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贵阳市2020年(春秋版)中考一模英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its said that if you make a _ while seeing a shooting star, it may come true some day.AdecisionBwishCmistakeDdifference2 . I am good at drawing _ he does well in reading.AasBforCwhileDwhen3 . I _ sitcoms, because theyre boring.Acant standBcant mindCmindDcouldnt mind4 . The fridge doesnt work. Why not consider _ a new one?AbuyBboughtCto buyDbuying5 . Would you pleaseyour radio a little? I can hardly go to sleep. Oh, sorry.Aturn offBturn onCturn downDturn up6 . -Whos that at the door, Tony?-_ is the postman, I think.AHeBItCThisDThat7 . Which of the following sentences is correct?ATom, your clothes are dirty. Youd better to wash them.BThe nice dress bought by my uncle yesterday.CJames spends a lot of money in CDs yesterday.DI am looking forward to visiting my old friend.8 . Ben is telling us something about Big Ben, because he _ to London last year.AwentBwill goCgoesDhas gone9 . I have trouble _ my friends telephone numbers.Ato rememberBrememberingCremembersDremember10 . For our own safety, its important to _ the traffic rules on the way to school.AfollowBchangeCmakeDbreak11 . Jack is the third _ in our class.AtallBtallerCtallestDmuch taller12 . They were so _ at some kangaroos were jumping alongside our car.AsurprisingBsurprisedCsurpriseDa surprise13 . I am wondering _.Whatever the result is, dont be too hard on yourself.Awhy I can pass the testBwhen I have prepared for the testCif I can get high marks in the testDthat I am getting ready for the test these days14 . Tom is good at _ .ArunningBrunsCto runDrun15 . How is our government going to deal with the office building?It will be _ a library.Ataken offBput onClooked backDturned into二、补全短文5选5第二节、阅读填空(共5小题; 每题1分,共5分)Edison had quick mind about inventions, but not always about other things. One day he received a notice. It said he must pay some money to the government by the next day. If he was late, 16 . . Edison went to the city office. Many people were waiting there in line to pay. 17 . , his mind was busy with ideas about a new invention. 18 . , the man behind it said to Edison “Young man, whats your name?”Edison looked at the man in surprise. “ I dont know,” he said. “Then I cant help you,” the man said, and told him to leave.Other people paid the money, but Edison stood there, and tried to remember his name. The day ended, 19 . . In the street, 20 . . He had to ask the friend what his name was. Ahe met a friendBWhen he arrived at the little windowChe would have to pay still more moneyDand he knew he would have to pay more moneyE. While he waited三、完型填空The summer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors and have fun. They can go to big cities to _, or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of _.Peter is an American middle school student and he loves _ very much. He always travels in his country. This summer vacation he wants to do _. He is interested in Chinese history. _ he is flying to Beijing and Xian for the summer vacation. He is leaving on July 12th and _ New York on the last day of the month. He plans _ a fantastic vacation. During the _, he is visiting places of interest and going shopping. At night, he is _ to enjoy the night views. He is sure he will have a _ time.21 . Awatch TVBexerciseCgo sightseeingDgo fishing22 . AbuildingsBcityCfarmDnature23 . AtravellingBshoppingCfishingDhiking24 . Asomething differenceBdifferent somethingCsomething differentDdifference something25 . ABecauseBSoCButDAlthough26 . Agetting back toBget back toCgetting backDgets back to27 . AhavingBto haveCto havingDhad28 . AweekendBweekCnightDday29 . Atake a walkBtaking walksCtakes a walkDtake walks30 . AgreatBwellCterribleDboring四、阅读单选Years ago I worked at a factory in a small country. Every day I got up very early and often did much extra work at night. I was so tired and exhausted. My whole life was hopeless. Then one day I read the following article from a magazine:“A woman went to live with her husband in camp on the Mojave Desert (沙漠) during the war. She simply hated the place: the heat was almost unbearable, 125 degrees in the shade, the wind blew incessantly(不停地), and there was sand - sand everywhere. Finally, in desperation (不顾一切地) she wrote to her parents in Ohio that she couldnt stand it another minute and was coming home.”Quickly came the reply by airmail from her father - just two lines:Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud; the other saw stars.The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intellect (思维) but also with her heart. She decided to stick to her post.She made friends with the natives, learned to love the country, and finally wrote a book about it.The desert hadnt changed, but her attitude had. Because she listened with her heart to the words her father sent, a whole new world opened up to her. A change of attitude could change everything.After reading the article, I was deep in thought.31 . The underlined word “unbearable” means _ in Chinese.A难以想象的B难以克服的C难以忍受的D难以置信的32 . After she received her fathers reply, the woman _.Awent back homeBwas coming homeCdecided to stay thereDdecided to go back home with her husband33 . From her fathers reply, we can infer (推断) that _.Atwo men looked out from prison barsBone man was in prison and the other was out of prisonCtwo men were out of prisonDHer parents wanted her to stay there with her husband34 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AA woman went to live with her husband in a big city.BThe woman finally made friends with the natives.CShe wrote to her parents that she was coming home.DThe woman received her fathers reply by airmail.35 . The main idea of this passage is that _.Aa woman went to live with her husband in campBthe desert hadnt changed, but her attitude hadCthe daughters parents wanted her to stay with her husbandDa change of attitude could change everythingThere was once a little boy with a bad temper (脾气). He