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重庆市2019年八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kangkang, can I borrow your bike?_AId love to.BThank you.CSure.DYoure welcome.2 . If you want to take care of your health,you should _ junk food.Akeep away fromBlook forward toCget along with3 . Jack read the newspaper excitedly but found_ interesting.AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething4 . Zen Zidan and Li Lianjie have much . They often similar roles in movies.Ain common; playedBin common; playC. in fact; took5 . He _ very busy this week, he _ free next week.Awill be; isBwill be; will beCis; will beDwill; will6 . The food smells _, so youd better not eat it .AterribleBterriblyCawfullyDgood7 . We will visit Shanghai this Sunday _ it rains or its too cold.AsinceBifCunlessDUntil8 . - Did you know _?- He was ill in hospital.Awhy he doesnt come to schoolBwhy he didnt come to schoolCwhy does he come to schoolDwhy did he come to school9 . Young people have too much _ nowadays. They must learn to relax.AshameBsuccessCpressureDcondition10 . Have you decided when to go to Europe for vacation?Not yet. We_ go in July if my father is free.AmustBshouldCmay二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项多余。A:Hello,Tony!You look worried.11 . B:I lost my bike.A:How did it happen(发生)?B:I rode my bike to the library yesterday afternoon.12 . When I came out of the library,it was lost.A:How did you get home?B:13 . A:Then you need to buy a new one.B:14 . A:You could borrow some from your parents.B:Its not a good idea.15 . A:You should say youre sorry and you will be more careful later.B:Sounds good.Ill have a try this evening.A:Good luck!AI took a bus.BMy parents may get angry with me.CI rode my bike.DWhats wrong?EI got a parttime job.FBut I dont have enough money.GI put my bike on the street.三、完型填空An old man was fishing by a river. A child came to see him _. The old man was really _ at fishing and it didnt take long for him to catch a full basket of fish. The old man saw that the child was very cute, and he wanted to give her a whole _ of fish. But the child _. The old man was_, “Oh, you dont want the fish!”The child said, “I want the fishing rod (竿) in your hands.”The old man asked, “_ do you want the rod?”“Because it doesnt take long to eat all the fish in a basket. But if I have the fishing rod, I can go fishing _ myself and I wont be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.”I think you will say that the child is very smart. Wrong! If she doesnt know any fishing skills, she cannot have fish to eat, _ she has the fishing rod. Its not useful to only have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are the _ important, not the fish or the fishing rod.Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in _ life, they will be no longer afraid of the wind and rain. They are just like the child, and they think that if they have a fishing rod, they will have fish to eat.16 . AreadingBsailingCfishingDpainting17 . AgoodBpoorCbadDawful18 . AbowlBcupCglassDbasket19 . AagreedBrefusedCregrettedDafforded20 . AworriedBnervousCsurprisedDcrazy21 . AWhyBWhenCWhereDWhat22 . AonBbyCinDwith23 . AorBandCsoDthough24 . AlessBmoreCmostDleast25 . AherBtheirCourDyourMy father was born in a small town in the US. He wasnt _ what he wanted to get from life, but something told him to get out and begin a new adventure(冒险). He began that adventure travelling to cities in the US, _ going on to Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Philippines. He _ his wife and three daughters with him and went wherever the road took him. Its easy to feel lonely when youre on the _. As my mother said repeatedly, “We made lots of new friends on our trip most of them were mechanics(机修工)”, since we often spent hours in _ shops. But that was a way better than sitting by the roadside while waiting for the engine(发动机) to cool when it was 40 outside. Getting along well with each other sometimes _ impossible. There were always a lot of arguments, especially among us back-seat passengers about _ had to sit in the middle. But _ it was hard at that time, we did learn a lot about forgiveness(谅解). When we were traveling in the Philippines, we drove to Quezon City one day. It should have been a one-hour _ but was nearly three, because of bad roads and worse traffic. “Did you put our suitcases(行李箱) in the car?” my father asked my mother as we arrived in Quezon City. From the back seat, we saw her slowly turn _ my father. “No,” she said. “I thought you did.” That was _ a seven-hour car trip turned into a 16-hour car trip, which was mostly spent in silence.On occasions like that, we had to learn to _ our anger because we were stuck(困在) in a rolling box with the same people for the rest of the journey. Even if I sometimes felt like opening the car door and pushing one of my sisters out, I kept my _ to myself. This is why road trips were like mobile(移动的) universities to us. We earned our PhDs(博士学位)in how to _ with other people just by traveling in that old car. And if we were somehow given a second _ at life, we would do it all over again. Only this time, Id put the suitcases in the car myself.26 . AsureBreadyCcrazyDsurprised27 . AbeforeBafterCwhileDwhen28 . AtookBleftCgaveDgot29 . AteamBlandCvacationDroad30 . AtasteBrepairCoilDmedicine31 . AstartedBseemedCworkedDmade32 . AwhoBwhatCwhichDhow33 . Ano matterBeven thoughCever sinceDin fact34 . AlifeBwalkCdriveDride35 . AbackBforCwithDtowards36 . AwhereBwhetherChowDwhat37 . AavoidBloseCshowDshare38 . AfeelingsBchoicesCideasDdecisions39 . Abring outBget alongCkeep upDcome up40 . AserviceBfutureCchanceDtrust四、阅读单选On Friday, October 11, our class will take a field trip (野外考察) to North Park Zoo. The zoo has lions, elephants and other interesting animals.There will be six teams in our class. Each team will have five students and one teacher. The teachers are:Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5Team 6Miss BankerMrs. LopezMr. HarperMiss AbelMr. SotoMrs. ThomasWhat you need to knowOn the morning of the trip, one student from each team will get a camera. The person with the camera will take pictures of the team and the animals.All students should wear blue shirts. