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重庆市2019-2020年度七年级上学期期末考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . People from western countries like to show their politeness directly. Therefore, which situation fits western custom?Aa: Im going to sign up for the singing competition tomorrow. b: Congratulations!Ba: I plan to go on a trip to Paris on vacation. b: Have a good journey!Ca: I won the first prize in English speech contest.b: Good luck!2 . (2017贵州六盘水)Kate is good at dancing.Ado well inBdoes well inCis interested inDis good for3 . - I dont know how to design my bedroom.- Dont worry. We have some artists _. They _ happy to give you some ideas.Ato help, willBhelping, will beCto help, willDhelp, will be4 . are my keys? They are on the sofa.AWhatBWhereCWhyDWho5 . -How about going out for a walk with us?-I wish I could, I have to finish my homework first.AsoBandCbutDor6 . -is your father? -He is in the room.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhere7 . - _ woman is Tom mother ? - The one in the red coat.AHowBWhoCWhichDWhy8 . - _ are the London Olympics?- In about 14 months. We are looking forward to the great scene.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often9 . What are you doing here,Bob?I come here to say _ to my friend Susan.She will leave here and go home by train.AsorryBOKCgoodbyeDno10 . _ are these socks? Theyre 5 dollars.AWhatBHow manyCHowDHow much11 . Xian is ancient city with long history.Aa; aBan; aCthe; anD/; the12 . Is Hu Jun your brother? _. I love my brother.ANo, he isntBYes, he isCYes, hesDNo, he doesnt13 . -How do you spell it? -_.AIts a rulerBA rulerCIts my rulerDRULER14 . Does your school provide you breakfast?AwithBofCforDin15 . Did you find the ticket_ the movie.AaboutBtoCat二、完型填空In school, students have to stay in a classroom. They have to spend the day _ from textbooks. Now, Sweden is trying to change that _ building schools with no classrooms, no planned lessons and best of all, no _.In Swedens Free School Organization called Vitro, children _ to be creative and that their learning and ideas are _ those of the CEO of Google or any other famous person, so why not _ them a similar environmentone in which they can be successful?The schools are built with special learning spaces _ traditional classrooms. Not only that, even the subject is taught in a _ wayusing mobile phones, computers and e-readers.Also, there is no “right” or “wrong” kind of education. The school believe that everything is a learning experience _ having a serious science project or _ a movie inside the schools recording studio(录音棚).Vitros latest school, which opened _ August of 2011, has some learning spacesThe Lab, where students can do all kinds of _. The Show Place, where students can show their skills, inventions or _ else they want to show off to other kids. Also, if kids need a _ from all this hard studying, they can visit The Watering Hole. There they can do all kinds of fun _.16 . AlearnBto learnClearningDlearns17 . AwithBbyCinDon18 . AfriendsBstudentsCdesksDgrades19 . AthinkBare thoughtCteachDare teaching20 . Amost importantBas important asCmore importantDimportant21 . AgivesBgivingCto giveDgive22 . AinsteadBinstead ofCtake placeDtake place of23 . AspecialBboringCusualDnecessary24 . AwhetherBbothCneitherDthough25 . AmakingBmakeCmadeDto make26 . AonBatCinDfrom27 . AtextbooksBinventionsCexperimentsDmovies28 . AhoweverBwheneverCwhoeverDwhatever29 . AsleepBmealCrestDtalk30 . AstudiesBexperienceCclassroomDactivities三、阅读单选Welcome to our holiday Activity CoursesWe offer holiday activity courses for young people aged between 7-15 years old and operate during every school holiday except Christmas. We have a track: record of excellence and have been delivering holiday activity courses for over 20 years.Master ChefMaster Chef is a practical cooking experience for young people who want to try their hand in the kitchen. You will be taught tips and techniques (技能) as well as cooking something different every day. We, will supply everything, and all you need is a willingness to try something new.Cost: $140Musical TheatreThe young people will have the chance to develop their acting and singing skills through many exciting workshops. They will learn basic singing techniques, improve acting skills and create plays to develop their creativity.At the end of the week children will perform to parents in Prep Hall at 3:20 pm.Cost: $135Water SportsWe take Children to the Marine Lake for water sports. Activities include sailing, windsurfing and power boasting.We will supple wetsuits and children should bring their own footwear, swimwear and a T-shirt. A packed lunch will be provided. Transport to the Marine Lake is by school minibus.Cost: $160JudoJudomeaning “gentle way” is a modern martial art(武术) and Olympic sport. The Judo course is led by a fully trained instructor and it is open to all levels; beginners are welcome.Cost: $160Children attending the course are on holiday; so it is important for them to have lots of fun and make new friends while learning new skills. With so many fantastic courses on offer, we are Wirrals leading Holiday Activity Course Provider.We look forward to welcoming you!31 . Whats the cost of Master Chef?A$140B$135C$260D$16032 . Which course provides a packed lunch?AMaster ChefBMusical TheaterCWater sportsDJudo33 . The passage in a (n) _.AletterBstoryCpoemDadvertisementHello, George Parker is my name. I was born in 1995. Im an