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西宁市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期末英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空A young man travelled by train. As the train was rumbling across a wilderness, the _ on the train looked out of the window idly and aimlessly.When it approached a _, the train slowed down and then an unadorned(简朴) house came into _. It was so conspicuous(引人注目) against the desolate landscape that _ on the train turned to admire it with eyes wide open. Some passengers who were obviously very excited _ began discussion about it.The young man was also impressed by the _. On his return, he got off the train at the _ station and found his way to the _. Its owner told him that troubled by the noise of the train, he wanted to sell the house _ nobody would buy it.Soon after, the young man spent thirty thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a favorable site for _. It was facing the railway bend(弯道), where the train had to _ and the weary passengers would cast their eyes at the house to refresh themselves.He managed to get access to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the _ of the place for advertisement. _, the Coca Cola company took a lease(租赁) on it to put up promotion signs. The young man was paid 180 thousand for _.This is a _ story. It proves that any discovered potential(潜能) may lead to success.1 . AwomenBpassengersCmenDtrainmen2 . AbendBhouseCstationDwilderness3 . AbeingBviewCexistenceDeyes4 . AnobodyBeverybodyCanybodyDsomebody5 . AagainBstillCsomehowDeven6 . AsceneBdiscussionCpassengersDtrip7 . AsameBnearestCtrainDnext8 . AhouseBstationCcompanyDbend9 . AandBsoCthoughDbut10 . AadvertisementBresidenceCsightseeingDbusiness11 . Aspeed upBpull upCslow downDmake a turn12 . AimportanceBlocationClandscapeDadvantage13 . AFortunatelyBSuddenlyCFinallyDOccasionally14 . Aa 3-year rentBthe houseCan advertisementDthe promotion signs15 . AsadBloveCboringDtrueI grew up in a small town in Ohio, the USA. There was a man in my town named Bob. He couldnt talk clearly and. didnt receive much _ . So children in the town all thought he was _ and often played jokes on him. One day, when I met Bob,I decided to play a joke on him just _ the other children. He asked how I was doing. I told him that my father lost his _ , and that we didnt have enough money to live. Seeing my friends laughing far from us,I decided to _ to tell lies (谎言). I knew he was poor, _ it seemed funny when he asked me if we needed anything. I told him that we didnt know if we would have enough to _ . The next morning, I went out and found a box of food outside my house,I knew it was from Bob. I looked at the small box in shame , and wanted to _ the box. My father stopped _ . He said it would hurt Bobs feelings. From that day on, when we had dinner, I would _ the small box. Bob gave me the best he had, and I knew that I should not have been given that gift.16 . AinformationBserviceCeducation17 . AsillyBshyCdirty18 . AlikeBofCfor19 . AfriendBkeysCjob20 . AstartBcontinueCforget21 . AalthoughBbecauseCSo22 . AeatBpayCchoose23 . AhideBreturnCcheck24 . AherBmeChim25 . Atake pride inBlook forward toCthink of二、阅读单选Sweaty palms shaking hands and a racing heart! This is what many students experience when they take a big test. When anxiety(焦虑)kicks in students can completely lose concentration, leading to poor scores. But is there any solution to such stress? The key to reducing test anxiety is writing. According to a recent report in the journal Science taking a few minutes before an exam to write about all those fears could help students perform better.The study was conducted by Professor Sian L. Beilock from the University of Chicago and his graduate student Gcrardo Ramirez.First the researchers asked 20 college students to take a maths test to get a base-lined score. Next they told the students that they could get a monetary award if they got a good score and that they were being videotaped.Before beginning the main test the researchers asked one group of students to spend 10 minutes writing down their anxieties about the test while the other group sat quietly. Both groups then took the same exam.The researchers found that students who sat quietly did 12% worse than they had on the pre-test and the ones who wrote about their anxieties improved their scores by 5%.Writing enables students to feel refreshed when facing challenging questions on the examination. However experts also warn that such a change will not cause students to become any smarter. It can only make them become more relaxed and focused.26 . According to passage, what if students take an exam with anxiety?Amay get poor gradeBpay more attentionCbe videotapedDto study harder than before27 . From the experiment we learn that_ .Athe two student groups took different testsBthey could earn money if they did wellCthey needed to finish the test within 10 minutesDthey were asked to relax before the test28 . The result of the research has proved that_ .Awriting before a test can make you smarterByou can become relaxed by writing before a testCthe two student groups both did well in the examDstudents dislike challenging questions on the examinationChildren a11 over the world like to celebrate their birthdaysAmerican children are the sameThey usually celebrate with a partyThey ask their friends to their parties They dont have the party on the right date of their birthday if it comes on a school dayThey may hold it at the weekend thenToday many children like two kinds of partiesOne is at homeParents make the house beautiful with balloons and coloured paperThey make a birthday dinnerThe children play gamesThe other kind is away from home Some are at a restaurantThe children eat pizza and ice cream The_also sing and say happy birthday to the childrenOther parties are at a park or at a cinemaor in some other placesThere is a cake with candles at every birthday partyThere is one candle for each year of a birthday boys or girls ageWhen the candles are lighted,everyone sings the birthday song:HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUBirthday parties changeMany people dont have them when they are not youngThey say they would like to forget how old they areBut they do like to keep the happy birthday parties of their childhood in mind29 . If Toms birthday is on October 29th,Wednesday, he may have the party on.AOctober 29thBOctober 28thCNovember 1stDNovember 3rd30 . On Toms birthday ,who usually makes a big dinner for the children at home?ATomBHis friendsCHis teachersDHis parents31 . The Chinese for“waiters”may beA服务员B老板C等候的人D亲戚32 . What is the best title for the passage?ABirthday Parties in ChinaBBirthday Parties in the WorldCBirthday Patties in AmericaDBirthday Presents for Children三、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。