often had fights with his friends. One day, his father gave him a bag of nails (钉子) and told him to hammer (敲) a nail into the fence every time he lost his temper. The boy listened to his father and did what his father told him to do.The first day, the boy drove 17 nails into the fence. Then the number of nails became less and less in the following days. The boy found that it was easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy didnt lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and his father asked him to pull out one nail each time he was able to keep his temper.The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same as it was before. When you say some words in anger, your bad temper will leave a scar just like the hole. Even if you say youre sorry, the wound is still there. If you hurt a person with words, the wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are rare jewels (稀有珍宝). They make you smile and feel happy. So never hurt your friends.”Since then the boy had never fought with his friends. He learned how to get on with others and he never lost his temper again.36 . What did the father ask the little boy to do each time he lost his temper?ATo have fights with his friends.BTo hammer a nail into the fence.CTo listen to light music.DTo eat much chocolate.37 . What did the father ask him to do each time he was able to keep his temper?APull out one nail.BDrive one nail into the fence.CLose his temper.DTell his father about it.38 . What does the story tell us?AWe need to buy a bag of nails.BFriends are not important at all.CLose your temper when you are angry.DWe should keep our temper and get on well with others.If you want to visit Pingdingshan Museum, it is necessary for you to know the followingrules:l.Opening hours: 9:00-17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday and closed every Monday. No admittance(进入) after16:00.2.ID cards: Visitors are required to present valid IDs, such as ID card, militarys& policescard, students card, drivers license. etc.3,Safety:Children under 5 ages are suggested not to access, senior citizens and the disabled should be accompanied by their relatives; Visitors are not allowed to enter the museum with dangerous or uncivil(不文明的) articles like controlled knives, inflammables (易燃的) ,explosives (易爆的) ,toys ,pets. etc.4.Be civilized: Those who are disheveled (凌乱的) or under the influence of alcohol are not admitted; Making noise, spitting, littering, smoking or dining are prohibited in the museum, touching cultural relics and taking photos with flash light or tripod(三脚架) are also prohibited.5,Be orderly: Visitors should obey the guidance of the staff in order to avoid blocking in the passageway.6.Reservation:Group visitors please make the reservations 7 days in advance .7.Free:The basic exhibitions in the museum are free to the public all the time.39 . Maria can visit the museum every day but.AMondayBTuesdayCSaturdayDSunday40 . If Jim wants to visit the museum, he can only takewith him.ApetsBnotebooksCtoysDmatches41 . Li Hua doesnt have a job, so he can take histo visit the museum.Apolice cardBstudent cardCmilitary cardDID card42 . 1f there are too many visitors in the museum, we shouldaccording to the notice.AshoutBfollow the staffs obeyCbe free to visitDbe allowed to have meals in the museum43 . In the notice,is /are NOT mentioned .AsafetyBlitteringCstaffs rulesDopening hours五、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。fear, health, with, sunglasses, sure, sport, regular, question, day, least, last, thinkWilliam Blake described the eyes as the “windows of the soul”. Our eyes are the windows through which we see the world around us. Either way, theres no 44 . that we place great value on our eyes and our eyesight(视力). Surveys have shown that of the five sense, sight is the one that people 45 . losing the most.Thinking about the important function(功能) of our eyes, wed give them the best care possible, but sometimes we get too busy or forget to do a few simple things that can keep our eyes46 . .Protecting your eyes starts 47 . the food on your plate. Remember when you were a kid and your mom told you that carrots would improve your eyesight. Give up your 48 . habits that could seriously hurt your eyes. Always wear49 . in a sunny day to protect your eyes from Ultraviolet ray(紫外线). Rest your eyes every 20 minutes from the computer screen by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. At 50 . every 2 hours, get up and take a 15minute break when working at a computer.Make 51 . your eyes do not get hurt in the first place. You should try to prevent eye hurt when youre playing 52 . or doing housework. You should also know when to wear safety glasses and what kinds will work best for you. Last but not least, get your eyes examined 53 . . Eye exams can help find some eye diseases. Its important to find these diseases early on, when theyre easier to treat.六、填写适当的句子补全对话A: Hi,Kate. I called you this morning,but nobody answered.B: Oh,I went to the hospital.A: I am sorry to hear that.54 . ?B: I am not feeling well. I have just caught a cold. I forgot to close the windows last night.A:55 . ?B: My temperature seems to be all right. But the doctor told me to take some medicine and have some rest.A:56 . ?B: Three times a day, after each meal.A: By the way,Ive booked two tickets to Langlangs concert tomorrow evening.57 . ?B: Sure,Id love to.Ive been looking forward to seeing Langlang play the piano for a long time.58 . . Thank you very much.A: Youre welcome. We will meet at 6:00 at the school gate. See you tomorrow.B: See you .七、材料作文59 . 书面表达2009年3月至今,北京八达岭野生动物园发生了多起游客违反入园规则而导致的人员伤亡事件,这些悲剧发人深省。俗话说“没有规矩,不成方圆”,作为中学生,我们应该遵守哪些规则,请结合下图和要点提示,写一篇英语短文。要点提示:1.遵守交通规则;2.不插队;3.遵守入园规则;4.补充两点其他的规则。要求:1.文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥使行文连贯;2.条理清晰,字迹工整,词数不少于80;3.文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息。提示词汇: jump the queue (插队); fence (围栏)第 11 页 共 11 页

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