American boy. Now let me tell you something about my after-school life. Mysparetime is interesting. When I have time, I can read all kinds of books in the school library. I learn more in the library than in the classroom. I also like doing sports. I think it can keep me healthy. Of all the sports, football is my favorite. I often play football with my friends after school. I am good at dancing. On the weekend, I usually help children with my friends in the dancing club.My after-school life is very colorful. I can learn a lot from it. Do you like your after-school life?34 . George Parker was born in _.A1993B1994C1995D199635 . What does the underlined word spare mean in Chinese?A空闲的B宝贵的C商业的D学习的36 . George often _with his friends after school.Awatches a filmBplays computer gamesCplays footballDplays tennis37 . George helps children with their dancing_.Aevery dayBon MondayCon FridayDon the weekend38 . Whats the best title for the passage?AAn American boy.BGeorges after-school life.CGeorges weekends.DGeorges favorite sports.Mr Green has a present shop. Every day many people go to his shop to buy presents for their friends.One day, Jim goes to the shop. Can I help you? asks Mr Green. I want some presents for my friend Mikes birthday What about some flowers? No, he never buys flowers, but he often listens to CDs. You can buy him a CD. He has many CDs. I want to give him a special present. Why dont you give him an interesting book? Oh, yes. He always likes books. Thank you, Mr Green. Jim is very happy and he buys a book called Alices Adventures in Wonderland.39 . What does Mr Green have?AA bookstore.BA zoo.CA present shop.DA shoe shop40 . Who does Jim buy a present for?AMikeBHis fatherCMr GreenDHimself41 . How often does Mike listen to CDs?AAlways.BOftenCSometimes,DNever42 . Why doesnt Jim buy a CD for Mike?ABecause Mike never listens to CDsBBecause the CD is too expensive.CBecause there is no CD in the shopDBecause Mike has many CDs.43 . What does Jim buy for Mike?AA book about how to send an emailBA pair of beautiful shoesCA book called Alices Adventures in WonderlandDA basket of flowersThere lived two twin brothers called Sam and Tom. They were twins, but they were different in some ways. Sam loved sweets and Tom loved to eat spicy food. Sam was mommys pet and Tom was daddys pet. While Sam was generous, Tom was greedy!As they grew up, their father wanted to give his money to his two sons. He wanted to share his money equally. However, Tom did not agree. He wanted more money. Their father had an idea. He decided to organize a competition between the two brothers. And he ordered the two sons to walk as long as they could. They should return home before sunset. Whoever covered the longer distance and returned home before sunset would get more money. They didnt carry watches to calculate time.Both started to walk a long way during a sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily(稳定地). Tom wanted to win over Sam, so he started to run faster.It was noon and Sam decided to return so that he could reach home on time. However, Tom wanted to earn more money. He did not turn his way back home even in the afternoon. He kept walking on. Unfortunately, he could not get home before sunset. He lost the competition.44 . After reading the first paragraph, we can know _.Aboth Sam and Tom liked sweetsBSam and Tom liked the same foodCtheir parents didnt like TomDSam and Tom had different personalities45 . The underlined word “greedy” probably means “_” in Chinese.A慷慨的B贪婪的C无畏的D听话的46 . Who decided to organize a competition?ATheir father.BTheir mother.CTheir parents.DSam and Tom.47 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ATheir father wanted to share his money equally. However, Sam did not agree.BSam carried a watch but Tom forgot to carry one, so he couldnt calculate time.CWhoever covered the longer distance and returned home earlier would get more money.DWhoever covered the longer distance and returned home before sunset would get more money.48 . Whats the best title of the passage?AA Funny CompetitionBTwo Twin BrothersCA Wise FatherDA Rich Father四、多任务混合问题任务型阅读Look! The students of Class 3 are in the classroom. What are they doing? Jim and Bob are playing with a paper plane. Can you see the girl in red? That is Lucy. She is talking about the TV play with her friends. Is Susan talking, too? No. She is doing her homework now. Who is the tall boy beside the window? He is John. He is drawing some cats on the paper. Where is Mr. Lee, their English teacher? He is working in the teachers office. 36题判断正(T)误(F);37题完成句子;3839题简略回答问题;40题将文中画线句子译成汉语。49 . Mr. Lee and the students are in the classroom now.50 . John is drawing _ on the paper.51 . What are Jim and Bob doing?_52 . Who is talking about the TV play?_53 . _五、将所给单词连成句子连词成句54 . is, kind, of, noise, a, pollution_55 . I , there, years, went , ago, two_56 . would, like, a greener person, you , to , be (?)_57 . his, improved, lot, a, English, has, he_58 . a, wonderful, what, experience (!)_六、材料作文59 . 假如你是Kate, 刚结识了一位来自美国的笔友Mary,为了让她对你有更多的了解,请你根据下面表格内的提示,写一封邮件给Mary。省略号部分请注意适当发挥,词数不少于80词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。基本信息十三岁,长发,戴眼镜,在Sunshine Middle School学习。学校校园很美,有新的教学楼、大操场、现代化的图书馆,还有一个学校礼堂用来开会。在校有许多朋友,他们都很喜欢我,课后我们经常一起(至少写一点)。在学校总是很开心。业余热爱阅读,可以了解很多关于这个世界;还喜欢打网球,可以使我强壮。Dear Mary,Thanks for your e-mail. I would like to tell you something about myself._第 11 页 共 11 页

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