作文63 . 近年,国家启动了“阳光体育工程”,旨在提高青少年身体素质。你校为响应号召,开展了一系列体育活动。请根据图表提供的信息和汉语提示,写一篇不少于80个词的短文。内容必须包括以下提示中的三项要点:1. 学校开展了哪些体育活动?最受欢迎的是什么?(见图)2. 简述你参加的一次体育活动,如:一场体育比赛、一次体育锻炼的经历、一堂体育课3. 体育活动对你学习、生活产生了什么影响?_第 9 页 共 9 页

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