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杭州市2020版九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Show me the map, please. I wonder.Look, its here, in the east of China, near Taiwan Province.Awheres Diaoyu IslandBwhere Diaoyu Island isCwhat is Diaoyu Island likeDwhere does Diaoyu Island2 . -Wei Fang s back from Beijing .-_and _.ASo she has ,so have her parentsBSo is she ,so her parents areCSo has she ,so her parents haveDSo she is ,so are her parents3 . Do you think the question too hard? I dont think so. He can answer it easily.Aof Jim to answerBof Jim to answer itCfor Jim to answerDfor Jim to answer it4 . Ill never forget the lesson _ last year.Athat I learnBthat I learnedCwhat I learnDwhat I learned5 . After _ this shirt _ that one, we found there was something different between them.Aproviding; forBcomparing; withCcovering; withDpreparing; for6 . The 30thOlympic Games _ in London this summer.AholdBheldCare heldDwill be held7 . -_ do you spell tree? -T-R-E-EAWhereBWhyCWhatDHow8 . You look _ with your hair up.AquietlyBclearlyChappilyDlovely9 . I dont like science _its difficult.AbutBsoCbecause10 . Shall we go to the park this weekend?_.AYoure rightBHave a good timeCThank youDThats a good idea.11 . They often watch some English movies to relax _ after school.AitBthemCtheyDthemselves12 . The students_to an interesting lecture this time yesterday.AlistenedBwere listeningClistenDhave listened13 . This isa photo of my family.Aa phone of my parents.Ba picture of me.Cmy family picture.Dmy family.14 . -_ going home together?-Good idea!AHow isBWhat aCHowDWhat about15 . Can you catch what Mr. Xu said about the physics problem during class?Er, not _, I think Id better go and ask him for more information.AhumorouslyBexactlyCcarelessly二、补全对话7选5情景反应从方框中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将符合题意的选项答在答题卡的相应位置上。A: Hi,Bettey. What are you going to do?B: Hi,Lingling!16 . A: Oh, Ive just come from there.B:17 . A: Yes. There will be an English speaking competition next Friday.B:18 . A: Life in the Future.B: Thats a good topic.19 . A: Yes, Id like to. I think I can practice my spoken English. What about you?B: Oh, you know, I am shy. I am afraid I cant speak in public.A:20 . If you keep on practising, you will be successful.B: I will think about it . Thank you very much.ADont worry.BI am going to look at the board.CI entered a photo competition.DIs there anything new?EWould you like to take part in it?FWhat do you want to do?GWhat is the topic?三、完型填空Every day,we produce a lot of garbage, such as ,paper, kitchen waste, and something useless are all throw away .In the past, people usually didnt deal with their waste properly before _it away, and dustbins for waste were not widely_.However ,the situation is changing as we have realized the _My community pays a lot of _ to it and even educates its people on it from a young age. Recently, we held a fun _ for some very small kids.I was there to help teach kids some basic knowledge about it.We dressed up like dustbins to_ their attention. After the activity, we felt so_ by all the kids.They came up_ to us. and I answered many of their questions. I heard a sweet _ask. Mr. Dustbin. why do we need to deal with the waste?” It is good for the environment .Are you trying to do something to help?” I answered. “Yes, I _!”was the reply. I couldnt help saying to myself how cute they were.21 . AputtingBthrowingCgivingDtaking22 . AusedBboughtCcleanedDshown23 . AdirectionBresearchCproblemDcourage24 . AtimeBnoticeCmoneyDattention25 . AactivityBmeetingCspeechDreport26 . AloseBfindCcatchDpass27 . AwelcomedBrelaxedCtroubledDworried28 . AcoldlyBhappilyCclearlyDstrictly29 . AnoteBstarCsignDvoice30 . AchangeBpromiseCcountDcleanRespect your teachers.First of all, students should respect the teachers. You should_your teachers in the classes. That means to give your respect to him, to stand from your chairs when the teacher enters the classroom, etc. Attend any class attentively. In class of a certain subject or a teacher you dont like very much, if it is totally anarchy(无政府状态), how can we talk about respect?Play by the_If your teacher wants you to take notes in class, do it. If she tells you to sharpen your pencils only before class starts, listen to her. If she_late homework, do yours on time. Sometimes classroom rules seem strict or even silly, but most teachers know whats necessary to make things run well and what it takes to let the learning begin. And the better the learning environment, the_you will be!Expect him/her to like you.Teachers are teachers because they like kids. Given the chance, most teachers want to be your_, too. Respect your teacher, but do not be afraid of him/her. He/ she wants you to have a great school year just as much as you want to have one!Put first things first.Friends are a fun part of school. But they are not the most important part. When your teacher is teaching, give him/her full attention,_when its hard to do. Class will end and the ten-minute break will come soon enough, and thats the time for playing with your friends31 . Apay attention toBplay withClive onDpick up32 . AchancesBtimesCrulesDclasses33 . AhopesBrefusesCwantsDasks34 . AmoreBbiggerCharderDsmarter35 . AleaderBfriendCbrotherDclassmate36 . AevenBstillCbeforeDas四、阅读单选It is half past eight in the morning. The telephone rings and Mary goes to answer it.“Hello, whos that?” she asks.“Its me, Peter.”Peter is a friend of Marys brother, Johnny.“Oh, hello, Peter. What do you want?” says Mary.“Can I speak to Johnny?”“No,” says Mary. “You cant speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing his hair. Our sister Lisa is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his schoolbag. Goodbye. I have to go now. I have to hold the door open. The school bus is coming.”What do you think of the story? Are you sometimes like Johnny? If so, you need to change your habits (习惯).37 . It is _ in the morning when the telephone rings.A7:00B7:30C8:30D9:0038 . What is Johnny doing at the moment?AHe is eating his breakfast.BHe is answering the telephone.CHe is putting on his shoes.DHe is holding the door open.39 . What is Johnnys grandmother doing?AShe is eating breakfast.BShe is combing Johnnys hair.CShe is putting Johnnys books in his schoolbag.DShe is holding the door open.40 . Where is Johnnys sister Lisa?ABehind the door.BUnder the table.COn the bus.DBeside the telephone.41 . How many people can you find in the story?AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was considered impolite behavior for a man to smoke on street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in a room. Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your country? Or doesnt it matter? What about table manners? Should you use both hands when you are eating? Should you leave one in your lap, or on the table?The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. While waiting in line, Englishmen will never push their way to the front. Neither do Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 oclock, the dinner guest either arrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay. The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a formal dinner party. When the food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.42 . According to Paragraph 1,_.ACustoms differ from country to countryBSome customs considered impolite in the past are accepted by people nowCGentlemen like to smoke in front of womenDSmoking on streets were considered polite behaviors in the past43 . If one has accepted a dinner invitation, what should he do if he cant arrive on time?AHe should find an excuse.BHe should ask for excuse.CHe should say sorry.DHe should telephone to explain his being late.44 . The Americans and the British also share a large number of social customs except(除了)_.Ashaking hands when meeting for the first timeBoffering their seat to a womanCwaiting in lineDbeing late for dinner45 . According to the passage, the best host_.Atries his best to make his guests feel comfortableBmakes his guests feel excitedCtries to avoid being foolish to his guestsDtries to behave the same as the guestsHello, Im Linda. This is Jen. Shes my mum. Shes 38 years old. Shes wearing a red coat, a pair of red shoes and a pair of blue pants. She often wears a big hat, too. She is a teacher. And the students in her school like her very much. She likes singing (唱歌). But she doesnt like (不喜欢) playing sports. On Sundays, she goes shopping with me.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。46 . Jen is Lindas.AfriendBmumCclassmateDsister47 . What is the colour of Jens shoes?ARed.BBlue.CGreen.DBlack.48 . Jen is a.AnurseBdoctorCteacherDmanager (经理)49 . Jen likes.ApaintingBreadingCwritingDsinging50 . What can you learn from the passage (短文)?AJen is 48 years old.BJen likes playing sports.CJen is wearing a pair of red pants.DJen goes shopping on Sundays.阅读理解.A well-known poem by Tang dynasty poet Du Mu tells of a sad scene in early April: “Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, andpassers-bywith lowered spirits go.”This scene takes place on Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival. Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival. It began in the Zhou dynasty, over 2500 years ago. Chinese people celebrate it to remember and honor their ancestors(祖先). This year, it falls on April 4. Tomb Sweeping Day became a public holiday in the Chinese mainland in 2008. People have on day off for that day.On this day, families bring flowers, food and wine to the grave sites(墓地)of their ancestors. They place cakes, fruits in front of the graves and some may burn joss paper, as money for the dead. After that, they sweep the tombs and cherish(怀念)the memories of their dead family members.Tomb Sweeping Day gives us a chance to show respect to our ancestors and family members who have passed away and show that we miss them. This tradition shows that family values are an important part of Chinese culture.Tomb Sweeping Day is also the beginning of the time for gardening and outdoor activities in China. Families often get together for outings or fly kites at this time.51 . The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “passers-by” is_.A行人B陌生人C故人52 . Tomb Sweeping Day is celebrated for people to _.Ago out to fly kitesBhave a public holidayCremember and honor their ancestors53 . What can people take to the grave sites according to the passage?AFlowers, food, fruits and umbrellas.BFlowers, food, wine and joss paper.CFood, fruits, joss paper and kites.54 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AWe have one day off for Tomb Sweeping Day.BTomb Sweeping Day began in the Zhou dynasty.CPeople in the world celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day.55 . What does the passage mainly discuss?APeople bring many things to the grave sites.BDu Mu wrote a poem about Qingming.CTomb Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和首字母提示写出单词56 . He felt like there was a heavy w _ on his shoulders.57 . They do not have the c_ to apologise for their actions.58 . He had let his whole team d _.59 . B_ English, they also study math, physics and chemistry.60 . We dont want to d_ the teachers, so we try our best to do everything well.六、回答问题Jo always rides her bike to school. Its four miles(英里) to school. Jo likes riding to school. She says its good for her health.Edward usually goes to school by bus. He likes talking with his friend on the bus. Its about ten minutes ride to school by bus.Marys home is next to her school. She usually walks to school. Its about five minutes walk. Mary says she likes taking walks after meals.61 . How does Jo go to school ?_62 . How far is it from Jos home to her school ? _63 . Why does Jo like riding to school ?_64 . How long does it take Edward to get to school by bus ? _65 . How far is it from Marys home to her school ? _七、话题作文66 . 在日常生活中我们通常会遇到一些难题或困惑。请参照以上阅读材料的有关信息,以“Problems Among Teenagers”为题。写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你在生活和学习中遇到的问题并提出解决问题的方法和建议。内容和要求:短文至少谈及你遇到的23个问题(如:平时作业太多,周末不得不参加额外学习,运动和休息时间少等),并提出23个解决问题的方法和建议。Problems Among Teenagers第 12 页 共 12 页

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