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西宁市2020年九年级下学期3月月考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Students shouldnt go to school without breakfast. Its bad for their health. I agree_you.AtoBonCwith2 . Shall we go to play football?_ . Lets go!ASounds boringBThats a good ideaCIm afraid notDThank you3 . I had _ bad headache. Do you have _ address of Peoples Hospital? Im sorry to hear that. Here is _ address.Aa; an; theBthe; an; anCa; /; theDa; the; the4 . Does your brother_a shower at 9 p.m.? Yes, he does.AtakeBmakeCwash5 . I want to_some books for the kids in poor areas. Great! Then they can get the books for free.AcollectBthrowCcover6 . How can I get more information about your activity? You can visit our_www.tdxx.com.AhometownBwebsiteCsociety7 . We often sit here and look _the beach.AoutBout ofConDout at8 . It is not so _ as yesterday, so there are_ people walking in Tuanchengshan Park today.Acold, fewerBwarm, moreCcold, moreDwarm, most9 . Shall I wear the pink evening dress or the white one? They both look beautiful, but I think the white one is_.AsuitableBmore suitableCthe most suitable10 . Both my sister and I_English. We think its very interesting.Aam interested inBare interested inCam afraid of11 . In order not to be late for the meeting, lets _ early.Aset offBtake offCturn offDrun off12 . Im going to stay at home_its raining outside.AbecauseBsoCbutDand13 . Tony Scott is a _ student. He does well in every subject.AsmartBscaryCcuteDlazy14 . Do you like watching ER Doctors? Yes, I do. But Im_busy_enjoy it.Atoo; toBso; thatCenough; to15 . _students are buying the book.AThousandBThousandsCThousands of二、补全短文5选5阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。Do you want to stay young? Do you know how to stay young? Heres some advice.16 . .Forget some numbers. The numbers are about your age, weight(体重) and height(身高). Let the doctor worry about them.17 . .Make happy friends.18 . . Their happiness may help you change your bad mood(情绪), and your life will be better.Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, gardening(园艺) or others. Take an interest in the world around you, and learn at least one new thing every day.19 . Keep healthy. Do more exercise and eat healthy food to keep healthy.20 . .There are many other ways to stay young, such as enjoying the simple things, laughing often, telling people you love them and so on.AThats why you pay him or her BIf there is something wrong, go to see the doctor CThey may help you DPeople who are bright and happy should be your friendsELearning makes you become very clever(聪明)三、完型填空Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to_each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and_to swim deeper and further.One morning, the three fish were_to a shallow(浅) water by a big wave(浪). A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were_, and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish_with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much_for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around_At last, the largest fish returned to the_by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in_his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didnt follow them and still swam joyfully.Two hours later, when the sun rose up, the water in the small shallow corner_The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏) of water.21 . Alisten toBlook afterCtalk withDworry about22 . AdaredBhatedCrefusedDstopped23 . AallowedBgivenCinvitedDtaken24 . Ain safetyBin doubtCin dangerDin peace25 . AagreedBtalkedCdisagreedDdiscussed26 . AtimeBfoodCwaterDair27 . AslowlyBsadlyCluckilyDhappily28 . AseaBriverClakeDpool29 . AcatchingBjoiningCtakingDtelling30 . Arose upBran outCwashed awayDdried up四、阅读单选Chocolate is one of the most popular foods in the world. It is popular among people, especially among children. Many people choose it as a birthday gift. When a child gets a box of chocolate as a gift, he may feel very happy.Chocolate tastes nice. People eat chocolate candy, chocolate cake, and chocolate cookies. They also drink hot chocolate.Chocolate is made from cocoa beans(可可豆). Here are some interesting things about cocoa beans.In the past,the Mayas and the Aztecs used cocoa beans as money because they were small,easy to carry,and not easy to find. A turkey cost ninety cocoa beans and a small rabbit cost thirty cocoa beans. They also cooked the beans and mixed(混合)them with water. Sometimes they added corn or hot pepper. They did not add sugar. The drink was very expensive. Only rich people could afford it.31 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?AChocolate candy.BChocolate cake.CChocolate cookies.DChocolate ice cream.32 . If a person wanted to buy two turkeys and three rabbits,he needed to payfor them.A120 cocoa beansB240 cocoa beansC270 cocoa beansD360 cocoa beans33 . When people cooked the beans,they added some things EXCEPT .AcornBhot pepperCsugarDwater34 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe chocolate is not popular among children.BPeople never drink hot chocolate.CThe Mayas and the Aztecs added sugar to the beans.DThe Mayas and the Aztecs mixed the beans with water.Potato chips were really invented by accident. The popular food was invented in 1853 by George Crum, who was a cook at Moon Lake Restaurant in Saratoga Springs,New York. A guest complained that the fried potatoes that Crum had cooked were too thick. Crum thought the guest was making trouble. In return,he cut potatoes paper thin and fried them. The guest loved what soon became known as “Saratoga Chips”, and the new dish became the most popular in the restaurant. Other restaurants in the eastern United States borrowed the idea,but potato chips were not produced for home use until William Tappenden of Cleveland,Ohio started the first potato chip factory in Cleveland,which made lots of money for him.Potatoes are made up of about 25% solids (固体),mostly starches (淀粉) and sugar,and 75% water. Marsha McNcil Sherman,Director of Fast Food Association in Los Angeles,explains,“Frying is a way to dry the potato. More of the water can be found in the middle of the potato .So,the edges (边) of potatoes are fried faster than the middle.”35 . Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “complain”?A表扬B鼓励C自责D抱怨36 . What do you think of William Tappenden?AOutgoing.BClever.CBrave.DHardworking.37 . What are potatoes mainly made up of?AWater.BStarches.CSugar.DOil.38 . What does the passage mainly tell us?AWhy potato chips are so popular.BHow to make potato chips.CHow potato chips were invented and what potatoes are made up of.DThe edges of potatoes are fried faster than the middle.To us,it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But in fact the umbrella was not invented as protection against the rain. Its first use was as a shade(遮蔽)against the sun. Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, back in the eleventh century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade, And there was a strange thing connected with its use:it became a symbol of honor and power(权力). In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by those in high office or by royal people such as the kings or queens. In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade, The umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece, but it is believed that the first people in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against the rain were the ancient Romans. During the middle ages in Europe, the use of the umbrella almost disappeared. Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it became a symbol of power. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight, It wasnt until the twentieth century that the umbrellas for women began to be made in all kinds of colors.39 . Ancient people first used umbrellas as _ .Aa symbol of honorBprotection against the sunCa symbol of powerDprotection against the rain40 . According to the passage, the umbrella was probably first used in ancient _ .AEgyptBBabylonCRomeDChina41 . The underlined word“royal”might mean“ _ ”in Chinese.A皇室的B富裕的C中产的D平民的42 . According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?AThe ancient Greeks used the umbrella in their daily life,BEuropeans hardly used the umbrella during the middle ages.CThe umbrellas for women were made colorful in ancient times.DThe style of the umbrella hasnt changed a lot since it was invented.Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, Dont forget this!One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip. He went to the station, bought a ticket and got on the train with it.About half an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, Will you please show me your ticket? The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried. I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train. said the old man.I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you dont have to buy another one, said the conductor kindly. But how can I know where Im going? I cant remember my station! the old man said sadly.43 . Where is the ticket?AThe old man forgot go buy it.BThe old man could not remember where it was.CThe old man showed it to the conductor.DThe old mans wife took the ticket away.44 . The conductorthe old man.Adidnt believeBlaughed atCbelievedDfelt sorry for45 . The old man was sad becauseAhe had to buy another ticket.Bhe lost all the things his wife gave him.Che did not know where he was.DHe did not know where he should get off.五、语法填空第二节语法填空Today we are developing a new idea - Money is the measure of all things. Increasingly, people are being judged by what they own, and not by their good qualities. This is 46 . (certain) true among many people in China.According to a survey that 47 . (do) in 2013, China is the most materialistic (物欲横流的) country in the world. Twenty- three percent of Chinese said they measured success by the things they owned (cars, homes, jewelry, designer clothes) compared 48 . just 21 percent in America, 20 percent in Canada and 16 percent in Britain.Recently, this worship of materialism 49 . (spread) into schools 50 . some kids like to show off their Apple Watches, iphones 6s and expensive running shoes, feeling very good about 51 . (they). Seeing this, some poorer students now feel intimidated (威胁) by their 52 . (rich) classmates. In some cases this has affected their performance in school.53 . having rich parents doesnt automatically (自动地) bring good grades and having poor parents doesnt automatically bring bad grades. It is hard work 54 . is the key to 55 . (succeed), not the cost of your running shoes. And hard work is what develops good character - that, not money, should be the true measure of all things.六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子五.看图写句子have fun draw,while if,break,finemake,earth,greener if,ill,doctor56 . _57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _七、话题作文61 . 书面表达假如你校英语社团即将举办为“My hobby” 的征文活动,请你根据下面的提示问题写一篇短文介绍你的爱好,然后参加此活动。提示问题:1. Whats your hobby?2. Why do you like it?3. When did you start it?4. How do you benefit from(得益于) it?要求:1. 紧扣主题,语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;2. 不少于80词。My hobby 八、其他根据情景提示,完成下列各题。62 . 玛丽接到找她的电话,她可以这样回答:_.63 . 你迫不及待地想飞往北京,可以这么说:_Beijing!64 . 你的朋友要去旅行,你会这样对他说:_.65 . 你想搭顺风车去学校,可以这样问:Excuse me,_?66 . Bob会游泳,你若要表示你也会,可以这样说:_.第 11 页 共 11 页

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