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贵州省2019版八年级上学期期末英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . “He sent me an email yesterday.”The main structure of the sentence is_.AS+VBS+V+DO+OCCS+V+IO+DODS+V+P2 . The weather in Beijing is not _ good _ that in HainanAso, asBso, thanCas, so3 . Can I help you _ the floor? And I think I can help you _ your English, too.Aclean withBcleaning withCclean forDcleaningfor4 . Dont _ there. Cant you see the sign? Sign? What sign? No _.Aswim;to swimBswim;swimCswimming;swimDswim;swimming5 . Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon?. Will two oclock be OK?ASure, its up to youBSure, no problemCSorry, I cant make itDSorry, Im not free today6 . _old man in _ brown coat over there is Mr. JacksonAAn, aBAn,theCThe,aDThe,the7 . Dont always play tricks _ your classmates.AinBonCatDwith8 . Jane often helps her mum wash the _ in the kitchen after dinner.AwoundBdishesCclothesDvegetables9 . I often get up _ 8:00 _ Sunday _ April.Aat; on; inBat; in; onCon; in; at10 . While I_ a detective story, someone_ at the doorAread, was knockingBread, knockedCwas reading, knockedDwas reading, was knocking二、补全对话5选5情景交际T(Tony): Hello, Nancy!N(Nancy): Hi, Tony!T: 11 . ?N: I Think so. Whats up?T: 12 . ? Theres a new restaurant near the station.N: Id love to, but Im sorry I cant.13 . .T: Oh, thats too bad. 14 . ?N: Sunday? Let me see. Yes, I think I will be free.T: Great. When shall we meet?N: At six oclock, OK?T: Sounds great. 15 . .N: All right. See you then. T: See you.三、完型填空完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。Mrs. White had a lovely young cat, and it was the cats first winter. One evening, it was cold outside when it began to snow_Mrs. White looked everywhere and shouted its name, but she couldnt_it, so she_the police, and said,” I have lost a cat. Did_find one?” “No, Madam,” answered the policeman at the other end. “I will ring you up if someone find it_, what color is your cat?” “White”, “I think it_in the snow. But dont worry. I know cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for a few days in the snow, and until it melts or somebody finds them, theyre quite all right.” Mrs. White felt_when she heard this. “Yes, yes. I think you are right.” She said,“ and my cat is very clever. She is_than any other cat. She can almost talk .” The policeman was getting rather tired.” Well then,” he said, “Why dont you_your telephone. Perhaps she is trying to_you now.”16 . AthickBthicklyCheavilyDheavy17 . Alook forBfindCfind outDfound18 . AtelephonedBtoldCaskedDspoke19 . Ano oneBsomeoneCanyoneDeveryone20 . ABy the wayBIn the wayCOn the wayDThis way21 . AmaybeBmay beCbeDmay22 . AhappyBsadCunhappyDworried23 . Amore cleverBcleverCmuch clevererDmuch more clever24 . Aput downBwrite downCtake downDsit down25 . AcallBcalledCcallingDcalls四、阅读单选26 . We can learn from the first letter that “English Kids”_Abuilds up a school to teach children EnglishBmakes plans for foreign English learnersCteaches middle school students EnglishDshows parents how to teach their children English27 . Whats the mothers problem with her son?AHe has no interest in English learningBHe cant pay attention to his English classCHe can understand English but not able to speak itDHe doesnt like his mother to teach him English28 . From the second letter, we know that the mother shouldnt_Aencourage her son to learn English wellBexpect his son to speak English after understanding itCtell her son how much she loved speaking EnglishDbe too hurried to quicken her sons step to speak English29 . According to Jo, children need a lot of _ to understand a language before speaking it.AmoneyBtimeCprizesDchances30 . The underlined word “enthusiastic” in the last paragraph probably means “_”.A热情B拖沓C懒散D胆小You use your eyes to see. Animals use their eyes to see, too. Animal eyes can be small or large. Some animal eyes can look very strange!The spider has eight eyes that look like little dots. Most spiders cant see very clearly. But many spiders are very good at noticing things move.Owls eyes help it see well at night. An owl cannot move its eyes. It must turn its head to look around.Each eye of the lizard can look in a different direction. The left eye sees one thing. The right eye sees something different at the same time.The dragonfly has eyes that are made up of many smaller eyes. Dragonflies are very good at noticing things move.31 . Which of them can see things more clearly at night?AAn owlBA spiderCA lizardDA dragonfly32 . If an owl wants to look around, it has to .Amove its eyesBturn its headCopen its eyes wideDmove its feet33 . Whose two eyes can see different things?AAn owlBA spiderCA lizardDA dragonfly34 . What do the spider and the dragonfly have in common(共同点)?AThey both cant see things clearly.BThey both have big eyes.CThey are both good at noticing things move.DThere are little dots on their eyes.I am the captain of a ship from the