Dorothy finds the road easily and then she starts the l33 . trip to the Emerald City with Toto. She knows it will take a lot of time to get there,b34 . she doesnt feel sad any more. Its a s35 . day and the birds are singing. In the sun,the blue fences(栅栏)along the road look very pretty. The yellow corn(谷物)in the f36 . around is growing happily. Dorothy can see the small,round houses of the Munchkins everywhere. Theyre blue,t37 . .They walk for a long time along the yellow brick road. They dont see a38 . except some scarecrows(稻草人). Dorothy is very t39 . . Lets stop and rest for a few minutes,Toto,”says she. They sit down on the grass next to a field of yellow corn. A scarecrow on a pole stands in themiddle of it 140 . a boy. Its w41 . an old blue hat,old blue clothes and a pair of old blue boots. Dorothy looks at it and it looks b42 . at her. Then it winks(眨眼)at her slowly. Dorothys very surprised. She stands up and walks towards it.四、信息匹配请阅读下列五则发明的描述,将其与下面的图片相匹配,其中有一项为多余选项。1.It was invented in 1923 by Fred W.Wolf. This is a large piece of electrical(有电的)kitchen equipment(设备)and it is used for keeping food and drinks cold so that they can stay fresh. 43 . 2.It is said that it was invented by Lu Bans wife. She didnt want her husband to get wet in the rain what he worked outside. So she used bamboo and oilpaper to make it. Now it is popular all over the world and it is made stronger and more convenient for people to see. 44 . 3.It is traditional musical instrument. You can play it by beating it with sticks(棒子)or with your hands. People in the northwest parts of China often play it together during big festivals or weddings(婚礼). 45 . 4.It is a large square electrical machine which was invented by an American scientist Alva J. Fisher. It can be used for washing and drying dirty clothes. It can help people save a lot of time. 46 . 5.it first appeared as big as at house, so it was not convenient for people to use it. But with development of science and technology, we can use it almost everywhere. We can carry it with us and use it to store(储存)or search for information, send emails and play online games. 47 . ABCDEF难度:一般使用:8次题型:信息匹配更新:2020/2/24纠错智能换题收藏详情五、回答问题Festivals are symbols of traditional culture of a country. But nowadays there appears a phenomenon(现象)in China. Western festivals, such as Christmas Day, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving Day and so on, are becoming more and more popular. This has been a fact of life!A survey showed that almost all the young men celebrate western festivals. Among them, college students like the western festivals best. The western festivals provide a good chance to go to the party, go shopping and do any other things they want to do.The popularity of western festivals in China has been known for long and the discussion about it has never stopped. In a survey, 10,000 people expressed their opinion about the popularity of western festivals in China. It tries to find the real reason why Chinese like the western festivals and provide us with a correct attitude(态度)toward whether we should celebrate western festivals or not.Chart : Opinions about the popularity of western festivals in ChinaChart : Main reasons why western festivals are popular in China48 . According to the passage, Which phenomenon appears now?_49 . How do the college students celebrate the western festivals?_50 . According to Chart , how many people think the popularity of western festivals is just a way to relax?_51 . Chart shows the reasons why western festivals are popular in China. What does 17% refers to?_52 . As teenagers, should we celebrate western festivals? Why or why not?_难度:一般使用:13次题型:回答问题更新:2020/2/24纠错智能换题收藏详情六、书信作文53 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Simon发来电子邮件,向你了解母亲节那天中国孩子们是用何种方式为妈妈庆祝的。请你根据下面内容,用英文给他写封回信,并说明你的做法。要点如下:1. 有人为妈妈买礼物;2. 有人自制礼物或贺卡给妈妈;3. 有人帮妈妈做家务;4. 提示词:housework (n.) 家务注意:1. 词数60 80;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称;4. 文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Simon,Im glad to get your email. Mothers Day is a special day._What do you usually do on Mothers Day? Im waiting for your email.Yours,Li Hua难度:一般使用:6次题型:书信作文更新:2020/3/22纠错智能换题收藏详情五、回答问题Festivals are symbols of traditional culture of a country. But nowadays there appears a phenomenon(现象)in China. Western festivals, such as Christmas Day, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving Day and so on, are becoming more and more popular. This has been a fact of life!A survey showed that almost all the young men celebrate western festivals. Among them, college students like the western festivals best. The western festivals provide a good chance to go to the party, go shopping and do any other things they want to do.The popularity of western festivals in China has been known for long and the discussion about it has never stopped. In a survey, 10,000 people expressed their opinion about the popularity of western festivals in China. It tries to find the real reason why Chinese like the western festivals and provide us with a correct attitude(态度)toward whether we should celebrate western festivals or not.Chart : Opinions about the popularity of western festivals in ChinaChart : Main reasons why western festivals are popular in China48 . According to the passage, Which phenomenon appears now?_49 . How do the college students celebrate the western festivals?_50 . According to Chart , how many people think the popularity of western festivals is just a way to relax?_51 . Chart shows the reasons why western festivals are popular in China. What does 17% refers to?_52 . As teenagers, should we celebrate western festivals? Why or why not?_六、书信作文53 . 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Simon发来电子邮件,向你了解母亲节那天中国孩子们是用何种方式为妈妈庆祝的。请你根据下面内容,用英文给他写封回信,并说明你的做法。要点如下:1. 有人为妈妈买礼物;2. 有人自制礼物或贺卡给妈妈;3. 有人帮妈妈做家务;4. 提示词:housework (n.) 家务注意:1. 词数60 80;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称;4. 文章的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Simon,Im glad to get your email. Mothers Day is a special day._What do you usually do on Mothers Day? Im waiting for your email.Yours,Li Hua第 12 页 共 12 页

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