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes because we will walk all day. Please bring some food and drink for lunch.When we are at the zoo, always stay with your team. Do not leave the team alone. Students can buy special food at the zoo for $0.25 and give them to the animals. Do not feed your lunch to them. It is not good for the animals. Students will leave for the zoo at 9:00 a.m. and get back to school at 4:30 p.m.41 . All the students should for the field trip.Abring a cameraBwear sports shoesCwear white shirtsDbring food and drink42 . If a student wants to feed the animals, he should not .Abuy special foodBstay with his teamCbe at North Park ZooDgive his lunch to the animals43 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the material(材料)?AThe students will stay at the zoo for over eight hours.BSix teachers will take the field trip with the students.CThe students will take a bus back after the field trip.DThe class will take the field trip on weekends.Like stress, burnout (筋疲力尽) has also become a favourite subject of everyday conversation(对话). Many of us may feel “burn out” at times in our lives. It can be prevented, however, if you take action before you are in danger.First, you must decide what is really important in your life. Make time for the people and the activities that are the most meaningful to you.Second, you need to share your stories and feelings with others. Talk about your disappointments(失望), sadness, and painful(痛苦的) experiences, as well as your joys and successes. If you do not do this normally, you could “explode”. That will be worse for you. Good, healthy relationships with others will make you stronger and bring a greater balance to your life.Third, make sure you have time off. Take short breaks as well as long holidays whether you feel you need them or not. Learn how to say “no” so that you can say “yes” to the things that are really important to you. Find activities to cheer you up, such as listening to music, dancing, playing sports, or watching movies. You should also make some time to be alone.Finally, find a good doctor, like a psychologist, if you need help and all else has failed. There is no shame(羞耻) in this. Dont worry a lot. It may bring your spirit back and make you feel more powerful.44 . When you feel burnout, you should_.Awatch moviesBsee a doctorCtake some useful actionsDplay sports45 . What does “explode” mean in the passage?A发生B发作C发展D发挥46 . If you are too stressed out, youd better _.Ashout at othersBsing and dance with your friendsCtalk about your joys loudlyDtake some breaks47 . According to the passage, some people dont go to see a doctor about “burnout”because_ Aseeing a doctor is too expensiveBthey might feel shy to do soCthey dont know where to find oneDit probably wouldnt help anyway48 . Which of the following is NOT true about “burnout”?ABurnout call be prevented before it takes placeBBurnout doesnt happen to many peopleCYour favourite activities can keep you from burning outDBurnout may happen when you cant achieve a balance between work and restYesterday afternoon Mr Brown wanted to catch the 1:30 flight to New York to have an important meeting.At 4:30,Mrs Brown,his wife,got his phone call and he said that he was still at the airport.“What happened to you?” Mrs Brown asked in surprise.“Well,”Mr Brown said.“Everything was fine at first.I got my ticket checked,took my bags and waited in line to get on the plane.While I was walking across the runway to the plane,I saw my friend Jack Scotthe was a flight attendant.I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”“But why?”“I dont know.As soon as he heard my shout,he ran towards me and caught me.”“What did you shout to your friend?”“All I said was Hi,Jack;you know thats the usual way we say hello to our friend.”“But the sentence Hi,Jack also means to take control of a plane by force(武力).Dont you know?”49 . Mr Brown wanted to go to New York .Aby trainBby airCby bus50 . When did Mr Brown get to the airport yesterday?ABefore 1:30.BAfter 1:30.CAt about 4:30.51 . Why was Mr Brown still at the airport at 4:30?ABecause he was late for his flight.BBecause he didnt want to go to New York.CBecause the police stopped him.52 . What was Jack Scott in the passage?AHe was a pilot.BHe was a flight attendant.CHe was a policeman.53 . We know thatfrom the passage.AJack Scott asked Mr Brown not to fly to New YorkBMr Brown would take control of the plane by forceCthe policeman didnt understand what Mr Brown really meant五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。54 . Boys and girls,please pay a_ to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly.55 . I came to the city two years ago. Ive worked here for n_ two years.56 . How beautiful the red l_ are on Xiang Shan in Beijing! I expect to have a look at them.57 . The English article is too difficult for him. What about t_ it into Chinese?58 . After two months hard work,they c_ the picture. How happy they were!六、回答问题阅读短文回答下面问题,前四题答案不超过5个词。Internet is educational. Many people think children should be allowed to surf the Internet as they wish. In this way , they can look through different subjects on different kinds of websites according to their own interests. But in my opinion, children should always be watched while surfing the Internet .Many websites have information and pictures that children should not see. There are many things that children dont understand. All of these may have some bad influence on childrens development. Also, it is dangerous to let children chat in rooms by themselves. Many parents tell their children not to talk to strangers on the street, so they should be careful of whom their children talk to on the Internet too. Whats more , sitting in the front of a computer for a long time isnt good for childrens eyes, so parents should monitor(监视) the time that children spend on the Internet.In a word, children should be kept away from anything that could be bad for them. I strongly believe that it is necessary for parents to watch their children when they use the Internet.59 . When should the children always be watched in the writers opinion ?_60 . What do the parents tell children to do when they meet strangers on the street ?_61 . Why shouldnt children sit in front of a computer for a long time ?_62 . Who can help children stay away from the bad influence on the Internet ?_63 . What does the writer want to tell us in the passage ?_七、讲稿64 . 假如你是李华,学校英语社团准备举办一次以“My English Study Plan”为主题的交流活动。请你根据以下提示,写一份发言稿。要点如下: What are you going to do in class? What are you going to do after class? How are you going to make your plan work?注意:1. 词数80词左右;2. 请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3. 文中不能出现真实的校名和人名;4. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。My English Study PlanA new year means a new start. _第 12 页 共 12 页

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