Singapore Marine Police Force(新加坡海岸警备队). I have been with the Marine Force for eight years, though I was twenty-seven now. I loved the sea because of the cool sea winds, the fresh smell of the sea and the beautiful scenery. I also wanted to catch criminals(罪犯) and so I joined the Marine Police Force and do what I love.Recently, I was out on a boat with a few of my friends. We were not working but the Marine Police Force allowed us to use the sailboat for rest and amusement. We went fishing. We were on our way back when I found a ship with the name PSS Pollu. It was pouring oil into the sea. I was shocked. I picked up a loud speaker and shouted, Stop your pollution at once and follow us back to shore! But PSS Pollu decided to flee. We tried to catch them but their ship was too fast for us. We called the Marine Force base and asked for help. Two fast marine boats were sent and soon caught up with PSS Pollu and surrounded it. The ship had no choice but to give up. Six marine policemen searched PSS Pollu and discovered that it was carrying smuggled cigarettes(走私香烟). The men of PSS Pollu were charged in court. I was rewarded for the matter while off duty.35 . The captain waswhen he became a member of the Singapore Marine Police Force?AeightBtwenty-sevenCseventeenDnineteen36 . The captain love the sea because he.Aliked going fishingBloved the fresh smell of the seaCliked to catch the sea animalsDloved going boating37 . The captain was out on a boat with some friends for.AworkingBstopping criminalsCswimmingDresting38 . Why did the captain call the Marine Force for help?ABecause the PSS Pollu want to flee.BBecause the men of PSS Pollu fight about them.CBecause his boat was too slow.DBecause he couldnt pull the PSS Pollu back to the shore.39 . Whats the best title of this passage?AA Special Day offBFound Smuggled CigaretteCI Was AwardDNot Pollute the Sea五、阅读判断Last week I went to London for a holiday with Jenny.We got there by plane on Monday morning and took a taxi to our hotel. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Hyde Park.On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.The next day we visited the British Museum and had supper in a Chinese restaurant!On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge by boat on the River Thames and looked at the city.On the last day I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. After I went back to the hotel, I sent some emails to my friends.阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。40 . Last week I went to London with Marry.41 . We went for a walk in Hyde Park on Monday afternoon.42 . On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge by taxi.43 . On the last day I did some shopping.44 . Jenny sent some emails to her friends.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空45 . We should b_ our teeth twice a day.46 . My uncle works at a radio s_.47 . Every morning I play sports, and then I take a s_.48 . She _(通常地)plays the drums after school.49 . Jack likes sports, but he _(从不)plays them.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)50 . It will be my cousins _ birthday next Saturday. (twelve)51 . You must learn to protect _, Mary and Sophia. (you)52 . All the guests seemed _ and everyone was complaining. (happy)53 . Air _ in the city had reached four times the acceptable levels. (pollute)54 . I was sitting _ in the lounge, reading a newspaper. (comfortable)55 . Students need to learn how to _ their work. (organization)56 . Are there any _ news reports in todays newspaper. (interest)57 . Its necessary to have a _ discussion on the matter. (far)八、用单词的正确形式完成短文词语应用up,class,listen,shower,at,Sunday,afternoon,run,hour,tooth,around,hotelAlicia Jones gets58 . at six every day.She likes to 59 . early.Then she takes a60 . .She reads English for an 61 . .After that,she brushes her 62 . .She has breakfast at 63 . 7:40.She usually leaves home at 8 oclock.64 . start at ten to nine.And she has four classes in the morning and two in the 65 . .At 3:30 she plays games with her friends.She gets home at 5:30.She often does her homework at 7:00 in the evening.And she goes to bed at ten 66 . night.She doesnt go to school on Saturday and 67 . .九、材料作文68 . 假如你是李萍(Cathy),寒假你将去加拿大研学,并住在布朗太太的家里。为了更好地照顾你,她想了解你的一些基本信息、生活习惯、饮食习惯和爱好,请你根据下表信息给她写一封电子邮件,告诉她你的相关情况。NameCathyAge12Living Habits(生活习惯)get up early (早) and go to bed earlydrink a glass of water after getting upEating Habits(饮食习惯)Likes: fruit, chicken, fishDislikes (不喜欢): cola (可乐), coffee (咖啡)FavoriteColors: red, blue .Animals: monkey, dog, cat .Hobby (爱好)singing .要求:1.电子邮件须包括表格中的所有提示内容,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;2.电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。词数:80-120词。Dear Mrs. Brown,I am very happy to tell you something about myself. _Im sure I will have a good time with you. I cant wait to see you.Yours,Cathy第 10 页 共 10 页


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